Stories That Inspire Us welcomed to today’s podcast, Don Wardlow. Don is a Writer, Podcaster of The Baseball Lifer and baseball’s first blind broadcaster - YES - you heard that right! But first, before we dove into his amazing story, we shared our favorite baseball teams with each other. Needless to say, it boils down to the Red Sox vs Yankees - he is a “Yankees” fan and I am a “Red Sox” fan!! (The rivalry I am sure will continue!)

As a young boy, he was introduced to baseball and started off as a Mets fan. It wasn’t until his Grandfather, a huge Yankees fan, where Don realized his love and passion for baseball. That soon of course included other sports such as basketball.

Don was 28 when he became baseball's first blind broadcaster. During the next 12 years, with Jim Lucas doing play-by-play, he did color commentary with 4 minor league baseball teams. His ability and passion for pursuing his dream to become a broadcaster was the relentless pursuit of what is “truly” possible.

Don recounts the backdrop of his story when he first met Jim Lucas and how their eventual collaboration including baseball and basketball was the starting point of so many amazing broadcasts. Despite the fact that there was a 4-year gap where Don and Jim’s lives went each in their own directions, they soon came back to work with one another.

No doubt - Don loves baseball and basketball as well. He is also a blogger and wrote articles for “Baseball As I see It”. Beginning in 2020, he started writing an irregular column called "A Word About Sports" for "The Consumer Vision Magazine." Don is also working on his memoir “Baseball As I Saw It”.

Although Don is an avid Yankes fan, I can’t hold that against him! He is passionate about what he does and it certainly is a vision to behold!

To connect with Don further, please check out his various social media platforms:

What is your favorite baseball team? Are you Team Red Sox or Team Yankees? Hmm, this could be a very interesting poll!!

Let me know what you thought of today’s episode. Also, do you have a story you want to share? Your story will inspire others as Don’s has! If you are interested in sharing your story, please go to my website and “register as a guest”.

Thank you Don - “Truly” these are the Stories That Inspire Us!!