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Oct. 11, 2024

Exploring Paranormal Mysteries: TAC 124 summary

Exploring Paranormal Mysteries: TAC 124 summary

Exploring Paranormal Mysteries: TAC 124 summary


**Hi Ghosty Fam!**


Welcome back to another eerie adventure with The Activity Continues, a podcast where your three soul friends, dive deep into the world of the paranormal. From ghostly hauntings, psychic encounters, and our favorite spooky TV shows like "The Dead Files", to interviews with intriguing figures in the paranormal community, we cover it all. Today, we're dissecting one of the most popular episodes of The Dead Files: "Starvation Heights." So buckle up, and let's get spooky.



Amy here, ready to guide you through the chilling tale of Dr. Linda Hazard and her infamous "Starvation Heights." This episode of The Dead Files takes us on a journey to Olalla, Washington, where a family is experiencing unsettling paranormal activity. But first, let’s set the scene.


**Meet the Family**

We meet Logan, an 18-year-old who lives with his parents, Laurie, and Shane. They occupy two homes on their property—the old house, which holds a dark past, and a newer one they've built. Logan, curious and perhaps a bit reckless, conducted multiple séances in the old home, which he believes may have stirred up something sinister. His father, Shane, hasn't had any experiences himself but knows the ghostly lore tied to their land, particularly concerning Dr. Linda Hazzard, a notorious figure in paranormal circles.


**Dr. Linda Hazzard: A Glimpse into Horror**

Shane explains to Steve that their property once belonged to Dr. Linda Hazzard, who ran a health sanitarium where she practiced her form of "healing" through starvation. This brutal method, intended to purge toxins, instead led to the deaths of many. The tale becomes even darker when we learn more about Dr. Hazzard’s methods from our guest, author Gregg Olsen, who has extensively researched this chilling piece of history.


**Haunting Details Unfold**

As Amy Allan conducts her walk-through of the old and new homes, she encounters multiple spirits, including a particularly enraged woman whose face is grotesquely disfigured. This spirit seems to have a vendetta against the women of the house, making Logan's mom Lori's insistence that they are "not in any danger" all the more unsettling.


**Tensions Rise with Logan**

Throughout the episode, Logan’s increasing unease becomes palpable. Initially claiming he only performed a few séances, he eventually confesses to having done 17, each one seemingly escalating the paranormal activity. Amy Allan, visibly frustrated, highlights the real and painful consequences such actions can have on both the living and the dead.


**The Reveal: A Dangerous Truth**

The reveal segment takes place in the old house, with only Logan and his father present—Lori opts out, adding to the tension. Amy connects her findings with historical events, including the twisted methods and eventual demise of Dr. Hazzard. However, the most shocking moment comes when Amy reveals her sketch of the angry spirit, sparking debate on whether it represents one of Hazzard’s victims or the doctor herself.


**Impact of the Seances**

Amy punctuates the reveal by stressing the seriousness of contacting spirits, urging Logan to cease conducting séances immediately. The episode closes on a note of ambiguity—Logan agrees to stop, and the family considers tearing down the old house to put the spirits to rest once and for all.


**Final Thoughts**

This episode is rife with historical intrigue and paranormal mystery, making it a standout in "The Dead Files" series. However, we’re left wondering why it’s considered “the most popular.” While gripping, some may find other episodes more compelling. Nevertheless, the chilling history, combined with Logan's reckless curiosity, makes for a hauntingly memorable tale.


**Closing Remarks**

Next week, we’ll be back with another sideshow episode. We're still deciding on the topic, so stay tuned for more paranormal fun. Thanks for joining us today. Stay spooky, and take care, Ghosty Fam!


Until next time,

Amy, Megan, & AP



**Join Us!**

Feel free to share your thoughts on this episode or any other paranormal experiences you’ve had. We're always eager to hear from our Ghosty Fam. And don't miss out on our live show—remember to send in your stories, (stories@theactivitycontinues.com) as we need content for our 3-hour special.


Stay connected, Ghosty Fam!