My interview with Listen Notes

Discuss Topics Related To Modern Culture & Society That Affects The Black Community

Full Interview
Tell us about you and your podcast
My name is Theron Frazier and I have a 22-year career in Business Management and Network Engineering as well as dual Cisco Certifications and a Bachelors in Network Administration were I graduated Summa Cum Laude. I'm also a Real Estate Agent in the Atlanta area where I'm the owner of TGF investments LLC.

I'm also the host of the podcast Talk About... with Theron which is designed to discuss topics related to modern culture and society that affects the black community. We discuss topics such as parenting, finance, credit, community, wealth, physical/mental health education and justice. My guests and I engage in conversations that are educational, fun and funny, controversial, political and some time conversations that are random freestyles.

Although my podcast topics are related to the black community and my listeners are primarily in the black community. I've received feedback from listeners that are not black saying how they can relate to me or my guests on conversations we have had.


Why & how did you start this podcast? 
I deeply care about my community and family. I'm married with 4 children, 3 teenage boys and a young daughter. After the death of George Floyd, I waned to do something to change what is going on in the black community and wanted to find a way to bring attention to all the issues the community is facing. My first thought was to run for public office but felt that would take too long to make an effective change that is needed now and it would not reach the audience I wanted to reach. So I decided to launch this podcast. Hoping that it would reach people across the country and around world, these conversations share knowledge and experiences from the black community to everyone.

I started my podcast in June 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it has been the best decision I've made. I started to research what it took to start a podcast and jumped right in. I actually ordered the podcasting equipment and then went to Lowes one Saturday morning and bought wood to build my studio in my basement. I hand built a mobile studio that I can roll around my basement, leaving the space usable for what it was originally designed for.


How'd you find the time and funding to do this podcast?
I just finished my first season which consisted of 12 episodes. I released each episode every Wednesday but is now considering moving it to every two weeks. I learned from season one that it takes a lot of work and time to product an episode, especially when you are doing all the work yourself. It take lots of time to schedule and confirming your guests and prepping your guests on how to record. Once the content is recorded the hard work comes with editing. It takes about 5 hours to edit 1 hour of content. Then I listen to the edited version and make more edits if needed. It then takes about 4 hours to put the show together adding headers, music and audio content.

I do have a full time job that is not related to podcasting. So I use evenings and weekends to record and produce the show. I believe in quality and not quantity! That is why I'm moving to bi-weekly to ensure I'm producing good quality content for my listeners.

I spend about $200 - $250 a month on services supporting my podcasts like website hosting, podcast hosting, audio quality, remote interviewing etc. That's not including my personal time recording and editing. My entire podcast is funded completely by me. I held a Facebook fundraiser during season 1 and raised $140. During this break I've developed my website for the show and created a Listener Partnership Program at where I've created ways my listeners can support the podcast. I also created ways listeners with businesses can support the podcast and I support their business by advertising them on my podcast. All they need to do is visit my site and click become a member.


What do you gain from podcasting?        
First things first, I love giving my guests a platform to speak, ones that wouldn't normally have a way for their voices to be heard. Especially on topics that affects us all.  You ever had that moment where you watched something on the news, or read an article and thought not again and want to just scream. Or just be sitting there wondering how do I explain to my kids about what is going on in this world. You may be wondering how can I build my credit score, weIl this is what I bring to my listeners. It makes me feel good to be able to share that with so many other people.

But of course, fell good can't pay the bills right. Especially when you have a family to support. My goal is to build this podcast into something I can pour more of my time and energy into and still be able to support my family. I currently do not have any sponsorships but I do welcome them. That is why I developed my listener partnerships where listeners with business can support my podcast and I support their business.


How does your podcasting process look like? 
I have two setups for podcasting, one for studio and one for mobile. In the studio I have 2 XLR microphones connecting to a scarlet 2i2. They connect into my MacBook along with a USB hub and a audio cable hub. When mobile, I have 2 USB microphones on stands that connects directly to my MacBook. I use the USB setup when on the go and traveling. I use BuzzSprout for podcast hosting, and GarageBand for recording and editing audio. Most of my guests are recorded in the studio but when recording remote guests I have used Zoom in the past but is now moving to SqaudCast.

Most of my guests are people I know or have met over the years. I have a pretty extensive network of friends and professional contacts so I normally book guests I know or by referral. On my website I have a Contact Us page where people who maybe interested in coming on the show can reach out to me.


How do you market your show?
I currently market my show via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and text message lists. I just finished the Podfest convention where I learned more about paid marketing. I will be using some paid marketing avenues when I launch season 2. My podcast can currently be found Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, TuneIn + Alexa, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Deezer, Listen Notes, Overcast, Pocket Cast, Castro, Castbox, and Player FM. Currently 70% of my listeners listen on Apple Podcasts with BuzzSprout being next with 8%.


What advice would you share with aspiring (new) podcasters?
Advice I would give new podcasters is to do your research but don't let anyone discourage you from progressing forward. It's going to be weird hearing your voice after it's recorded but you will get use to it. It will take up to 30 days before you actually launch your podcast. Take that time to  record at least 3 episodes to drop on your initial launch. That way, your listeners have more than just the one episode and they are not left waiting for you to create more content. Learn about editing, if you listen to my very first episode, it was not edited. It worked out for me because it was a real conversation with my sons. So all of the reactions and pauses were authentic. However, I can tell the progression as I learned more and more about podcasting as each episode progressed. So don't try to be perfect, try to start!!

The best way to learn more about me is at There you can access all my episodes, social media sites and contact me directly. You can provide your email to get special promotions and updates from our show.


Where can we learn more about you & your podcasts?
Subscribe to the show!!!!

Talk About Website:

