Sweet Valley Diaries

Guilty Pleasure

I am probably a bit older than most listeners of the podcast as I read the books in the mid to late 80s into the early 90s. If I’m being honest, I have to admit that I still pick them off my shelf and re-read them when I need some mindless entertainment!

The podcast is great and I really enjoy the discussions surrounding the main stories and the B plots. I have found myself talking to Marissa and her guests reminding them that these books were written in the 80s when things were a lot different - when bullying wasn’t a big issue, mental health wasn’t something that was really discussed, etc. I do like the modern day take they have on these books and seeing how things have changed so much in 30 years. As a reader who grew up during this time, I take the books for what they are worth (no one was really reading Sweet Valley High for life lessons), but the fresh views are welcome and bring me out of the 80s mentality.

If you were a fan of the Sweet Valley High series, this is a must listen! Marissa - I am always available if you’re looking for a new guest 😀

May 27, 2021 by SScib on Apple Podcasts

Sweet Valley Diaries

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