Facts, Logic, and Reasoning
Aug. 31, 2024

High Standards In Dating

High Standards In Dating

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In this episode, Andrew Johnson discusses the topic of high standards in dating. He compares dating standards from 20 years ago to the present day, highlighting the dramatic changes in expectations. Johnson explains the difference between standards and preferences, emphasizing that standards are non-negotiable while preferences are flexible. He explores the advantages and disadvantages of having high standards, including how they can protect individuals and weed out incompatible partners, but also how they can limit the dating pool and lead to unrealistic expectations. Johnson advises listeners to find a balance between their standards and preferences, and to focus on internal qualities rather than external factors when seeking a long-term relationship.

keywords high standards, dating, preferences, relationships, expectations, dating pool, self-reflection, internal qualities


  • Dating standards have dramatically changed in the past 20 years, with both men and women having higher expectations.

  • High standards can protect individuals and weed out incompatible partners, but they can also limit the dating pool and lead to unrealistic expectations.

  • Finding a balance between standards and preferences is important, as well as focusing on internal qualities rather than external factors.

  • Self-reflection and self-awareness are crucial in evaluating one's own standards and being open to change.

  • Understanding the difference between standards and preferences can help in navigating the dating scene.


  • The Dramatic Changes in Dating Standards

  • The Difference Between Standards and Preferences

Sound Bites

  • "Men aren't even considering dating the women, meaning that they've just checked out for the most part because they don't feel that they meet the standards of the modern day woman who has standards now."

  • "Standards are non-negotiable. Preferences are negotiable."

  • "High standards are literally keeping people single."



Introduction and Clarification


The Dramatic Changes in Dating Standards


The Difference Between Standards and Preferences


The Advantages and Disadvantages of High Standards


Finding a Balance: Self-Reflection and Flexibility


Focusing on Internal Qualities for Long-Term Relationships