April 8, 2022

The Judge and the Bootlegger

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The Activity Continues

Megan is covering Season 11 Episode 11 titled “Rage”. It originally aired September 18, 2019.  Amy recapped Season 2 Episode 6 (on Discovery+, S2E4 on Hulu) called “Blood in the Bordello” which originally aired December 14, 2012.

This is our 12th episode, “The Judge and the Bootlegger” was recorded on March 31, 2022.


This time Megan is covering Season 11 Episode 11 titled “Rage”. It originally aired September 18, 2019.  Amy recapped Season 2 Episode 6 (on Discovery+, S2E4 on Hulu) called “Blood in the Bordello” which originally aired December 14, 2012.


But first we gab for a good bit of time before we even start talking about The Dead Files.  So, if you don’t enjoy patter and/or US as people, just skip ahead to about 21:30 for when we start talking about the show. But be warned, we still go off on tangents even when we are, in theory, on track. Think of it as our charm.


Pour yourself a glass of cream wine, Rebel or your other drink of choice and join us while we talk about The King of the Bootleggers and the Ball Guy; Scottish dancing, belching, creepy podcasts and TV shows, and going from zero to fucked up in no time.


So grab your hankies, hop in the Cadillac, and meet us in the cemetery where… The Activity Continues.


Stuff we talked about in this episode:

·        Our promo partner podcasts this month are

o  “Haunted UK”: https://www.instagram.com/hauntedukpodcast/

o  “Shittin’ Bricks”: https://shittin-bricks.captivate.fm/

·        Ceilidh (pronounce KAY-lee), Scottish Dancing we talked about https://youtu.be/PqwE9G6E6mw

·        Amy’s TV recommendation The Holzer files https://www.travelchannel.com/shows/holzer-files and I apologize to Alexandra Holzer, I misremembered her name as Andrea.

·        Alabama Governor Belch: https://www.reddit.com/r/AlabamaMemes/comments/l88zw2/governor_kay_ivey_belches_good_news_about_alabama/

·        Guy who chugged seltzer and …well, just watch it https://youtu.be/3gtxkf40HtY


The Activity Continues is a podcast where a couple of dorks (Amy & Megan) chat about the TV show, The Dead Files and other creepy shit.  Each week we each choose an episode to dissect and chat about.

See our socials (links below) or our blog for extras.

If you’d prefer to watch the video version please see our YouTube Channel




This podcast is in no way affiliated with the Travel Channel or the TV show The Dead Files or any of its cast or crew. We’re just a couple of fans that love the show and want to build a community of like-minded people who would enjoy hanging out and discussing the episodes.


Content Warning:

This is a general content warning, many of the episodes of the TV show talk about murders, some even involving children. So that may come up in our conversation as well. So please proceed with that in mind. But if you already watch The Dead Files you’ll be prepared.


Also, while Amy and Steve's swears are bleeped on TV, ours are not.



Hosted by: Amy and Megan

Produced by Amy at Collected Sounds Media, LLC.

Theme song. “Ghost Story” and segment music by Cannelle  http://www.patreon.com/melissaoliveri



Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/theactivitycontinues

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theactivitycontinues/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheActivityCont  



Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/theactivitycontinues

Website: https://www.podpage.com/the-activity-continues/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVV6T7fLheh4BqGIP_FF5wg

Newsletter sign up: http://eepurl.com/hWnBLL

Say hello at theactivitycontinues@gmail.com

Send us cool stuff at:

Collected Sounds Media, LLC

8014 Olson Memorial Hwy 55 #240

Golden Valley, MN 55427-4712

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