July 30, 2024

Positive Vibes in the Heart of Atlanta Traffic

Positive Vibes in the Heart of Atlanta Traffic

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Navigating through Atlanta’s notorious traffic, I found myself reflecting on the importance of maintaining a positive attitude, even when life throws curveballs. After a grueling week in the aviation industry filled with delays and long hours, staying upbeat seemed almost impossible. That's when my coach, CJ, stepped in—reminding me to treat myself with the same dedication and professionalism I bring to my career. In this episode, I share personal anecdotes about the struggle and triumph of keeping a positive mindset and emphasize the importance of self-care and a strong support system. Through my journey, you’ll discover practical advice on staying resilient, no matter what challenges come your way.

As we wrap up this heartfelt episode, I extend my deepest gratitude to our listeners and a special thanks to Coach CJ for his unwavering support. Reflecting on the transformative power of gratitude and positive manifestations, I share my hopes for future broadcasts from more serene and inspiring locations like a beautiful hotel or beach, instead of Atlanta traffic. Encouraging you to seize the day and embrace the week ahead, I sign off with love and the promise of reconnecting soon from somewhere exciting in the world. Tune in for an authentic, inspiring journey filled with practical tips on overcoming life's challenges.

Where will you take flight next? Share your dreams in the comments! #TakeFlightWithMonica


00:01 - Staying Positive and Overcoming Challenges

09:45 - Spreading Gratitude and Manifestation


00:00:01.302 --> 00:00:04.371
Oh, yeah, woo, I love this song.

00:00:04.371 --> 00:00:15.313
Yes, hey, everyone, okay, I am not the best singer, that is for sure.

00:00:15.313 --> 00:00:19.792
It is Tuesday, tuesday, tuesday.

00:00:19.792 --> 00:00:22.362
And your fly girl is in Atlanta traffic.

00:00:22.362 --> 00:00:24.365
Yep, and your fly girl is in Atlanta traffic.

00:00:24.365 --> 00:00:26.908
Yep, nothing new here.

00:00:27.028 --> 00:00:31.934
I was thinking, oh, it's a good time, there's going to be no traffic, but guess what?

00:00:31.934 --> 00:00:36.957
I'm in construction traffic.

00:00:36.957 --> 00:00:40.844
Oh, wow, you know what it reminds me of?

00:00:40.844 --> 00:00:43.932
Attitude is everything.

00:00:43.932 --> 00:00:46.987
Attitude is everything, you, everything, you guys.

00:00:46.987 --> 00:00:50.987
Because guess what I could be frustrated right now.

00:00:50.987 --> 00:00:52.893
I could yell and scream.

00:00:52.893 --> 00:00:57.582
It's not gonna do any any bit of good at all.

00:00:57.582 --> 00:00:58.323

00:00:59.704 --> 00:01:27.980
And after the week and a half that I have had in the aviation industry, with all of the computer outages and delays and reroutes and 12 to 15 hour days, wow, it really was a test of my ability to stay in the zone.

00:01:27.980 --> 00:01:34.433
And I have to admit that I did not stay in the zone.

00:01:34.433 --> 00:01:36.587
I did not stay in the happy zone.

00:01:36.587 --> 00:01:46.805
I let it get to me, I let the tiredness take over, I let my emotions get away.

00:01:46.805 --> 00:01:47.727
I'm going to admit it.

00:01:47.727 --> 00:01:50.141
You guys, have you had that happen to you?

00:01:50.141 --> 00:01:57.371
And I got to tell you that my saving grace is my coach.

00:01:57.371 --> 00:02:00.862
My coach CJ is.

00:02:00.862 --> 00:02:20.789
I swear it's like this man can get in my head and know when I'm off and I just go into a cave and want to hide, hide away from the world.

00:02:20.789 --> 00:02:23.051
Um, not work on my.

00:02:23.051 --> 00:02:24.614
Do my affirmations?

00:02:24.614 --> 00:02:26.616
Not eat right?

00:02:26.616 --> 00:02:38.340
Do you guys ever fall into that where you know something happens and it just it sets you the wrong way and then it ruins your whole day.

00:02:38.340 --> 00:02:42.006
You let it ruin your whole entire day.

00:02:42.006 --> 00:02:47.373
You do you ever have that happen, I tell you?

00:02:47.394 --> 00:02:56.754
I think that really the battle here is not getting to a happy place, it's staying in a happy place.

00:02:56.754 --> 00:03:11.772
I think of it as like the bumpers you know, like with little kids or anyone is, for that matter, is learning to bowl, and you have those little side bumpers and you're just trying to keep the ball in the middle.

00:03:11.772 --> 00:03:19.520
Well, that's that's what it's like, about keeping your mindset in a positive direction.

00:03:19.520 --> 00:03:35.079
And it's a challenge, because sometimes it feels good to like wallow in the misery, it feels good to complain, it feels good sometimes just to.

00:03:35.079 --> 00:03:41.995
You know, on my one day off, I didn't get dressed, I was in a funk.

00:03:41.995 --> 00:03:45.625
I didn't even take a shower that day.

00:03:45.625 --> 00:03:47.007
I didn't even nothing.

00:03:47.007 --> 00:03:57.200
I didn't get dressed, I was just frumpy, dumpy and that is not a healthy way to live a healthy mindset.

00:03:57.764 --> 00:04:29.656
And one of the things that coach pointed out to me is that I will give 110, 150% to my career as a flight attendant, but I don't value myself to give the same level of professionalism, the same level of dedication, the same level of perseverance, joy, happiness.

00:04:29.656 --> 00:04:37.423
So last night's session started at like 1015 at night, eastern time.

00:04:37.423 --> 00:04:40.408
It went until almost 1230 AM.

00:04:40.408 --> 00:04:45.396
And this man does not let me fail.

00:04:45.396 --> 00:05:07.639
He I've been working with him for three years and I'm telling you I think I'm a difficult client for him because I retreat, I go like in a cave and I just like want to hide away from the world and not let my brilliance shine.

00:05:07.819 --> 00:05:11.271
And I know that I am meant to help people.

00:05:11.271 --> 00:05:19.451
I know that I am meant to be that mentor and that coach and help others.

00:05:19.451 --> 00:05:26.367
And you know the saying about putting your own oxygen mask on first is so true.

00:05:26.367 --> 00:05:29.790
You've got to get your mindset right.

00:05:29.790 --> 00:05:39.442
You know, have those, as he calls it, where's Monica's millionaire mantra, millionaire mindset.

00:05:39.442 --> 00:05:45.858
You know, what do you do for yourself to make you happy?

00:05:45.858 --> 00:05:47.509
What do you do?

00:05:47.509 --> 00:05:49.653
You do it for other people.

00:05:49.653 --> 00:05:53.572
You do it for your company that you work for, but you don't do it for other people.

00:05:53.572 --> 00:05:57.540
You do it for your company that you work for but you don't do it for yourself.

00:05:58.545 --> 00:06:25.838
So, really, some great, great advice and information and insight on what's stopping me from my greatness, my greatness of really helping myself and helping others to rise to our higher selves and not sink into depression and loneliness and being lost.

00:06:25.838 --> 00:06:42.192
And it was just a really, really great session and I encourage you, if you are feeling lost, I would love to connect you with my coach, because he does not give up on me.

00:06:42.192 --> 00:07:02.389
He is there and I feel like, if you are struggling and you just want a free consultation to find out like, who is this coach, coach CJ, what is he all about and how can he help me, I will hook you up.

00:07:02.389 --> 00:07:18.446
You guys can reach me at takeflightwithmonicacom jennalonicacom.

00:07:18.446 --> 00:07:21.391
Uh, you can give me your information and I will reach out to you and connect you with my coach.

00:07:21.391 --> 00:07:24.014
Um, yeah, I tell you, it's just, it's a journey.

00:07:24.014 --> 00:07:25.398
Right, it's a journey.

00:07:25.478 --> 00:07:38.564
I think of it as like if I did a plane analogy and let's say I was going on vacation and, for example, today I'm going to Jacksonville Florida.

00:07:38.564 --> 00:07:57.440
So like, let's say, we're in Atlanta and we're going to Jacksonville Florida and somewhere along the way, you know, there's a storm, I don't know we get off track, like we need some someone to have us get back on track.

00:07:57.440 --> 00:08:12.221
Right, it doesn't mean we're a failure if we get off track, it just means we need that guidance so that we can land successfully in the city and enjoy the journey on the way.

00:08:12.221 --> 00:08:15.947
So that's my insight for you today.

00:08:15.947 --> 00:08:16.908
It's short and sweet.

00:08:16.908 --> 00:08:44.437
That's my insight for you today.

00:08:44.437 --> 00:08:44.898
It's short and sweet.

00:08:44.918 --> 00:08:45.960
These are life lessons that I'm learning.

00:08:45.960 --> 00:08:51.652
I know that I am meant for greatness and much of my life I've been in leadership roles and I'm in a predominant leadership role amongst in aviation, and I take great pride in that and I need to bring that into my leadership for myself, right?

00:08:51.652 --> 00:09:03.102
I know that God has given me an amazing gift of connection, connecting people to their greatness, to turning the light on when they're in the dark and feeling lost and feeling lonely and feeling scared.

00:09:03.102 --> 00:09:26.969
I know I'm meant to be that beacon of light and if I can support you and be that beacon of light, I am here for you, whether that's you working with me privately as we go on a journey together or connecting you to my amazing coach CJ and taking you to a higher level.

00:09:26.969 --> 00:09:29.120
He can help you write books.

00:09:29.120 --> 00:09:31.163
He can help you write courses.

00:09:31.163 --> 00:09:33.884
He can help your stinking thinking.

00:09:33.884 --> 00:09:36.235
He's helped me with all of that.

00:09:36.235 --> 00:09:44.162
He's helped me with all of that and I'm so truly grateful for him and his beautiful wife, honey Badger.

00:09:45.602 --> 00:09:52.168
So with that, I'm going to leave on the note of gratitude for you listening to my show.

00:09:52.168 --> 00:10:07.433
I'm going to leave on the note of gratitude for Coach CJ's session for supporting me on my journey and my growth.

00:10:07.433 --> 00:10:14.956
And cheers to you for listening to me today.

00:10:14.956 --> 00:10:15.437
Make it a beautiful day.

00:10:15.437 --> 00:10:21.629
I'll be speaking to you soon from somewhere in the world, and next time let's hope it's not in Atlanta traffic.

00:10:21.629 --> 00:10:29.428
Let's manifest it's going to be from a beautiful hotel or beach.

00:10:29.428 --> 00:10:31.822
Let's put that manifestation out there.

00:10:31.822 --> 00:10:34.481
Make it a great day.

00:10:34.481 --> 00:10:35.941
Make it a great week.

00:10:35.941 --> 00:10:40.125
I will talk to you all very soon.

00:10:40.125 --> 00:10:41.208
Much love.