Sept. 27, 2018

Sweet Valley Diaries #16: RAGS TO RICHES

Sweet Valley Diaries #16: RAGS TO RICHES

Fate has forced Roger Barrett to trade his mother's life for a fancy new last name, a fancy new mansion, and a fancy pile of money. Meanwhile, his girlfriend (frizzy haired Olivia Davidson) is feeling SO NOT money, and Jessica is giving Machiavelli a...

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Sweet Valley Diaries

Fate has forced Roger Barrett to trade his mother's life for a fancy new last name, a fancy new mansion, and a fancy pile of money. Meanwhile, his girlfriend (frizzy haired Olivia Davidson) is feeling SO NOT money, and Jessica is giving Machiavelli a run for his money. Marissa and her guest, Mike Yarsky, count the many ways this is totally effed up.



Mike on Instagram: @yarskyguitarsky

How Big is an Olympic Sized Swimming Pool?