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May 23, 2024

TAC Sideshow 02

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The Activity Continues

TAC: The Sideshow 02


This week when we recorded we discussed The Dead Files “Drained” (Season 8 Episode 12) which aired September 9, 2017. That recap will be out June 13, 2024.


But this is the conversation we had before we “started”. In this episode we talked about a postcard project Amy is doing, AP’s airline debacle, physical entanglements, and why we’re doing these Sideshows.


We discussed:

Peeing when you don't mean to (Megan)

Postcrossing (Amy): https://www.postcrossing.com/

Explaining what we’re doing with the Sideshow (Amy)

COVID (all)

Airplane debacle (AP)

Movie Rec (AP)

Spiders (Megan)

Psychic Entanglements (Amy)



Content Warning:

 In this episode we talk about COVID and quarantine.


The Activity Continues is a paranormal podcast where soul friends, Amy, Megan, and AP chat about pets, true crime, ghost stories, haunts, dreams, and other paranormal stuff including the TV show, The Dead Files. We also sometimes interview interesting people, whether it be a paranormal professional, a Dead Files client, or a listener with spooky stories.


So, grab your beverage of choice, and join us where… The Activity Continues.


This episode was recorded on May 13, 2024 and released on May 23, 2024.


TAC Sideshow 02 Transcript


So do we want… we have some things we wanted well, actually. The things I wanted to mention.


I can tell you about my airplane seat not being attached.


Oh right.


Oh, Lord.


Yeah. So bear with me as I, I will mute myself as fast as possible. If a coughing fit comes on, but luckily they haven't lasted Too long. Like the one that lasted over an hour the other night in the middle of the night.


Oh my God.


Ohh yeah, I hate those.


I hate those. That's the worst.




And now for me, when I cough, I pee. So it's like coughing and then clenching my legs together to try to prevent the pee from coming out.


You need to do your Kegels.


I do.


Oh, you do?


Yeah. Today we went visited the Juvenile detention center in Saint Paul. And on the way back, I tripped And peed.


I was like, how is this connecting?


I tripped and I peed.


I was like, wow, we changed…we changed topics real quick like.


Yeah. You just got to just give it, it circles back. Everything circles back to Pee.






if you leave this in, there's the title for the episodes.




Everything circles back to pee.


It should be the title of every episode. All right. Are we ready to start?


Going to tell you about my story.


Yeah, let's do, like, fluff stuff, and then we'll start and then like we did, like Megan, like you and I did last time where we talked for like 20 minutes. And then we started. And then I I took that 20 minutes and I released that already to patrons. It's going to be released this week, I think to the masses..


But but I was thinking that would be… because a lot of the times we talk about stuff, fun stuff and then if it's not going to be released for another month, it's out of date. So I would like to do like fun stuff and then release that people can go listen, watch whatever they want. And that's like up to date stuff. And then the actual like guts of the show is.




Yeah, I was wondering like cause I saw that come out last week as I was, I mean. The two podcasts that I listen to the most, they are about a month and a half to two months ahead when they're Recording.


So it's just I know it used to bug me when I would listen to. I don't know if it was Karen and Georgia, if it was someone else where it was like. “Ohh well by the time you guys hear this we will have already been done with this” or whatever and they pretend like, “oh, that was a really fun show haha. It hasn't happened but it will happen for two more weeks” and so I always feel like well, I'd rather you. I'd rather listen to that. I'd rather hear that when it's current than a month later..


Mm-hmm. Yeah.


Yeah. So I don't mind, like the recaps and that, like, occasional little, you know, personal stories and stuff being A month out but but like some of the stuff we talk about smarter, like Mother's Day or, you know, whatever, we don't have to talk About That. But things like that that we talked about, I'd rather not have that.


Yeah, no, I get it.


Be a weekend out but. I don't know. We'll see. I I just tried it this week, we'll see..


I'm always listening far enough behind that I don't give a shit.


So I for every everybody else's podcast I am too. I know, and I'm like, and I can't blame them. It's like it's my fault. I haven't listened to them in months.


My favorite was catching up to the shows when they were getting into COVID or right before the COVID year. And they're like, it's gonna be such a great year. We have all this stuff plans.


And Em Christine, yeah and historically was like 2020. Is going to be an awesome year.


It's gonna be our year. Yeah. And then it was nobody's year.


It was my year. I didn't have to work. I got to sit home and watch TV. It was abso-fucking-lutely my year.


That's true. Yeah


Best ever. Just cause I didn't get sick and I didn't know anyone who got really sick.


No, I didn't get sick either. I still haven't gotten sick from COVID, so


I can't believe you still haven't gotten it.


I know I'm a miracle.


I don't think I have either. I mean, unless what I had three, knowing what COVID was Is it, because I had something that was just nasty? I did too before and it was right around Thanksgiving, but there's no way to know.


I know there is no. I'm pretty sure that I had it too, but it was mine was in late late December, like like New Year's Eve is when I got it. When I felt sick, yeah, the worst.


And I mean we have, we have a global company, we have people coming in from all over the place anyways, so.


Yep, and this was like a week after Greg had visitors from China. So I am pretty sure that I had it. And yeah, there's no way to know. There was no tests or anything. The only thing I can think of that it it probably was is it really felt like it. And I never, I was never sicker before or after that.




I was I thought I was going to die because I couldn't breathe. I had to sleep sitting up and also the fact that I didn't get, I know I didn't get it for so long and I thought maybe I like my antibodies were built up or whatever.


Yeah. I I just remember that Monday before Thanksgiving, I. Woke up in the middle of the night and it came out of nowhere like I was totally fine and my throat have. Have you had mono or strep where you're you have to get steroids to like, reduce the swelling in your throat?


Not that bad, no.


So I've had. That where I could hardly swallow like it hurt to swallow and I was [gulping].


I've had that.


Well, yeah. If it gets bad enough, you can get steroids to help reduce the swelling in your Throat, of your lymphnodes and it felt like that and I just and of course, this is the time when you're just, you're going to work into the office because we weren't really work from home or work remote at that time. And I just remember going in and I felt like I got hit by a truck.


Then I got, you know, like. You know, through the week felt bad Thursday. Like for Thanksgiving, I actually felt really pretty good. And then Friday, I felt like shit warmed over just a pile. I had to drive Kyrie up to the kennel. Then I was meeting my parents to get the Christmas tree, and I was just achy everywhere. Every part of my body. And I just. I knew it was like up and down. I just like, I'm going to the pharmacist and just asking her what I should get because. I know they're just going to tell me it's viral and you can't do anything about it.


Yeah, but at least you can help the symptoms.


Mucinex DM.

Amy Yep, at before COVID. I bought a whole big jug of Mucinex. Just in case we got it and we didn't end up, I mean we've used it now since then, but we didn't need it then. I also had not, not even like, didn't know COVID was coming, obviously had not even been mentioned and I went and bought a jug this big of hand sanitizer just because I wanted to fill , just because I got a bunch of little bottles that I carry my purse and and my work bag and stuff and I just wanted to fill them up. And so I got this big giant thing. And then like, a week later, they're like.




We're all dying and there's no hand sanitizer left, so I was like, well, I have some. I still have some of the stuff.


That like I. Breweries and distilleries were making because they had they had the grain and stuff to be able to make that high content stuff smells terrible.


I never had any. And I never got any.


I mean, it's basically ever clear, you know, little little stronger than that. But I mean most places they were selling it for. Like very cheap, because they were able to make It at least.


Yeah. Well, and that's one industry that didn't really suffer because everybody was still drinking so.




You know, there were still.


Well, that's we've got a lot of the breweries around here. Started doing the crowlers because then they set up where you could order curbside to go. So you could order their crowlers instead of growlers because they could not keep glass growlers in stock for people. So that's where the crowler revolution like.




Crowlers are the big cans,


Oh cans, OK, I was wondering where the C came from.


so they're like 30. Yeah, they're like 32 ounce cans. Maybe a little bit smaller than that, but they're big cans. They're they're not a 16 oz. They might be a 24, I don't remember, but. You can, you still see them everywhere at different breweries, so you can get one of something and then it's, you know, gives you a couple beers for the night or to split with somebody.


All right. Do you want to tell us your story about your, your, your plane adventure from this was going to Salt Lake, right city.


Yeah. Ah. Yeah, at Delta on this one. So we're already running late. Our plane was supposed to be coming in from Salt Lake City. Looks like that flight might have been cancelled. So they rerouted a plane to a different from a different gate to our gate so that we could take off. But they weren't going to land till after we were supposed to leave.

So this flight was coming in from Florida and landed, you know, they go and do their clean or whatever. And we get on the plane and I sit down and I kind of slide forward and it's. Like. “Well, this is different. Is this like a new feature that we're putting on some of The plates” like. Well, you know, like you get sometimes you sit down and you can slide the slide out a little bit. I was like, oh, that's actually. A really great feature and then I was like.

That's interesting. It's it's still kind of doing that. So my coworker was on the window I was on the aisle and there was somebody in between us and we're like, I'm gonna stand up and just check this out. And I stood up and I shit you not, I stood up and I went to adjust the seat. And I was like, so I don't. Think it's supposed to be in my hands this easily.

There they are just velcroed in because they are supposed to be used as flotation devices. The plane go down blah blah.


Right, right.


Now I say this we were in a Boeing 737. I was in row 16 C so, Closer to the you know the front of The plane. And if anybody was on that flight and is hearing this, yeah, that was me. And I'm sorry, but I go. Everybody's seated


Except you, because you're holding your seat.


and I go and I talk to the the flight attendants. Well, yeah. And and on the backside of the seat, it says “for aisle row use only or exit row use only and I was like.We're not an exit row.”

Also the pattern does not match the seat next to me. It's similar but doesn't. Match and all that was there was the batting. There was no Velcro, so we tried to like figure out how it would stick together. I go and approach a flight attendant who is doing his job of taking the orders for the first class people. And I said, “excuse me”, he goes. “I'll be with you in a minute”. I said, “well, my seats not attached” and he was like. “I'm busy?” and it was just like he didn't know what to do, but yeah, OK, you keep getting those first first class orders.


Well, they're the ones that matter, obviously.


So he comes back and he takes a look and he's like, oh, he's just Velcro. And I'm like that. Would. Work. If there was Velcro like there's no Velcro. So he's like ah. “Ohh OK, I'm gonna have to get maintenance.” This is a full flight and the full the couple seats that we had.


Great. Yeah.


We had four. Inactive pilots flying with us so they were would have been flying, most likely standby because they came on at the. End when there was spots opening up so now we have any seats that were open are now full.




Maintenance comes in. Takes a look at it. He's kneeling down, he's doing something. He's muttering to himself a little bit like, “shit”.




He leaves, then he comes back in. And he takes another look at it, and then he talks to the flight attendant and I see. Her Face just go white like


Oh great.


Ohh God which is just what you want to see.


Exactly. And so she's communicating with somebody in the back, and she's like “33Bravo, 33Bravo”, and she's flipping numbers and stuff. And I was like, OK. And so she comes up to me and she's like. “Ma'am, I'm. I'm so sorry to tell you, but your seat is deemed unsafe to fly.” I'm like “no shit, Sherlock”. I was like, hmm. “OK, I understand”. She's like.

“We do have one seat left available on this flight. Row 33 B.”


Oh my God.


Which smelled like vomit.


I'm sure it did.


And you know, it was. It's fine. I was still on the plane. First world problems. I get it. But it's like, OK, she's like, OK, we're we're gonna send you some some miles 2000 miles. Guys, that doesn't even get me an upgrade to comfort Plus from a main cabin for my return flight.


That's what they should have done this given you an upgrade.


  1. 7900 would get me to a comfort. A seat from my original seat.




See, so I did call in or I texted. Didn't really get anywhere, so I sent an e-mail and I was like, use the words “safety”. I was embarrassed also because now I'm the one that's standing up and everyone can identify. Why is she holding up the plane? Because I'm holding my seat in my hand. People. I just wanted to be like.


Right. Right.


Yeah, yeah. Because they don't know. but I.


Hey, It's not my fault.


Also. I also did not want to cause anybody to panic or freak out, right?


Like in “Friends” when they're like “the phalanges! there’s something wrong with the phalanges!” “Ohh, this plane doesn't even have phalanges.”


So. Yes. So the next day, actually we're at lunch and. With some people from another company, and I started mentioning, yeah, my seat wasn't attached. They’re like, wait that was you? And I was like, “Yep, that was me. Hey, guys, what's? Up”. And and and one of the guys was like “you were so calm and so like, he's like, so many people would have been panicking, but you just were so calm and you held your composure and you just like.


You’re like what good does panicking Do?


Yeah. Well, but some people, when you freak out with flying and other things and something's going wrong now the other issue is had there not been a seat available on the plane, I would have had to deplane and wait for the next flight, which would have been the next day.



Oh God.





which at that point I would be making Delta pay for my hotel, my hotel, my flight.

And you know. The ticket for this conference was $2100. You know. Yes, my work paid for it all, but.


That's still A loss.


I'd be missing. I'd be missing half at least half of a day because the next flight out was cancelled on that day.


Ohh no.


So it was.


I bet they would have. They probably would have asked. Will anybody give up their seat and will give you a free upgrade to something else or whatever, to keep you on there because some people, a lot of people on that flight, were not going somewhere with a time crunch. Yeah, group of people that had to be there on time, you know, there was. There's probably somebody that would have said, hey I'll, I'll take it. I don't care. Just go to see my grandma. She can wait a day, you know.




Actually, the woman I sat next to. Who she was going to go take care of her brother, who had just had his second knee replacement. So yeah, in that kind of line, yeah. But yeah, so I've now gotten 5000 total miles because Delta gave me another 3000. I'm like, I would still really like to talk to somebody. Yeah, thanks.


Well. Yeah.


I have found that with those kinds of issues that you have with customer service calling, emailing, those things don't usually work, but if you go to Twitter.


I don't have Twitter.


And complain that only reason I have Twitter, personal Twitter is because of that. I hate Twitter, but it's the only way I've ever gotten anywhere.


X now, OK get it right.


No, I'm not calling it that. Fuck Elon. Yeah. I I was trying to do socials for the what the podcast this weekend and I was getting so mad and Twitter. Because fucking everything up and I just said, you know what? I'm not. I'm. I'm not posting on Twitter anymore. Fuck Elon. close the window. I'm not dealing with Twitter anymore. I'm so fucking sick of it.


Does not mark the spot.


No I'm not because every single time I have. Yeah. To use it I’m  like [whispering] “I fucking hate Twitter.” However, I do keep a personal account for customer service things because that's the only way you get anywhere.




And then they're usually really nice.


I I will say like 99% of the people that I've worked with through Delta for various things have been helpful have been kind. You know, are frustrated for me. I'm like, I don't like making a big scene. I don't. But but I know like.




If you have somebody who has to wait in line and bitches about it, they get something more than that. Like literally. I held up a plane, I had everybody staring at me with that. I like to be the center of attention, but for good reasons.




And that was not a good reason.




No, no it's not.


No, but luckily we made it there safely. I watched anyone but you. It was cute.


I've never heard of that.


I've been seeing that, but I don't remember I have.


Ohh it was out in theaters and it's on. It's on Netflix now. OK. It's Sidney Sweeney, and I don't remember the guy who was the lead in it.


I heard it was kind of raunchy. Is it kind Of raunchy?


You know, I didn't it a little bit, but not not so much that the old lady sit next to me on the way home didn't. Watch it, OK? And she just thought it was the cutest thing.


All good. All right.


Yeah, I mean. It's not raunchy. Like. Like “Knocked Up” was or “The Hangover”.


OK, that's kind of what I thought they meant when they said that it was. Probably just approved that. I was reading probably.


No, like there's, I mean there's times where you've you've got an Australian guy who strips down naked in the outdoor shower to rinse the salt off of himself and the the main, anything.


That sounds like delightful.


I mean you don't see anything. That the main character at one point, Megan your favorite, he ends up with a spider on him, so he takes all his clothes off and throws them off a Cliff.


Oh my God, I did that once. Not throw it off a cliff, but.


But then he's like, I should have thought this through before, before I did all that.


It's the only acceptable response.


Yeah, yeah. So I. Would I would recommend taking a taking a watch like don't have high expectations, but it's cute and it's funny.


I don't know if I told you guys this, but I got Jordan a bug catcher because he's been like, really all about the bugs lately, and so you it's like a. Long thing and there's a slight put it down


Yeah, I had one of those when I was a kid.


 and I caught a spider. Of course. That was very, very.


Is that your new pet now or did you let it?


No, we let it out.




Let it out. We did what You're not supposed to do. And we took it inside to move it outside. But you know what? I didn't want to let it go inside because it was really fucking big.


One thing though, I wanted to tell you about that has nothing to do with The Dead Files. I don't think I ever told you guys about this project that I started doing. It's called Postcrossing postcrossing postcrossing post crossing. I just want to say cross Posting.




but it's post posting so it's it's a a project where you sign up for it and then you agree to send a postcard to somebody in another country.


Ohh yeah, that's cool.


And then so you you say, OK, I'm ready to send a postcard and they send you the name and the address of the person. And then you look at their profile and it says, “I like puppies and kittens” or “I like. Pictures of stars” or “I collect blah blah blah postcards” that I've never heard of and.




Then you just grab a postcard and you send it off to this person, and then you get one back from someone else, not the same person.


Oh cool.

[if you want to see the postcards you’ll want to watch the video version of this episode]


So I have been doing it for a while now and I have I have gotten OK so here's one from Turkey. Oh my God. And then they they right on the back. Yeah, I got one from Canada. Just the other day I got. Let's see this one. Ohh Germany. I've gotten quite a few from Germany.


That's fine.


Ohh nice.


And I got two from the Ukraine.


Ohh that's so cool. Oh my goodness.


Hmm, that's awesome.


Oh yeah, and then this one. This one is from Japan.


Oh, oh, that's pretty.


And then she put a whole bunch of little stickers and stuff on the back. I know, isn't. It cute.


That's adorable. Yeah.


Fine. And then this one's from Korea..


Ohh Oh my God.


And this one is I got this one today, it's from Germany. [it’s a cartoon photo of a dog]

And Greg speaks German and wasn't sure what that said, he goes. I think it's saying well, it says whilst do whilst do mit Mir ghassi Gehen and he said I think it means we Take Me Out like for A walk. Ohh.


Oh, walkie.


But I looked it up and it's will you be my girlfriend or boyfriend? Take Me Out like. That it's like.


Ohh like on a date-ski.


Yeah. Yeah. And I. Cute. That's so cute. Yeah. So it's been really fun getting, you know, sending these and getting them. And. And then you can you can exchange messages on their website. Like they'll say, oh, thank you so much for the card with the blah blah, blah. And and I really like that or something, you know?

So it's kind of like pen pals, except that you don't. You don't keep writing somebody. I mean, I suppose you could if you wanted to. The the Ukraine person sent me two, and he didn't have to. He just he only he sent me one That was part of the part of the dealio. And then he sent Me this one as extra.


That's cool. So if our listeners wanted to sign up for that, how would they do it?


It's post crossting post,  See, I can't say it postcrossing.com. I'll put the link in the show notes too, but it's really fun, so I've had a good. Time with that,


yeah. Well, good, that sounds like a good.




Sounds like a good time.


Alright. Does anybody else have anything more a personal?

You remember Kirsten Langston, who we interviewed the psychic intuitive that we interviewed the drunk tarot girl. I was watching her Instagram the other day, and she was doing, She was talking about psychic entanglements and psychic attacks and how, like, if there's, like, somebody that you have broken up with and you just can't stop thinking about them even though you're the one that broke up with them and you don't Want to be with them anymore, but you can't stop thinking about him, she said. That could be a sign of them having a psychic entanglement with you, and they might not even be know that they're doing it. But they might be, you know.




Kind of like hitting your psyche a bit. And and that's why you can't get him out of your head. So she was showing how to do like, a pendulum swing. And you ask you hold it up and you say, “am I being psychically attacked by” and you put the person's name and who you think it is. And so I did that little test and they were both just hanging straight there. They moved a little bit like back and forth, but they didn't go backwards and forwards.


Yeah. Alright. Should we hop in?


Yeah, let's not. Let's OK. Bye 4321.



Amy VO

Thanks for listening to this little sideshow episode. Hope you liked it. Please remember to download the actual episode that we were recording. It is called Everything Circles Back To Pee and it will be out on June 13th 2024. Thank you.