Feb. 28, 2020

Justin Michael Williams: STAY WOKE Part 2

Justin Michael Williams: STAY WOKE Part 2
This is Part 2 of an amazing conversation with World renowned meditation/yoga instructor, singer/songwriter/inspirational performer and now AUTHOR Justin Michael Williams. So happy we can gift you with this incredibly fun discussion about his new book STAY WOKE!     STAY WOKE! What does that mean? How can YOU incorporate some of this elusive thing called "meditation" into YOUR life?     In this second interview we will be talking about Justin's experience with an eating disorder, we'll spice the conversation up with some talk about sexuality and then we'll talk a little bit about meditation for busy parents. YEP sometimes it takes at least 9 months to birth a masterpiece,  just like JUSTIN's NEW book!     You won't want to miss part 1 of the series where Justin shares valuable tools and some insights about:    1) preconceived ideas about meditation,    2) how to create a personalized mantra and    3) the responsibility to use our voices to help raise others    Justin is passionate about helping to make spirituality more accessible to underserved communities, marginalized people and kids out there in the world who could really use some empowerment. Justin offers amazing tools for readers in his new book STAY WOKE.    In this series of interviews we are revealing some of the amazing insights that Justin has learned from his years of teaching, he makes it easy to understand in language that meets a lot of people where they are in their busy lives. Taking meditation out of the studio and propelling it into the subways, the markets and the local classrooms.     For more about Justin please check his website at https://www.justinmichaelwilliams.com.  Tune in to his weekly podcast Motivation for Black People, purchase his new book and help support the Stay Woke Give Back Tour set to begin in February 2020.  Please find www://staywokegiveback.org to help bring mindfulness tools to areas in need. As little as $8 can help a kid get some tools that may change their life.    The music used in this podcast is from Justin's album entitled Metamorphosis.     Please subscribe to this show so you don't miss out on future content!   Please share the show and of course go buy STAY WOKE today.   You can find the STRONG BODY STRONG SOUL YouTube Channel or visit Facebook, Instagram and other social media outlets.  Maria's written work can be found on Medium and Om Times Magazine online, her website is www.strongbodystrong.com --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app