Sept. 27, 2023

Fit Men Project - The Luke DePron Interview

Today's guest, Luke DePron, is a highly sought after weight loss coach and founder of the Fit Men Project.

Who Is Luke DePron:

Hey there. I’m Luke, the founder of Fit Men Project.

When it comes to the fitness industry I’ve been fortunate to have done it all. What started with a passion for fitness ended with a degree in Exercise Science Kinesiology, thousands of hours doing 1 on 1 personal training, working as corrective exercise specialist in San Diegos premier rehab studio, providing sport performance to Olympic and professional level athletes, to what I do now helping businessmen and entrepreneurs permanently lose weight and optimize their physiques, energy, and health.

While I’ve been in the fitness industry for over 15 years I’ve always felt like a bit of an outsider.

Looking around I saw trainers and coaches obsessed with exercise, and whose lives were consumed by the gym.

That wasn’t me.

It wasn’t until I began working with entrepreneurs and business owners that things clicked.

These men were building companies, had visions, and needed exercise to support their lives NOT take over it.

The exact relationship I had with exercise.

Today I’m fortunate to support these men in their endeavors by helping them install fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle frameworks so they show up as the most fit, healthy, and energized versions of themselves.

They’re crushing business and life!

Where Can I Follow Luke DePron:

Website -

LinkedIn -

From Your Host:

"I am on a journey to be the best version of myself and want to ensure others don't travel alone. Join me as I look to interview experts in areas of mindset, motivation and fitness to help guide us on our journeys." ~Charles Wallace

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Instagram - chalwallace

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NGBN.TV is a holistic personal & professional development network. It serves men in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. It’s home to top experts, authors, speakers, influencers, and presenters in the areas of mental health, physical wellness, personal growth, and professional excellence.

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