Vincent O'Neil

Vincent O'Neil Profile Photo


Vincent H. O’Neil is the Malice Award-winning author of the Exile murder mysteries from St. Martin’s Press and the military science fiction Sim War series (written as Henry V. O’Neil) from HarperCollins. He has also authored several short stories in Mystery Tribune, Bourbon Penn, Mystery Weekly, Hypnos, and Lovecraftiana magazines.

Visit his website for links to his books and short stories, as well as helpful presentations he's delivered on a variety of writing topics at different conferences.

Oct. 25, 2024

Vincent H. O'Neil

Vincent H. O’Neil is the Malice Award-winning author of the Exile murder mysteries from St. Martin’s Press and the military science fiction Sim War series (written as Henry V. O’Neil) from HarperCollins. He has also authored several short stories in Mystery Tribune, Bourbon Penn, Mystery Weekly, Hy…
May 23, 2021

Vincent H. O'Neil

In this episode, Linda Hengerer talks with Vincent O'Neil about his book Death Troupe, winning the St. Martin's Press/Malice Domestic Best First Novel contest, his series featuring Frank Cole, and how he got the acting bug at SleuthFest.