Aug. 6, 2024

Elvis Energy and Travel Dreams

Elvis Energy and Travel Dreams

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Ever felt the power of music to lift your spirits? Picture this: I’m cranking up Elvis tunes and planning an epic trip to Memphis! Join me as I share my excitement about staying at the luxurious Graceland Hotel, where Elvis' essence permeates every corner. From the Elvis-themed theater and pool to the legendary plane tours, this experience promises to be nothing short of magical. I’ll even let you in on all the fun details, like late-night peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and capturing those Insta-worthy selfies by the opulent staircase.

But it’s not just about the glitz and glamour; Elvis' journey of pushing boundaries and staying true to his artistic vision resonates deeply with my own travel-filled life. I reflect on how living almost full-time on the road can be misunderstood, but like Elvis, I choose freedom and authenticity. Listen as I share how the King’s legacy inspires my travel goals, from spontaneous trips to planned adventures like my dream journey to Venice. Let’s celebrate the spirit of non-conformity and the joy of living life on our own terms!

Where will you take flight next? Share your dreams in the comments! #TakeFlightWithMonica


00:00:02.583 --> 00:00:08.948
Woo-hoo, woo-hoo, got me some Elvis playing.

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Oh, yes, it's getting me in the mood.

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Give me some Elvis.

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Woo, yes, have you ever just put on some good tunes and just start singing along and it instantly, instantly, changes your mood?

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You ever have that happen?

00:00:28.121 --> 00:00:31.908
Oh my gosh, I love me some Elvis.

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I'm a huge, huge Elvis fan.

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And guess where I'm going?

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I am going to be going to Memphis.

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Woohoo, yes, I am going to be staying at the Graceland Hotel.

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If you've not experienced the Graceland Hotel, it's a must.

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You guys will take you to tour Graceland and if you haven't experienced it, it's really, really fun.

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They have his plane, they and there's all kinds of different tours that you can do that are really fun.

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And just being in the vibe of the hotel and there's like a there is an Elvis theater there.

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There is, I think it's at like 10 o'clock at night, where you can have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that the hotel provides for free for you to kind of get you in the Elvis vibe, and they pipe in Elvis music all through the hotel and it is completely themed, very opulent, and they have a beautiful staircase that you can do some selfies on.

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You can get your groove on and get some really, really cool pictures.

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I love going to the Elvis Hotel and the gift shop you guys is one of my favorite gift shops.

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They've got a lot of really fun things, from diamond rings things from diamond rings guitars to just like stickers and different little fun memorabilia.

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Now I won't be there tonight, but I will be there tomorrow and I made sure to pack my swimsuit because the pool is really fun too.

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They pipe the Elvis songs out by the pool and it just, it's just like it totally.

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It totally gets you into the Elvis vibe.

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And what I love about Elvis is that he persevered.

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He just kept on keeping on, even when he wasn't allowed to.

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He wasn't allowed to shake, shake, shake and I don't know if you got to see the Elvis movie, but it talks more about his story and that they were trying to get him to not shake his booty, shake his groove thing, and he didn't conform.

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He was like breaking all the rules because he knew what his soul wanted to express was movement of the music, and I love that about Elvis' story, that he pushed against the people or the norm.

00:03:55.587 --> 00:04:06.491
And I guess my question for you is today do you just like back down and conform to what is supposed to be.

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I know I've done it a lot in my life Act a certain way, be a certain way, especially in relationships oh boy, that is.

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That's a whole other podcast right there in relationships.

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But it feels good to be true to yourself.

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Not everyone understands my lifestyle.

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Not everyone understands the zest.

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I tell people that I'm pretty much almost full-time travel.

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They, they just, they really struggle with that and I just look at them like why is that a struggle?

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It's a, it's a freedom lifestyle to be able to decide where you want to spend your time.

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Where do you want to go?

00:05:08.682 --> 00:05:18.701
It's not a someday, it's okay, I'm going to go next month and what I love to do is to.

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I like to set goals ahead.

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So if it would be like, let's say let's say I want to do a trip to Venice, let's just take it on that path.

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Let's just say I want to go to Venice and I will set the date.

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I block it off on the calendar that, yep, that's the date that I'm going to Venice.

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I decide if I want it to be a solo trip or a trip, um with friends or a loved one, and then I figure out um, where am I going to stay?

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Sometimes not all the time, but I get some ideas.

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I check out um a few different sites to figure out where do I want to stay.

00:06:14.300 --> 00:06:27.190
I do research, I do research and I know please don't laugh, you're gonna be like, oh my god, monica is just crazy girl, but I get on TikTok and I put in the hashtag.

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So if I was going to Venice, I would put in the hashtag in the search bar of hashtag Venice, and then I watch all the little TikToks on Venice and what's really fun is I stop it, I screenshot it and then I go over to Google Maps and I search what they're talking about whether that's a restaurant or a beach or some sort of location that I need to go to and I save it in Google Maps.

00:07:07.906 --> 00:07:10.855
There's a feature where you can save it in a list.

00:07:10.855 --> 00:07:23.326
So then I have all of the items listed in Google Maps Under Venice and I just keep kind of adding to that months before.

00:07:23.595 --> 00:07:40.884
And what's really cool is I'm literally like manifesting these opportunities and places and beautiful things to happen, and I have some amazing stories that I want to share and I'm not sure I have time on this podcast to share with you.

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But I've got some really powerful manifestation stories and what's even more powerful is if you have a vision board.

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So, like, let's say, your dream is to go to Venice, just like I talked about, you start doing the things that I talked about.

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Like I talked about, you start doing the things that I talked about and then, to take it a step farther, is those locations that are experiences that you really want to go see and experience.

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You can print them out.

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You can print them out.

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You can pin it up on your wall, you can pin it up on your vision board.

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You can make it a screensaver.

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One of my favorite ways is to make it a screensaver on my phone Another really powerful manifestation tool every morning, I would drink out of a coffee cup that had the Eiffel Tower on it and I visualized going to the Eiffel Tower.

00:08:49.826 --> 00:09:06.663
I like, like, just you know, first thing in the morning is so great to be in that gratitude state and visualization state and you know you're just kind of getting your day set up and it's a really beautiful time.

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So I encourage you to get a or go on if you need to go online and order either like a coffee cup, or a kitchen towel or a bathroom rug or a doormat, something that showcases the city.

00:09:24.264 --> 00:09:46.299
Oh, just recently that reminds me, just recently there were some beautiful candles that had various cities on them, like the Amalfi Coast and some different little areas the Amalfi Coast and some different little areas and that is a really powerful manifesting tool as well.

00:09:46.299 --> 00:09:50.629
So I set my so just to kind of reiterate, I set my date of when I'm going.

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I start doing the research on Airbnb.

00:09:55.721 --> 00:09:58.705
I started doing the research on TikTok.

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I have not utilized Pinterest that much, but I understand that that is a great resource as well.

00:10:07.464 --> 00:10:10.730
And also, too, you can use the AI technology.

00:10:10.730 --> 00:10:12.917
Oh, my gosh, you guys.

00:10:12.917 --> 00:10:14.239
That just reminds me.

00:10:14.239 --> 00:10:21.649
One of the things that I love to do is to utilize the new Gemini.

00:10:21.649 --> 00:10:39.349
It's called Gemini AI and it's a free AI resource tool that you so you can put that in google search Gemini AI and it will take you to this platform.

00:10:39.349 --> 00:10:45.477
That is an AI and you can put into the AI about.

00:10:45.477 --> 00:10:51.607
It's kind of like training it to give you the information that you want.

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So you could say I want the best itinerary that starts at 10 o'clock in the morning and it ends at five o'clock at night and starts on a Sunday in XYZ city, you could say I really want cultural experiences, or I want the best coffee shops, or I want, um, the most scenic sites or the best salads.

00:11:21.149 --> 00:11:21.931
It's really crazy.

00:11:21.931 --> 00:11:24.604
You can really really fine tune it.

00:11:24.604 --> 00:11:36.554
And then there are some other tools and resources that are available, which brings me to a point here that I could teach you about.

00:11:36.554 --> 00:11:45.677
I am starting a group coaching sessions and I plan on launching it in the fall.

00:11:45.677 --> 00:11:49.860
And you guys, it's only $39 a month.

00:11:49.860 --> 00:11:56.047
I have paid so much money on coaching and education.

00:11:56.047 --> 00:12:11.678
I just completed the training with AI on with Billie Jean and the knowledge that I have that I can help you to launch.

00:12:11.919 --> 00:12:18.730
Whether it's it's a vacation that you want to head to and you're like Monica, how can I get the money to go to Venice?

00:12:18.730 --> 00:12:38.385
We'll come up with a plan and I'll teach you these great manifesting tools and actual tools of what you can use to achieve your goal, so that you're going to Venice, you're going to Venice and some people, so it's not a someday.

00:12:38.385 --> 00:12:43.472
Then it's an actual, like this is freaking happening.

00:12:43.472 --> 00:12:44.995
It's not a someday.

00:12:44.995 --> 00:12:52.279
You have it on your calendar and you're actually going that day.

00:12:52.279 --> 00:12:57.789
So, yes, it's going to be $39 a month and you'll be with me and we're going to get started.

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It's going to be a private, intimate group and we're going to be meeting twice a month.

00:13:06.426 --> 00:13:08.111
On zoom, you're going to tell me where your dream destination is.

00:13:08.111 --> 00:13:10.460
We're going to walk through all the steps of how to get you there.

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We're going to utilize some of the tools that I just talked about, um, and we're going to fine tune it For you and that's going to be so much fun, you guys.

00:13:23.950 --> 00:13:32.048
So I want you to think of me While I'm singing Some really cool Elvis songs.

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Not tonight, but tomorrow night I'll be in the house With Elvis and I hope that I'll catch one of his really great movies in the theater and have that peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

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And you know, my dream and goal for you is to absolutely live your life to the fullest.

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Don't say someday, someday I'll go to Paris.

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Someday I'll go't say someday, someday I'll go to Paris.

00:14:02.149 --> 00:14:03.451
Someday I'll go to Venice.

00:14:03.451 --> 00:14:04.333
Someday I'll go to Rome.

00:14:04.333 --> 00:14:05.254
No, let's plan it.

00:14:05.254 --> 00:14:11.097
I am your gal.

00:14:11.600 --> 00:14:12.683

00:14:12.683 --> 00:14:17.720
You can get on my website and become a part of my community.

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I've got some free tools and resources that we can get you tapped in with.

00:14:23.373 --> 00:14:32.947
There's information that you could take flight, take flight, don't just let your life go by.

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So with that note, I'm going to turn up the Elvis tunes.

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Oh yeah, singing Elvis.

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Oh yes, I love these Elvis songs.

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These are some oldies.

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I found a a really great like gospel CD and I'm just in heaven listening to these beautiful Elvis songs and just thinking about how he made his dreams come true.

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We want your dreams to come true too.

00:15:05.072 --> 00:15:07.894
Make sure you guys follow me.

00:15:07.894 --> 00:15:14.022
Like, comment, subscribe, takeflightwithmonicacom.

00:15:14.022 --> 00:15:15.447
Have a beautiful day everyone.