Episode #4 7pm to 7:10pm Artie Intro & Jared Hudson South Alabama Update 7:10pm - 7:25pm Hattiesburg/Outlaw Promo With Ron Southern 7:30 - 7:40pm Randy Waller Promoter SUS 7:40 - 7:50 Driver Daniel Stanley 7:50 - 8pm Derek Perkins The Thunder Valley 8pm - 8:10pm Whynot Update With Chris Creighton 8:10pm - 8:20pm Driver Interview 8:20pm - 8:30pm Charity Kilgore Greenville 8:30pm - 8:40pm Dave Chism North Ms/Al Racing Report 8:40pm - 8:50pm Bridget Walters NWFL 8:50pm - 9pm Tammy Rast Southern Raceway 9pm - 9:10pm Tessia Doyle Lil Dega Update 9:10pm - 9:20pm Tim Graves Kart News 9:20pm - 9:30pm Phone Lines Are Open 9:30pm - 9:40pm Outro With Artie