The 3-13, Men Money And Marriage

Another Great Episode

Another great Podcast from Mr. Andrew Johnson, This is becoming how I start my Saturday morning listening to some inspiration and intriguing discussions on a variety of topics. So what are the 2 words women hate when dating? What comes to mind for you? How would you feel about your partner referring to you as average? It's an interesting discussion on today's Podcast. I mean for me personally I don't see myself as your average girl so I would be surprised to described as such. However there are things that I most definitely see myself as average and more like basic is how I describe it. An example, I don't like brand name clothes, however I do like a good name brand handbag. Listen to the podcast to find out what the 2nd word is that women hate.

June 24, 2024 by Dr. Tenise Wall, PhD on This Website

The 3-13, Men Money And Marriage