Basically I apologize for existing. I also talk about some of the Netflix shows that I like, Harry Potter and his invisibility cloak that I wish was mine, and also just the struggle of feeling like a useless sack of shit 💕
This episode is essentially about me discussing the ways in which books saved my life. I go into which books are my faves, I give you guys overviews of some of my top book recommendations, and I also talk about how disappear…
I get into depth about my thoughts and impressions on each one of the 12 zodiac signs. I start off with my sign and I let you guys know which sign I vibe with and which ones I really don’t
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2 Jersey girls discuss a brighter future, in a better world with no pandemic 😷 where we can go to target or the movies or travel safely whilst spending time with our loved 🥰 ones
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D-Sane8 (host of Oakcliff Beach Podcast from the Izuzu rodeo variety stream) and I demonstrate why I’m a real neighborhood baby and he’s a local neighborhood hero more or less. --- Support this podcast:…
So my (almost) roommates and I discussed various topics including childhood traumas, politics, racial issues, adoption and more
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I talk about a spooky moment in my life where I KNEW I was having my last good day of the good ol days
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A second installment of the crazy office stories series. We talk death threats, hackers, my crush and his drama, doucheee & Halloween plans
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This episode is about all my chaotic little dramas that I got myself into this past weekend. Let’s dive into all my poor decision making skills..🍹🍻... it’s an episode you don’t wanna miss!
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Telling you crazy ish that’s happening in the office where I work!
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Giving you guys the inside scoop on what I’ve been doing to make myself feel better in the hopes that it will help you too. Also, I miss you all. 💕
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I talk about my current slow slip slide back into depression as well as all my major suicide attempts while reminding everyone that we have to keep fighting
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Special Guest on this episode: Michael from the podcast Pedestrian at Best! We’re discussing the film 🎞 Blue Valentine, we get into divorce marriage (impending nuptials), Hopeless romantics & more.
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Special guest folk told folk tales podcast hosts join me in discussing a riveting tale while diving into grief, depression, death and more. We pretty much just laugh about it
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Talking about the only time I’ve felt anything close to falling in love with someone in a very convoluted and confusing way probably: A love story
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Dena Schools & I talk about Anxiety, 📺 Death, Depression, Haunting people & being aspiring writers
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