Patreon Happy Hour Reminder
Amy popping in to remind you all to join us on Patreon so you can join us for the Patreon Happy Hour.
You can join for just a dollar!
I just wanted to remind everyone to join our Patreon today so you can join us for the first Virtual Happy Hour via Zoom that we are doing this weekend, Sunday April 23rd at 3pm Central time.
We’re just going to log in and chat, get to know each other. Talk about ideas for the show, take suggestions for episodes to cover or other things to do on the show, maybe tell some ghost stories, etc. Don’t worry no one has to talk unless they want to. Being an introvert myself, I would never force anyone to engage. You can just watch and listen if you like.
We will be recording it so if you’re a Patron and can’t join you can watch it later.
So if that sounds fun to you, hop over to and sign up.
You can start with just the $1 level if you want. I mean, if you find a lot of value in your membership we’d love it if you moved to a higher tier, but you don't have to in order to join the happy hour.
Hope to see you Sunday!