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July 18, 2024

Lake Huron’s Girl in White

Chilly Chats #1

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The Activity Continues

Chilly Chat #1

This week we are discussing The Dead Files “Never Alone” (Season 2 Episode 11) which aired January 31, 2013.

We also talked about legend tropes, light switches, and a town of vampires since no one there has died since 1892. We also share a short little possible ghosty story from a Patron.

So, grab your favorite chili, and join us where… The Activity Continues.

Content Warning:

In this episode we mention devastating fires, suicide, stillbirth and child death in history. So, trigger warning for those who need it. Also, we swear.

The Activity Continues is a paranormal podcast where soul friends, Amy, Megan, and AP chat about pets, true crime, ghost stories, haunts, dreams, and other paranormal stuff including the TV show, The Dead Files. We also sometimes interview interesting people, whether it be a paranormal professional, a Dead Files client, or a listener with spooky stories.

This episode was recorded on June 3, 2024, and released on July 18, 2024.


Chapter Markers

00:00:00 Intro

00:01:10 Hello!

00:02:24 Content Warning

00:03:12 Housekeeping

00:03:44 Listener Shannon’s Story

00:04:39 Overview

00:06:49 Begin Segment 1

00:29:03 Begin Segment 2

00:33:32 Minnie Quay (until about 42:00)

00:48:35 Begin Segment 3

01:01:06 Next week

01:02:33 Chili Chat

06:06:26 Outro


Episode links:

Minnie Quay:






Amy’s chili recipe: https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/blog/amys-chili-recipe/

The Dead Files Official Podcast: https://pod.link/1642377102

for Ai Photos https://www.fotor.com/referrer/1ygaknya



This podcast is in no way affiliated with Warner Brothers, HBOMax, the Travel Channel, Painless TV, or the TV show The Dead Files or any of its cast or crew. We’re just fans that love the show and want to build a community of like-minded people who would enjoy hanging out and discussing the episodes and similar content.



Hosted by: Amy Lotsberg, Megan Simmons, and Amy Piersak

Production, Artwork, and Editing: Amy Lotsberg at Collected Sounds Media, LLC.

Theme song. “Ghost Story” and segment music by Cannelle https://melissaoliveri.com


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Amy and AP: Hello. Hello.


AP: And welcome everyone. Thank you for joining us again today, as you might notice. It's just Amy and I. We're having a blast as if you listen to our chatter that has been going on already in the Sideshow that came out a little while ago, you'll know.


Today we're going to be talking about The Dead Files episode called “Never Alone”, which is from Season 2. On Max. Discovery. It's episode 11 on travel, channel streaming. It's episode 9. So just look for the title of “Never Alone” in Season two.


It originally aired over 11 years ago on February 1st 2013.


So you know, that's just kind of where we're going today. And you know, thankfully, it's been hotter and humider than heck out there right now. So I appreciated watching one where they looked a little chilly. But I'll get, I would say that it wasn't that cold that sitting in with their hats and jackets on.


Amy: Yeah. Amy did have a hat on, and I think she may have had mittens on at one point.


AP: She had she had flip gloves, so they had the the mitten that came over the top.


Amy: Yup! Yup! I gotta give me some of those.


AP: Yup


Amy: not for a few months yet.


Content Warning


AP: Amy, what are we warning people about today.


Amy: Well, this episode has suicide and child death in history, and also well, this is also child death, but particularly or specifically a stillborn baby, which yeah, I know can be something people don't want to talk about. And we don't necessarily have to talk about. It's just it's one of the one of those.


AP: It's something that'll be out there. Yeah.


Amy: But one of the entities had that happen. And yeah, I think I think that's about it. I didn't think there was anything, I mean not like that's not enough, cause it's a little.


AP: It wasn't as bad as some of the other ones as we've seen of all the different things, but as always, just check the show notes.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: If you're concerned about something.


Amy: Yeah, if we end up going off on a tangent and talking about something else, I'll make sure that's in the show notes. But I, as far as The Dead Files episode. That's that's what what we encountered so far.




So for housekeeping. Just want to do. A little reminder about the Sideshows that AP already mentioned.


This one will be the one that we recorded before we started. This is number 4. So that would have been out…Let's see, It'll be out June 13th So by the time this comes out August first, hopefully you will have heard that one already.


So that's just what we're doing. Every other week we will have Dead Files content, and the other weeks they will be the Chitter Chatter show.


And then our patron Shannon mentioned. She's the one that recommended the episode we did last week.


AP: Okay,


Amy: last time. So she she sent she commented in in Patron Patreon about a little tiny go short ghost story that I was going to read.


AP: Nice.


Amy: So, she said, this is part of her comment about the episode she listened to today.

 which I can't remember the name of that one. They Come From The Stars. I think it was.


Anyway, she said:

Oh, and before I forget, I was awake in bed this morning with the cat on me, and I heard a hand on the bedroom doorknob. So I turned my head, and I this is all in caps Saw the door open a few more inches then heard footsteps go down the hall.


I was sure it was my daughter. I got up, and my daughter's door was still shut, and she was still out cold.


AP: Great, sounds like fun.


Amy: That's fun!


AP: Fantastic.




Amy: All right. So this is the overview, for this episode.


Today we are headed to Forester, Michigan to meet the client Chrystal and her family, who are experiencing noises, voices, footsteps, objects being moved, lights going off and on, and seeing shadows as well as it taking an emotional toll on the whole family.


The home was left to them by Chrystal's mother, and they want to turn it into a bed and breakfast per her wishes.


We learned that their sweet daughter Britney is feeling like she's being watched, and she sees a big black shadow figure.


Amy encounters a few spirits. A former owner, who is a creeper, who tries to jump her a young girl who is very energetic and talks nonstop.


We don't know anything about that.


AP: I have no idea who that could be.


Amy: Male and female, dark figures that are psycho kinetic manifestations which is something new for me, anyway.


She also meets a ghostly, grieving mother, which is, that's what we referred to in the beginning.


Steve speaks to a local author and learns of a local legend about a heartbroken young woman who died by suicide at 15 years old.


AP: I have a lot to say about that one.


Amy: I know…by jumping off a pier into Lake Huron.


He also meets a historian who tells him about a series of fires that devastated the community, killing hundreds of people.


He then meets a genealogist not a gynecologist who tells him about a former property owner whose family suffered terrible grief.


At the Reveal Britney asks Amy a lot of really great questions, and they get to the bottom of what's happening and who is causing it.


We see a spooky sketch, and Amy gives them their to-do's. Are they able to do what is needed?


If you watch this on Max, you'll never know, because they cut it off and jumped right to the next episode without telling us.


AP: Ruuuude!


Amy: I know. I watched it twice, to make sure. Three times, actually 3rd time. I already knew that it wasn't there.


We do have the results. So stay tuned. We'll let you know if The Activity Continues.


AP: I was wondering if you didn't get that, because I didn't see it in the script at the end, and I was like.


Amy: Wasn't there.


AP: I don't think she saw that.


Amy: It wasn't there. I did. I did when I I went on to Hulu and watched it on Hulu, so I could tell, but it was not on Max, and I verified Twice.


AP: Rude!


Amy:. I know rude.


Okay, so segment one is so from the very beginning up until Steve goes into tone just for you guys listening. That's the way we're gonna try and do this.


So we're gonna we're gonna give it the old college try.


So the 1st thing that I noted was that, as Steve is introducing the client to us, he says that this it the houses, the house that she's inherited is not only scaring her, it's tearing her entire family apart.


AP: Oh, man, we've never heard that before. But I but the thing is is when I when you watch the episode.


I didn't gather there was anybody really being torn apart, like family being torn apart in this one, as as even in comparison to some of the other ones that we've listened to or watched where they're like, oh, man, there's a lot of fighting and stuff going on like.


I didn't get that out of this episode. So there was I. Just I think I put gotta love the drama and see was in his Easter green shirt.


Amy: Oh, I saw that you said Easter Green, and I'm like I don't know what that means.


AP: Yup. It was just a very bright like. I don't remember seeing him in a color like that before or since, really. And it's kind of funny when he watched these earlier ones like, we need to find that transition point where he stopped wearing suits at the beginning.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Cause he went to.


Amy: And they started doing them in the warm places, and he's just in his polos.


AP: Yeah. I don't know.


Amy: I don't know.


AP: As we go on, then we go from Steve to Matt, who's like, it's obvious that a family lives here like, Isn't this.


Amy: Not a business. So yes, it's a family.


AP: Say this about like every place we go into, and you gotta take the photos down so you they can't tell.


Amy: Right. And I think.


AP: and Amy can’t be distracted.


Amy: You know this is early on, but I think that in the beginning they weren't.


They probably didn't realize that they have people that watch, every single fucking episode.


 So they're like, Oh, if you just happen to catch Episode 2, our season, 2. Episode, 9 or 11 of this of our show, we have to explain how it works.


So for the first couple of years they actually explained how.


AP: Yes. Yeah.


Amy: A bit more than they ever did later.


AP: Which, as you're talking about, that wasn't needed last year in season 15 that we were seeing like they would show Amy, and then they would put medium underneath her name.


Amy: Oh, yeah.


AP: Cause. They don't do this. They don't do those in the early episodes. And then the only thing I could think of is is that they started doing that because well, other shows do stuff like that. And then, because they were introducing Cindy.


Amy: Yes, that's what.


AP: For the rest of the season.


Amy: That's what I think it was is they were like, in case anybody's confused. This is Amy.


AP: Next episode.


Amy: She's Cindy.


AP: He sure looks different, and he has a different accent now.


Amy: Both people in The Dead Files group on Facebook. What happened at? Well, who's that girl? What happened to Amy?


AP: I I saw, that is the ‘okay. We're not. Gonna we're not gonna allow any more of these posts.’


Amy: Nobody ask that stupid question anymore.


AP: Yes.


Amy: You should know by now.


But and I again, I don't wanna go in too deep. But I did wanna note that, Amy. The first thing we see about her is that she says that she found this guy or met this guy, and all of a sudden she said I was him, and she said, “That's never happened before in an opening, that I was the dead person, or he was in me.”


AP: Mmm hmm


Amy: And I’m wondering, I'm trying to think. Has that happened since? I know that she's that others entities have had tried to jump her  but I don't know if that happened when she was opening, because I think sometimes, at least later on she would open like in the car or at the hotel.


AP: Oh, yeah. She usually opens before she gets there is what we've kind of gathered, because occasionally she'll say I didn't open till I got to the house, but I remember episodes that she's been like man, that they were chatting me up in the car on the way here.


So yeah, I that I don't know if it if she's mentioned anything like that happening since.


But I also put down like she was so like shy, quiet, reserved in this one just. And maybe it was because of this guy right off the bat like jumping. But her demeanor was very.


 I guess it was almost like demi demure like it was very in tight and just like calm. And it wasn't. It wasn't the one that we've seen in other episodes in that same season, where she gets even a little bit more sweary.


Amy: Sweary. Yeah. She said the occasional fuck here. But


AP: Oh, yeah.


Amy: But that guy. She calls him a big, burly dude with callous hands, and then she says she's getting a really sharp pain and at 1 point she was like scratching the back of her ear. But then I also did see her reach to her back.


AP: I don't think I I watched that 3 times. I never saw her hands go up to her head during that section where she's talking but she twitched her head a couple of times.


 Where I could see it, cause I went back. I saw your note in there, and I was like, Wow, I didn't see that. So I went back and watched it, and then I went back and watched it again, and I was like, I think.


 maybe in the before section she might have done that, but in that section where she was talking about the pain, she never did. So. I was wondering like for me. I was thinking, well, it kind of looks like she's kind of stretching her side a little bit.


Amy: Yeah, I thought I oops. I thought I saw her like put her hand on.  Like her back the back rib cage. Yeah. And then she was like.


AP: Like she like was struggling to breathe kind of thing. So that's why I like my assumption went right to torso, and then I saw your note, and I was like, Oh, I I didn't see her scratch her head, but I see they they're in. They're focused very in on her, just her head and her shoulders, but she she twitches her head a couple of times where maybe it was in there. Yeah.


But yeah, I I noticed that, too. I was like, yep, definitely being affected right here.


Amy: Yeah. yeah, for sure.  And then you had something about when they're talking to the client and.


AP: Yeah, yeah.


Amy: She tells all the things she's experiencing, and she goes down her checklist. Doo be doop bee, do.


AP: I was just like check we've got. We've got unexplained noises check. We've got voices check. We've got footsteps. We've got things moving. We've got lights going on and off we've seen shadows. We're emotional like you just nailed the the. It's not even a trifecta anymore.


Amy: Yeah, and that that's those should all be on the Bingo cards.


AP: And you know, like I know, we're being lighthearted and joking about it. But when you watch all the episodes and you're watching them very consistently, or if you, if you watch them in a, you know in a row or something, you start to see the little patterns that come up. And you know, obviously, it's part of the set. Tell me what's going on. Well, we have this this to this and this, and then they talk a little bit more about it as they go through The episode


Cause then. So Steve asks her like what's going on, and then they get into. Well, how did you get here? Why are you here? Kind of thing? And that's when she talks about the the bed and breakfast, and I I just put she's got such a Midwest accent because she's like inherited from my mom.


Amy: My Maaaahm.


AP: My Maaaahm.


Amy: If you guys think we have a strong Midwest accent, you gotta watch this episode because that lady was us times 10.


AP: Yeah. And like it was, just, you know, it's it. It's like, Oh, that and breakfast, I mean that that sounds great. Sounds like a lot of work. And  yeah, I think I think it could be, but not if you got some undead guests that never pay.


Amy: No,  no, nope. let's see the next thing, I think. Oh, I noted just when Amy it talks about as she kicked the man out of her body. “He's ticked. He's pissed off, and he won't talk to me because I won't let him inside my body.”


AP: Yeah.


Amy: That's Typical.


AP: Yeah, right.


Amy: That tracks.


AP: Yeah, I think I just kind of put down like no “great fun”, because he keeps trying to enter, and she has learned how to do this, and he's furious about it, and then she goes. So that was a voiceover that we hear her talk about, because then she talks about like her head is really hurting, and like someone took your jaw and ripped it off.


And again, we don't know who this is or what's going on just yet, and I don't know if this one ever really ties into any of the…


Amy: Think this was the land owner, wasn't it? I think it was the what's this toes? Hudson's Harrison.


AP: Okay.


Amy: Was it him? Harrison Cooper? I think it was him.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: Well.


AP: Could be.


Amy: We'll get there when we get to the Reveal. I think we can. We didn't figure out it was I. I didn't think this was as confusing as the last, like 2 episodes that we did.


Amy: We were all like which which one was that which was he was.


AP: Yeah. Well, cause there, as we all know that there's sometimes, or as we have learned that sometimes there are spirits that are shown that are never talked about, and sometimes or they're talked about, but they make it try to fit the box of somebody else, because Steve finds some information on them kind of thing.


Amy: And we’re like, we're not buying it, but I don't think that's the match.


AP: Yeah. So I don't.


Yeah, not sure if all of them kind of tied. I know there's 1 that I really want to talk about when we get into Steve's investigations. But yeah, we'll we'll get there.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: I did like how, as Steve is talking to Chrystal throughout like what's going on, and she's talking about watching a light switch get manually flipped on and off.


Amy: On!


AP: And to me. I don't know how many of you have multiple light switches for the same room, and you can't get those damn bastards on the right thing, so that one is up and one is down, and they're in the right directions. Oh, it drives me insane.


Amy: Yeah, we have that in a couple of places.


AP: I think we have one set that I would just like. I'm like, I don't I? I think this the way that this was installed. You can't.  You can't make them right.


Amy: Probably. Yeah. yeah, that that drives me crazy, too.

 Oh, I loved your… When Steve asks about documentation from the House, or How old the house, and she says, “Oh, I have documentation from 1892”, and then Steve goes, “So this house is old. Any deaths in the area?”


AP: I know, I just couldn't help myself. I'm so snarky when I watch some of these cause I so here's what I put, dear listener, I said, “no, Steve, everyone who has ever lived in this area is still alive. They're probably the vampire capital of the US. I'm sorry. That is a stupid question.”


Like, of course, there's been other deaths. Nobody edited that to be like other mysterious deaths or other murders. And so this is we. Yeah, we hear now about a a woman or young, you know, young girl named Minnie Quay and that she'll be kind of a theme that runs throughout here, but just like, I sat there for a second. I was like I rewound it, and I listened to it again. I was like did seriously. Nobody catch what he just said.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Cause. It wasn't asking about mysterious deaths. It wasn't asking about murders. It wasn't asking about any of that. It was just any other deaths in the area.


No, everyone's still alive. Yeah.


Amy: Yep. and he didn't even say other at least, according to the Transcript.


AP: Oh, yeah. No.


Amy: “Are there any deaths in the area”.


AP: Deaths, yeah.


Amy: I think so, Steve, like you said they're not all vampires.


AP: Her mom, she inherited the house from her mom.


Amy: Yeah. for sure.


But yeah, Minnie Quay. So they said, she's a local legend that Chrystal is telling Steve about. She's like it's what something we've heard ever since we were kids.


AP: That is like check for local legend is stuff. Doesn't all add up here.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Or you know, as we learn about some of it. But it's kinda like the house at the end of the street where the old witch lives.


There's nobody there. Yeah, that's what that's what it was painting like to me. But I get that. That's the local lore.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Right. Yep.


Amy: And I believe that in that the next part, that time that we see Amy. That's when she sees that this is the girl that doesn't stop talking. And the way Amy explains it, she's really funny. She's like, “I can't understand it where she's fucking, saying” she's like, Oh, Wow, wow! Like right like.


 and she's like she needs to “calm it down, calm it down, calm it down.”


 and I said, Calm your tits woman.


AP: And I said, Oh, so she's us!


Amy: Yup!


AP: yep


Amy: Let's see. Oh!


AP: Then we go to. We haven't. We haven't hit the whole Minnie Quay story yet. We.


Amy: Yeah, yeah.


AP: Into that local legend here soon. But Steve's face when he's talking when they're in the second floor and he's talking with Chrystal. She's talking about being in bed one night, hearing footsteps coming up the stairs, she gets out of bed to look at the top of the stairs, expecting to see somebody, and there's no one there as we're walking down the steps, we realize at that point we were being followed. And, Steve, they panned a Steve's face, and he's just like…


He just looks dumbfounded like.

It was just so funny in that section. And then he's like kids were downstairs?


Amy: It wasn't the dogs, Steve.


AP: She told you that no one was there. Yeah.


Amy: It wasn't the dogs. It wasn't the plumbing.


AP: I did put that in there. Maybe it's plumbing, Steve.


Amy: I mean.


AP: Last week is the last. The last 2 episodes of the 2 were.


Amy: Yeah.


 And then, yeah, she he says that you know what if Amy tells you, you have to go, and she basically is like, Hmm, probably not going to.


AP: Yeah, I, at least at least this seems to be before the era of the Dream House. “This is our dream house.”


Amy: Yes.


AP: And like we all get, it's not easy for people to just up and move on a whim, especially if you are worried about selling your house to somebody else kind of thing, even though it's not stuff that needs to be disclosed, because there are no like regulations on hauntings.


 And maybe there are in different states. But I don't.


Amy: I do not think that you have to disclose hauntings. I think you do have to disclose if somebody died in the house, but I don't think you have to disclose about hauntings, because it is not something that everybody believes in.


AP: Correct.


Amy: That's like saying. I'm not going to disclose that Jesus is in my house

because some people don't believe that, you know. So it's I think, that the haunting thing I don't think you have to disclose.


AP: No.


Amy: You don’t have to.


AP: Because well, and it's also like it's tough to prove to everybody right like.


Amy: Right.


AP: Yeah. So like, I, I get that. And it was just kind of like, well, I wanna make this a bed and breakfast. I'm like, okay, so seriously, you're gonna put this into a a business when you're not sure what could happen in your business with the things that are happening to you.


Amy: Yeah, which is, it's good that they went and got help before they did that. Then, too.

 You know, so that we didn't have any big problems. But.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: Yeah, then we meet daughter Britney. Not to be confused with the Britney that we always make fun of.


AP: Yup. No, but this is this is a sweet Britney.


Amy: Yes, she reminds me so much of my niece, she looks just like her. My niece is a grown up lady now she's an adult.


AP: Also is this girl, but.


Amy: She is now. Yeah. But but what's how would you would you say.


AP: I would have, I would put her at between 8th and 10th grade. So 13 to 16.


Amy: Yeah. yeah, I was. I was going to say 16. I don't believe they ever said how old she is.


AP: No, I don't, and I I would. I almost put her at the in the 14 to 15 total, but just just on, based on mannerisms.


13-14 was the age group that I taught. She was in the time that I was teaching kind of thing, so just very much reminded me of a lot of kids that I taught. Like the super swept bangs like the part was all the way on one side of the hair, and there was a super swept bangs and kind of the hot heavier I make up like I can picture a couple of students that I had that I'm like. That's who she reminds me of.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: So she would. You know she'd be mid twenties right now, most likely.


Amy: yeah she she was. I think, the reason I thought she might have been, a little older is because she was so so mature! I thought, in like the way that she talked and the way she

 at the end, when she talked to Amy, and the question she asked, so I thought she was a little older for that. But yeah, she I mean, you know that H. Kid better than I do.


AP: I. And that's yeah, like I I don't know if I would just like looking at her I wouldn't. Wouldn't, I mean people get my age wrong all the time, too. I don't know that I would put her at 16 I'd feel like15, but then there was times that I was like, well, that seems a little bit more like some of my students.


But I could see it being so. Yeah, I think she's in that age range, but that, like you can see, she's very uncomfortable when she's talking with Steve, though, too, and she's she's got her hands in at her like waist level, and she's just fidgeting with her fingers. Because we have a a further out shot of her, and she's just.


She just looks very nervous, though I think her demeanor between when she's talking with Steve and talking with Amy is very different.


Amy: Yes, I thought so, too. Yeah. And I don't know. Some of that might have been nerves of being in front of the camera. And then, you know, at the Reveal. She's been doing this for a few days, and now she's more comfortable. I don't know but could have been any of that.


But we really liked her, Britney, if you're out there, if you're listening to this, we would love to talk to you.


AP: Brittany from Never Alone.


Amy: Yes, Britney, from this episode.


AP: Yes.


Amy: Not kitchen witch, although that would be fun, too. She would never come on the show.


Alright. So yeah, they would. Just we're not gonna get into everything. But so we were just gonna see that, Amy? let's see speaking of the kitchen. Yes, she sees a shadowy figure in the kitchen, Amy. Then they show her she sees a male and a female, and she's pointing to the room. This is the male. This is the female one's angry one's sad.


AP: Mmhm.


Amy: And then she says they're black masses that are the beginnings of a psychokinetic manifestation.


“I can't tell where they came from, but they're powerful, and can affect people in this house especially whoever sleeps in that room”, and of course that’s dear Britney.

 and it makes you hurt inside.


AP: Yeah, yeah. yeah, I was like, what is what is this? What is this psychokinetic manifestation? We find out more in the reveal.


Amy: Yeah, I like that she explains these terms.


AP: Hmm.


Amy: and stuff for us.


AP: Feel like there's more voice overs earlier on than there is.


Amy: Yeah, I think you're right. There works. There was quite a few on this one.


So that we meet Chrystal's husband Mike, and he is for once not a skeptical


 You know. Non believer. ‘Oh, my wife’s nuts.’


AP: He's not a Skeptic Greg.


Amy: Right. right, or a rude, you know. Oh, she's just crazy.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: So he sees a shadow in the dining room. Steve says, explain it to me, or describe it to me, and he says it was about this wide, but he gestures about a foot. Maybe.


AP: Which to me, as he is doing that cause you and I both made comments on this.


So we have a joke, cause you can always see. Obviously, I outdoors and we fish and stuff. And so you always say, Yeah, it was this big.


Amy: Any of.


AP: Put out your thumb and your pinky Fingers.


And then you hold the space in between. So what it really was this big but you're telling people. It was this big.


Amy: So your it your point that that space that it really is the space between your thumbs.


AP: Some in your.


Amy: Wanna make it look no? Oh, like.


AP: The space.


Amy: But okay, not.


AP: Between your thumb and your but.


Amy: That you were saying like this big. Versus this. So yeah.


AP: Like truthfully, your fish. You're saying your fish was yeah, it was this big. So the space between your 2 thumbs, because that is like he did with the hands. That's the space that you see. But we always joke because most people it's like it's actually the space between your pinky finger and your thumb.


Which is, you just got little tiny ones.


Amy: Yeah,


AP: So it's the fisherman's tale. It's always it. Just. It was an odd like. I don't know. They're just. Steve didn't have the chemistry in this group with this group that well, like they, it was all just really awkward conversations.


Amy: Did have a befuddled look on his face a lot.


AP: And it could be just the way it was shot. Or maybe there's something that brush them through, or yeah.


Amy: Yeah.

 The only other thing I wanted to mention here before we get onto segment 2 is when Amy is talking about the the energy at one point.

 Just kind of. She felt a whoosh, and then everything just went really still and there was nobody talking. There were no voices. She was getting chills felt like she was being touched, and then she said, It's really tall, and it bends over.


AP: ugh


Amy: To see, and it's really creepy. It's like 9 feet tall. It has to bend over. And she said that she said, “I don't feel good. I feel really sick,” and then she goes. “That's it, that's it, that's it. This is bad”. And I wondered if that was one of those times that she got sick.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: Because she really seemed like she was having a hard time. And she's like, I gotta. I gotta get… fuck.


AP: I gotta get out of here now like it. It was like, I gotta go. I gotta go. I gotta go. Yeah. And I was like Ew. It has to been to see like hate. It hate it.


Amy: I know, that was nasty nasty.


So that was segment one segment 2 is where Steve goes into town.




Amy: Steve going to town.


 He first talks to Denise Dutcher, who is a Dutcher who is a local author, and she's the one that tells us the story of Minnie Quay.


AP and I both noted that it was shot so like atmospherically like they were in the dark, almost like like they're telling campfire stories with a candle under their chins, you know.


AP: I think I think they were in it almost looked like kind of a round foyer type room, you know, like sitting room type thing and that they couldn't control the light source.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: And so they were trying to shut blinds and things. Because then you got like these weird lines across their face. And yeah, it definitely gave like a vibe to it.


But I I kinda think it's unintentional, because when they did the shot that's looking around the room, I think it was a bright, sunny day and they couldn't, they couldn't block the curtains or blinds well enough, and probably maybe that is an it look like, have a historic building that they couldn't just bring in and duct tape.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Plastic to the The windows, or anything.


Amy: Yeah, it did look like there was sun coming in.

 So they probably just I think they wanted it to look a little spooky. They do that. They put on the oh, yeah, fog lights and all that stuff.


AP: I think they wanted it darker, but I don't think they could have gotten it darker with the way that that room was set up.


Amy: Yeah. Yeah. So this is poor Minnie Quay, which we will talk about because she's her story is interesting.


She was 15 years old. This is in April and April 27th of 1876 is her date is her death. Yes, they show her death certificate. Her real name is Mary Jane Quay. Her parents are John and Mary Quay. I will have some links in the show notes, but I noted that.


It said that she… the her Find A Grave page on findagrave.com says that she was born in 1861 which would have made her 14, but all the other accounts say she was 15, almost 16, actually her death certificate says she was 15 years 11 months old.


AP: So they must have had the wrong year.


Amy: They must have the wrong birthday of birth. Her date of birth I did not see on the death certificate. Yeah.

So,  just there was some stuff interesting in the Wikipedia Page about her. and there's another couple 2 other articles about her, and one of them, the the Wikipedia page, says her own mother would often yell out loud enough for others in town to hear that she would rather see her dead than with this man.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: And this was a guy that was a sailor.


 Was, you know. So they lived right near the pier was right across the street from the family's home and she met this sailor and fell in love with him and then she got word that he died while at sea and was so devastated she threw herself into the icy waters of Lake…Erie? Huron. Huron?


AP: Huron.  So this is where I have the problem with this.


Amy: Ok yeah.


AP: It sounds like every other story we hear about a lady in white, a lady in gray, a lady in black, a lady in Red, who was in love with a man, and then he said he loved her, and then he left and never returned, and she threw herself off the balcony, threw herself off the cat, walk through herself off the widows walk, threw herself off a pier.


 So I know that there this author has done a lot of research. She's written 2 books on the whole thing, but I mean how much stuff can truly be out there. Remember that history is written by the victor, or how they want the story to be told. I don't. I don't know. I just it could be 100% true.


I feel that there's some embellishments, or there's some things that don't feel quite

 right, and I think and maybe I'm just so skeptic. On the whole.


I've listened to how many episodes of, And That's Why We Drink where Em Covers a lady in white, or a lady in gray, or a woman who was waiting at the lighthouse, or at whatever, and throws herself off of something, or in a hotel in the old West, and jumps off of the balcony of the 4th floor.


 It just feels convenient.


Amy: Yes, and the more I have been learning about the way that society has made us, women feel like we have to have the man.


Or you know, we're incomplete, or we're useless, or whatever.


 I think these stories just play into that. And they want us to be like. Oh, no, she didn't have a man. I can see why she threw herself into the lake.


Well, even though this girl was 15, she could certainly have found another man in her life. But.


AP: Right. And this is truly also like if people haven't realized, society has taught women to the reason why we have always struggled as a society as women supporting women is because it has been engraved in our brains to survive. We have to out-compete the women for the resources of the best man who will make the best children will, who will provide the best life.


And once you get past that point and you start looking, and you're like.


no, I can celebrate. I can celebrate all the women in my life and what they do. But it definitely does play into some of these things. And you know we hear that supposedly her mom used to yell that I'd rather see you dead, but then it sounds like it sounds like that her parents weren't in town, but then we hear about a woman screaming, looking for her from Amy, and even from some of the stories the eyewitness stories was like. The mom was screaming and looking for her daughter.


 I thought she wasn't there.


Amy: Yeah. And at 1 point her father. Minnie's father, locked her in her room.

 For an extended period of time. Because they did not want her. Seeing this man.


AP: She was a wild child. That was the other thing that is the she was boy crazy and a wild child, and I'm like, hmm! This hasn't aged. Well, has it.


Amy: Also fits into that same narrative of you know that she had to but she had to get this guy that she. She's only going to be.


AP: For fun.


Amy: If she's got this chance.


AP: Sounds like she was just trying to get out of a.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: A domineering rule in her house, and she was trying to find a way out, and maybe it was the devastation of that was her way out.


Amy: Yeah, yeah, she probably thought that was her way out. And Amy, when Amy sees her she says she's married.


And I wondered if maybe she did, like if they did run off and get married at some point.


I also wondered if she was pregnant. I actually thought she threw herself in the water because she was pregnant and didn't want to have to do that by herself.


AP: but I'm just not fully sold that she threw herself in the room in the water..


Amy: Okay Well.


AP: I mean.


Amy: And like you said maybe she maybe she slipped, because when they show later, when they show Amy at that space and she's walking around. It's really rocky, and it looks like you could slip really easily on those rocks and.


AP: Well, and i i i Amy. I can send you a video of just like the waves that are crashing in April is still like up in the around the lakes. It is cold, and that water is cold, and it


I mean. April 27th The high temperature could have been 30 degrees that day. If you're on the wrong side of the lake because it's called Lake Effect.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: And if you I mean I've done, I've done a polar plunge. I've done a couple of polar plunges, which is something that in the States. In different states we have that is, a fundraiser for our State's special Olympics. And so you.


They cut a hole in the ice and you jump in and you go to the other side, and you climb out, and I will tell you. You jump in and you go cause the like Air, your your body, just constricts, surround everything.


Amy: I just jumped in a cold pool and felt that there's no way I And in a icy water.


AP: Well, and you know that's the thing is like I'm like, well, maybe she just maybe she slipped and didn't mean to. But then, you know, when we hear Amy talking about like the head or the side injuries, and some of those things I'm like so gruesome part.


They use grappling hooks to retrieve her body. So then I'm wondering, was she not quite dead yet?


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Because we don't. They don't say we don't get told how long she was in the water right, but if she was out for too long, she would not have been easily recovered.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Because cold water takes the air out.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Which is why Lake Superior is one of those that if something goes down in Lake Superior you're never seeing it again.


Amy: Yeah. I just noted. They mentioned that eyewitnesses watched her just walk through, walk down Main Street, walk through the town, and.


AP: In a white dress and you know white dress.


Amy: Of all. Yeah, that's really theatrical. But if it is true, I wonder if she was like in a trance or something like just was catatonic sort of, and just.


AP: Or…


Amy: I don't know here, or it didn't happen at all.


AP: My… Here's my thing to throw out is that somebody maybe walked down that street. And then it was just told to people that that was Minnie. Mini threw herself off the pier.


Because it sounds like it was done in broad daylight.


Amy: Yeah, it does. And.


AP: And if all these people saw her, then why, why was nobody able? I mean they saw her dive in. I mean, I know I understand, like you can't get everything you like. You can't rescue everyone. Right? You can't like some things just happen. But yeah, it's not like she probably wasn't struggling at some point, because even if you're resigned to do that, you're still your body's still going to fight.


Amy: Yeah, yeah.


AP: I don't know. I I just.


Amy: I don't know. But yeah, when when Amy is, she says I can't I? I can't breathe. She says I think she's dying.


AP: Yup, and.


Amy: And that.


AP: I, ju-, yeah.

 I, just I I just struggle with the whole. I mean, I'm sure there's there's truth behind the story. And then again, I know that this author has done a lot of research, and I'm not discrediting any of that. I just when you've seen the same type story play out in hundreds of ways across the country. It just it makes a question..


Amy Yeah: And like, I said, I think it's just that they they like this trope

 because it puts us in our place and.


AP: M-hmm.


Amy: Because you know, think about what would have happened. What would our world be like right now if 200 years ago, women stopped fighting over each, fighting each other for the man and Just started Supporting each other.


 I think what the world would look like right now and look like it does now tell you that.


AP: And I think even when we, when at the beginning of learning about Minnie Quay, I put in there like, why is she a local legend. A woman died by suicide, and she's a local legend like.


Amy: Well, maybe cause she did it in front of everybody.


AP: It's because of the fanfare. It's the that's all part of that legend. Aspect is. There is all this fanfare that went behind it that has now created this story. That well, Amy, you were there, didn't you see her? Oh, yeah, I did.

Yeah, I saw.


Amy: everybody wants to be part of the story.


AP: Exactly. And so then.


Amy: Yeah. Her. Yeah.


AP: Yeah And as you've stated before, like you've you've found articles in the past of different things. That's of.


 It was one that we did a couple months ago, and you're like stories didn't quite add up. They didn't quite like based on who wrote it. It showed different information.



So the next thing I think, are we good with Mini? Do you have anything? Yeah.


AP: Think I think we got. I think we got where we wanted to with Minnie.


Amy: Okay. And then the next thing is, there were a couple of fires that came that basically devastated the town, destroyed the area, and we are talking now to a local historian, and he is talking about these 2 fires, 1871.


There was a massive fire that just hopscotched its way across the State.


AP: Yeah, it's I think it started in Wisconsin. Actually. I saw that. So.


Amy: Yeah, that.


AP: Yeah. The area that we're talking about in of Michigan is the thumb of Michigan. Hmm.

So it's the Mitten State kind of thing.


Amy: Right.


AP: Wisconsin does that, too. But the other way, yeah.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Can't remember which one. Yep.


Amy: Yeah, I think Wisconsin is. anyway. So then that fire happened in 1971, and then they rebuilt. And then there was another fire, and 1881 that spelled doom the second time around.


AP: Yes.


Amy: It damaged the property pretty badly. We see a couple of photos. I do have a link to the fire of ‘71 if I'll put that in the show notes. If anybody wants to read about that.


So then he's like you are kidding that has a dark past. This town has a dark past. I'm like…


AP: Thanks for joining us, Steve.


Amy: Not not. I don't know that I would describe a couple of fires, a dark path like when I think I think like murders and...


AP: They weren't set by anyone. It was, you know, like.  Stuff happens. Wildfires have happened throughout forests and woodland and prairie areas for the history of earth.


Amy: Yeah.  Steve finds out about we have to talk about Amy! She

oh, she sees the fire she in her walk through. She sees something happened. Everybody went away. There were people yelling and screaming. There was a woman in blood, and she's got a little boy who's dead.

And then we talked to the genealogist.


AP: Another genealogist. Oh, yeah, the genealogist. Sorry it was an author before.


Amy: Oh, yeah, no, it's not there. And she learns she teaches Steve about Harrison Cooper.


Who was a landowner. He's together on the that's who this is, who I think is the burly guy. But we don't get a picture of him, do we? She didn't have a picture of him.


I don't think so.


Amy: I don't recall a picture of him.

And so he. He had purchased this land. He lived there with his wife. They had a daughter. Her name was Emma Joy, and then the fire wiped out everything.


and his wife was pregnant. She gave birth to this little boy. and then Mom died of a heart attack.  and and she is. Harrison is left with his daughter Emma and a baby. And then, 2 weeks later the baby died from malnutrition.


Apparently he was not taking care of that baby.


Amy: and then.


AP: Well, that's Women’s Work, Amy.


Amy: Yeah, that's right. And only other woman. There was Emma Joy, and she was a baby or not a baby, but a child.


AP: Toddler. Yep.


Amy: Toddler, and so then he marries his sister-in-law, as you do.


AP: And it seems like it was fairly common.


Amy: Yeah. And it was in 1894 for sure.


AP: Hmm.


Amy: So then he his daughter Emma, then was grown up, lived there with her husband, and then Emma gave birth to a stillborn baby, so now he's lost a grandchild and a child.


AP: And a wife.


Amy:  And yes, and a wife, and they do think that the baby was buried on the property.


AP: Yes.


Amy: And we see a death certificate, but it's all crinkled up that's really hard to read.


AP: Yeah, see, this is why I was confused. If this was the 1st one that Amy talks about the 1st burly guy. If that was Harrison Cooper or not, because when she talks about the pain.


Because we never hear about how he died, or any of that sort of stuff. So that's why


I wasn't sure. If like, was that two different things that they melded into one section kind of thing.


Amy: So well now that yeah, now that you mention it. And I did like, I said, I saw this like 3 times, but we'll get there because we're almost to the the Reveal now, anyway. But

 maybe Harrison is one of the blobs.


AP: Yes, she believes that he's 1 of that. That manifestation is him. And Emma.


Amy: Him. And oh, Emma, not his wife, his okay.


AP: Emma being the one with the stillborn.


Amy: Right? Right? Right? Okay, yeah. I do remember them saying that now. Okay. so sketch.


she says she's gonna draw the black masses in the bedroom upstairs. Oh, do we have something else.


AP: And no, before that we have Amy talking about the woman who is really sobbing, and she's holding the baby that died. She's and she's petting it.


Amy: Heading it.


AP: Which just it like to me, that elicits like obsession and like, she never was able to control or handle and so these two things. This could be Emma and her baby, or it could have been Emma's mom.


Amy: But hmm.


AP: Because she died of a heart attack.


Amy: Hmm.


AP: Quote, unquote. And lost her child. Then shortly thereafter.


Amy: Right.


AP: So. All she knows is that she's a woman who has blood all over her dress.

and she's holding this baby and petting it so to me again, like obsession didn't deal with the loss. but then she's fading \and she doesn't want to fade away. But she, you know she doesn't. She actually doesn't want to, because it she likes to be around those memories, even though they're bad.


And this is again where it's maybe like this is Emma. If the baby was buried on the property.


Amy: I, I tend to think this is Emma, because if her dress is bloody, she's, probably just given birth.


AP: So.


Amy: Yes.


AP: Stuck in that state.


Amy: And she's stuck in that state, and she's probably petting that child because she is trying to revive it.


AP: Yeah, I that's where I'm like, it's it's it's like an obsession. It's you know, like I, I haven't dealt with this. What happened? What's going on here? Yeah, I think she's stuck in that state, even though she did not. She herself did not die in that state.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: So I just I I pulled that out because I was like she's fading like we haven't heard Amy, like we've heard we've heard somebody's being like eaten by the house or absorbed by the house. But we haven't heard about somebody just fading away.


Amy: Right? Yeah, that was interesting.


AP: so now we get to the sketch.


Amy: So now we get to the sketch and she describes what's going on the sketch. Artist says “Amy, is this about right?” And Amy says, yes.




Amy: okay, segment 3

 So the reveal Steve introduces everybody and that they want to make it into a bed and breakfast. Yadda, yadda, yadda!


AP: And it’s Chrystal, Mike and Brittany. So the 3 we did meet during the episode.


Amy: Yes, yes, yes. and you had a note about the way, Steve. Yes.


AP: So have you noticed this at all, and he does it a lot. But Steve has a tendency to rest like he puts his index finger out, and he puts it to his temple, and that's where he kind of rests his hand. He's not, or his head. He's not resting on the full like fist or anything. He's always.


 and it's always like he'll lean into it, and and he does that several times. But it's always like in the Temple range of where he's doing that. So I it's just something I noticed. And I was like, he seems to be doing that a lot.


Amy: Yup, I have noticed that.

 So we find out that so Amy talks about The bad thing that happened outside Steve connects that to the fires.


And then blah blah blah! Let's see. Oh, she talks about the the man that came in tried to get into her body when she opened and then poor Britney almost interrupts Amy by saying, “What did he look like?”


 And then Amy describes him as a big, very husky guy.


Ask her that, and she goes because I've seen a man. It's a dark shadow.

 And then Amy says, “Is he big?” And she says, Yep and then she's like tearing up. Amy says, “Are you okay?”


I felt so bad for her. And then poor Britney asked if he's dangerous, and she said, “Yeah”.


say, you're sleeping. The distinction between reality and James can get blurred, and then Steve says, yep, she's having nightmares.


And then she can. He can come and go, and Britney says, Does he watch us? And Amy says, “Well, yeah”, she's like, “well I feel like I’m being watched, that’s why I asked”.


Okay. Now. Amy talks about going upstairs, seeing the woman sobbing, really crying like really hard and heard someone say, “Well, the baby died.”


I can't imagine there being another mother dying. Crying about a baby if it wasn't Emma, because her baby died in childbirth, and so I think it must be.


AP: I do, too. I just there is that connection that it could have been from the fires. Yeah.


Amy: Yeah. Oh, it could have been some like, completely random, and just somebody who died. Yeah, exactly.


AP: It, it easily could be something like that, and that it's just tied to, because, hey, this is what we do have a connection here.


Amy: Right. Right.  So they do talk about Steve connects. I think it looks like he's connecting Harrison Cooper to the big, burly man.


AP: And and he asks he basically or no, Chrystal asks, Well, do you think so? Do you think that that's Emma? Then that Amy and it she's just like well, it would seem like it.


Which is, which is not fully like. If you read Amy's body language, she's like, I mean, yeah.


Amy: I mean.


AP: What I, what I know.


Amy: Well, they don't have pictures of these people, so she can't like. Look at the picture and say, Oh, that's totally him! That's totally the guy I saw, you know, so they don't have any pictures to these people.


AP: I will say, too, though, just that whole interchange with Amy and Britney, and stuff. It was just like Britney is asking great questions because she wants to know the answers, and I think I have it somewhere in here, too, that it's like there just seems like there was.


There's like a cut off at one of the points where it seems like Amy went into a lot more detail, a lot more stuff because it we just go from like.


 and it's more towards the like. What can you do?


 But it was just this hard cut off and I was like. I feel like we're missing a lot right here, because now we have to go to like what they need to do in order to.


Amy: Yeah, I that would not shock me at all, because this was a long reveal.


AP: Hmm.


Amy: in comparison. I checked the clock. I mean the the you know that time at the bottom, at the bottom. That's what it time is left. Yeah, that it had. It was like 15 min where. And it was like a 3rd of the show.


Usually it's like the last quarter it was. It was a good 3rd of the show. So they they did a lot that reveal must have been hella long.


 Yeah. And they they obviously had to cut a lot out. So I'm guessing that's what happened. And they left a lot in, because the other 2 sections were much shorter than you, they usually are.


But so yeah, then they talk about Minnie, and let's see  Amy, thinks there probably is many.


AP: Yeah, the woman who's the the crazy lady, or the woman who's just chattering and.


Amy: Talking. Yeah.


AP: Yeah, and she talks about the you know someone yelling, Where are you? Where are you? Which I'm associating? Is likely her Minnie’s mother calling for her. That's what I got from Amy about that. Then Steve kind of tells the story, and we go back through the whole thing, and Amy's like, oh, man! Oh, no like really she she did that. And Chrystal. Yeah, we've been told this, you know all our all our lives we've been told this. And


she's like, Yeah, you know. Could that be Minnie Quay the same girl? And Amy's like, Yeah, I think it very well. Could she could be I. She might be going between different locations all the time, and it's more than just this house, so she's cause. She got her out on the street, too, but she was different on the street.


 And then that's when she, Amy, segments away from Minnie to the next person being a girl. Oh, no, she talks about the girl being wild and crazy. She sees one outside that she thinks is the same Minnie Quay, but then she's different inside the house.


 so I don't know.


Amy: Yeah.

I just wanted to note. I think we both noted that when Britney and Amy are talking. and Amy describes the 2 blobby things in the room and she says they're very, very creepy, and you just they show Britney, and she's wiping tears, and she just quietly says, “I see it.”


And then they cut to commercial.


AP: Yeah. And then, yeah. And then they come back. When they do show the show the picture, though they look like those things you see at the car. Lots.


Amy: Yes, they do.


AP: That are blowing up in the crazy arms.


Amy: They do not as cute. But yeah.


AP: But that's where Amy said. I think this one is him, the one on the left side of the picture.


 Thinks is Harrison Cooper, and it's a These are so she the manifestations. Let's see if we can.


 They can make you feel sick and dizzy. The male one was trying to jump me. This is just a part of him and the nasty emotional part. But there's also the separate conscious entity that is his own person. So basically, what she said is that these are manifestations that are poltergeist like. But they're spirits that are creating these poltergeist.


Amy: Instead of living people, yeah.


AP: Instead of living things, and they can make this  jump to being separate entities if they have enough energy around them. Basically.


yeah, and she kind of called out, you know, poltergeist stuff usually happens around teenagers. So that made me wonder, too, like is Britney or her emotions, feeding these things a little bit with some potential pk or poltergeist activity from her that's then feeding into these funnels.


Amy: Yeah, it could be. She could be inadvertently feeding it Some energy.


AP: But she does bring up. She does bring up like that. Poltergeist activity happens with teenagers. Yeah.


Amy: Yeah. And then, Steve goes. “So where are you sleeping tonight?”


Amy: Britney, Cause those things are in her room.


AP: Not here.


Amy: Not here, and then Amy goes. i i i wouldn't sleep in your room right now, no way, and I'm like well, if Amy won't then I sure shit would not.


AP: Yeah. yep. I found the part where it says. Amy says “they're reaching out. I think it's because of your age. A lot of poltergeist hauntings will be around teenagers, and they'll be the conduit for it. So they feed off the living person's energy.”


Amy: which makes total sense.


AP: And then this is when we see like a hard cut off. And it was like cause. Britney asked, well, is it just me or my parents too, and Amy goes. You.


Amy: You.


AP: And then Steve goes. Now that we know the result.


Amy: Yes, yeah, there is a lot.


AP: There was obviously a lot that was cut there.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: And which is interesting, that if what I think was probably in there was what was cut. That is why I was like Oh.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Cause. I I think Britney has a little bit of a ability that's yeah pulled off on here, and that's why I don't know why, it's not being talked about, but.


Amy: Yeah, I thought that, too. I thought Obviously she sees everything. It's really affecting her. So she's sensitive.


AP: She’s asking all the questions.


Amy: And she knows what to ask. Yep. So I think she's she's a little bit more

 on the medium level., then.


AP: Yeah At least receptive.


Amy: Yes. Yeah.


AP: Alright. So, Amy. What did Amy tell us that they need to do.


Amy: Well, she says they need to get a medium to come in and help move Minnie on, not talk to her, not do anything. Just move her on.


Then the medium will go up to the room and ask the mail to receive this, pointing to the left blob back as a part of him, so that he is whole and then move him on.


 and then she needs to deal with the other blobby thing.


And that needs to get you basically get her to come and collect her energy, which is basically what she said about the guy, too, and then take it out of the house.


Amy says It's a funky emotional energy that needs to be contained and removed from the house, and the medium needs to do that.


and then she's like, Go ahead and sleep in another area of the house until this shit is taken care of.


AP: So were you sleeping tonight.


Amy:  with you, Steve.


AP: Yeah, just was one of those I was like. we have found a better way to ask a teenage girl where she's sleeping.


Amy: Oh, I didn't think he meant it creepy like I just thought it was. I thought he was just trying to be funny.


I think he was, but I think there's a line between like his dry, you know, sarcasm, type things. But it was just, I think the way that it was delivered even it was like the.

 It's just like asking if there was any deaths around here, since 1892.


Amy: Yeah, no. Nope, they're all still alive.


AP:  Correct.


Amy: So they say they're gonna follow the advice. And and then Amy says if Chrystal does. If Chrystal and her family do this, they'll be fine. Their dreams of opening a bed and breakfast should come true.


And then it went. Right to the next episode for me.


AP: Oh, but I had it.


Amy: Yeah. And I did go get.


AP: I know you guys.


Amy: When I watched it on Hulu. But you go ahead and tell everybody what happened.


AP: “Immediately after the investigation Mike was attacked by an unseen entity. Chrystal is now searching for a medium to cleanse their home”, and that's all we get.


Amy: That's all we get. So we don't know.


 So again, Chrystal, Mike, or Brittany, if you're listening to this, and you would like to come on and tell us your story. We would love, love, love, love, love, love, to hear it.


AP: Absolutely.


Amy: Yes, cause we're we're invested now. We hope you're okay.


 Yeah, this was a good one. I liked this episode.


AP: This was a great episode. Good pick!


Amy:  Thanks, I really like the family, and how it all.


AP: And it was, I mean there was a lot of stuff in it, but it was also.


in a way the content was slightly lighter than some of the ones that we've had with heavy racist tones and.


Amy: And we didn’t’ have any demons.


AP: No, we didn't have any demons.


Amy: It's been a while. We've had lots of demons lately.


AP: We just had psycho, something manifestations, psychokinetic.


Amy: psychokinetic, I think, is, yeah.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: Alright. Well, thanks everybody for joining us for this time.


AP is, gonna tell us what we're doing next. Well, next week is going to be probably a SIDESHOW episode. But the next Dead Files episode is going to be… hit it!


AP: Yes, our next. Our next episode that we're gonna be covering is an episode called “Dark Inheritance”. It's season 3. Episode 14 again, could be a little off, depending on if you're streaming from Max or Discovery online, or if you're watching travel, channel, yeah, on demand. Yeah, the travel Channel synopsis is


Steve and Amy investigate a frightened family's claims of violent paranormal encounters inside their home in Winthrop, Massachusetts.


 While Steve discovers the property's violent past and Amy confronts a vengeful, disfigured entity that wreaks havoc on the living.


AP: So this was Megan's choice, so we asked her why she chose this one, and she said


Amy. I'll let you go with that.


Amy: Oh, okay she said, because it takes place in Massachusetts, and I love their accent.

As good a choice as any!


AP: Why not?


Amy: We? Yeah, we. This is part of our chill chill. What did we decide? It was called Chili Chats Chili chats.


So yes, that's 1 thing. Chili Chat. We should have talked about this in the beginning. I forgot we are. We have picked episodes that take place in chillier climes, just like for our spring break we took.


We picked episodes that were, yeah.


AP: Did you just call it ‘climes’?


Amy: Yeah. Haven't you heard that term?


AP: No.


Amy: Oh, yeah.


AP: I've never heard.


Amy: Short for climates.


AP: I I get that. I've never heard that before.


Amy: Really. No, I haven't used it before.


Anyway. So we picked, you know, stuff where either like people look like they were snuggled up, or it was really snowy, or whatever but like the really snowy ones like in Buffalo, those we've already done.


And I did those again. But that's what we were doing, and we're only doing 3 this time. We each picked one instead of doing 6 weeks. We're only doing 3.


Yeah, but that is what that was sort of our theme. And because we use the name Chili Chili chats, we decided that we would also probably talk about Chili like kind of telling me, like, we're gonna have to have the whole beans. No beans discussion next time, because


Megan is a no beans. I'm a i'm a more beans, more beans than meat. Yep.


AP: I am. I'm I will try just about anything in it, though I do find people in Iowa and Wisconsin do cinnamon roles in chilly.


Amy: Really.


AP: I've also known people who are like, Yeah, I have to have my peanut butter sandwich with my chili like.


Amy: Okay, that.


AP: It's excuse me what.


Amy: Odd.

 I love a peanut butter sandwich with chicken noodle soup, because there's something weird about the 2 flavors that at 1st taste really weird in your mouth together.

 but they end up being delicious.


AP: Yeah, my, my weird one is extra sharp, Cheddar and crackers with hot chocolate.


Not like I not like I dip it in, but I just crave it together. So if I have a like a really good thick, hot chocolate, I crave that balance of the sharp Cheddar.


Amy: Interesting.


AP: Not like Colby, not like Swiss. It needs to be that hard, sharp Cheddar, where you get that bite.


Amy: Yeah. Okay.  Well, I.


AP: Have learned. My grandma on my dad's side used to. That was something she would always have cheese and crackers in hot cocoa.


Amy: Oh! so I think that I will pick a Chili recipe, and we will feature it on socials. And then next week Megan can pick one with no beans whatever.


And then, when it's your episode, you can pick one.


AP: I've got a got a good sweet potato black bean, Chili, that I've done. That's a vegetarian, Chili.


Amy: Nice! Oh.


AP: I've added ground venison or turkey and stuff to it, but.


Amy: Yeah, I can.


AP: I like a good vegetarian. Chili.


Amy: I don't know which one i i have a couple.  My just regular red chili is is yummy, but I I don't really follow a recipe.


AP: I don't. I don't use recipes.


Amy: I just throw shit together, but nothing.


AP: Taste the same twice.


Amy: I know my red chili doesn't ever taste the same twice, but I also make a white chili white chicken. Chili.


That I do follow the recipe because it was a Bonapatit recipe that I then changed a bunch of things, so I call it my own.


And that I have written down so that I'll probably use that one. It's really good.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: Is really really good. It sometimes tastes different, too, depending on what kind of stock you use whether you use like homemade chicken stock or.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: A different kind, but it's it's delicious. So I think that'd be good if we do that. All different types of of chile. So.


AP: Can do.


Amy: Stay tuned for for Chili recipes.


AP: Awesome.


Amy: Alright! Well, thanks for joining us, everybody.


AP: Yeah. Thanks. Everyone..


Amy: bye.


AP: Bye.


Related to this Episode

Episode 118: Lake Huron’s Girl in White Extras

Here are the extras for this episode. (see separate blog post for chili recipe)   The clients Silly face Amy A made. Steve doing his pondering look Minnie Quay Minnie's headstone THE SKETCH The pier Alternate artwork