Sweet Valley Diaries

What A Bright Little Corner in Pod-dom!

This pod got me through so many tough mornings during a very rough patch. The upbeat girly 80s theme song always made me smile, and was the teensiest bit of sunshine no matter how dreadful I felt. Marissa has a great rotation of guests - my favorite is her dad ! and I love when she brings in new readers who are discovering SVH for the first time. Those of us who have gotten a little too comfortable in the confines of Sweet Valley need the occasional reminder of truly bonkers it is to an outsider.
She's sweet and earnest, and has a light touch even when picking up on the heavier themes in that 80s life.

I'd love to say I'm Jessibeth...but who am I kidding? It's Enids all the way down over here...

May 6, 2021 by VHong1882 on Apple Podcasts

Sweet Valley Diaries

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