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The Activity Continues

This week we are dissecting The Dead Files “Devil’s Triangle” (Season 11 Episode 9) which aired September 5, 2019. This one confused us too since the three main entities are similar and we struggled with which ghost matched which man in history!

We also talked about depression, demons, syphilis and selling your soul for riches.

And what happened when a cop didn’t pay for his oysters.

We also do a thought experiment on what it might be like to do a group project with Steve. (this is merely a joke we just expanded on, we don’t really think Steve would be a slacker in a group project—in case you’re listening, Steve). Megan also does her best-yet impersonation of Steve’s accent.

So, leave your syphilis in the drawing room, grab your beverage of choice, and join us where… The Activity Continues.


Content Warning:

 In this episode we mention suicide by gunshot, mental illness, specifically depressions and bipolar disorder, so trigger warning for those who need it. Also, we swear.

The Activity Continues is a paranormal podcast where soul friends, Amy, Megan, and AP chat about pets, true crime, ghost stories, haunts, dreams, and other paranormal stuff including the TV show, The Dead Files. We also sometimes interview interesting people, whether it be a paranormal professional, a Dead Files client, or a listener with spooky stories.

This episode was recorded on May 20, 2024 and released on July 4, 2024.


Chapter Markers

00:00:00 Intro

00:00:39 Hello! 

00:01:16 Content Warning

00:02:00 Wantable 

00:03:16 Overview 

00:06:58 Segment 1 

00:35:56 Segment 2 

00:56:08 Segment 3 

01:15:04 Next week

01:16:11 Outro


Episode links:

Jerry Haaf shooting https://www.odmp.org/officer/386-patrolman-jerome-victor-haaf


Shrek reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUQ9bjBfiRk

The Client’s shop: https://www.tattoo-pittsburgh.com/

John Stack murder (note the show called him Stacks): https://www.odmp.org/officer/25370-police-officer-john-stack

The Dead Files Official Podcast: https://pod.link/1642377102

for Ai Photos https://www.fotor.com/referrer/1ygaknya

Wantable:  https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/wantable



This podcast is in no way affiliated with Warner Brothers, HBOMax, the Travel Channel, Painless TV, or the TV show The Dead Files or any of its cast or crew. We’re just fans that love the show and want to build a community of like-minded people who would enjoy hanging out and discussing the episodes and similar content.



Hosted by: Amy Lotsberg, Megan Simmons, and Amy Piersak

Production, Artwork, and Editing: Amy Lotsberg at Collected Sounds Media, LLC.

Theme song. “Ghost Story” and segment music by Cannelle https://melissaoliveri.com


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Our website, https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/ 

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ALL: Hello!


Amy: Thanks for joining us again, everyone. Today we are going to be dissecting The Dead Files. Episode “Devils Triangle”, which is from Season 11, It's episode 9, and it originally aired September 5th , 2019, and the short little travel synopsis travel channel synopsis, that is:


Steve and Amy travel to Pittsburgh to investigate paranormal activity in a tattoo parlor where artists and customers fear for their safety. On her night walk Amy encounters a group of malicious demons who are set on collecting souls.


Megan, do you want to tell the people what you're we're warning them about today?


Megan: I would love nothing more than to tell you, beautiful listeners, what we're warning you about today. So, so far we have suicide and depression.


But you never know what we're gonna talk about, you know, throughout the show. So please check the show notes before listening. If you are worried about specific things that we did not mention, because Amy will always throw any additional content warnings into those show notes.


AP: There is one other. Yeah. Bipolar disorder is kind of thrown about almost jokingly at times by one person.


Amy: That's true.


Megan: Who could that be?


Amy: Hmm.


AP: We'll find out.


Amy: We'll get there.


Megan: Stay tuned.


Amy: All right.


AP: I do wanna say one thing cool in the housekeeping, Amy, cause we have our Wantable ads out right now.


Amy: Yes we do.


AP: I happen to see in my emails one of the Wantables that came through for the it's like cowgirl summer or country girl, summer, or something like that. Your dress, the green dress that you have was one of the ones that was in the ad. So it was somebody wearing, you know jean Shorts, and then having that as like a top, and then a kind of like a duster cape.


Amy: I've seen that picture. Yeah.  And I saw that Wantable put that picture in one of the ads on Facebook. And all the comments were like, oh, my God! I want that dress! I want that dress. How do I get that dress? And I was like, “I got that dress.” Just sayin’.


Megan: Reach out to me.


Amy: I got that dress, and I’ll sell it to you for 12 million dollars. I love that dress. I've already worn it 3 times.


AP: It's super cute.


Amy: I love it.


Megan: It is really cute


AP: It’s a great color too.


Amy: It's a really nice color it, yeah, I love it. I love it.


AP: I wore my poppy blazer today, and my boss like he was running to another meeting. He goes nice jacket.


Amy: I love it. It's such a good color.


AP: It, yeah, It is fun!




Amy: Yeah. okay so should we jump right in.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: So the Amy's going to read us a dramatic, or do a dramatic reading of the overview. You don't have to be dramatic unless you want to.


AP: We all know. I mean, it's like I'm gonna be dramatic.


Amy: Okay. Good.


AP: Alight. Steve, Amy and Matt take us to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this week to a tattoo shop that, well is having some experiences, I mean? Why else would they be here?


Steve starts us off with? It's an old building, and all hell's broken loose, Amy continues with, “I'm literally hearing the devil's triangle.”


 Strong starts all around.


We meet Diane, the shop owner, and the person who called in The Dead Files.


She's concerned that her customers, artists, and husband are being affected by something in the air. It seems to have all started when they did some renovations.


We have all the classic signs of a haunting, disembodied voices, seeing things from the corner of their eye being touched, high anxiety which seems to be a keyword in this episode. Depression, things being thrown about and mood swings.


I think every box is checked for this one.


We then meet Shannon, Diane's business partner, who shares similar feelings to Diane. However, Josh, when we meet him, Diane's husband, he's a little different story, having been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He jokes about being the “same crazy asshole”, and doesn't believe anything is abnormal. I don't really believe all that.


Steve goes through a montage of tough tattoo artists as well as to hear what they are seeing and feeling.


As we jump back and forth. We hear Amy talking about a set of three demons. They came here to collect a soul and never left.


We learn they like to cause chaos and sometimes get bored. So fires sound like a great idea to not be bored anymore.


We also hear about a couple of men, one who believes he was part of a sacrifice, one who is warning people away, and one who is the reason for all of this, because he sold his soul.


Steve’s Investigation takes us back in time to the late 1800s where we meet George Bennett, a real piece of work, who kills a man, takes his own dad and brother to the cleaners, and one who seems to be out for fame and fortune, it seems, I ncluding selling his soul to the double.


Then we meet John Stacks, a police officer in the late 1800s, who may have been a bit of a maybe not great dude.


He leaves a bar after lunch that he never paid for, gets jumped by the bartender and a couple other men, and his spirit seems to be kind of stuck not knowing exactly what's going on. Amy sees him outside a lot.


Lastly, we meet Hank [Hunt] Miller, a man of power and note in the early 1900s. He seems to be a bit shady in his business deals and goes bankrupt in the 1920s.


He dies of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, leaving his wife and son in a mess. His spirit seems confused about his death, and that maybe he was influenced or part of a sacrifice


At the reveal Diane and Shannon here from Amy, and it's brought up that Josh has severe mood swings that seem to escalate with some of the activity.


Amy notes that the demons are looking for seeds of darkness that already exist in people.


We don't get a lot of new information for once in this one, but we do see Steve say again, that's a little to go off of when it seems like Amy read his notes to him.


So Amy tells them, here's what you got to do first thing you got to do is you got to get a strong male medium to get the crazy guy and the crying man out of here.


Then you're gonna do weekly cleansings for 3 months, then monthly for a year. This will not take care of the demons, and they will always be there, unfortunately. Thankfully, they're not interested in the people that are here today. So as long as they're not interested in you, they're not gonna do anything.


Josh needs to stay out until the crazy and crying guys are gone and the activity will be different.


Shannon wants to stay, and Diane says they will follow all the advice, so do they follow the advice?


Stay tuned to see if the activity continues.


Amy: Very nice.


AP: so kind of a a fun start. I don't know. You all notice the ring shot right off the bat that we see with Steve as he's coming in like.


Megan: Yeah.


AP: It. It's I swear opening scenes are typically, obviously, it's usually Steve in the car, but it's within the first 30 seconds that you’re gonna see a ring shot.


Megan: Always, always.


AP: And I put in here, too, that he's talking about. “Well, she opened up a tattoo parlor in an old building.” Yeah, Steve, like most people, don't go and build a new a new building, just for a tattoo parlor or a tattoo shop, or something like that.


Amy: Well, and that's a pretty old city, so.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: Pittsburgh is pretty old city, so a lot of their architecture is probably pretty old.


Megan: Going to be old.


AP: Yep.


Megan: I also noted how super strong his accent was in the beginning.


Amy: Yes, I feel like that whole this whole episode it was.


AP: Yeah, cause he was back in the like New England area, you know, in that Northeast area.


Amy: Maybe that brings it out.


Megan: but I was like damn.


AP: And yeah, I just kinda said Steve. Your biases are showing when he talked about the tattoo crowd being a tough crowd.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: I I guess they are. Sometimes they are. I mean.


Megan: Not all just because they're tattoo Artists doesn't mean they're automatically like these.


AP: Or people coming in and getting tattoos and stuff, too just the way he says, like they're real tough dudes. And you know, they've got to be. Something's really going on if they’re going to be calling in…


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: If they’re scared, you know it’s bad.


Megan: “Look. I know the tattoo crowd.”


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: Do you? You know every single person.


Amy: Do you Steve? Do you? But yeah, I mean, we all have tattoos. I wouldn't say any of us are tough, but


Megan: No not even a little.


AP: Yeah, I just, I just was like okay, well, I mean your your categorizing in a whole group with one baseline. And they're a little bit more dynamic than that is what I have to say.


Megan: But sure, let's group everybody together in one stereotypical sentence, cause that never goes wrong.


Amy: Oh, no, can never go wrong with that.


AP: No.


Amy: I noticed in the beginning, when Amy first gets there, that she says “there's something bad here”. I'm like I feel like, especially in the ones we've done recently. She says that a lot.


AP: yeah


Megan: Well, they're not gonna be called most of the time. If there's a good thing there.


Amy: I know, but I just think it's funny that she's not like oh, here we go again.


Megan: Yeah, yeah.


Amy: It’s bad. It's like Amy. It was bad yesterday. Yeah.


Amy & Megan: And it'll be bad tomorrow.


Megan: Jinx.


AP: Well, I I.I also really liked Matt's like, you know, going. I've gotta cover up everything. It's really hard to cover up a tattoo parlor for her not to know what it is like, isn't that with every business that you go through like you can pretty much tell if it's a restaurant or yeah library like.


Megan: Like a bookshop.


Amy: or a movie theater. Oh, what's that concession stand for?


AP: I smell popcorn!


Megan: Yeah. Or the one in Arizona which, when it was the shop like you, you kinda knew.


Amy: Yeah, the metaphysical Shop?


Megan: You're not in there going. Is this a Michael's? What am I? What is this.


Amy: Is this Hobby Lobby?


Megan: No. We do not go to the Hobby Lobby.


Amy: Yeah, we do not go to the Hobby Lobby.


Megan: We do not go to the lobby of hobbies.


Amy: No!


AP: I don't have enough hobbies for anything like that.


Amy: My hobbies are not contained in a store.


Megan: I just have one really expensive hobby, but I don't go to the lobby for it.


AP: That's no way to talk about your child.


Megan: He's a job. He's not a hobby.


Amy: Where do you go for your hobby?


Megan: Michael's or sometimes, if I need beads, I'll go to this local stop local store, called Storm Cloud Trading Company, and they have really good beads in St. Paul, right off Snelling.


Amy: Oh, okay.


Megan: I like them a lot.


Amy: I wasn't sure what hubby you were referring to, so I was just wondering if it's going to be like the guy in the street corner, or


Megan: Not that one.


Amy: Okay, different one.


Megan: That’s recreation.


Amy: Got it, got it there's so many categories.


Megan: I, honestly, I'm a well rounded person.


Amy: You are, absolutely.


AP: Yep, I noted in this episode that even though Amy says there's a lot of like stuff that's bad going on.


We've seen some episodes like last weeks, where she almost has like that, like scare in her voice, where she’s like, Well, shit. Here we go again. Like you know. And it's like, Hmm, great, they're starting with the thing that is the title, The Devil's Triangle. 


Amy: Yeah. You know. AP, I know you said you've saw a lot of synchronicities between the last episode we did and this one.


I didn't really see them, even though I was sort of looking for them, because you had said that before I watched it until there was one that came up later in, and we'll get there. But I was like, Oh, yeah.


AP: Well, the she starts off strong with the demons.


Megan: Hmm.


AP: Which was in both episodes. And then we have, you know, in this case we have the triangle of them. But yeah, it was the demons. There's just a lot of different things. I was like, okay, yep, that's a that's another one. Yep, there, there's another one. There's like 3 or 4 of them that.


It's just really odd that we pick episodes randomly. Megan picked last week's episode. I picked this week's episode. We had no idea what they were when we picked them. And then, as I go through, I'm like, man. This is very like in line with what was going on last week, too.


Megan: Well, it's like with season 15. Everything was portals and other things I can't remember, because I don't have a good memory but portals, and you know it was like the same stuff over and over again, which I get…


AP: Yeah, having poltergeist. And yeah.


Megan: Oh, my!


Amy: Oh, my!


Megan: Which I get having a theme, but it's like I don't know.


AP: Well, and these were in different seasons, though last week was, this is Season 11. So it it's just. It was completely random. And but if you were to like, if you analyze and picked it apart, it'd be like, Oh, you guys knew that these things are coming up now. We didn't.


Megan: No we didn’t.


AP: Don’t give us that much credit.


Megan: Yeah, let's be real exactly like Ap said. We are not organized. I don't know if you can tell.


Amy: I’m organized!


AP: Amy is.


Megan: Amy is. She's got the excel spreadsheets. I'm just like, what should we do? And I throw a dart on a wall, and I'm like, let's do this episode.


Amy: When it was just me and Megan where I would, we'd be starting to record. And I'm like, “do you know which episode you're gonna do next week?” She's like “Nope”.


Amy: So then she would like Google something while we were like recording. And then she's like, Okay, I got it.


Megan: And them Amy was over there silently, seething like, can you're killing me, Smalls, You're killing me.


Amy: I mean I don't care. I I don't. If if we whatever, as long as you don't pick one we've already done. But you know I have a spreadsheet with all of the ones that we've already done. Apparently, I didn't. I updated it today. I spent a lot of time doing all of that today. But apparently, I missed one that we have coming up.


Anyway. But I think it might be fun in the future when we're not doing a series, and we're just trying to, you know, wing it.


I'll have the spreadsheet up. You can get like a little, you know.


AP: Bingo caller?


Amy: Bingo Spinner, or whatever spin some numbers in there, or roll dice or something, and be like season boom, episode, boom!


We did that, Megan and I did that with our Alexa. In the beginning we were like, okay, let's just ask Alexa for a number between one and 14, or however, many seasons were out at that time.


And then she'd pick a number, and then we would go okay, and another number between one and however, many episodes were in that season, and then we'd have to test check it against.


Megan: It was a science.


Amy: But we've done so many more episodes now that we're gonna have to there's we really have to check against that. But I think it'd be fun to kind of Russian Roulette it sometime, too.


AP: Yeah.


Megan: Definitely.


AP: Well, swinging us back around to where we're at cause we're so far into the episode.


Amy:  3 minutes and 39 seconds from what I can tell.


AP: So we meet our client, Diane, and of course Steve starts off with the “well when we spoke on the phone, Diane, you seem pretty upset about things.”


Megan: “What’s Going on?” No she was happy. She was like “Oh my god hiiiiii Steve!”


Amy: She just wanted to meet Steve and didn’t want to pay the 10k.


AP: I wrote down that I was like, oh, you know I love the artwork on the walls that were behind that was behind her, and all the stuff that they have in there, which we later find out that they had to screw down the paintings in the building.


Amy: Cause, they fly off the walls.


AP: but I also said she kind of gives off the Pinup -y style vibes, just with like the way, her hair was and just kind of that atmosphere. And I love that.


AP:  I just yeah.


Megan: And, like her porcelain skin. And the dark layer.


Amy: And the bright red lips.


Megan: yeah, she was bangin’, she was on it.


Amy:,And Shannon too, both of those gals were so cute.


Megan: Her hair was gorgeous.


Amy:. yeah, yeah.


Megan: Love.


Amy: They're both adorable.


Megan: Yeah, they were.


AP: Oh, for sure! And as I said earlier, what was our what was our catalyst for the activity picking up?


Megan: The construction.


Amy: Oh the construction, as always.


AP: Yeah, yeah, is that is that on a Bingo card?


Amy: It should be.


Megan: When we expanded things. And I said, it's always the construction that starts it, because ya pissed it off...


Amy: We had that in our house we had a room that we needed to. I don't remember exactly what needed to be done. I think it, I think. If I remember right, we had a leak in the ceiling, and it got water damage all over the room, so we had to have, like all the walls pulled out and all the back, and it was, you know, we were living above our means.


We couldn't afford to do the whole thing in one go. So we started it, and then we had to save some money and finish it. We had to block off that room like we had a zipper door in that room.


Megan: In the old house.


Amy: Yeah. In the in the old Victorian house and that's when things started picking up at our house, too.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: And that was the room that was always active after that.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: Yep, they don't like it when you mess with their shit.


AP: No.


Amy: I don’t blame them.


AP: Especially when we throw things off like I said before, we got all the all the classic things:  mood swings. So this was one thing that I also noted with the last one is that we don't always hear mood swings. We often hear depression and anxiety, but in this one it was extreme Mood swings. Well, we were seeing that with the sun in the last episode, too. Remember, he would just go back to his bedroom, because that's where he.


Megan: Cry


AP: put his boundaries. But this one was having the terrible mood swings which seems to be impacting specifically the husband.


Amy: Yup.


AP: In this case


Amy: Yup.


Megan: Hmm.


AP: Which we find out that he struggled with mental health and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Which again, you know, just like we saw with the ones last week, like the kids who have, you know, something you know, extra about them going on seems to be the ones that get picked on or in a lot of these episodes that we've seen are somebody who's got a chink in the armor. They're the ones that are getting attacked more.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: Well, didn't Amy say that these.


AP: Seeds of darkness.


Amy: Entities they pick on people who have mental illness or addiction, and he had both so.


Megan: Yeah. Which they only mentioned in the reveal. They only mentioned his addiction then.


AP: Yep.


Amy: That's true. That's true.


AP: Yup. So there was a little bit of new stuff added in at the end of that, but not like significant story. But the yeah, she's she called it seeds of darkness, cause I caught that I was like that'd be a good episode title.


Amy: I like that. Yeah.


AP: And overall there was a lot of stuff that was going on, but not a lot of like out their crazy things when he was talking with Diane, to be honest.


It was run of the mill, and she was awesome, but she also didn't. I love this, she didn't play into some of his comments.


Megan: Yeah. Yeah. She didn't.


AP: Like I had it somewhere. I can't remember what it was that he was saying, and I'm like, yep, she's not playing into his like games of like, oh, is it like this? Oh, it was something with the plumbing, which was another...


Megan: Oh!


AP: connection.


Amy: Like. I know what the plumbing sounds like.


AP: She's like. Yes, it is an old building, so.


Megan: She’s like, “It’s a distinct sound.”


AP:  Yeah.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: Steve.

 And I like that. She wasn't like we didn't get the extreme. If you can help me, my marriage will crumble, or my business will close. She's just like we love it like this is our passion, our love. We want it to succeed. Please help us.


 So I really appreciated that, too. Like.


Amy: Yeah,


Megan: like. I’m gonna die. It's like, no, the shit's happening, and we wanna fix it. But like …


Amy: Not dire.


Megan: Not dire.


Amy: Although I think they were mostly worried about Josh, both of the ladies.


AP: Hmm.


Amy: We're mostly worried about Josh Diane's husband because of his anger.


AP: Yeah, and and his, yeah.


Megan: Yeah. Yep.


AP: Yeah, I caught on that, too, is like I when we meet Shannon I was just like, Oh, Shannon, seems like I was like it's maybe she's not quite as worried as Diane, or is it just because the cameras are there? So she's got like a little bit like, you know people change when there's camera put in front of them a little bit.


But then, as soon as she started talking about Josh, that's when it was like, yeah, I can see him be totally different. And she says something along the lines of If I would have known that this is what he would turn into, I would not have become a business partner.  And they've been partners for 5 years.


So if I do the math, they said, they started the renovations like 2 years after they got into that space. So it's been happening for three-ish years.


Megan: Yeah.


AP: Anything else in that kind of first part, when we meet Diane, Shannon? I know we've got Amy walking through and kind of.


You know, giving her updates on things. But then it's when she starts when they start cutting back and forth between her and the the stories is when we start to tie in, because I think there was like 3 gentlemen that she talks about, and I kept getting confused on who the crying guy was, and the one who was trying to warn them about…


Megan: Yeah.


AP: …You know, like getting out? Were they the same person? Or was that there was the crazy guy? But it was like 3 entities.


Megan: They all kind of mesh together when.


AP: Hmm.


Megan: When she was talking to him., yeah.


AP: Yeah And that was like one. And then there was one who kind of was.


Megan: Think that was the good guy. She does the sketch of.


AP: Yeah. The guy in the coffin was George Bennett. He was the one who sold his soul.


Megan: I think the crying guy was Henry, the guy who went bankrupt and committed suicide.


AP: Died by suicide. Yup.


Megan: Yeah, I think that was him.


AP: And the crazy guy, I think, was, but I think she used crazy Guy to just to talk about both

the guy in the the dead guy in the coffin, and the what we assume.


Megan: Warner was the Warner.


AP: Yes, Stacks, who was the one who was beat up? No, I think the person who was warning, though, was the one that was crying because he felt like he was the sacrifice.


Megan: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Amy: Telling her to get out, yeah, yeah.


AP: That's why it gets so confusing. Because they were all very similar, and they were all about the same timeframe, and they were all similar.


Megan: Men. And yeah, there's there's really nothing just to. I mean, there's obviously stuff to distinguish them. But.


AP: All had a form of power at some point, but it sounds like like the police officer guy was Amy. I think you put in there. Something about like “some of this stuff seemed like it came up when I was doing my the research with a Kid Cann, too.”


Amy: Oh, the the.


Megan: Mob mob connections.


Amy: When Stacks was killed by Stacks was the police officer that for not paying for his oysters was killed by the….a few people.


Megan: Which I'm sorry. Maybe it's just me, but that is the weirdest thing to get for lunch.


Amy: Greg would do it in a heartbeat. I can’t eat them, they’re nasty.


AP: In Pittsburgh, in the 1800s.


Megan: Like, you know what? Let's here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna pop in Bob's gonna get a burger. I'm gonna shuck a few oysters, and then we'll go back and hit the streets like what?


Maybe it's just me, because I don't like seafood. But I just feel like that's super weird.


AP: I also thought it was odd.


Amy: It’s not a very filling lunch. Oysters are they're just little tiny things, you know. You can't like you. I mean, you could get full on them. But you're gonna eating like a whole table full of them.


Megan: You gotta eat an ocean full of oysters.


Amy: That's right. Ocean full of oysters. Maybe that’s a good name.


Megan: Oysters. [with a Brooklyn accent] Oysters. O-I,  oysters.


Amy: Oysters. But that whole thing reminded me of not not just Kid Cann.


 But there was in the nineties. It was when I met Greg, so it would have been like ‘92.


Megan: Romance is in the air.


Amy: But not in this story. There was so well, I was stay. I was, I guess I could tell this part of story, but I was. I was babysitting…  


VO: Hi, I wasn't babysitting. I was house sitting. I had misremembered this part of the story I used to babysit for this family a lot, but the time that Greg came to visit, I was, um, I was just house sitting. There was not a child there just in case anybody's worried about that.


and Greg came to stay with me, or, you know, come to the house and hang out and stuff.


And on his way there he there was all this police traffic sort of near the house, not really near it, but on the way to it.  And he was like, Oh, some shit's going down over there. And it was like, or maybe it was when he drove home. It must have been when he drove home, because it was like 11 o'clock at night.


Megan: That’s so late.


Amy: I know we still, we don't stay up till 11 o'clock anymore.


Megan: No.


Amy: But it turns out that was when a police officer named Jerry Haff. Was shot at the pizza place.

 Do you guys know this story?


AP: No, I was 7.


Amy: Okay,


Megan: 1992, I was 8.


Amy: Okay.


AP: Sorry.


Megan: I mean.


AP: So. No, it's a little before our time.


Megan: Sorry Amy, so no.


Amy: but it's a pretty famous story in the city. I thought maybe you would have hear it.


Megan: I didn't grow up in the city.


Amy: Anyways, there was this police officer, Jerry Haff, who was murdered. but like he was just sitting there having his pizza and some people came in and shot him, killed him and it ended up being mob related.


Megan: And know we had mob in the cities.


Amy: Oh, yeah.


Megan: I mean, I I guess now I do, because I listen about Kid Cann. That's yeah.


Amy: Oh that was in the 30s.


AP: Oh, we had. Yeah, we had massive ties in the twenties and thirties with a lot of activity.


Amy: Oh! We had Al Capone here.


AP: And Dillinger,


Amy: Yeah, Dillinger was here, yeah.


AP: Yeah. Dillinger was arrested in Stillwater.


Megan: Oh, yep!


Amy: Al Capone was here. Yeah.


AP: I might have one of Dillinger's firearms.


Megan: And Al Capone was here with his syphilis?


Amy: He probably didn't bring it with him. He left that at home.


Megan: He left it at home.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: He's like, all right. I got my shirts. I got my cigar. I'm gonna leave my syphilis in the drawing room, and then I'll pick that up when I get home.


AP: No, we have a we have a pistol that is the same make, model, and year that Dillinger was known to be using.


Amy: Really?


Megan: That's crazy.


AP: Umhm and it my dad came into… He bought it from someone like 50 years ago.


Amy: Hmm.


AP: 40-50 years ago, somewhere in there, and Dad was on the police force during the time that Dillinger would have been arrested.


Amy: Hmm.


AP: The dad of whoever my dad bought the stuff from.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: It was, you know, a coworker wasn't a dirty deal. It was, it was seventies or eighties, you know. But yeah.


Amy: Interesting.


AP: So we can't say for sure, but we do know that it is along those lines.


Amy and Megan: Cool!


Megan: Jinx. Amy, we are just so connected today.


AP: Speaking of all the mob stuff. This was the other thing that I saw that I was like “good for you, Diane. You didn't play into Steves thing” he's like, “do you feel like you were getting mugged?”


Amy: Yeah.


AP: How did that feel? I'm like does anybody know how it feels to be mugged if they haven't been mugged before?


Amy: I mean, yeah, hopefully.


Megan: Well, that's when she cause she was talking about how she was tattooing somebody, and her sweatshirt got pulled.


AP: That was Shannon.


Amy: That was Shannon. Yeah. And I.


AP: Diane was talking about. A dark shadow came up from behind her.


Megan: Oh that’s right.


AP: As she was walking towards the staircase, and it followed.


Megan: I’m sorry. I got confused.


AP: It's okay. We've been jumping around a little bit. By Diane.


AP: He's just like, “Do you feel like you were but to get mugged, I mean, how did it feel?” And she's like “I mean, it felt menacing, and it told me to get out.” But.


Megan: Yeah.


AP: Steve, that's not a comparison people can relate to.


Amy: And mugged.


Megan: Yeah, yeah, I know.


AP: Yeah, especially in the moment.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: And that's again, he just leads him. I mean it pisses me off like you are a police detective, you know not to, or I would hope you know, not to ask these leading questions to them.  


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: like. Oh, it just made me annoyed.


AP: I'm like


Megan: Makes me so annoyed.


Amy: That's a cop for ya.


Megan: That’s Steve for ya.


AP: Yeah old school.


Amy: So I want to make sure that we talk about you know who.


Megan: Oh our buddy.


Amy: Are we there yet?


AP: Ahh, almost.


Megan: I hated him.


AP: I was just saying that when there was there was one of the spirits that was… Megan put in here about “wanting to get physical physical.”


Amy: [singing] Physical, physical


Megan: [singing] Physical.


AP:  When Amy starts she's like “hearing things. He's stomping around and throwing things” there's like. So he's a child throwing a tantrum or.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: And.


AP: He was yelling to “get out! Get out! Get out!”


Megan: Oh, I just anytime I can insert some Olivia Newton John in our eps I'm gonna do it.


Amy: And I'm very happy for that. I love her.


Megan: [singing] I wanna get physical.


AP: We can probably jump to. We've kind of talked through Shannon and it was with the conversation where he's asking about Josh, and he starts asking Shannon like, “Well, do you think he's just an asshole, or what?”


Megan: It's like, just “Why do you think he's acting like this?” Full stop? That's the question.


AP: Yep.


Megan: So yeah, it just.


AP: “Do you think he's being influenced, or is he just an asshole?”


Amy: I will say I don't. I don't mean to like defend Steve.  Steve, if you're listening, you're welcome.


Megan: Yeah right.


Amy: But I sometimes, when you're interviewing someone and the remember Wendy, the mom from last week? You ask her a question. It was. “Yes.” “No”. “Yes.” “No.”


Megan: Yeah. But these weren't like that.


Amy: So I wonder if, like he asked the question, and he asked it like the way Megan suggested, and then.


Megan: Oh!.


Amy: And they didn't give everything, and so the producer said, Steve, ask it a different way, and then he sked it that way, who knows?


AP: I would go with you on that if we didn't have seasons of episodes in the same manner.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: Yeah, I mean, I absolutely…


AP: I like. I like your thought process, though.


Amy: Just trying to give the benefit of the doubt. I do think.


Megan: Yeah, appreciate it.


Amy: But he does. He does ask leading questions a lot, and that's his. That's that's what that's what cops do. That's, I mean.


AP: I mean. Look at when the time that he came up through. if he went through Academy, or whatever he went through, too, in the time of all of that cause.


Megan: It was.


Amy: He is my age.


Megan: 30 years ago, yeah.


Amy: So he would have gone through in the 80s.


Megan: 90s.


Megan: Or 80s, or I don't know. I don't know how old you are. You're 40 to me.


Amy: I wish I was 40.


Megan: Can we get to Josh? Because I couldn't stand him. I couldn't stand him.


Amy: Oh, my God!


Megan: He was such an asshole like just the arrogant.


Amy: Well, he even said he was, but still. And when he said that like, “Oh, no, I'm just the same asshole I've always been.”


AP: Noted to like. He couldn't even look at Steve.


Megan: I thought that too, yep.


AP: Looking, at least from what they they, how they cut it! He was always looking off to the side, looking at the ground. Which makes you wonder like, Was he being influenced at that time? When you know he's in there. Of course, if he doesn't already believe in that sort of stuff. But I also noted I'm like Steve's body language was starting to get pretty like hostile defensive.


Megan: Yeah, his arms, came up and crossed


Amy: He was sittin’ with his arms crossed.


Megan: Yup.


AP: And it was like he was getting further back in his chair, where normally he kinda leads in because you lean in when you're engaging, and he was leaning back, and he and it was almost like he was like, but why are why are I here? And then he.


Megan: He even calls him on it.


AP: Yeah, he asked Josh.


Megan: “You annoyed We're here?”


AP: Yeah, and he's like, “yeah, kinda.”


Megan: I noted that Josh is, was very shifty eyed. I said he was looking everywhere except Steve.


Amy: Yeah, He probably didn't like being interrogated.


Megan: Probably cause he's a douche.


Amy: Yeah. Well, he's he's “I've been the same asshole for a long time.”


AP: Yeah, you know it.


Amy: It feels to me like that's like so dismissive of his own mental illness like he's trying to play it off like it's funny or cute. Which it’s neither.


Megan: Like. “I'm just an asshole like that's who I am. You either accept it or you leave”, and it's like you're not just an asshole, though, like you've been diagnosed with a disorder, and you need to address that.


Amy: Yeah. And then also, maybe something else is at play here.


AP: Exactly.


Amy: It's not just all just his mental illness but he doesn't want to believe in that. He's a skeptic. He doesn't. “Oh, I don't believe in any of that shit.”


AP: Mnmm-hmm.


Amy: I don't know. My guess is, Josh is more like I don't want to. I I'm gonna just claim it and say, I'm an asshole. Because the alternative is believing that something else is fucking with me other than my own.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: mental illness and I am not willing to go that route.


AP: Yeah, I definitely can see that is just the way that he kind of went with the well, I've always been like this. I've always been. I've always been.


Just it's like, Okay. if if that's your persona or the way you picture your persona, wouldn't you want to like, maybe not?


Amy: Change?


Megan: No cause some people think it's great.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: They, they, they relish in it. They’re like, I’m a prick!


Amy: It’s a defense mechanism too.


AP: To me that though, this is where Steve, Steve's bias about the tattoo, the big, tough tattoo guys that's where this comes in, because I feel like Josh plays into that where, when we see Steve interviewing the guys who have the massive face, tattoos and the big eyeliner and everything I get more of like the like. It's a front. If you get past that layer like they're just like.


Megan: They're just.


AP: Big softies.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: Yeah. Probably are.


Megan: But I don't know. I just did not like Josh at all. I I thought he was just a prick.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Yeah, And you know I then, when we hear, like some of the things that may be influencing him so right before that, Amy describes the demons, and what they look like, and I hated that.


Megan: Hated that. Jinx.


AP: It was terrible.


Amy: I'm gonna run that in through the AI and see what it comes up with.


[the AI programs couldn’t figure it out, nothing good came up]


AP:  Yeah.


Megan: That'll be good. Hopefully better than last week's with the weird hands.


AP: I feel like, she said there was 3 of them, but then she only really described 2 of them. So I wonder if there was 2 of the little ones, and one of the bigger ones because she describes, even even when I'm looking at it.


Amy: She only drew two though, in the sketch shows only two. Right?


AP: I know but she said there was three.


Megan: There's 3, but one of them had no face features. In the sketch I saw 3, but only 2 had really…


Amy: Oh I only remember two, okay.


AP: Well two of them look like they were being carried by the scruff by the big one.


Megan: Yeah, by the but the only 2 of them had features. The third one was just in the kind of in the corner, like just existing.


Amy: Oh, I missed. Yeah, okay.


AP: And you know oh! And those things came to collect the soul of the guy who sold us so much! I was like, how how does one sell? They're sold. So the rest of us can avoid doing that like?


You know, we always you get people that are joking like, Oh, I'd sell my soul for blah blah blah. Like what? Obviously, when we hear his, the his life story, the synopsis that we get of it, it's like. yeah. He killed someone, got away with it.


He went into business with his family, made a lot of money, and then kicked them all out. And basically he did everything. You know. It's It's kind of that classic. So tale that you see in movies and things.


Megan: Yeah


AP: Kinda like Scrooge.


Megan: Kinda like Faust.


AP: Yeah, you get a little Ebenezer Scrooge before he realizes that he doesn't need to be an asshole. You get, you know, those Mr. Burns from Simpsons like all of those things where you're just, it's kind of like they get to the top. And then they're like, I have everything. Except friends.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: Yeah, yeah.


AP: But obviously he didn't care.


Megan: No, he had money, that's all, and even a I think it was Amy who said all he wants was money, that's all he wanted in life was money.


Amy: That was his main, main life goal.


Megan: And that's why he sold his soul.




AP: Yep, so we can cut to, now the second part of this where we wanna talk about all of Steve's investigation. So where did Steve bring us?


Steve brought us around to a few different people, and we hear from Professor Rhea Redd, and I know, Megan, you said you've got some clippings or something that you saw in the clippings.


Megan: Yeah, I took a screenshot of the article because, you know, it's or I didn't take a screenshot. I wrote it down with my notes. That's how I write stuff down.


Amy: With your fingers, like that?


Megan: Yep my finger was just like this. Dee-dee-dee-dee-dee…


Amy: Cool.


Megan: and the newspaper article. So this was when talking about how George Bennett gotten to a bar, fight and killed somebody. Basically. He punched him. The guy hits his head, died of his injury. He was the newspaper article wrote.


“Arrest of George H. Bennett for the murder of Sebastian Brown. Coroner's inquest testimony as to the quarrel”


and he was acquitted. Found not guilty by virtue of self-defense which I'm like, was it self-defense?


AP: So to give a little bit of background that goes into this, George Bennett opened the bar in 1868. So he was the bar runner. So obviously something happened with this patron in 1876.


And it says, “the patron swings first”. So is it, you know, like, is it in the evening, this guy's been drinking all day, and now he's you know. George already had a you know. It sounds like he already had a temper, and an issue.


So this guy maybe doesn't pay his tab, or has something that goes on similar to one of the stories that we have kind of alluded to already.


And now it's kind of the like. Is he antagonizing him?


Megan: Exactly.


AP: To get him to swing first and yeah.


Megan: To claim self-defense.


AP: Yeah, well, and he…it doesn't sound like the intention was to kill this person, but it was to prove a point. Because it he hit, punched him, and he fell and hit his head.


 And there's a lot of these stories. We've seen a few of these in the last decade in the Twin Cities area, here. There's one in Mankato, where somebody has a traumatic brain injury from that, because yep got into a fight outside of a bar at closing. He walked away, but the person kept coming.


Amy: Oh yeah.


Megan: Mmhm. Plus. George wasn't a great person, to begin with, so.


AP: So. But you could give. Okay, you could give a benefit of the doubt at the beginning. Self-defense plea. I mean, it's the 1870s. And he was relatively well off, right?


And then, yeah. Then he goes into business with his family, and he decides. I mean, he's an alcohol distributor. And then sees green.


Megan: Yup.


Amy: Right. They showed a picture of the ad. And I thought it was such a cool like the artwork on that ad for him was so cool it was like that old-timey swirly art stuff, and I noticed on there it said, the address is 103 Smithfield Street. That is the exact address of the tattoo parlor, whereas he said that the bar opened 2 blocks away from the tattoo parlor.


AP: Was the was the ad for the bar, or was it for the manufacturing business?


Amy: Well, maybe it was for the manufacturer.


Megan: Yeah Oh that’s right.


AP: Because didn’t be build the eight-story building


Megan: Yeah, he did. Yeah.


AP: He built the eight Story Building, where...


Amy: Okay, yeah, yeah.


AP: The parlor is today.


Megan: The parlor is now.


AP: Yup. They didn't really make a connection that his business went into the building.


Amy: Yeah, no. I just said he opened the bar 2 blocks away, and I was like, but the address on there is the same place.


AP: Yeah. He opened the bar earlier, and then when he went into business with his family, and then they made what was it, the equivalent of 2.3 million dollars in a year?


Amy: Yeah. One year, holy shit!


AP: And then he like kicked them out. And he built the he had the yeah, they had the building and everything. So I think he had the he building built for his distribution business, and then also to be a landlord of any other.


Megan: Yeah, cause, Rhea said. He bought the client’s property in 1891 and put an eight-story building on it.


Amy: mmmm-hm


AP: Yep. So just interesting. And then


Megan: Pushed his whole family out.


AP: Yeah, he just sounds like an awful person. And then he died at the age of 63, in 1912, which is the same year the Titanic sank.


Megan: Yep.


Amy: That's right.


Megan: 3 months earlier though he died.


AP: That it sink in April. Yeah.


Amy: And I noticed I I zoomed in on the certificate the death certificate, and it said, his cause of death is Hema… hemiplegia … hemiplegia. I had never heard of that.


AP: I mean, it's gonna be blood related.


Amy: So I looked at I googled it, and it is a hemi… hemiplegia. I'm not. I'm not sure if I'm saying that right, “it's a symptom that involves one sided paralysis. Hemiplegia affects either the right or the left side of the body, and it happens because the brain or spinal cord injuries, and because of

brain or spinal cord injuries and conditions depending on the cause, hemiplegia might be temporary or permanent. Some causes of hemiplegia are treatable or even reversible”, so I'm not sure how that can be a cause of death.


AP: So ‘hemo’ would have been blood. ‘Hem-I’, this is like the hemi of the spheres of the brain is my guessing, because the way that it's describing in that it's that.


Amy: Sounds more like brain.


AP: Yeah, does that go along into stroke category?


Amy: Yeah, it. Sounds like it. It sounds like it.


AP: Well, you take over leading for a second, and I'll dig up and see if I can dig up any more information on it.


Amy: Ok, one other thing I noticed is that on the death certificate it says, his date of birth was May twentieth, 2000 or 1912, which is the same year he died.


Megan: I would wonder I would question if it was 2000.


Amy: Was yeah, but it wasn't 2000. I mean, it wasn't 1912, either, because that's the year he died.


Megan:. Yeah, No.


AP: Okay Here we go. There's a little bit “hemiplegia is often caused by brain injury, such as a stroke, traumatic brain injury or brain tumors and can got be caused by congenital causes as well. Trauma, true tumors, brain and nervous system infections, genetic disorders, brain lesions, brain diseases or psychological conditions.”


 So you know, he wouldn't have been able to care for himself. He could have fallen out of bed and suffocated or drowned in his own… fluids of his own lungs.


That sort of thing, because I also saw when I was looking that up, it said like hemi something migraine. So it is affecting the one side of the brain so left would affect right.


Megan: okay. yeah.


Amy: OK cool. Alright!


AP: Good catch on that, because I didn't. I didn't catch that at all.


Amy: I like to stop and zoom in on stuff if I can read it. Sometimes I can't.


AP: There's Hemiplegic migraine, which is a rare type of migraine that causes motor weakness on one side the body, including with an aura. I hate migraines. I'm glad I don't have that.


Amy: You have migraines. You just don’t have that kind.


AP: I have migraines. I don't have that kind of migraine.


Amy: Right


AP: Yeah. So I think we can all just just say that. He's not a great person.


Amy: Right


Megan: Nope.


AP: He was not a great person in life. He was not. He does not seem to be a great person in death because he brought those demon things there, and it's like he made a deal with the devil.


Megan: Which is literally what happened.


AP: And those demon things don't seem to ever want to leave.


Megan: Well, why would they? They have a playground. They can just do whatever they want nobody's there to keep them in check.


AP: Exactly because we find out about the building that he built burns down in the 1930s and the inspectors and fire department all believe that it is arson, but they cannot find a cause. Oh! And then we cut to Amy, who's like I smell smoke.


I see like oh, they burned it down and like, I think Matt asks another question like, What do you mean? And she's like, well, they got bored.


Amy: Yeah, they were bored.


AP: Just burnt. They just decided to burn it down like.


Megan: And she's like these demon things are bad, and I'm like, Well, are there ever good demon things.


AP: Just the one that sits on my shoulder, and you know.


Amy: Have that extra drink.


Megan: There's never like Oh, my God! It's I'm excited to see you, hey? What's up, you know, like, come on.


AP: Well, cause I was thinking about this as she's like the gray, thick smoke and all that stuff. I'm like, you know this kinda when she's talking about these demons getting bored. It's kinda like, when you have really smart kids in class who are too far advanced for what's going on, and they just get bored like.


I remember my one of my high school English teachers she told us about when she was younger, because she was in the quote gifted programs. And she's like they didn't really have a ‘gifted’ program. So they just sat us out in the hallway within another book to get us further along.


Amy: Oh no!


AP: She’s like, we would get so bored,


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: Oh my god.


AP: and she's like I would break all the crayons in a box of crayons. Things that were destructive because it was entertaining at that point, because it was getting her brain to do stuff that wasn't challenged.


So these demons is how I connected to that. So obviously, you can tell I have children.


So Steve then goes over to talk to another retired cop, Bob Laporte, which I had to rewind this a couple of times, and I was like, is he saying 1872 or 1972? Because, having a retired officer come and share this information, just seemed like it was closer. But no, it it was 1872.


Amy: Yep, I have 1872, April 24th 1872. This is Stacks.


AP: Yep and this is our our dear friend with the oysters. Yeah, John Stacks, with the oysters.


Amy: The oyster cop.


Megan: So weird.


AP: Yeah. But I will say.


Megan: So weird.


AP: The the names of the people who killed him. I was like, there's Henry Bender, William Kocher, and Samuel Golden. I was like what?


Megan: This is like this sounds like a joke. Bender, Kocher, and Golden walk into a bar where a man's eating oysters.


AP: And then Stacks leaves.


Amy: Sounds like a law firm. ‘Call Bender, Kocher, and Golden when you eat bad oysters’.


AP: All 3 of these stories could be put right into one movie I feel like, and they'd all be like parts of the same plot. It would just be one person trying to connect all of it together.


Megan: The connection could be the lawyer trying to defend everybody,


Amy: There you go!


Megan:  the lawyer defending George, and then the lawyer defending Bender, Kocher, and Golden.


Amy: Yeah


Megan:  et.al. esquire.


AP: Yeah sounds like mob stuff, and the cop was a power hungry dude.


Megan:  Yeah.


Amy: Yep. Yep.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: I did note that when they found the article, when I zoomed in on it like I'd like to do it said that his death that, he was found “outside the saloon in an insensible condition with his skull fractured” and then he died 2 days later.


AP: I would, I mean. I would say that'd probably be an insensible.


Amy: I've never heard the term ‘insensible’ to mean near death, like or dead already. No, he died two days later, sorry.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: But when you have your skull fractured, yeah, I can imagine that you you don't make a lot of sense.


Megan: Probably not. Yeah.


AP: And yeah, nobody.


Megan: Me think of The Dead Files… Nope! Nope!


AP: we're talking about The Dead Files.


Megan: The Walking Dead.


Amy: Oh, that's very different.


AP: Those are definitely two different things.


Megan: It ties together you guys just stay with me.


Amy: I know it will.


AP: But because they both say, “dead” in it?


Megan: It's true.


Amy: Anything to do with your peeing yourself?


Megan: No, not today!


AP: No?


Megan: No pee today it’s a good day.


Amy: It’s a good day.


Megan: So there's an episode where spoilers, if you haven't seen The Walking Dead which I don't know why you wouldn't. But if you haven't, they're spoilers. So Negan comes in and bashes Glen's head in and he doesn't die right away, and he's kind of mumbling and like it's really horrific. But maybe that's what they mean.


Amy: Sound like it sounds exactly like it.


AP: I gave up on that show after a couple of seasons when there was no hope for anything. And I'm like, how do these things keep like having superhuman strength and speed and everything when they're falling apart.


Megan: It got bad around Season 6. I stopped watching season 6, I think.


Amy: It’s been on that long?


Megan: Oh, it's over now. It's over, but.


Amy: yeah.


AP: It was like 10 seasons. Or eleven, somewhere in there.


Megan: I feel like the Season finale of Season 7, I believe, when they caught Negan. That should have been the end of the show. Series finale. Negan was the last main adversary they had. They bested him. Boom! You're done! But no, they kept it going for 3 more seasons.


Amy: As you do is Negan, my boyfriend? Jeffrey Dean Morgan.


Megan: Yes, and he is so hot.


Amy: I love him. I know he is. He's gorgeous.


Megan: With that sexy, deep voice.


Amy: I know.


AP: Speaking of voices, bringing us back in now


Amy: Amy we should have not made you the fact checker. We should have made you the wrangler.


Megan: The Wrangler.


AP: I can take a second title on. I have many hats, but it but really there was the connection to we get to Amy Allan as she's going through, and she's quoting, you know, “like you lying bastard! You piece of shit, I'm going to fucking kill you” like she just like goes like like a howl, almost.


Amy Allan Sound clip: “You lying bastard! You piece of shit, I'm going to fucking kill you!!!”


AP: And then I said, Well, here I put him like sounds like the crazy guy might be the cop, the crazy.


Megan: Ohhh yeah.


AP: Dead guy ghost. Yep We let's see, we have another. We have one more person that we meet which is Elisa Scalise Powell, genealogist.


Amy and Megan: Not a gynecologist.


AP: that's it. And she just a quick breakdown. She brings us.


Megan: Break it down now!


Amy: Wakka wakka


AP: About Hunt Miller. Hunt Miller. What a name


Megan: What a name


Amy: It sounds like a a soap opera star.


Megan: Sounds like he should have like “the third” after him.


Amy: mmm-hmm


AP: Like this whole, like all of these stories, because they were all so close to overlapping and stuff, too. And so it's like you could have a series of all of them connecting. But yeah, he takes over the property in 1920, but he was money and real estate and sports, promotions and moving picture theaters, and like he was doing all the stuff.


Amy: Hmm.


Megan: he moving pictures!


AP: He was on the cutting edge.


Megan: Cutting edge, skate…Ahhhh


Amy: Yeah, the Duquesne Ice Gardens.


AP: Yeah. Yeah. The Duquesne ice gardens, which was part of the Amateur Hockey League. One of his downfalls, was the scandal with that which I was like, okay, I've maybe I gotta read what the scandal was.


And it was that the amateur hockey players were actually getting paid.


Megan: Yeah, which makes sense.


AP: Which is against the rule. And I was like, so players aren't getting paid, was the issue. Sounds like women's sports these days.


Megan: Mmm-hmm


Amy: Yeah That's true.


Megan: And how is that? A scandal, though, like.


AP: That's that's where I was really confused. I'm like there’s something more here!


Megan: Do you know what the word scandal means? Like you keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.


AP: Btu then it was, you know, he bought the property in 1920, but by 1923 he had gone bankrupt.


Megan: Yeah, that's not great.


AP: And he he owed what was it? $350,000, which in today would be about 5 million dollars? And here's where the next similarity comes into play. He takes his life by shooting himself in the chest.


Amy: In the chest, just like last week. Yeah.


Megan: Yep!


AP: But then this is the spirit that seems at least to me, that connection was, as he was the one who kept saying he thought he was part of a sacrifice. So it sounded like Amy thinks that he thinks the demons collected him.


Megan: Oh!


AP: Like he got into the depression. They fed on his seeds of darkness, as she called it, in the reveal. And yeah, cause she sees the crying man again. He's kind of small. She describes him.


Megan: I wrote, cause she said it. He's kind of smoooaaaall.


Amy: smoooaaaall.


Megan: She wrote it, she said, it's so weird. So I wrote it down phonetically. How she said it.


Amy: I love how she says words funny, I just think it’s hilarious.


Megan: I know.


AP: I just think it's. She. It's almost like she almost forgets how to say it, and then somebody else is telling her to how to say it, and she repeats it, and.


Amy: I think sometimes she's channeling,


AP: Yes


Amy: and she's speaking the way that the person speaks. But I think also sometimes she's like

I mean, I find myself doing weird accents every once in a while, like, I'll be like “that was weird”. I don't, you know. It's not how I normally say “that was weird”. But I'll just because I'm being goofy or whatever. And I think I think that's what Amy does a lot.


Megan: mmm-hmm!


Amy: And I think people think that she's fucking weird because of it. I love it. I think it's adorable.


Megan: Maybe she is fucking weird, but I love it. Be weird.


Amy: Well, she's the kind of weird I love.


AP & Megan: Yeah


AP: as she was kinda describing, this is where I was like, is she describing 2 of the spirits because there's like he was a bad guy, and he cheated, and he but he's he's saying “I wasn't a good person, and I fucked everybody over”. But the other guy was the one who fucked his whole family over.

And so it's like, but he he left.


Amy: Oh I thought she was talking about that guy.


AP: I I think she's talking about Hunt Miller, because.


Megan: Yeah.


AP: He feels guilty about leaving.


Megan: Yes.


AP: His wife And his son.


Megan:. Destitute Yeah.


Amy: Ohhh


AP: So he left. But she puts in there. He's crying and freaking out, and he thinks that he was a sacrifice to the demon things. So that's.


Megan: Wonder if he died by suicide to try to get his wife and child money. Like life insurance money. I know a lot of people do that.


AP: In the way that she was reading it, I was thinking that he was getting influenced, because in the 1920s I don't know if there would have been much of an insurance clause as we're coming up to. Well, this would have been still before it was a great depression. But this would have been yeah, prohibition timeframe. So maybe there was also speakeasy type thing going on that he got caught with, because all of these sporting things don't usually happen up without at least a little alcohol around.


Megan: No, they don’t.


AP: Now we get to our sketch artist.


Megan: I didn't.


AP: Have a lot of things here, but I think, Amy, you had Amy.


Amy: I love the guy's sweater. He is wearing this..


Megan: Yeah, it was soo….I loved it.


Amy: This big chunky sweater that came down around his hands like all the way to his, his like his over his thumb. And it just looked like he looked like so comfy and warm.


Megan: Like I wanted like he was right after he was done sketching. He was gonna go curl up by a fire with a book.


Amy: I know I know I love it. And then also I liked how Amy kind of corrected him, and when he showed like when he turned the picture around. “Amy is this what you saw?”, or whatever she was like? Actually, his arms were a little bit, or his eyes, or whatever she said. I corrected him, and it I she may have just been pointing at the sketch, but it kind of looked like she was actually like drawing on it.


Megan: I think she did.


Amy: Maybe she did. I don't know.


Megan: I noted that he was left-handed.


Amy: Whoop, whoop.


AP: Well, you know, it was interesting with that is, you're calling that out, and I think in season 15. We never see her do that cause I think they edit it to make it look like she's just saying, “yep, that's what I saw.”


Amy: [monotone] “That's what I saw.”


AP: And even maybe in season 14, they started doing it. But I I feel like it was intentionally done by the producers.


Megan: It was season 14 for sure.


Amy: Early on she was. She was a lot more….


AP: Yup.


Megan: “Yes, that's right”, or “yes, that's it”, or “yes, that's that's what I saw”, but with more feeling, not just [monotone] “yes, that's what I saw.”


AP: Yeah, I think she got reigned in pretty tight. Now we get to everybody's favorite part.


AP: The reveal.




Amy: A reveal!


AP: And who is surprisingly missing from the reveal.


Megan: Was it surprising?


AP: No.


Megan: That Josh wasn't there.


Amy: Josh was not there.


AP: I was a little bit kind of surprised, because I feel like in a lot of the older episodes. We did have more than two people to show up at to those reveals, but I didn't obviously don't think that he wanted to be there.


Megan: No, he barely wanted to do the interview.


Amy: No, I'm surprised he did, actually, because when Steve said, “Are you pissed that we're here?”


AP: Yeah, are you annoyed?


Amy: Annoyed, you’re right, he said “annoyed”.


Megan: And even Diane was like you can ask him. I don't know if he'll do it. I don't know. He's a wild card.


Amy: Yeah, yeah.


Megan: He's an asshole.


AP: Yeah. So we get Amy in sharing which you know Steve's like, here's who brought us here. And “these two ladies are tough, right?”


Amy: You can tell, because they have tattoos.


AP: Is it because they're a tattoo artists, Steve?


Megan: If they didn't have tattoos they wouldn't be tough, because they women.


AP: Exactly. And and so is their clientele. And everyone's scared. So it's gotta be bad. You know, it's like, okay, do we need to keep kicking that horse?


Megan: No, he's dead. Let's bury him.


AP: Yep Amy talks about in the upstairs middle room, the very conscious dead male there that kept telling her to get out, and that he's completely insane, and he has flares up, fits of anger, and likes to stomp around and hit things and beat on the floors and throw a tantrum.


And Diane and Shannon are kind of like well, Josh kind of gets in fits of rages, too.


This is where we find out that they have to screw the paintings into the wall because they don't stay on the wall.


Megan: It's not just like they randomly fall off. They watched them like Shannon and Diane have seen them lift up from being on the wall, so it's not like a door slams and they fall down.


Amy: Right. It's not like reverberation from anything else outside.


Megan: No, it's they are lifted up, and yeah, dropped.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Yeah. And then we kinda hear, like Amy, Amy's tone of voice and everything is like she's very concerned about this crazy guy and how physical. he's starting to get


Megan: [singing] I wanna get physical, physical.


Amy: physical.


AP: And yeah, Steve's like, now, all the stuff that's happening to them is is it this crazy guy.


Megan: Which, like can we not use that word.


AP: Yeah.


Megan: I mean


AP: I know.


Megan: Not great. Steve.


AP: Well, but Amy Amy did call him “the crazy guy” throughout the whole.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: How she dissected like ‘the crazy guy’ and ‘the crying guy’, because usually she gleans on to a couple of terms that Identify Those people.


Amy: I’ll allow it.


AP: to be fair.


Megan: I’ll allow it because Amy did it. But I'm watching you, Steve. Just kidding, I’m not.


AP:  I said it. It sounds like Amy's. What did I say? Oh, does it sound like him? It seems like the the building Demons seem to have taken a hold of this guy like he's cursed. And Amy doesn't seem terribly shocked about this this guy until she finds out about his death, and then she's like, “Ohhhhh.”


Megan: She has the best facial expression.


Amy: I know.


Megan: Like she could never play poker, because every thought she has is on her face. Same with me. Yeah, she could…yeah, it's so fun to watch her in the reveal because she is, and maybe they're telling her to be very extra, but like I don't think so.


Amy: I don't think so. I think that's her.


Megan: Just she's like...


Amy: And they say something. She's like “what?!”


Megan: I know, I know.


Amy: I love it. I love I love her so much, she's so entertaining.


AP: Yep!


Megan: Please be our friend.


Amy: Please be our friend.


Megan: We’re really nice.


Amy: We’ll try not to be creepy.


AP: Yep.


Amy: Oh, speaking of Amy, I don't know if we want to get this far down.


AP: Go ahead!


Amy: I’m scrolling down a bit.


AP: We are good.


Amy: But when they talk about how the guy shot himself, and and


Megan: I know!


Amy: And she goes. “Whoops!”


Megan: Whoops!


AP: Yep, yep!


Sound clip:

Steve: …that he shot himself in the chest in 1926.

Amy: Whoops!


Amy: That's an appropriate reaction to the guy shot himself in the chest.


Megan: Oh, my God! I love her! Whoops.


AP: And yeah. And then you know.


Megan: Whoops a daisy!


AP: So do you think this is the guy you ran into? And she's like, I mean, yeah, it sounds like him. And then she talks. Then she jumps into describing the the next guy. And why does Steve like she's reading off what sounds like could have been Steve's notes, and he goes. “Well, it's not a lot to go on.”


Megan: How Steven?!


AP: What else do you want?


AP: Do you want her to give you the names?


Megan: Do you want her to give…exactly!

I was just gonna… do you want her to give you the names and birth dates and dates of death and cause of death and


Amy: What they were wearing.


Megan: eye, color and hair color and their favorite color, and like, what do you want? She can only do so much.


Amy: I know he also did the, “This reminds me of.” AP pointed out last time that he does that.


AP: Which makes it sound like it's something that you heard so long ago not 2 days ago.


Megan: You know what that reminds me.


Amy: Back in history.


Megan: I'm talking to my buddy, my buddy, Joe, and he was telling me about a guy, and that reminds me of him. But that's the best accent I could get.


Amy: It’s pretty good.


Megan: It will never be that good again.


AP: Where did we get the picture of George Bennett? By the way.


Megan: From the the first person he talked to about George. They did give that picture. I remember seeing it.


AP: Okay, cause I was like.


Megan: Like “I found this picture”. Oh, you mean the person you talked to gave it to you?


AP: He does the I managed to track this one down.


Megan: Oh, it was given to you. Yeah.


Amy: You managed to talk to somebody who tracked it down. Come on, Steve, let’s not overstate your process here.


 Megan: Your role in this. You talk to people who do the work for you, and you just bring it like it's like a group project, and Steve comes in at the end, and he's like, can you just put my name on it?


Amy: Here’s what I did!


AP: he doesn’t even want to present his slides at the end.


Megan: No you have to do his slide. And then he's like, Oh, yeah. And then you can tell he's seen him for the first time in the presentation, because he has no.


AP: So an onion.


Megan: Yeah.


AP: Has layers.


Megan: Like an odor.


AP: And you can peel them back. Nobody likes an onion, they like a parfait.


Megan: It's like a fruit parfait you ever hear somebody say I want an onion? Hell, no, they want a fruit parfait.


AP: And in the morning that's I'm making waffles.


Megan: That's a Shrek reference.


Amy: Oh, okay.


AP: I love Shrek, I need to re-watch the Shrek movies they’re so good.


Amy: I missed the dress rehearsal. I didn't know that. That would that we were like acting out something.


Megan: No, it's Shrek, “that's a nice boulder.” The the longer we record the the loopier we get.


Amy: Well, especially I'm done with my gin now.


AP: Gin, gin, gin, gin.


Amy: Shrek was in the New York Times Crossword puzzle today.


Megan: Was it? What was the clue? A green ogre.


Amy: I don't remember something.


AP: Married to Princess Fiona?


Amy: Something about an ogre. Yeah. And I was like, Disney, ogre, Shreck. Yeah, I got it.


Megan: He's not Disney.


AP: No.


Megan: Dreamworks.


Amy: Dream? Oh, sorry I don't wanna mess that up.


Megan: No. They’ll sue you.


AP: The Shrek movies are so good, though.


Megan: They're so good. My God! I love them!


AP: I would take Shrek over this guy, George, any day.


Megan: Any day of the week.


AP: Yeah, I I did not like the sketch.


Amy: The sketch…


Megan: The face one didn't really scare me.


Amy: Did not look like him. They’re like, “oh that’s totally him.”


Megan: No.


AP: OK thank you. I didn't think it looked like him that much, either. The face shape?


Megan: Oh, my God! It's so similar! I'm like in what way his face is skinnier. His nose is weird. His lips are thin.


Amy: This hairline is similar.


Megan: And that's it. He doesn't have a beard.


Amy: His nose is completely wrong.


Megan: His face is so thin.


Amy: Eyes might be right? But he has all the facial hair. It’s hard to tell.


AP: It's also hard to tell because of how how distant the photo is, too. Yeah.


Amy: True, it's not a…


AP: I don’t know I.


Megan: I don't know it just.


Amy: headshot. Head shot. Yeah.


Megan: Yeah, I, I. It looks pretty close to me. No, it doesn't, I I it was at best similar, not pretty close.


AP: Yep. This is where Amy was cracking me up because she it's like, “Oh, fuck, yeah”. And everything is with this guy and the demons.


Amy: A lot of swearing in this episode. Maybe it's because they're “tough”.


AP: Yeah, obviously.


Amy: The tattoo crowd.


Megan: Oh god.


Amy: But there was a like, Steve was saying fuck, And


Megan: Asshole.


Amy: Yeah, there was a lot of swears which you know I appreciate. I'm happy with it. But.


Megan: I hate that. They bleep it out like.


Amy: I know.


Megan: Discovery I'm paying to watch you like.


AP: It's cause it was edited for Travel Channel.


Amy: Yeah. They should leave it in.


AP: But it was already done. They're not gonna go back and redo it.


Megan: They should.


AP: Well, they're not going to.


Amy: Get on the stick!


AP: Girl, they can’t even pay to keep having the show on the air. So why are they gonna go back and edit it?


Megan: I don't know For me?


Amy: And me.


AP: But I Did I did enjoy as we learn about the building actually burning down. And Amy was surprised tThat had burned down because and she was like, oh, so these things did it.


Amy: Hmm.


Megan: I will say, the newspaper article stated that there was $150,000 worth of damage adjusted for inflation. That's $3,383,611.


Amy: Holy shit!


AP: Sounds like it burned to the ground.


Amy: And then when they, when Steve said that she goes “this building?”


Megan:  yeah


AP: yeah, Well, cause they had the picture of it, too. And so she pointed at the, yeah.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: And then later on, yeah, they start talking more and more about the flare ups, and that Josh has bad days, and Amy's like, hmm, yeah, it's it's yup they've gleaned on to him.


Amy: Yep. Yep.


AP: And they've got him. And then we and then we start to see the the last sketch which I hate.


Megan: I hate. Because it's scary, not because I don't like.


AP: Yeah the person, the one. Back is a person that's being attacked. It's not another demon back there. The 3 demons are in the front.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: I don’t see…why do I not see 3 demons. I only see two.


AP: It's cause there's the big one, and then the other 2 look like they're being held by the but one doesn't have any.


Megan: No, it's just featureless.


Amy: So does the does the big guy have one on each hand? I see something on one hand, but.


Megan: Yes. Yeah.


AP: Yes, that is.


Amy: I don’t see that it looks like…I’m gonna


AP: Ok but…


Amy: Embiggen it.


AP: What it looks like is like it's got two white eyes almost, and then it's just like kind of like Sheldon the Turtle.


Amy: Oh it looks like a baby bird!


AP: mm-hmm.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: But does that still have.


Megan: Or the things from Sesame Street that go “Meep, meep, meep, meep.”


Amy: Okay.


Megan: aliens from Sesame Street.


Amy: aliens from Sesame Street.


AP: But yeah, it. So to me it just looked like the the one big one is holding the other two, like “Come on, guys.”


Amy: Okay, I did not realize that the one in the demon thing’s right hand was another entity.


AP: Yes.


Amy: I thought that was just like, shit hanging off his hand.


Megan: The left hand. One is fucking creepy, it has the long hands. I don't like it.


Amy: No, that's fair.


AP: It looks like a Troll doll with no torso.


Megan: Can you imagine being Amy and having to see those


Amy: No Yeah, that's.


Megan: Gross.


Amy: It’s really good, but hideous sketch.


Megan: Yes.


Amy: And then when I screenshot it, it just says “Diane…” like in the in the closed captions, “Diane [bleep]”. We don't know what she said, because they didn't show her face.


Megan: Probably shit or fuck.


Amy: Probably, Oh, shit, or Oh, fuck.


AP: So then, we get to the end here, and Steve's like so...


Amy: Sooo…


AP: About all of this, couldn't it still safe to be here and


Megan: And for that I'm gonna turn it over to Amy.


AP: Yeah, Amy's like, well you can, you just have to go through. And she lives off a few things. Oop! There goes my camera.


Amy: No, Dad put her camera back on.


Megan: C’mon Allan.


AP: I hit the cord. Remember, I told you that it's.


Amy: Okay. Sorry dad wasn't you.


Megan: Yeah, we didn't mean to blame you.


Amy: I did light my incense before I started.


AP: Naw I was having problems with it earlier.


Megan: [singing] Come on, baby, I light my incense. That was the doors, but I changed it from fire to incense.


Amy: Got it.


Megan: Okay So she gives them a bunch of things to do. Find us a male medium who's strong to talk to and remove the crazy guy and the crying man. And then she said, weekly cleansings for 3 months, and then monthly cleansings for a year, which I was like. Dang! That's like the most I feel like I've ever heard her prescribe,


Amy: That’s a lot.


Megan: and I know that’s not the right word, but.


AP: She has said some that they have to keep doing for like


Amy: Forever.


AP: Like, ever. Yeah.


Megan: That's true. Yeah.


Amy: When Zoey, our patron, told told me/us that I had a portal in my bathroom I she told me I had.


AP: And not just the toilet.


Amy: Not just the toilet. No, it's the window, the windows. I always call them windows.


Megan: to the window.


AP: To the wall.


Amy:  I guess they are kind of like windows.


Megan: So the walls.


Amy: Mirrors that are facing each other, which is a no, no. I didn't do it. It was like that when we moved in. She told me that I had to smudge about, not smudge. But you know I mean, I feel like that's not the right terminology, because I don't, whatever. But to, you know. Do the incense around the corner.


Amy: Chant some stuff, and whatever, and I do that when Greg's not home, because he makes fun of me.


Megan: Of course he does. Don't be mean, Greg.


Amy: I know, just… Does it hurt you to just shut the fuck up?


Megan: Oh, it doesn't.


Amy: So she told me that I should do it every 2 weeks. So I have a little reminder in my phone to do it every 2 weeks, and she didn't tell me when I can stop, so I just keep doing it.


Megan: Should ask her.


Amy: Almost a year, now.


Megan: You should ask her.


AP: Yep. Well, and we do get an update on this one.


Megan: Oh!


AP: Straight away.


Megan: Wait!


Amy: A video update, which is nice. Oh, oh, you have something.


Megan: I have something. So when they talked about the demon things she was like, the negative demons are always going to be there, and my thought was, why can't they do like an exorcism, or something similar to get the demons out? I don't understand why they couldn't do that.


Amy: I don't know.


Megan: To me that was weird.


AP: And I wonder if, because the they're intertwined with each other, that there's.


Megan: But they're not attached to anybody now.


AP: But it would have like cause they can freely go right? Like they could leave if they wanted to. But they're just they're just there. They're not interested in anyone. I I think.


Megan: Theoretically you could anybody who is possessed...


AP: I was going with that their energies are intertwined with each other, so it would make them much more difficult, and probably just do a lot of pissing off.


Megan: Hmm. Maybe. I just thought it was weird that they couldn't do that.


AP: I don't think an exorcism is the answer for everything.


Megan: But maybe with demons. I mean not the answer to like, you know, my stomach hurts, but maybe there's a demon in my house I feel like could be a potential answer to that.


Amy: Okay, potential


Megan: just throwing that out there, my 2 cents. Do what you want with it, throw it back.


AP: Yeah, we do get an update 2 months later


Amy: 2 months later


AP: that we get a video update that and it shows them going around doing a version of their cleansings, and they followed Amy's instructions, and things have been great.


So obviously they got in contact with somebody right away to come and remove the gentleman that didn't need to be there anymore. And as long as they don't piss off the demons, they're fine because the demons don't mind them.


Amy: Can you imagine just living every day, not living, cause they don't live there, but going to work every day and being like “well, there are demons here, but they're okay with me right now. I let's just hope I don't fucked it up.”


AP: Called a toxic work environment.


Amy: Yeah. Except you can't fire them. HR. Can't do anything about it.


AP: HR doesn't do anything about a lot of those times.


Amy: Oh, you’re right, they don't do anything anyway.


Megan: It's not that easy. There’s a lot of steps. We can't get sued.


Amy: Because I always thought HR was there to help the employees, and it is abso-fucking-lutely not.


Megan: That's the gin talking. Just kidding. Amy gets mean when she's on the gin.


AP: Or she gets funny, and then we also find out that Josh, things are better with Josh at that, that's kind of all we know.


Amy: That's what they say.


Megan: Wasn't in the reveal shock or the the update. No.


Amy: Right. And then AP found a little extra.


AP: Yeah, you know, just kind of searching around. And you know, maybe it's just something somebody never updates on Facebook. But it did say, you know I did happen to look for…


I just put in the city name and Dead Files and tattoo parlor and found the tattoo parlor found the owner. I won't say her last name, but when I search for her I was like, Oh, she's on Facebook. Oh, she's single.


So this did come out 4 and a half years ago. We know lots of things have happened since then. You know. So who knows? Yeah.


Amy: I did reach out. I found them on Facebook, too. I did a Google search for.


AP: I do hope we get a chat with them.


Amy: I mean, I did a search for tattoo parlor, Pittsburgh, Dead Files. And I found a Facebook post from the tattoo parlor on their Facebook page, saying, “We're going to be on The Dead Files.” So I knew I was in the right place.


Megan: Yeah. Nice.


Amy: And then, so then I just followed the links to their website, looked at their website. I didn't see Shannon, Diane, or Josh's name on the website. So then I was like, is it the right one?


So I just sent an email to them and said, Hey. we're gonna cover your episode this week, when we record. If you would like to come on and give us an update, we would love it. And I, I said. if you would prefer to wait until we have done our episode, and then hear what we have to say about it before you decide we can do that.


So yeah.


AP: And I did see her on Instagram as well, and she it does say that she's still a co-owner of the shop.


Amy: I looked at her Instagram and I looked at the Instagram of the company, and their tattoos are really beautiful.


AP: Yeah, they are.


Amy: We really are. And I was looking at them the other night, and I was showing them to Greg. And I'm like, I really, I really want another tattoo.


AP: I love, I love my decoration. My built in decoration, that, I have. (the tattoo on her arm)


Amy: Yeah, I finally got to see those in person on Friday night.


AP: Yeah


Amy: Beautiful.


AP: And I just want more. Well kids.


Amy: All right. I think we're done.


AP: Yeah.


Megan: I think so.


AP: Time to wrap it up.

Amy: Look at that


AP: Right. So …


Megan: Thank you, everybody for joining us.


Amy: Thank you.


AP: Yes. Next week we will be covering Amy's choice of the dead files, never alone, which is season 2. Episode 11.


 Forrester, Michigan.


Originally aired January 30, first of 2013, and from the Travel Channel, says: Steve and Amy, investigate reports of terrifying, terrifying, paranormal encounters at a home in Forster Michigan, while Steve uncovers 2 deadly fires that devastated an entire town. Amy tries to fight off a vicious entity.


Megan:  I just showed you how Amy was fighting him off. If you could see the video.


AP: She was Kung Fu fighting.


Amy: Yes, she was everybody is.


AP: She everybody was.


Megan: [singing] “Do do. Those cats are fast as lightning”.  Sorry, I'm so sorry.


AP: We will see you all next week.


Amy: Yes.


AP: So join us next week. We can't wait to see you all back.


Megan: Thank you. Thanks. Everyone.


All: BYE!

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