Hi Babies!
What a long week it's been already! I'm telling you...getting a promotion is NO JOKE. Especially when someone else was up for a position (someone who used to be my boss!) and is now marginilizing themselves by being petty and immature about it. Office politics...the current bane of my existence. But your baby is dealing with it with a veneer of cold, calculating heartless bitch vibes.
If you haven't heard this week's episode then do yourself a favor and check it out. It's titled "Call Recorded for Quality Assurance" because if you tune in it's like picking up the phone from another room and listening in on a conversation between friends. Myself and "Nan" (co-host of "Uncut Gems" podcast) discuss daddies who join cults and try to kill, water births, taking care of a baby at 9yrs old, Steven Universe & Supernatural (TV shows), getting off to the pain of others and so much more. Go listen!
HUGE thank you to those of you who voted on all the polls so we could figure out the best date and time for this thang!! I appreciate your contributions.
Our first official #PodHang will take place 05/15/21 (Saturday) @ 3pm EST.
If you can't make it---never fear! The plan is for these to happen once a month. YEP that's right, all of us indie podcast hosts get to hang out and interact via Zoom once a month!
Here are the details:
- The Zoom Meeting link will be posted on THIS site this weekend. I will make an announcement via Twitter and Instagram so be on the lookout for that and save this link to join when the time comes!
- IF you sign up or have signed up for the mailing list on this site, you will receive the Zoom link via email. As you can imagine it's much easier to send the Zoom Invite to everyone's email so I encourage all of you to sign up for the mailing list so it's easy to send! Remember, the goal is for these to happen once a month and that's an easy way to get the invite to everyone.
- Invite your Indie Podcast friends! Feel free to tell them about the event, tag them via comments on the Twitter post and spread the news. The more of us, the merrier!
- Upon Joining the Zoom you're free to share your camera or not. Doesn't matter!
- I would ask that you rename yourselves to your podcast's name. That way, we can all know which podcast you're from. Makes it a whole lot easier to find new podcasts to check out or recognize hosts from those we're already subscribed to!
So what will we be doing?
- I am organizing some fun games for us to play as a group. If you have any game suggestions feel free to DM me via Twitter/Instagram or email here: localneighborhoodbaby@gmail.com
- We will also of course be talking about podcasting! If you have anything you want to know or knowledge you want to share with others then this is the perfect forum to do so! Think about your goals for your podcast and mention them during our #PodHangs . If there is anything we can do to help each other reach goals as a community then why not?! There will also be time allocated so we can also talk about any exciting new upcoming projects we all may want to share.
- Also--Networking! Depending on time, we may do some "Breakout Rooms" with podcasts who are in the same genre. The idea is to chat with like-minded podcasts which can lead to perhaps ad swapping, offering to guest on each others shows, sharing tips on sponsorships not to mention generally having fun talking to other people about subjects you love. I for one, think it's a great way to pass a little time on a Saturday!
Really hope to see as many of you there as possible! My zoom account is built for large conferences so come join the fun!
- The action items here are to share the event with fellow Indie Pods
- Sign up for the Mailing List to receive the Zoom Invite OR
- Be on the lookout for the post when I publish the link this Weekend.
Anywho, to all those still reading this please send me positive vibes. I promise, i'll send them right back your way. I mayyyyyy drop a bonus episode because i'm itching to let you all know how insane my life has been lately.
I hope you are all doing well and if you're not? I am here for you. I love you. Reach out anytime.
—Local Neighborhood Baby
PS: Enjoying the pod and want to lend your support? Consider making a monthly donation by becoming a member here! SUPPORT HERE