July 23, 2024

Dreams Take Flight Amidst Turbulence

Dreams Take Flight Amidst Turbulence

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Have you ever wondered how a childhood dream can shape your entire life's journey? Today, I take you on an incredible adventure through a day plagued by a massive Microsoft computer outage leading to widespread flight disruptions, all while sharing my own transformative journey into the world of aviation. From an unforgettable childhood flight that planted the seed of a dream, to the societal pressures and personal challenges that followed, including early marriage, motherhood, and years supporting my ex-husband's photography business, you'll hear how I rediscovered my passion for becoming a flight attendant. Despite a challenging post-divorce period filled with odd jobs and eventual stability at Pottery Barn for Kids, my story is a testament to resilience and the undying human spirit.

In a quieter moment, we'll revisit a poignant experience from my early days at a jewelry store, where an act of kindness led to a surprising $18,000 sale. This chapter transitions into a significant January encounter with Leigh, a colleague whose dream about me reignited my childhood aspiration. Discover how Leigh's vision motivated me to explore opportunities at the local unemployment office, leading me to an accredited flight attendant program that set me on a new, life-changing career path in just days. As we wrap up, the episode underscores the importance of spreading kindness and positivity, inviting you to appreciate and support flight attendants everywhere. Let's create a ripple effect of positive change, one small act at a time. Be blessed, be kind, be safe, and don’t forget to hug a flight attendant today!

Where will you take flight next? Share your dreams in the comments! #TakeFlightWithMonica


00:01 - Dream of Becoming a Flight Attendant

10:20 - Following Childhood Dreams to Success

28:13 - Spreading Kindness and Positivity


00:00:01.262 --> 00:00:04.527
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.

00:00:04.527 --> 00:00:10.615
What a day in the world of aviation today.

00:00:10.615 --> 00:00:17.824
Holy moly, holy moly, holy moly, if you are listening to me today.

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This happened on the 19th of July and evidently Microsoft like had some sort of issue today where all of the computers went down and I mean went down and the flights were just wacko crazy today, absolutely wacko crazy today.

00:00:47.814 --> 00:00:52.396
So, whoo, hello everyone.

00:00:52.396 --> 00:01:06.359
I want to say thank you for following what it's like to be a crazy fly girl in this big, beautiful world of ours.

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I do love being a flight attendant.

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I've been a flight attendant now for, I think, a little over 13 years.

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I'd have to kind of figure everything out.

00:01:16.373 --> 00:01:56.412
It was my dream to become a flight attendant when I was traveling to see my grandmother as an unaccompanied minor when I believe, I want to say I was around the age of eight or nine, I think, and I remember looking at the flight attendant and I just thought she was just like the most beautiful, stunning thing I'd ever seen and it just left such an impression and she spoiled me and my sister.

00:01:56.412 --> 00:02:33.603
I don't remember her name, I don't remember exactly what she looked like, but what I do remember is the feeling she left with me and the feeling was just that of like wow, I was in complete and utter like just awe over her, over her.

00:02:33.603 --> 00:02:35.685
And I I thought, oh, I want to be just like her someday.

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I just want to be just like her.

00:02:37.747 --> 00:02:43.033
And you know, when we have those dreams as kids, sometimes, I don't know, they kind of fade away, don't they?

00:02:43.033 --> 00:03:00.409
They fade away and you know, maybe it's like we feel like we're not smart enough, we're not pretty enough, we are not enough, and I felt like that.

00:03:00.409 --> 00:03:03.430
I felt like I was not enough.

00:03:03.430 --> 00:03:15.012
You know, I thought you had to be a certain age, I thought you had to be a certain weight, I thought you just had to look a certain way.

00:03:15.012 --> 00:03:39.650
And you know what, actually, back in the day that is so true, you did have to look a certain way and be a certain way and and like not be married, and all of that.

00:03:39.710 --> 00:04:04.411
And I remember when I was driving to college and I remember driving past the academy in Vancouver, washington, and seeing the big billboard sign and this and the billboard said like now accepting applications and classes starting soon.

00:04:04.411 --> 00:04:13.967
And oh, I would just, when I go past there, I would just dream, I would just dream that someday.

00:04:13.967 --> 00:04:24.569
That would be so amazing if I could be a flight attendant and, as fate would have it, I don't know.

00:04:24.569 --> 00:04:25.151
I I was just.

00:04:25.151 --> 00:04:26.754
I was focused on college.

00:04:26.754 --> 00:04:47.975
I was focused on boys, a lot actually and I fell in love with two boys, one my junior year, one my senior year, and then the boy, or the man, that I ended up marrying and being married to for 20 years.

00:04:47.975 --> 00:04:53.430
We had an amazing life together.

00:04:53.430 --> 00:04:56.968
We really did, and I'll share that another time.

00:04:58.060 --> 00:05:13.110
And I thought, because I was married and I had kids young, that that dream of becoming a flight attendant just was not a reality like I, just that's not something I could do.

00:05:13.110 --> 00:05:15.740
So I pretty much tabled my dream.

00:05:15.740 --> 00:05:23.891
I did it to myself, I never walked into the building, I never checked it out, I just assumed.

00:05:23.891 --> 00:05:27.115
And you know what they say when you assume you guys.

00:05:27.115 --> 00:05:28.904
What do they say?

00:05:28.904 --> 00:05:35.031
They say that you make an ass out of you and me when you assume.

00:05:35.031 --> 00:05:38.569
Right, that's what I was always told, anyways.

00:05:40.560 --> 00:05:50.312
So, yeah, I went to college and, you know, became the mom, had my kids young, had my first son at age.

00:05:50.312 --> 00:05:53.675
Well, wait, oh, I'm driving.

00:05:53.675 --> 00:05:57.807
Guys, stand by, stand by, stand by.

00:05:57.807 --> 00:05:59.451
You're going to hear a little bit of road noise.

00:05:59.451 --> 00:06:09.380
Hopefully you guys can hear me okay, guys can hear me okay.

00:06:09.380 --> 00:06:11.122
But I got married at 21,.

00:06:11.122 --> 00:06:12.603
First baby at 23,.

00:06:12.603 --> 00:06:13.803
Next baby by the time I was 26.

00:06:13.803 --> 00:06:18.247
And so I have two handsome, incredible, amazing sons.

00:06:18.247 --> 00:06:19.988
Love them dearly.

00:06:19.988 --> 00:06:22.350
And I was married.

00:06:22.350 --> 00:06:25.452
I was married 20 years, 20 years.

00:06:25.452 --> 00:06:34.867
And, um, yeah, my dream got tabled, my and, and I'll share with you that.

00:06:34.867 --> 00:06:50.470
I lived my husband's dream and I was always in the thought pattern that you know, your, your man, you had to put your man on the pedestal, and your man, you stood by your man.

00:06:50.470 --> 00:07:00.471
And my man had a dream to become a photographer, and I stood by my man and we made that happen.

00:07:00.471 --> 00:07:09.793
We created a really great photography studio for 17 years, you guys, 17 years.

00:07:09.793 --> 00:07:27.213
We did that and it was an amazing experience and I'll share some of those stories about how we got started and all that we did and and we created a great life for ourselves.

00:07:27.939 --> 00:07:34.959
But after our divorce and I got divorced in the year 2010, I was lost.

00:07:34.959 --> 00:08:01.382
I was really lost because I went from being a wife, a mom and a business owner a wife, a mom and a business owner to my kids going into the military, getting a divorce and the business went with the ex.

00:08:01.382 --> 00:08:02.988
So there I was like trying to figure out life.

00:08:02.988 --> 00:08:03.430
What am I going to do?

00:08:03.430 --> 00:08:04.754
Where am I going to go?

00:08:04.754 --> 00:08:05.557
Where do I want to live?

00:08:05.557 --> 00:08:05.798
And it was.

00:08:05.798 --> 00:08:09.814
It was a struggle, it was a difficult time in my life.

00:08:09.814 --> 00:08:16.271
I don't know if you guys have ever felt like that, where you just don't quite know where you belong.

00:08:16.271 --> 00:08:19.483
Well, that's how it felt for me.

00:08:19.483 --> 00:08:39.294
It just felt like I didn't know where I belonged and I remember doing some odd, like odd jobs, like some odd weird modeling jobs and like, just um, car shows and just weird stuff.

00:08:39.294 --> 00:08:56.734
I I I'm getting way off a subject here, off of, yeah, off of what we were talking about, but I mean, I was just doing different jobs and, um, yeah, just trying to find myself.

00:08:56.875 --> 00:09:03.471
I ended up finally getting hired at Pottery Barn for Kids and that was a great job.

00:09:03.471 --> 00:09:08.600
I worked really hard for kids and that was a great job.

00:09:08.600 --> 00:09:22.626
I worked really hard, I had a really fun time, absolutely loved it, um, but it was very, very physically demanding and I just one day didn't love it anymore and that was the day where my stockroom boy didn't show up and I had to.

00:09:22.626 --> 00:09:43.908
I had to get a crib off of the bottom of a stack of like five cribs and each crib weighed, oh, about 150 pounds, and my stockroom boy just like up and quit and I thought, oh my gosh, there is just no way.

00:09:43.908 --> 00:09:58.788
There is no way, I am not cut out for this, to be wearing high heels and a skirt and lifting these cribs and doing all this craziness.

00:09:58.788 --> 00:10:12.860
And so I went from there to working at Nahoku Fine Jewelry and I loved it fine jewelry and I loved it.

00:10:12.860 --> 00:10:14.982
Oh my gosh, listening to the Hawaiian music and selling.

00:10:14.982 --> 00:10:16.004
I think I started somewhere around November.

00:10:16.004 --> 00:10:17.544
So, man, I was killing it.

00:10:17.544 --> 00:10:19.105
You guys, I was.

00:10:20.106 --> 00:10:35.288
I was like really doing well, when my manager was training me, there was this she had gone over all the different types of jewelry, she had shown me how you do it.

00:10:35.288 --> 00:10:41.927
So when she went to lunch I thought that I would practice, I would practice selling.

00:10:41.927 --> 00:10:49.833
So this woman came in and you know she was dressed very modestly.

00:10:49.833 --> 00:11:21.173
She was, I think she was even wearing like an older t-shirt and sweatpants, no makeup, and I just greeted her with a big old smile and I took lots of time with her and I showed her all the different jewelry and I really took the whole lunch hour with this lady and this woman had liked a whole bunch of stuff that I had showed her.

00:11:21.173 --> 00:11:34.716
I had showed her and my manager comes back and my manager was giving me the stink eye about why are you spending so much time with this lady and she's probably not going to buy anything.

00:11:34.716 --> 00:11:40.667
And I was thinking, hey, don't judge a book by its cover.

00:11:40.667 --> 00:11:48.801
I mean, I want to treat everybody with love and respect and not just judge them by the way that they're dressed.

00:11:49.782 --> 00:12:23.370
Well, this woman had a robbery happen and so, guys, do you know that she spent $18,000 on jewelry with me at the jewelry store and my manager's face was just shocked, absolutely shocked.

00:12:23.370 --> 00:12:26.995
Now I wish I could say I got the commissions for all that.

00:12:26.995 --> 00:12:31.788
I'm sure that my manager did, because I was still a trainee.

00:12:31.788 --> 00:12:39.746
So at that time I wasn't able to get all of the commissions, but it sure was fun.

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Anyways, I had a great time and I know that the lady enjoyed all the jewelry that she got and it was a very special moment for me at that time.

00:12:51.851 --> 00:12:56.447
It was really great and anyway.

00:12:56.447 --> 00:12:57.591
So back to the story.

00:12:57.591 --> 00:13:01.326
I'm getting like way super off track here.

00:13:01.326 --> 00:13:23.847
So I remember that in the holidays went great, and in January it's not so fun working in the jewelry industry because people are bringing returns and you're not busy and so it's rather boring.

00:13:25.049 --> 00:13:38.336
And me and this other gal her name is lay and we had a lot in common, we talked a lot, and especially in january when we had nobody to sell to.

00:13:38.336 --> 00:13:48.586
And she comes in one day and she says monica, I had a dream about you last night and I'm like what, what do you mean?

00:13:48.586 --> 00:13:55.698
And she's like oh yeah, she's like I dreamt that you were a flight attendant.

00:13:55.698 --> 00:14:00.269
And I said, leigh, no, I can't be a flight attendant.

00:14:00.269 --> 00:14:05.956
I'm too old, I'm not in my 20s, I'm not, I don't weigh 100 pounds.

00:14:05.956 --> 00:14:08.240
And she said oh no, no.

00:14:08.240 --> 00:14:16.225
She said, flight attendants nowadays, they, they, you can no, your weight's fine, you don't have to be 100 pounds.

00:14:17.206 --> 00:14:26.740
And I have a friend that's in her 60s and she's like oh no, no, I saw you doing it, I saw it, I saw it in my vision, in my dream.

00:14:26.740 --> 00:14:29.948
And do you know that?

00:14:29.948 --> 00:14:46.176
That little like words of wisdom or dream, or just telling me that it really sparked something in me, where I was like could this be possible?

00:14:46.176 --> 00:14:49.559
Could I really make this happen?

00:14:49.559 --> 00:15:16.293
Because, you guys, I was driving every day in the rain Funny, it's raining right now and it's raining, it's a rainy night in Georgia right now and, uh, I would just cry almost every day to work because I was lonely, I was sad, I wasn't happy in my life, I was missing my boys.

00:15:16.293 --> 00:15:25.232
I, you know, was still trying to recover from the loss of the marriage and I don't know if you guys ever felt like that.

00:15:25.232 --> 00:15:29.427
Have you felt just lost, lost for direction?

00:15:29.427 --> 00:15:48.360
You just, you know, you're just trying to figure out life, just trying to figure it out, and someone like Leigh comes along and gives you like a little lifeline, a glimmer of remembrance of my childhood dream.

00:15:48.360 --> 00:15:49.100
And I told her.

00:15:49.100 --> 00:16:02.990
I said I had a dream about that when I was younger and I told her the story about going as an unaccompanied minors to go and see my gran in California.

00:16:02.990 --> 00:16:06.913
And do you know that?

00:16:06.913 --> 00:16:25.653
I left that night and I went to that academy the very next day and I walked in there and I asked them are you an accredited school?

00:16:26.475 --> 00:16:48.539
Now, there's a little back story with that that I do need to share, because I wasn't happy, I was probably driving an hour and a half to work and I don't know, it was really gloomy and rainy in Vancouver, washington, that particular season.

00:16:48.539 --> 00:16:51.613
And I think it was just me.

00:16:51.613 --> 00:17:00.759
I was just depressed and I remember just thinking I'm working so hard and I'm not getting anywhere.

00:17:00.759 --> 00:17:08.394
I wonder if there are any programs to support and to help me to change my life.

00:17:08.394 --> 00:17:24.295
And I went to the local I guess like work office I'm not quite sure, um, what the name of it was, but it's where basically they would rehabilitate you for a different career.

00:17:24.295 --> 00:17:26.662
And I walked into the it's where basically they would rehabilitate you for a different career.

00:17:26.662 --> 00:17:30.433
And I walked into the it's part of the unemployment office division.

00:17:30.433 --> 00:17:37.633
So I walked into there and they had just launched some new programs where it would help you go back to school.

00:17:37.633 --> 00:17:41.866
And I said, well, I already have my degree.

00:17:41.866 --> 00:17:45.894
Um, so how would that work?

00:17:45.894 --> 00:17:50.286
And they said said well, if you find an accredited school, it could be anything.

00:17:50.286 --> 00:17:53.192
And I thought about it.

00:17:53.192 --> 00:17:59.026
I was like, oh, do you think that the flight attendant school would be accredited?

00:17:59.026 --> 00:18:01.111
And I just walked right in there and, mind you, I'd never been in that building before.

00:18:01.111 --> 00:18:05.823
I walked in there and I asked them I just have one in there and, mind you, I'd never been in that building before.

00:18:05.823 --> 00:18:12.790
I walked in there and I asked them I just have one question, and one question only are you an accredited school?

00:18:12.790 --> 00:18:14.194
And they said, yes, we are.

00:18:15.185 --> 00:18:17.192
You guys, that changed my life.

00:18:17.192 --> 00:18:25.239
I got registered and I think, like within four days I was going to school.

00:18:25.239 --> 00:18:41.346
Like within four days I was going to school and I was under a program like a like I got a partial grants and student loans and because I had no idea, like, how do I become a flight attendant?

00:18:41.346 --> 00:18:45.715
I had no idea, you guys, idea, I didn't know anyone in aviation.

00:18:45.715 --> 00:18:59.246
And so, yeah, I quit my job and there I was.

00:18:59.246 --> 00:19:00.827
I was in the school, in the academy and studying.

00:19:00.827 --> 00:19:12.086
It took me four months to graduate from the academy and be fully ready to go out and interview and I was so excited.

00:19:12.086 --> 00:19:20.005
I got my first interview and it was in Detroit and I got hired with my first airline.

00:19:20.506 --> 00:19:27.519
And so exciting times, really, really exciting times, you guys.

00:19:27.519 --> 00:19:41.765
It was pretty dang awesome and you know there's so many stories amongst those stories, but that's the story I wanted to share with you is, you know, our childhood dreams.

00:19:41.765 --> 00:19:43.392
Like we forget.

00:19:43.392 --> 00:19:44.630
We forget about them.

00:19:44.630 --> 00:20:04.557
Life circumstances, things change, it's just life gets in the way and we don't even allow ourselves to dream, right, we don't, we don't, we just get busy with our day-to-day life and we just think it's not possible and we don't even try.

00:20:04.557 --> 00:20:07.829
I encourage you to try.

00:20:08.079 --> 00:20:16.530
If there's something that I can help you with, please reach out to me, message me.

00:20:16.530 --> 00:20:21.893
I would be honored, honored, to coach you to your dream.

00:20:21.893 --> 00:20:25.230
And I do take on private clients.

00:20:25.230 --> 00:20:38.653
I don't take a lot of private clients because I like to really work with the few that really, oh my gosh, you guys, it's super raining, it's really raining hard.

00:20:38.653 --> 00:20:45.651
It's raining hard in Georgia and it's like midnight as I'm driving home.

00:20:45.651 --> 00:20:46.393
The glamorous life, oh my goodness.

00:20:46.393 --> 00:20:46.814
I'm driving home.

00:20:46.814 --> 00:20:49.902
The glamorous life, oh my goodness.

00:20:50.383 --> 00:20:53.107
But back to what I was saying.

00:20:53.107 --> 00:20:57.421
I would be honored to help you achieve your dream, and I do.

00:20:57.421 --> 00:21:11.691
I have this incredible brain that it works in such fantastic ways and I have a gift of connecting people to their gift.

00:21:11.691 --> 00:21:12.221
It is.

00:21:12.221 --> 00:21:18.530
God has blessed me, has really really blessed me to help people.

00:21:18.530 --> 00:21:20.627
I've helped a lot of people in my life.

00:21:20.627 --> 00:21:27.799
It makes me feel so good to see you thrive in something that makes you so happy.

00:21:28.060 --> 00:21:30.388
So, you know, reach out to me.

00:21:30.388 --> 00:21:33.163
Usually there's some show notes.

00:21:33.163 --> 00:21:35.689
You can see how you can reach out to me.

00:21:35.689 --> 00:21:38.260
Oh wait, I have my new website.

00:21:38.260 --> 00:21:39.922
You can reach out to me.

00:21:39.922 --> 00:21:46.648
So my new website is wwwtakeflightwithmonicacom.

00:21:46.648 --> 00:21:50.211

00:21:50.211 --> 00:21:58.965
You know, shoot me a little email and I will respond back to you.

00:21:58.965 --> 00:22:02.250
And, um, yeah, that would be so exciting, so fun.

00:22:02.270 --> 00:22:05.461
I also do have group coaching.

00:22:05.461 --> 00:22:11.875
So private coaching is a little, uh, too much of a stretch for you.

00:22:11.875 --> 00:22:36.155
I do have group coaching and, um gosh, through the years I've had lots of fun with that, like during covid, I did a lot of group coaching and you'd be amazed, by just having an accountability partner and setting your goals and your intention, your life can change.

00:22:36.155 --> 00:22:38.085
And I'm not kidding you.

00:22:38.085 --> 00:22:52.324
It's so crazy how that works because, all of a sudden, instead of saying someday, someday, someday, somebody's holding your feet to the fire and saying, okay, well, you said you were going to do this, did you do it?

00:22:52.324 --> 00:22:55.190
Everybody's dream is different.

00:22:55.190 --> 00:22:57.153
Listen, there's no dream.

00:22:57.153 --> 00:23:01.126
That is too crazy.

00:23:01.126 --> 00:23:02.269
It's your dream.

00:23:02.269 --> 00:23:04.172
God gave you that dream.

00:23:04.172 --> 00:23:05.615
It's your dream.

00:23:05.615 --> 00:23:23.648
I don't care what it is, if it's something that makes you smile, makes you happy, and it's something that you maybe you want to write a book, or you want to start a podcast, or you want to create some Etsy products, or I don't know.

00:23:23.648 --> 00:23:36.366
It's your dream, but I know I can help you, but I know I can help you.

00:23:36.366 --> 00:23:37.835
Okay, so back to my story.

00:23:37.835 --> 00:23:38.257
Back to my story.

00:23:38.257 --> 00:23:38.960
So here we are.

00:23:43.839 --> 00:23:54.391
I started my morning in Little Rock, arkansas and, honestly, I wish I could have stayed there today, because the hotel was adorable, it's in a really cute part of town and it was a beautiful day in Little Rock Arkansas.

00:23:54.391 --> 00:24:12.573
And all this craziness was going on in the world, with banks closing down and monitors not working and systems not working, and it really, really, really messed up a bunch of flights.

00:24:12.573 --> 00:24:29.672
I know that my company canceled over 1500 flights today and they were working hard to recover, moving people as quickly as they can to get back on track.

00:24:29.672 --> 00:24:32.336
And what a day.

00:24:32.336 --> 00:24:48.575
You guys, next time you see your flight attendant, I want to give them a big ol hug or a coffee card or something, because today was one of those crazy days and it's not over.

00:24:48.575 --> 00:24:50.738
It's not over for many of us.

00:24:50.738 --> 00:25:07.584
We were a sound like a lot of people in the crew room trying to get assistance, trying to get hotels, trying to get home to our loved ones, and it was the company was doing the best that they possibly can.

00:25:07.584 --> 00:25:09.248
They, they take really good care of us.

00:25:09.248 --> 00:25:27.531
They brought in snacks for us, they brought in some soda and some refreshments for us, they even brought in some pizza, just trying to accommodate all of us the best they could.

00:25:27.531 --> 00:25:38.412
But boy, it is like midnight and people were still trying to get flight attendants, were still trying to get help and the hotels are booked up.

00:25:38.412 --> 00:25:41.643
You guys, they were booked up like crazy.

00:25:42.443 --> 00:25:46.450
So I'm blessed, I am so blessed.

00:25:46.450 --> 00:26:05.983
First of all, I'm blessed to be able to share my stories, speak from my heart, without having to feel guarded that I can't share my life and my stories and my wisdom with you, and so I love that.

00:26:05.983 --> 00:26:19.182
That's what I want this show to be where I can share some amazing, amazing things that are happening.

00:26:19.182 --> 00:26:22.054
You know the good and the bad and all of it.

00:26:22.054 --> 00:26:23.500
Well, hopefully not too much bad, right?

00:26:24.140 --> 00:26:32.247
Anyways, today was a crazy day and Our first flights got delayed, delayed, delayed, delayed, delayed, delayed.

00:26:32.247 --> 00:26:41.855
And then we headed out on the journey to Atlanta and then, from there, our flight kept getting pushed back, pushed back, pushed back.

00:26:41.855 --> 00:26:51.281
I was supposed to be in Omaha tonight, but instead here I am in Georgia.

00:26:51.281 --> 00:27:11.287
So I'm lucky and blessed because I'm driving to my home and I live with my girlfriend, my friend Chrissy, and she has a beautiful horse farm with 17 horses.

00:27:11.287 --> 00:27:12.951
She has, uh, she's a horse trainer.

00:27:12.951 --> 00:27:27.506
So, anyways, I'm really blessed because a big storm's going on right now and it's thunder and lightning and the roads are super wet and, uh, the roads are really crowded.

00:27:28.446 --> 00:27:45.404
Um, at midnight I took some pictures, oh, you guys, hey, I want to invite you to join me on my Telegram channel because I will be posting pictures of my travels and more information on there.

00:27:45.404 --> 00:27:47.210
It's completely free for you guys.

00:27:47.210 --> 00:27:53.228
So when you go to my website, I will, I can connect you to all of this.

00:27:53.228 --> 00:28:06.554
So make sure you go to take flight with Monica calm and I'll get you connected to free, free, free and me, so, anyway.

00:28:06.554 --> 00:28:12.873
So I'm so blessed, I'm driving home and tomorrow's a new day, and just be kind.

00:28:13.260 --> 00:28:20.253
Wherever you're at in the world, put yourself in somebody else's shoes with what their day was like.

00:28:20.253 --> 00:28:37.527
I know it gets frustrated when things are happening, but just put on a happy face, keep your vibes good and positive and think about how you can make a difference in somebody's world.

00:28:37.527 --> 00:29:08.790
Maybe that's stopping at a starbucks, getting that little five dollar, ten dollar gift card and saying I know you had a really rough day, thank you for being here, thank you for getting this home safely, thank you, thank you, thank you, and watch the red carpet roll out for you in more ways than one, not just when we have people do nice things for us, but also karmically.

00:29:08.790 --> 00:29:11.252
Be kind, you know.

00:29:11.252 --> 00:29:13.415
Love your neighbor, help your neighbor.

00:29:13.415 --> 00:29:18.670
Right, we don't need extra stress in the world.

00:29:20.721 --> 00:29:23.708
Well, you guys, I probably better go for now.

00:29:23.708 --> 00:29:26.647
Thank you for listening to me.

00:29:26.647 --> 00:29:34.534
Make sure that you go to my website and I'll get you connected with me.

00:29:34.534 --> 00:29:44.779
You can reach out to me for coaching, private coaching and group coaching.

00:29:44.779 --> 00:29:46.547
All right, everyone Be blessed.

00:29:46.547 --> 00:29:49.289
Be kind, be safe and hug a flight attendant.

00:29:49.289 --> 00:29:49.951
Everyone be blessed.

00:29:49.951 --> 00:29:53.224
Be kind, be safe and hug a flight attendant.

00:29:53.224 --> 00:29:57.369
I'll see you somewhere in the world.

00:29:57.369 --> 00:30:06.246
Now, if I can only turn this darn thing off, be blessed.