Stories That Inspire Us welcomed to today’s podcast, Hannah Jefferson. Hannah is an intuitive healer (Acupuncturist / Reiki practitioner and life coaching) devoted to empowering others to reconnect with their bodies, speak from the heart, and step bravely into the healthiest versions of themselves. Hannah applies a blend of these (3) modalities. She mentioned that it’s taking the pieces of the puzzle and implementing these different modalities to work effectively with one another.
Hannah stated that it begins with ourselves. When Hannah was a very young child (6 years old) she was sexually abused and tucked away the memories of what had transpired for years. Often as a child, she suffered from anxiety until she realized when she was old enough to confront what had happened to her that she shared this information with a family member and sought out different therapy treatments including acupuncture and counseling. She remembers feeling such peace and felt grounded with a sense of openness.
As Hannah finished college, she decided to take a year off. At that point in her life, she was not sure what she was going to do but she said “acupuncture” kept coming up for her. She became an acupuncturist, life coach and Reiki practitioner.
Her experience with Chinese Medicine theory, energy activation, and coaching have allowed her to support hundreds of clients to find profound healing in body, mind, and spirit.
Hannah shared such raw and vulnerable information as well as tips and what she does when she feels that she requires that sense of well-being when she is triggered by the memory of her childhood. She is a big advocate for self-care. She also shared further information if you are a victim of sexual abuse.
Hannah’s “nuggets of wisdom”: There is no right way to heal; and everyone’s journey is unique and every tiny step you take forward even if it’s just taking a few cleansing breaths in the morning when you wake up, every small step matters, and celebrate those little wins because (that will) if you take those tiny steps, in a year you will look back and will be absolutely amazed at how far you have come.
To connect with Hannah, please check out her website and social media platforms:
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Thank you Hannah - Stories That Inspires Us!!