Nov. 19, 2019

Techie Tuesday #21: Co-Host feature? Welcome Omar from Jordan

Techie Tuesday #21: Co-Host feature? Welcome Omar from Jordan

Connecting through the vibration of sound and music. it’s so amazing to share this conversation with Omar (please be patient with the audio quality). No more co-host feature and shaky interview technology but we persevere ✊. If you’d like to visit the Youtube channel to see what Omar is commenting on feel free to stop by 🌷👉🏼 An example of more of Alan Roubik music 🎧👉🏼 I do have copyrights to this music. A new chakra energy episode will be published soon. Thank you for listening and check out Facebook Maria’s Techie tips if you like --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.