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July 25, 2024

TAC: Sideshow 7: Zombie Trees

Zombie Trees

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The Activity Continues

We have a shorty for you this week. Since we don’t usually talk politics, we didn’t have much to say this week (check the recording date if you don’t know what we’re referring to).


We talked about what it means when your ears ring, we have an update on the Patio Saga, and somehow, we ended up talking about trees. Like, a lot. We also touch on our appreciation for the Irwin family and how Robert’s IG page is instant serotonin. We even have a little joke for you, thanks to our Patron Shannon.


So, grab your beverage of choice, and join us where… The Sideshow begins.


This is the conversation we had after recording episode 121. Be sure to listen to the episode of The Activity Continues that followed this discussion. We met with Zoey our friend and Patron and learned all about her abilities and gifts. She told some fun stories and we laughed a lot. That episode will be released on August 29, 2024. 


Content Warning:

At the end of this episode we mention a child that is in need of some good vibes due to an accident. So trigger warning for those who need it. Also, we swear.


The Activity Continues, our main even show, is a paranormal podcast where soul friends, Amy, Megan, and AP chat about pets, true crime, ghost stories, haunts, dreams, and other paranormal stuff including the TV show, The Dead Files. We also sometimes interview interesting people, whether it be a paranormal professional, a Dead Files client, or a listener with spooky stories.



This episode was recorded on July 14, 2024 and released on July 25, 2024.


Chapter Markers

00:00:00 Intro

00:00:18 Hello and Sneak Peek to a fun Interview

00:01:23 Ringing in the ears

00:03:03 The Patio Saga concludes

00:04:25 Megan Celebrates WFH

00:06:01 Poor Ambrose (Amy’s tree) and other tree talk

00:11:13 A joke from a Patron

00:12:27 Irwin’s Instant Serotonin

00:15:37 Tech Glitches. Amy’s dad?

00:16:18 Fake Steve tries to muscle in on FB group

00:18:12 AP’s Rec: My Lady Gray

00:19:51 Megan's Meds

00:21:44 AP’s ask for Vibes/Prayers for injured child

00:22:58 Next week

00:23:45 Outro


Episode links:

Robert Irwin IG: https://www.instagram.com/robertirwinphotography/

My Lady Jane: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CY53NZ11

Fotor for AI artwork: https://www.fotor.com/referrer/1ygaknya



Hosted by: Amy Lotsberg, Megan Simmons, and Amy Piersak

Production, Artwork, and Editing: Amy Lotsberg at Collected Sounds Media, LLC.

Intro music: “Sawdust and Splinters” by Martin Klem

SS Outro Music: “Sad Clown” by Martin Klem

Outro music: “Ghost Story” by Cannelle https://melissaoliveri.com


Socials and other goodies:

Our website, https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/ 

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/theactivitycontinues 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theactivitycontinues/ 

Reddit: https://new.reddit.com/r/TheActivityContinues/

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Blog for extras: https://www.theactivitycontinues.com/blog/

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Newsletter sign-up: http://eepurl.com/hWnBLL


Thank you for listening, take care of yourselves. We’ll see you next week!


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TAC: The Sideshow #7



Amy: Okay. So sideshow, number…7


AP: Bob.


Megan: I think about that, too.


Amy: What? Oh…


AP: Sideshow Bob


Megan: From the Simpsons. Yeah.


Amy: Okay.


Amy: Welcome everyone to the Sideshow episode seven.


Megan: Hello! I'm in.


AP: Hey?


Megan: Welcome to the party.


Amy: We did this a little different this time, because this week we actually interviewed Zoey, and we just finished talking with her. It was amazing and.


Megan: As always.


Amy: Yes, as it always is, and that one's gonna be out on August 29th


But I know we'll you'll get. You'll hear this long before that, so we don't want to give too many spoilers. But just.


AP: No.


Amy: …know that it was a wonderful conversation. We had a great time. She did a little reading. She read our auras, and she did a one-card Tarot Reading for each of us. That were quite interesting.


Megan: Spot on.


Amy: And spot on. Yeah.


AP: Yeah.


Megan: So mark your calendars for that, because you will wanna tune in cause. She is always a delight, and.


Amy: She is.


Megan: Has the best stories.


Amy: She does, and you get to see her baby.


Megan: Something's going on in my throat. I don't know but


Amy: If it's anything like Teresa Caputo, you know. I told you I've been watching her show.


Amy: She gets a little [cough] in her throat when someone's trying to talk to her.


Megan: Do you know what? Last night I was going to bed and I got the most intense ringing in my right ear, and I was, my immediate thought was who's trying to talk to me.


It was so strong And I was like, what do you need? Who is it? And then it just faded away.


Amy: Yeah, I get that a lot. And I just I thought it was my ears. And I also thought.


Megan: But so that's why I noticed it like right away, because it doesn't happen that often.


Amy: My ears are always ringing. They're all. There's always a dull ‘mmmmm, going on? But.


Megan: Have you gotten that Looked at.


Amy: Yeah, age. It happens.


Megan: I just want to be sure you're okay.


Amy: Yeah but the thing I do get is every once in a while it sounds like something went and slammed it shut


Megan: A, yeah.


Amy: and it goes ‘eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee’.


AP: I've gotten that where it feels like it literally feels like something just shut off like you know where. All of a sudden, you just it that click through. So I know exactly what you're talking about there. And it's like, Oh, what?


Yeah, it's like quiet. There's a different level of quiet going on.


Amy: And I've just recently learned that that could be spiritual as well. And if it's your left ear it could be something that's in the room that, or somebody that has come into your energy. That's bad.


Amy: And if it's the right ear. It's not. It's just someone that wants to talk to.


Megan: Yeah, it was right.


Megan: So that just made me think of that. I don't know why, but anyways.


Amy: Anyway. So what do we have to talk about this week? I know they all. We all wrote down a couple of things.


AP: Hi, you guys, our patio is.


Amy: Oh, yeah.


AP: Pretty much complete. All they have to do is put the sand in to lock it.


AP: It has taken quite a while. It started.


Megan: It’s been a Saga.


AP: Started right before Memorial Day weekend, and we are now halfway through July.


Obviously, we had a lot of rain and stuff going on in that.


That also… But, like they are you know, he's


AP: fairly, you know, probably been in the business for a couple of years now, like knows what he's doing. But also we had a very specific like, we have a pool. We have a you know, the house. You've gotta put all these things in. So he actually was doing things that he's never done before, and so, taking a lot of time they've had. He's had some reps out with a couple of different things. So they re-laid some of the areas a couple of times, and


Megan: Good that he's Making sure he's doing it right?


AP: Yup, and he's getting getting all that cause he's like. Well, now, I have more things that I can you know, used to advertise to people, and so they will be taking some drone shots that.


Megan: Oh, yeah.


AP: Of of the backyard and that sort of stuff, so that we can. He can show a before and after type Pictures.


Megan: Oh, that's cool. Yeah.


AP: So it's really exciting. I can't wait to like be able to go work out there on my days. I'm working from home.


Amy: Oh, yeah.


AP: Nice.


Megan: Working from home, starting this coming week 4 days out of the 5.


Amy: Yes.


AP: Save a little gas money.


Megan: I know.


Amy: I know, and you can work in your PJs.


Megan: I know!


Amy: and you can sleep in.


Megan: Well, no, because I still have to bring Jordan to day care.


Amy: Oh, yeah, right.


Megan: Yeah, and it's a process to get him ready. He is not a morning person, so he needs a lot of time.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: Which I get.


Amy: Yeah.


Amy: Get it out of the way early in the week, and then chill for the rest of the week.


Megan: Exactly.


Amy: So nice!


Megan: I don't have to fight traffic. I only have to pay for one day of parking.


Megan: It'll be so great it'll save so much miles on my car, which I can then use to go other places.


Amy: Right.


Megan: so won’t save Miles, they'll just be put it towards something else.


Amy: I mean, that's I would call that saving.


AP: They're just recommissioned for other things.


Megan: Exactly. They're reallocated to a different fund.


Amy: Re-allocated. There you go. Yeah.


Megan: Business jargon for you.


Megan: Well AP, I'm very excited that your patio is almost done.


AP: Me too.


Megan: You're gonna have to have a celebratory drink out there.


AP: Oh, absolutely!


Amy: Or 3, or...


Megan: Or 4, or the whole bottle. It's fine.


Amy: It's fine.


Megan: You don't have to drive.


AP: It says it's a glass. You just didn't tell me what kind of glass it had to be.


Megan: Yeah. It's their fault for not specifying.


Amy: for not being specific.


AP: Not being specifying.


Amy: Yep, that's okay.


Megan: Specificity


Amy: That's.


Megan: Words are tough. Okay.


Amy: I know.


Amy’s Tree

Amy: Speaking of patios. I woke up this morning to my big giant tree.


Megan: So sad.


Amy: Pieces of this tree. I mean it. The tree itself is still there.


AP: What kind of tree is it?


Amy: It's an elm.


AP: Oh. Ohhhhhh


Amy: And it, we, we inoculate it. We give it its vaccination. So it doesn't get Dutch Elm disease and.


AP: And  People have been doing that. Whoever has owned this house the whole time the tree's been there longer than anything else in the neighborhood, and if that tree were to fall over it would take out half the neighborhood, because I mean, like we saw we went to brunch today. And we saw trees that you know how, when the water gets really wet, the whole tree just goes, and then all that you know how trees are like.


AP: Did you just say, ‘when the water gets really wet’?


Amy: Did I say wet?



Megan: Yeah.I was gonna let it go.


AP: It's okay.


Amy: I think I meant when the soil gets really wet and then the whole tree just goes over as opposed to breaking.


AP: Yeah, yeah.


Amy: And you know how like there's twice as much of from what you can see on the top underneath.


Megan: It's the iceberg of the land.


Amy: Right, our our whole neighborhood would be gone if that tree did that,


Megan: it really would


Amy: Because that tree is enormous. And I love that tree. I am only the only.


Megan: Thing I would hope is it would fall on your driveway because any other way it would destroy it would destroy a house.


Amy: It would.


Megan: Destroy a house.


Amy: It would destroy our house, just because the the whole, all the land, would come up.


Megan: That's true.


Amy: The tree is probably down like this underneath our house, you know.


Megan: Probably is. It's probably underneath the whole neighborhood honestly.


Amy: Yeah.


Amy: But anyway, we lost two giant branches, one fairly big up on the main level, and then a really big one down on the bottom level that broke into the the garden tiers. There's 3 tiers.


Megan: No!


Amy: Broke in and all stones are all knocked out.


AP: Retaining wall there.


Amy: Yeah, did it get.


Megan: Did it hurt your fence?


Amy: No. It missed the fence.


Megan: Oh that’s good.


Amy: Yeah, when we were in Scotland, not this last time, but the time before. So it would have been 2018.


Amy: We were we were in Scotland on our last day, and there was a storm here, and a big branch fell out and took most of the back of the fence down. And that had to get Redone.


Megan: Poor Ambrose.


Amy: I know.


AP: Well, and I mean, I know there's a lot of people I see on the next door App, who get really upset about all these trees coming down? Blah! Blah! Blah!


They do have a lifespan right like at some point we know, and especially when you see all these really big old mature trees. That's a start. That's a thought that starts coming in because it's like.


Do you get? You know? How do you get in front of it. Or do you just wait to see what happens? Kind of stuff. And obviously, you know, trees can be healthy until they're just not.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: So.


Megan: That was deep.


Amy: That was deep.


AP: Yeah, I mean, we took down a tree because it was dropping branches left and right and just dead. The tree wasn't. The tree was not dead, but it was acting like it. And so we ended up taking that out.


Megan: Maybe it was dying?


Amy P There was no rot or anything in it, no no sign of disease. So we ended up. Take, we ended up taking it down, which is kind of unfortunate, but we planted it cherry tree over there, and in that spot, and that's where our pumpkin patch is as well.


Yup, but we will.


Megan: You planted one to replace the one you took.


AP: We gotta take down our ash tree. We inoculated it last year, but unfortunately,


The city was aware that Emerald ash bore was in the area, and they didn't let anybody really know they didn't do any notifications which I feel like they should have, because they took down a whole bunch of stuff.


Now, pretty much everybody's ash tree in the neighborhoods are all gone.


Amy: Yeah.


AP: Or they're all zombie trees, you know, like we've got some new growth on it. But all the main big stems of this tree are gone.


Megan: That sucks.


AP: So that's the whole thing's gotta come down. But it's like, had we known about it, you know potentially, when it was 1st showing up when they 1st started doing things, we may have been able to save it better, or others may have been able to save their trees.


Amy: Hmm.


AP: Some trees died, I mean almost immediately.


Megan: Yeah.


Amy: Wow!


Amy: We got a tree guy coming out tomorrow, so we'll figure out what we have to do. I know there's also a branch that broke and is hanging, and just kind of swinging up there.


AP: Called a a widow maker.


Amy: Yeah, that's a little dangerous. So.


Megan: Don't like that.


Amy: To watch the animals when we go out and start. They're coming tomorrow hopefully.


Megan: Get it together, Ambrose. Get it together.


Amy: So hopefully, we can save the tree. I mean it is pretty healthy in every other way. So.


Megan: I know you, you love that tree.


Amy: I love that tree.


AP: Yes.


Amy: And it it is giving shade to the whole backyard.


AP: Well, it's always giving shade to everyone.


Amy: Yeah, it's kind of kind of rude that way. Really.


Amy: Anyway,


AP: I was hoping you picked up on that.


Megan: I can’t even imagine what your yard would look like if you had to get that tree down.


Amy: Would be fucking hot as shit!


Megan: Would be, you wouldn't be able to sit outside anymore.


AP: The naked yard.


Amy: It would and it would be awful back there.


Megan: It’d be terrible.


Amy: I know. I thank Ambrose every day when I'm out there in the shade.


Amy: So that's that.

 Oh, the other thing I had on the list.  Shannon, our our patron, Shannon.


 She sent me a real Instagram. Let me see if I if I can find it really quick. Do you guys have your phones with you?


Megan: Yeah. Yup.


Amy: I could send it to you.


Megan: Do you have a feeling that you blink too much? Now I'm becoming really aware of my blinking.


 Am I blinking a lot?


Amy: I don't think so.


Megan: Now I'm like hyper fixated on it.


Amy: Alright!


Megan: Nobody looked at me, blinking.


AP: Just don't check your uvula today.


Amy: Oh!


Megan: I know I won't.


AP: Or dongle. I'm sorry your dongle.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: Medical term is dongle. I called Mayo, they’re changing it.


Amy: Yeah.


Amy: Anyway, it was It was a joke about a difference between a genealogist and a gynecologist.

And I had funny cat pictures With it. So I will send it to you guys and And then I'll put it in the in the video.


AP: Sounds good.


Audio of Instagram reel:

What's the difference between a genealogist and a gynecologist?  I dread to think. A genealogist looks up the family tree and a gynecologist looks up the family bush.


Amy: Okay. A. P. Do you want to do one of yours?


AP: Yeah, I just. I see Robert Irwin all the time on Instagram, and he is a like world treasurer. So we need to just cherish him.

Megan: Love him so like.


AP: He’s the chef?


Megan: Steve Irwin’s.


Amy: Oh, Steve Irwin's kid! Oh, I was.


AP: Irwin, Irwin.


Amy: I was thinking of Irwin.


AP: Irwin.


Amy: Okay. Steve's son.


Megan: Anytime he comes up on my page, instantly I’m in a happy mood.


AP: Oh, but you know what you know even.


And it's not just like the animal ones like I watched when. And this was after this video that I saw him. He was in his little workout room, and a bat was in there, and so he picked it up and and moved it somewhere and talked about. And then he's like, Oh, yeah, and don't pick up bats with your hands like you shouldn't be doing that like I know what I'm doing, but you shouldn't do this like, make sure to look for that.


And but you know he's got other things like Bindi has endometriosis, I believe, or PCOS, one of those.


 She was heavy, and such severe pains and things like that. And he's been standing up and speaking about like we need research into these things. We need to do things to help women.

 and you know he obviously he was raised by a very strong mother and a very strong sister, and just, you know, family in general.


AP: so it's just he's just a he's just a treasure. And yeah, he's so.


Megan: Talk about a green flag, guy.


AP: Yeah, like they're sprinting, and the green flags are just like flowing off of like a cape like a very long cape.


Megan: A very long green cape. Yeah.I love him. He is just such a doll. I just.


AP: If you don't follow him on Instagram or something, I highly recommend it. Because, yeah, Megan, like you said it. Just it just brightens your day, because he's so.


Megan: It’s just instant serotonin


AP: Just I mean, he's just like his dad. He's so excited about the like weird little things that all of us can connect to at some point, because we've all been super excited about something weird. And yeah, it's just.


Megan: Not me.


Amy: Love It.


AP: So that is, that was my. We need to. We need to protect him.


Megan: I love him, he is, and he's like a carbon copy of his dad, too.


AP: Yes, very much, so.


Megan: Sweet.


Amy: Yeah, I used to watch Steve Irwin’s shows all the time.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: And Bindi was just a little tiny kid.


AP: Well, and Bindi. I love Bindi Sue. She's named after a crocodile and a dog cause his dog was Suie and the or yeah dog with Suie and the crocodile was Bindi.


Amy: And okay.


Megan: She's yeah. There, that whole family is just.


Amy: So sweet.


Megan: Mother. I can't think of her name.


AP: Teri.


Megan: Teri.


Megan: She is just. She's done so. Such a great job with those kids.


AP: She looks exactly the same. Yeah.


Megan: She does.


Amy: She hasn't aged a bit.


Megan: Really upheld Steve's legacy, and it shines through the kids.


Amy: Yeah, they all see that. Yeah.


Megan: It's just been so sweet.


Megan: I love her! I love the whole family. Yeah, they're they're gold.


AP: Yes, they are. So, yeah, that's.


Amy: Speaking of gold. I don't know if you if it's working for you. But right here on my screen.


Amy: Flashing even when I'm not talking.


Megan: In that.


AP: I've seen that going on.


Megan: Maybe that's your dad.


Amy: Maybe that's my dad.


Amy: Sitting in this chair.


AP: It was doing that the last time we recorded, too.


Amy: Oh, did it? Oh, I didn't even notice. I wonder! Maybe it won't be in the final result. Maybe it's just what we're seeing right now.


Megan: Maybe.


Amy: 'cause I didn't notice it when I was editing last time.


Megan: You'll have to keep an eye out this time to see.


Amy: I will,.


AP: Yeah, it wasn't as consistent as it's been today. But yeah, I did remember seeing it last time. And I was like, Oh, well.


Amy: It's probably my camera dying.


AP: It's all surviving.


Amy: the only other thing I wanted to bring up is that Rebecca from the TDF Group Facebook group she had she was approached by somebody who complained to be Steve.


AP: Oh!


Amy: DiSchiavi and he wanted to be in the group.


Amy: and she was like. I don't think so. Steve doesn't have Facebook, and he's like, no, I just opened up this Facebook account. And she she was showing me some of this like screenshots of some of the stuff he was saying, and I'm like I I don't think so.


He then recorded a message to her, and I will play it here.


AI Steve Voice:

Yes, this is Steve.  Rebecca darling, I want to take a moment to address any concerns you might have regarding my intentions.  I completely understand the importance of trust, especially in online connections.  I've had my fair share of negative experiences with scams and I know how disheartening it can be.


That's why I value honesty and openness in my interactions. If there's anything specific you'd like to know about me or discuss to build trust, please feel free to ask.  I'm here to be transparent and genuine.  Looking forward to continuing our conversation.



Amy: and it really sounded like him. But there was something in the cadence that was a little funny. And I said, I think it's AI that's and she fucked around with the guy a little bit more, and and he she asked him the right questions or the wrong questions according to him, and he cut off.


 So it was fake, so.


Megan: Plus, I don't think Steve would ever call anybody darling.


Amy: I think he would.


Megan: See that really from Steve.


Amy: Really?


AP: I don't see, darlin, as a term, that he would use.


Megan: Feel like he'd only use it on somebody he really knows.


AP: Sweetie. Maybe.


AP: like I don't.


Megan: Yeah. so that would have thrown me right away.


Amy: Amy, do you have one more thing? You wanna say something about Lady Jane.


AP: Oh, yeah, I had. It's a new show on prime. So people who like Bridgerton meets like Renegade Nell a little bit. My Lady Jane is a series. It is based on Lady Jane Gray, who was the 9 days queen after. So she was named the heir to the throne. When King Edward the 6th died, when he was 15, he named her instead of Mary, his sister by Henry the 8th


So Henry the 8th died, Edward comes into his power, but he was very sickly, and he didn't live very long, and this has a fantasy element and everything to it. But it's just, you know, for people who might need that little bit of kick in between things. It's pretty fun.


 They're obviously taking liberties with this being fantasy aspect, too, and so they're.


 I don't think Edward is dead. We get told that Edward is dead, and Mary tried to, you know destroy the will, so that she was named, and create a fake will, so that she would be named the heir. But.


Megan: Yeah. Drama.


AP: Yeah, I'm halfway through it, but it's it's pretty interesting. So.


Megan: Nice, sounds good.


Megan: Where can people stream it?


AP: That's on Amazon, Prime.


Megan: Okay.


Megan: I don't know if you said that.


AP: Mmm-hmm.


Megan: Okay, I forgot.


AP: Yeah, all right.


Megan’s Meds


Megan I added something.


Amy: Okay.  I have mine printed out, so it's not on my printed copy. What would you like to talk about, Megan?


Megan: My ADHD meds. They are.


Amy: Yes!


Megan: They're kickin’ they’re going strong. They're going too strong. I missed a meeting. I focused right through a meeting I had the other day at work and I was like, Oh, shit!


I have noticed they are an appetite suppressant, so when I take them I barely eat cause I just don't get hungry.


Amy: Really.


Megan: Yeah. So like right now. We went to church this morning, and after church they had a little brunch. So Jordan and I stayed for that, and then I have not been hungry.


I'm just getting hungry now, and yesterday I didn't get hungry until like 6 Pm.


Amy: Hmm.


Megan: So. But When I get hungry it's like it goes from. You're fine to like.


Amy: I'm going to eat my face?


Megan: And your blood sugar's low. Yeah, and you're starving.


Amy: That's because you haven't been eating like you normally were.


Megan: yeah.


Amy: maybe set a little something on your phone to say, have a cracker every two hours.


AP: Polly wants a cracker.


Megan: I had some watermelon yesterday at about noon, but that's not very sustaining. It’s pretty much just red water.


AP: Well, but maybe it. Maybe it's the planning for small meals throughout the day rather than  3 larger ones.


Megan: Yeah. So that's been. But it's really good. I have my checkup my one month checkup with the doctor on the 30th too. Go see how it's been working for me. Awesome.


AP: That’s awesome!


Amy: Excellent!


AP: Congratulations.


Megan: Thank you. It is very nice. I definitely do see a change.


Amy: Good.


Megan: and I don't have any like. ‘I'm a different person. I feel fuzzy’. I don't feel any different than I did before.


AP: Yeah.


Amy: Well, sounds like they got the dose right then, which is hard to do sometimes you have to do that for a few months to get it organized, but sounds like they got it right.


Megan: We're good. Excellent! Yeah, that's all I had.


Amy: Okay.  


AP: I just have one to throw out because this will probably still be going on any positive vibes and everything to a friend of mine's cousin's son was in a horrible dirt bike accident.

He's 7. He was on a national circuit type stuff, severe brain damage.


Amy: Ohhh.


AP: So they're they've been at the Children's Hospital since the end of June, and it's gonna be a long road and recovery for.


Amy: Yeah.


Megan: is he gonna live? Or is that still up in the air.


AP: I I don't know. I think they they did a craniotomy to reduce pressure, and they were trying to wean him off sedation for a while. There. But yeah, they said, at least 2 areas of the brain. It's likely irreversible brain damage.


Megan: That's awful!


AP: So any any positive vibes, prayers, things that people send out would be helpful For him.


Megan: Yeah. Okay. Alright


Amy:. Done, will too.


Megan: Sounds good


AP: thanks.


Amy: Alright. Well, thanks everybody for joining us for this little short one.


Megan Thanks for listening!


Amy:  Yeah, don't forget to go. Listen to the Zoe episode in a few weeks, cause it's gonna be pretty good.


Megan: 29th is when it comes out.


Amy: But next week we are doing a recap. It is episode 119, it'll be called Atheist Ghosts And Dinosaur Pee, so just try and figure out what it's gonna be about.


AP: Did we talk about it? That episode.


Amy: Well, we did recap The Dead Files Episode from Season 3 called “Dark Inheritance”. This was our last installment in the Chilly Chats series. This was Megan's choice. So that's what we did then. So join us next week where The Activity Continues.


AP: Ooooh oooh


Megan: Thanks everybody!


Amy: Thanks everybody!


AP: Thanks everybody!


All: Bye!