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Sept. 21, 2024

903: Is P. Diddy the New Jeffrey Epstein? | Week in Review

@BNicholsLiberty & @HeyRemso expose surprising political shifts, including Teamsters' quiet support for Trump, dissects the rise of "Blue Anon" conspiracy theories, and draws unsettling parallels between P. Diddy and Jeffrey Epstein, challenging listeners to reconsider their understanding of current American politics and culture.

Are the Teamsters quietly backing Trump? Is P. Diddy the new Jeffrey Epstein? And what's behind the rise of "Blue Anon" conspiracy theories? This explosive Amp America Week in Review (part of The Brian Nichols Show) dives deep into the most controversial political topics of the week.



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Host Brian Nichols and guest Remso Martinez unpack the shocking revelation that 59% of Teamsters union members support Trump, despite the union's official stance. They explore why this major shift could signal trouble for the Democrats in 2024. Later, the discussion then turns to the disturbing allegations surrounding music mogul P. Diddy and how they echo the Epstein scandal.


The hosts examine the emergence of "Blue Anon" conspiracy theories on the left, comparing them to QAnon and questioning why mainstream media seems to be promoting some of these unfounded ideas. They debate whether these theories are a reaction to Trump's potential comeback or a sign of deeper issues within the Democratic establishment.


Nichols and Martinez don't shy away from controversial topics, tackling everything from union politics to Hollywood scandals. They offer insightful analysis on how these seemingly disparate events could be interconnected and what it might mean for the upcoming election - including a surprising theory about a potential link between P. Diddy and Montel Williams.


As they wrap up, the hosts share their predictions for the 2024 election and discuss why they believe major changes are coming to America. Whether you agree with their takes or not, this episode promises to challenge your assumptions and give you plenty to think about. Don't miss this no-holds-barred discussion of the week's most contentious political stories.



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Unknown Speaker  0:00  
Music. Instead

Brian Nichols  0:01  
of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to the Brian Nichols show. Well, happy Saturday. Brian Nichols here on another fun filled episode of The Brian Nichols show we're doing our AMP America Week in review, we got a lot to dig into why the teamsters split from a Democratic Party, and they officially are not endorsing anyone, but they're actually endorsing someone. Let's talk about why we went from Q anon to Blue Anon, and then I don't know, let's talk about P Diddy puff, daddy, Sean Combs, and all the weird things that are happening behind the scenes there. I can't do this alone. So joining me for our Week in Review from amp America. Remzo Martinez, you can find him on Instagram at go remzo, or on Facebook and Twitter at, hey, remzo. How you doing, buddy? Happy Saturday.

Remso Martinez  1:02  
Happy Saturday.

Brian Nichols  1:03  
Brian, fancy McDonald's today.

Remso Martinez  1:06  
I'm going to a fancy McDonald's today. You know, my wife finds, like, the coolest things on Instagram, and I'm stuck with, like, cat videos and stuff, and she found this place called cosmics, and I'll be here to cosmics.

Brian Nichols  1:18  
So this is, like, the juiced up Mickey D's, right? It's,

Remso Martinez  1:22  
it's Mickey D's, but fun, ie, they automated everything. So, you know, it's their attempt of making displacing actual physical workers fun. But it's, it's a space themed automated restaurant. There's no indoor dining. There's no people. You just, it's an it's basically a fun vending machine. A

Brian Nichols  1:44  
fun vending machine. You know those, those are always entertaining when you do find them. By the way, I did experience for the first time a drive through with an AI bot. It was weird. I was with my coworker out in Salt Lake, and he wanted to grab a cup of coffee from Mickey D's. So we pull up the machine and Hi, this is Susan from McDonald's. Do you have your corporate card today? And I was like, oh, no, we don't. Oh, this is Raja. Can I help you? And we're like, What the Where did that come from? It just It catches you so off guard. Um, but like, that's, that's the future, man. It's happening right now. What do you got?

Remso Martinez  2:15  
I don't know if you could see it, but this is actually a company that I'm trying to get into. I can't get in as a investor. I'm actually looking at getting in as a franchisee, so they're not paying me like I just really like it. But my favorite place to get coffee is a place called Seven brew. It's a it's a coffee only, you know, tea, sparkling energy drinks and that type of stuff, type of drive through. The thing is, though, is that's all like Zoomers, and they all want to talk to you, because that's their thing. It's like, spread kindness. I'm like, no caffeinate me. So I like going there, except because the stuff is good and it's fast, but I don't like talking to people all the time, especially young people. And I've just gotten really annoyed of, like, tipping recently, like, especially if I don't get like, the same teenager who, like, took my order and stuff. It's like, who? Who's the tip going to? So on days where I'm feeling really introverted, I go to, as a friend of mine called it, the glorified coffee vending machine, which is 15 minutes away, way farther, and I could put my order in advance. I scan a QR code, and a window opens up and hands me my coffee. So I already like a lot of these things. But the cool thing about cosmics is that there's only like, four in the country right now, and there's one an hour and a half away in bollingbrook, Illinois. So my wife was like, we're gonna go. And I was like, Okay, I guess we're going to AI McDonald's, so that'll be fun. There you go,

Brian Nichols  3:38  
well, and by the way, but for folks joining us. Yes, we are live over on Twitter as well as over on Facebook. So thank you for joining us. If you are live, head down below in the comments as we're going throughout the episode today. Elephant in the room. I don't like to run ads literally as we start the show, but we're talking about coffee remso, which this is a perfect segue just to introduce one of our brand new sponsors here at the Brian Nichols show. And just elephant in the room if you are looking at Mickey D's, cosmic Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, all these different coffee brands, or, heck, you're going to the store, you're getting your folders, your Maxwell House, and it just tastes like garbage. There's a reason for that. Let's take a listen and why you should instead support clock 'em craft coffee. You sick of bland, bitter coffee that relies on sugar and cream just to be drinkable? You deserve better. Most coffees are over roasted, destroying subtle flavors and leaving you with a burnt taste in your mouth. That's where clock 'em craft coffee is different. Their carefully crafted roasts preserve every nuance, from chocolaty notes to fruity hints. Rediscover what coffee should taste like, choose clock 'em craft and wake up to flavor, not frustration. And by the way, Brian Nichols show listeners get 10% off your order using code B, N, S, 10 at clock 'em Coffee link in the show notes. And now let's get back to the show. Are you bland, going in circles? How about that?

Remso Martinez  5:07  
I love their little slogan, you know, craft copy, not corporate sludge, because I'm in kind of like a weird state. Brian, like, I have a Do you know what?

Brian Nichols  5:17  
Just folks know i Oh, it's hard to see on my phone. That's me this morning making my coffee, and that's a nice big bag of bushcraft, Dark Roast clock and craft coffee. It was delicious, by the way. Didn't mean to

Remso Martinez  5:30  
interrupt. Remzo, you have a bucket list for your life, right?

Unknown Speaker  5:34  

Remso Martinez  5:34  
Okay. Do you have an anti bucket list?

Brian Nichols  5:36  
You mean, like the things I will never do? Yes, 1,000% Yeah, I will never go skydiving. I will never go bungee jumping. I will never do any of those insane things with heights, fucking mine.

Remso Martinez  5:46  
Mine are way more petty.

Brian Nichols  5:50  
I will never shake hands with, with, with, you know, Barack Obama.

Remso Martinez  5:55  
Okay, mine's a lot more attainable. I will I will never wash my own car. I hate washing my car. Wow, I hate it. It's a waste of time. When you actually look at the time expense and the money expense actually consumes more time and it wastes more money. So I'd rather just

Brian Nichols  6:12  
go on the inner Jason Stapleton approach to this man. He's like, let me go pay somebody $200 to go stand in line for me. So I have to do it myself, for

Remso Martinez  6:20  
freaking real, like I have adapted that into my mind. He told me this, like, 323, years ago. And I was like, That's so childish. And I was like, fuck, it works. Oops, yeah, so like, I start forming my anti bucket list, and my thing is, like, I'm never washing my car and I'm never making my own coffee. So unless my wife wakes my coffee. I almost always just go buy my coffee. And it's against, like, the Robert Kiyosaki thing, which is, like, if you stop buying coffee and you put it into a mutual fund, and blah, blah, blah, my thing is, like, I'd rather just make more money, but, but, you know, with with that, with the corporate sludge, I found a Starbucks gift card in, like a basket my wife had, and I took it, and I was like, I wonder if there's anything on here. So there's a drive, there's a there's a Starbucks near my house. So I was like, Okay, it says on there $25 so that's enough for me to get a coffee and a sandwich now and maybe have a little leftover. So I did that, and the sandwich tasted like a microwavable breakfast sandwich, but the coffee was just I ordered. I ordered an ice mokin for the ice drinks. I'm an iced coffee drinker for the ice drinks. You really can't screw that up. Oh my gosh. You should not feel worse after drinking coffee. No, then then you do. And the thing is, is that, you know, I was a Dunkin Donuts partisan for years. I went to Dunkin about a month ago, and I got a ice matcha, and it just tasted like when he said, it's not like corporate sludge, I'm like, they their matcha latte tasted like sludge. And you can see it, right? It's weird. It's just it doesn't look real, real. Yeah, chemically gross, yeah. So then it's like, you know, my automated coffee place I go to octane, it's a little bit farther out of my way. So my excuse there is that that's my me time when I'm alone in my car and I can just think and have my thoughts. I'm one of those silent guys that drives just for fun, like last night, I took my wife on Drive for 20 minutes just to go see the lake near where we live, but, but then there's the place where it's like, you know, it's closer to my house. I like their coffee, but I like talking to people. So now I'm at the point where I'm like, shit, like, maybe I should just make my own coffee, because it accomplishes all of that. So I think I'll go ahead and order, order some stuff from clockton that I'll let you know.

Brian Nichols  8:40  
There you go. Well, make sure you use code BNS 10, and you'll get 10% off. Um, by the way, somebody just messaged me on on Facebook saying, is this episode that you're airing with remzo Live? Yes, it is live. This is real. We're not like we're not just, you know, recording this and then re airing it, which I used to do in the past, because live videos were never really my thing. But people like the live videos. People like to be able to to jump in, share their thoughts. So if you're watching us here on Twitter, I'm seeing father day with us. Yeah, I'm seeing folks jumping in on Twitter, Facebook. Come hang out with remzo, and I give us your thoughts down in the comments as we're going through and talking about some of these stories and which, by the way, let's go right into one of the lead stories here, remzo. And this is where I've been getting a little frustrated over the past year, two years. It's like we had, and we used to make fun of the qanon folks, right? It was the conspiracy theory, predominantly on the right. I know a lot of it

Remso Martinez  9:33  
was like, calls you retarded, you know, you messed up, yeah? Like, I

Brian Nichols  9:37  
mean, remember the whole Wayfarer thing? There's the Wayfair kids going into shipping containers. And then there was the whole, what was that ping pong, Comet pizza or whatever, which turned out that that guy actually was

Remso Martinez  9:51  
even a broken clock. Is right twice.

Brian Nichols  9:54  
Let's look at that right. That was qanon, and it was instantly discredited by for everybody in. The left. And where are we today? Now we have blue anon. And blue anon are these folks who are? They're looking at the Donald Trump assassination attempts, plural attempts. And they're like, yeah, those are, those are all just, you know, they were, they were done behind the scenes to try to, to make Trump look better. You know, he tried to get assassinated, or did he? Let's talk about that. Remso, what's, what's with this whole Q anon to Blue anon fiasco, where we find our country? Right now, it

Remso Martinez  10:27  
lands into three things. One, it's the photo of the projectile. I say projectile because you and I will call it a bullet. They will call it a piece of glass. So keep that in mind. The second, this is from the first assassination. This one the first assassination of Butler, Pennsylvania in July. And then the second thing is the giant bandage from the RNC on his on his right ear. And then the third thing is the fact that now his ear looks and I'm gonna put quote like nothing ever happened. A couple things happened, and this all came from the mainstream media within 72 hours of the attack. One is that they said that he never actually got shot, that what happened was there was ballistic glass around him, and that a bullet hit the glass, and it was a piece of glass that went through his ear. And what they also did was they downplayed the fact that was assassination attempts. They called it a situation at a rally. They called it a random shooting. They tried

Brian Nichols  11:30  
Trump falls at rally, loud noises in background.

Remso Martinez  11:35  
Yeah, that was NBC, like they were tried to dismiss it as a nothing burger. So, you know, there was that. And I even have friends who I would not call them, like Kamala people. They like Trump, but they like they like him because they don't like Kamala, and they like him because they really don't like her, but they don't trust him. It's a weird thing where they're kind of like in the mood which,

Brian Nichols  11:56  
which work, by the way, we're going to dig into that a lot more in our next article. So, yeah,

Remso Martinez  12:00  
so they have said, you know, no sniper would miss, and it's just like, but the kid, Matthew crook, wasn't a sniper, right? And now what we're also seeing, when you've heard forensic evidence, and, you know, audio files that were obtained from the shooting, from cameras and people that were filming at the time. You know, Patrick bet David brought on a former Navy SEAL sniper in August to actually talk about it. We've heard three distinct gunshots. So, you know, you've got the whole idea of whether or not this was an inside job and whether Matthew crook was the person who actually pulled the trigger. I think I said on your show, I don't think he was the one who took the shot. And if he was the one who took the shot, I don't think he was the only one that took the shot. But, you know, it's this idea that Trump staged it to boost his numbers. And to me, just on the face of it, I'm just thinking, Okay, you want like the most. Let's all just call a spade a spade, one of the most egotistical men on earth. You think he's gonna say, Okay, we're down in the polls. We're losing Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, we don't know we're doing about them. Here's what we gotta do, guys. Okay? Corey Lewandowski, come over here. Don Jr, grab Kim. All right, I'm gonna have somebody pull a trigger at me. They're gonna go from my face, but not really my face, okay, just right near me. Kill a couple people up behind me, if you have to. But you know, just, just maybe clip my ear show a drop of blood, a drop of blood, beautiful, drop of blood. And the ear bleeds

Brian Nichols  13:34  
so much. I was talking to the doctors, they said so much blood of the year. Actually, it has the most blood of all the body parts. Yep, good times. So,

Remso Martinez  13:42  
you know, it's this idea that you act well. I mean you, I mean the royal you. You people actually think that Donald Trump is going to allow somebody to shoot at him. I believe in a lot of crazy shit, Brian, I don't believe that whatsoever. Brian

Brian Nichols  14:03  
Nichols, remzo Martinez, live here on Facebook and on X for our AMP America Week in Review. Yeah, remzo. And by the way, let's talk about this blue anon conspiracy theories that have really been then, you know, showing up here over the past. We'll say just year, predominantly, it's really gotten more on the left hand side of the aisle, and you look at where we are as a country from a discourse standpoint, I mean, how did we get to the point where so many folks look at Donald Trump as this, this Hitlerian figure, right? And it is, I think, part of the root cause of how we have so many blue and on folks, is that when you constantly stoke fear and division and you lead with the worst case outcomes, or the worst case scenarios, when you're talking about Donald Trump, predominantly from our corporate media standpoint, it's going to sow seeds of doubt or seeds of distrust or seeds of conspiracy. Uh, especially to those individuals who look at the news and look at the corporate media as their betters. They're telling them what they need to know, right? And if these seeds of doubt are planted by these folks that they just by the nature that they are corporate media that they trust, of course there's going to sow seeds of doubt when we're seeing a former sitting president literally almost get assassinated, not once, but twice, and one of which was on on live television, right? So it takes a special kind of a special kind of gray matter to get to the point where your average person on the we'll say middle to more far left leaning left side of the political aisle, aren't just entertaining ideas like this, but they are full throatedly wrapping their arms around them, embracing these ideas and remzo like this. Isn't to say we don't have folks on the right who also spout conspiracy theories. We see it all the time, but the difference being is, where are they getting these conspiracy theories from? Mostly from the, you know, the very dark recesses of the internet, where the the blue anon folks, where are they getting their conspiracy theories? Tune on, turn on MSNBC or CNN, and they'll get it in within the first 510 minutes of the evening news. This is

Remso Martinez  16:12  
the same media. And I mean, I took my wife out to breakfast the other day, and there was this older woman who was probably like her 60s 70s, who was just like this raging liberal, and she was making her two friends kind of uncomfortable, and she's just spouting like all the blue anon shit you could possibly imagine. But, you know, can you give

Brian Nichols  16:29  
us an example just for the audience to better understand what we're referring to here? She

Remso Martinez  16:33  
kept saying, well, she also jumped on the whole idea of, she thinks that Trump staged the assassination attempt. She thought that, you know, she accused him of being a pedophile because of a comment he made about his daughter, Ivanka, Ivana, in like, 2016 I think everyone kind of remembers that I was like, wow, Ivana with my daughter. It was a weird thing.

Brian Nichols  16:56  
Okay, by the way, like I'm not if I ever said that my daughter bring me out back and beat me to the hose. Like, no, absolutely not. You don't need that kind of stuff. Yeah,

Remso Martinez  17:07  
no, it is weird. I'm not defending that. But that was, like, I was like, from, from, like, a decade ago, and she's still, like, holding on to that, and, you know, just, just a bunch of other things to, like, over a decade ago,

Brian Nichols  17:19  
holy shit, wow. The era of Trump has just, I mean, it's been almost a decade. We gotta think back like he first came down that golden escalator in 2015 we're in 2024 it's nine years that time's the son of a bitch. Sorry, remzo, continue, but,

Remso Martinez  17:35  
you know, just everything else. But I lost my train of thought, sorry,

Brian Nichols  17:41  
that's my dad. I interrupted. So, yeah, so

Remso Martinez  17:44  
I mean, she's, she's doing that, but

Brian Nichols  17:45  
the sorry, your friend talking about all the blue and non conspiracy theories Trump with

Remso Martinez  17:50  
his daughter. This is, yeah, I mean, this is the type of person that watched CNN tell them that Joe Biden was biking, that Joe Biden was golfing, that Joe Biden can go upstairs by himself, that Joe Biden is the fittest, healthiest, most mentally Cognizant president ever, don't, you know? And then as soon as they actually had to, like, show his, like, you know, fleshy self on TV without, you know, all his, like, cocaine and stuff. Come on, man, they kick him out immediately. And then it's like, yeah, well, you know, we knew this about Joe the entire time. It's like, they just, they gaslight everyone, and it's the same media that allow Kamala Harris to accuse Trump of withholding, you know, the covid origins, and Kamala comes out as, like, you know, a covid lab leak truther and stuff like that. This is the same government. This is the same media and the same government that tried to convince you of that. So it's like you don't have to listen to my right wing conspiracies. You just have to see the open lies that they were complicit in. And I think the one thing that we can always go back to right now, because it's the biggest in modern history, is the fact that Joe Biden probably has not been president for four years and still isn't president, still is not president, and yet they don't care. They actually have a nominee who has never won a single primary, who is essentially the de facto sitting president.

Brian Nichols  19:10  
Our democracy is our foundation of our country, remzo. So

Remso Martinez  19:17  
I mean, I go back to RFK a year ago. RFK said that the worst age group that he performs the lowest with is boomers. Why is that? Because boomers almost explicitly believe everything they see on TV. Yep, yep. Well, no, that's what

Brian Nichols  19:34  
we might we might be, though. Remzo, right? Let's, let's look towards the optimism, because people don't just like loom and doom. And by the way, thank you to all the folks joining us here, live on Twitter and on Facebook. Uh, head down below in the comments. Let us know your thoughts seeing lots of folks jump in and out. But, uh, some good news, I am seeing some change, right? And let's look at that Boomer base, right? Because there are a lot of boomers who they would just jump on and see whatever's on the the idiot tube, and they'd be like, Yup, that's the. Truth, that's what's happening in our world today, but more and more folks are starting to question that, and I'm actually going to say right now, we might have a little bit of glimmer of hope, and that is, you look at just the recent announcement from the Teamsters. Now, the teamsters are one of the largest unions in the United States, and they almost always ramso endorse Democrats, except this year, this year, not only are they not endorsing a Democrat, and by the way, they're not endorsing a Republican, but when you go into the data, when you look at the actual polling that the teamsters brought to their members, who won when it came to actually getting the support of the actual members of the Teamster union,

Remso Martinez  20:38  
59% Donald Trump, it was Trump,

Brian Nichols  20:42  
that's right. So there's something we can learn here, right with this, this Teamster vote, and by the way, big discrepancy from not just that vote to what we see with the perception of Kamala. Let's just look at the teamsters as this microcosm. Back before Kamala Harris joined the ticket as the front of the ticket, and it was Joe Biden. The numbers were flipped. Joe Biden actually was leading Trump, and something happened, and that's

Remso Martinez  21:08  
something the vote too. So it was like, yeah, like, you'd look at that, and you would not think that those people are going to remotely go for Trump. But that was, I mean, that poll included Biden was from earlier in the year. It was from like April through June, and then from July through September. They did this new one with the candidates who will ultimately be, you know, competing against each other. And it, you know, 59% Donald Trump. So I think Trump absorbed that RFK vote. He absorbed almost a quarter of the of the Biden vote from Kamala. And what I find is hilarious is that they're like, Oh, we don't have an overwhelming majority of Teamster support for a single candidate. I'm like, Really, I don't believe at all. I think 60% is a pretty overwhelming freaking number. And while the the teamsters union is refusing to endorse a candidate, which I think they're they're all members are like, if it was flipped the other way, if it was 60% Kamala, we would have endorsed heartbeat.

Brian Nichols  22:09  
Did you? Did you hear their response? By the way, Kamala Harris did not lose it outright or whatever, and Donald Trump did not universally win their support. What the hell does that mean? Means they have 100% of the Teamster vote to get their endorsement? No, this is an obvious Trump won. Trump gets your endorsement because he won the polling, and you're just too much of a pussy to actually go out and put your Teamster name on the record saying we are not endorsing a Democrat. We are not endorsing Kamala Harris, and yep, we're endorsing Donald Trump.

Remso Martinez  22:39  
So Wi Fi hilarious about it too, is the pettiness of the whole thing, because 15 state Teamster councils in states like Maryland, Pennsylvania and others, they have all come out in support of Kamala. So I want people to understand like, what does that mean? That means that, like, the dozen or so people that make up the council representatives, they went ahead and endorsed Kamala. So what does that ultimately mean? Though, that doesn't mean much when you look really in the blind votes. It was a vote taken by the teamsters themselves, and then it was a second vote to compare that was done by a third party polling firm to, you know, give people a little extra confidence. That's how they compared the overall votes to see which one was more honest. What was the average between them? Both showed a majority of them are going to vote for Trump. So these 15 states, and let's look at what that really means. That means they might do some mailers. That means they might do some auto robo calls and stuff like that. They can spend their time and money doing that, but ultimately, what they don't have is they don't have the support of the majority of card carrying Teamsters. 60% of them are gonna vote for Donald Trump. So you could say, oh, well, this council endorsed that. This council endorsed that. It's like, okay, you've got like, maybe, like half a million Teamsters. So you're saying, like, a dozen people from here and a dozen people from there and a dozen people from there, you're looking at maybe less than, what was it like, 39% for Kamala across the country? Yep. Okay. Like, what does that really disperse to? So I look at this, I'm just like, it's, it's pettiness, and I also think it's even more ridiculous, because the president of the Teamsters was invited, what was invited to speak at the RNC, and spoke at the RNC, the fact that between that and he didn't speak of the DNC, between that and he and this poll result, the fact that they did not endorse anybody. Yeah, is that a de facto endorsement of Trump? Yes, but that also just shows how corrupt they are. And, you know, I live in a pretty strong union state. As a libertarian, I have some union beliefs in regards to right to work and other stuff that some people might find a little bit unpopular. So, like, I don't shit on you. Indians for fun, but never, ever, ever be mistaken that they are just like legalized mafias. That's all they are. They are legalized mafias. So if you don't think they're corrupt, if you don't think they're shady, this whole thing just showed you that they themselves had their own democratic process, and a few people at the top and a few people at the state levels. We're just like, You know what? Screw democracy. We're gonna do our own thing.

Brian Nichols  25:25  
Oh, remzo, this, all this conversation, probably makes everybody's heart a little bit sad. And you know, we're at remso, candidly, it's made my heart a little sad too. So what you need, ladies and gentlemen, to go help and make your heart better. Oh, here we go. Is our folks. I want to take a moment to talk about something that has truly changed my life, and that is cardiomyrical, our incredible studio sponsor. Now I'll be honest, when I first heard about cardiomyrical and their claims about improving heart health, I was skeptical, but after using it for just about two months, I was absolutely blown away by the results. First, my blood pressure went from being consistently around 140 over 90 to a much more healthier and manageable 120 over 80, and my resting heart rate dropped from the low 70s to the high 50s. And I couldn't believe it, but the benefits didn't stop there. I started sleeping better, and I felt more energized at the gym, and my heart felt the best it's felt in years. And it's not just me, hundreds of you, our amazing listeners, have reached out to share your own incredible experiences with cardiomyrical. So what is cardiomyrical And how does it work? It's a carefully crafted supplement that harnesses the power of nitric oxide to support optimal heart function. So by increasing nitric oxide levels in your blood. Cardiomyrical helps relax your blood vessels, improve circulation, and it protects your heart from damage. It's like giving your heart the support it needs to function at its best. And here's the best part, we've got an exclusive offer just for you our loyal listeners here at the Brian Nichols show. When you head over to and use code tbns at checkout, you'll get an extra 15% discount on your order, plus, with their 100% money back guarantee, you got nothing to lose and everything to gain. So if you're ready to take control of your heart health and experience the life changing benefits of cardio miracle for yourself, just click the link in the show notes or video description, trust me, your heart will thank you and don't wait another day to prioritize your health. Join the 10s of 1000s of folks who have already discovered the cardiomyrical difference. Head to now and use code tbns for 15% off your order. Your journey to a happier and healthier heart starts today, and now let's get back to the show. Back to the show. Remzo woke up this morning. He said feeling like P Diddy. And I said, Oh, he's saying abort. Rems not feeling like P Diddy. And thank God, because that would mean remso is 1000 bottles of baby oil. Lesser. Let's talk about this. Remzo. This has been a story that's really been kind of like be it's like a sub layer of news information. And I don't know, like, how this is not leading the news every single day. Here's my take, and tell me if I'm getting things wrong. It just feels like, right, that Sean Combs, P Diddy puff, daddy, whatever you want to call him, that he he just seems like he's the Hollywood music version of Jeffrey Epstein. It sounds like he was having these crazy, quote, unquote, freak off parties where sex trafficking was happening and the if the rumors are true, that he has cameras throughout the entirety of his mansion and filming everything that happens there, including some not so great interactions between people of you know, possible underage status. I mean, it just feels like remzo that P Diddy was leveraging this position, this power, to what blackmail individuals in Hollywood, powerful individuals, powerful people in music, in pop and rap, or I'm just gonna toss it out there, is he maybe a potential controlled asset? I mean, we saw with Jeffrey Epstein. There's a lot of questions still remaining. There. Was Jeffrey Epstein working with the CIA? Was he working with Mossad? Or, you know, what's going on here?

Remso Martinez  29:31  
So, so you would, you bring up something interesting, and I'm genuinely curious with the Jeffrey Epstein situation, there's a lot of there are a lot of people that wonder whether or not he was a controlled asset with Diddy, though, and there's a reason I want to start with this question. Your gut feeling. Do you believe he's an independent actor, or do you think he's a controlled agent? I think he's controlled agent.

Brian Nichols  29:59  
And here's why you do not all of a sudden. And for folks playing on in the home game who weren't aware, when all this P Diddy stuff started to become more of a conversation versus just whispers. A plane from Florida where P Diddy was private plane left completely unmanned. Well, that unmanned, there was one person flying it, but no passengers to a remote island in the the Caribbean. What was on that plane, right? What was there and and to that, why did the Feds not stop it or be there for when it arrived, right, or when they went to the pdds Mansion, like it was after all this. So what was on that plane, right? And how did somebody in Diddy circle know to fly this plane, potentially with some nefarious things that were on that plane that would incriminate P Diddy or incriminate the feds, if there was a relationship there. I mean, what would be the first thing you would do right Ramsey would be get rid of the evidence. And what better way to do that than to get literally, send it out of country, right into some, you know, Caribbean island. I mean, who have we seen before put things on a Caribbean island that aren't so great, right? And that's kind of where my thought process is,

Remso Martinez  31:16  
the Epstein for us to understand Diddy, we have to understand Epstein. And sadly, I think a lot of things died with Epstein, when he allegedly died, that's a big if right there, because I remember them wheeling his body out, and I'm like, you don't leave his face exposed like that. Well, I mean that we that's a whole other thing. We can get into that. But like between him and what, you know, his girlfriend, Elaine Maxwell, who none of her stuff got leaked to the public. The fact that, you know, even Trump, like, six months ago, was like, I don't know if I'll release it. And then suddenly he's like, Sure, I'll release it. It's just one of those situations where it's like, I would agree that something is big and something is so interconnected that it would expose a lot of people. But for us to understand Diddy, we have to understand Epstein. And I don't know if we're ever going to That's the sad part about it with Diddy, and this is what surprised me so much about him, was like I thought that he had mostly fallen into irrelevance. But here's what he did. He continued to throw these parties. He continued to have these people over. He took photos. He did all this stuff that's a form of power mongering that is not, is not something that is alien to rich people. I go back to history be like supernatural, occult buff and stuff like that. Like, I look at the Hellfire Club, you know, in England, in Scotland, and the Hellfire Club was basically a sex club for the influential, the political and the elite. Benjamin Franklin was part of it, because he was a notorious pervert. But, you know, I look at the situation, sorry, just think of the office

Brian Nichols  33:00  
when the Ben Franklin impersonator goes to Pam and goes, well, you're saucy, just imagining Ben Franklin in the late 1700s putting his moves on some French chick over overseas, like I have read. Sure. Do you want to see an electrical trick with a light bulb and a kite like

Remso Martinez  33:20  
I have, I have read Benjamin Franklin's letters to his son regarding women, and it It is that good, it is so inappropriate, like it is so he would be canceled. So fast today, so fast. And there are things that Brian, if I said it right now, that this whole thing would get pulled like, it is, it is funny. It is genuinely like, Oh, my God, it's funny. But that's a whole other thing with with Diddy, though I almost feel like, did he get caught, or did somebody throw him under the bus? Here's my point. We've been comparing him to Epstein, who's another big Hollywood mogul, big figure political and entertainment, who got caught, but got caught fast, and immediately everyone came down on him. Harvey Harvey Weinstein. Harvey Weinstein, who no one thought was somebody you could touch got thrown under the bus immediately. Epstein, not necessarily, of Diddy. You have people like Cuba Gooding Jr and others who were saying, Yeah, you know, I knew him, but I had nothing to do with any of that stuff. I didn't know about that stuff. I'm I have nothing to do with it. With Weinstein, it was like, Yeah, I knew everything about Harvey with who's I believe I can R Kelly. R Kelly got tossed immediately. And what made me sick in that documentary about R Kelly, or all his friends, you're like, Oh yeah, he was disgusting. And I should know, I delivered him the underage girls. It's like you all were a part of it, but you threw him out. Why is what makes Harvey Weinstein somebody who's untouched. That suddenly gets thrown under the bus, but nobody is out to really toss accusations of Diddy. That's why I wonder. You know, if he's controlled, does that mean he's expendable? We're going to assume that Epstein was not expendable. We're going to assume that Weinstein was expendable. I would want to see who starts coming out with accusations, and when all the stuff suddenly comes clear overnight, like a treasure trove of stuff, that will determine whether or not he was an expendable asset, or if he was not expendable. If he's an expendable asset, I can control the I can believe the controlled operative, the controlled agent theory, that maybe he was collecting stuff on behalf of the government. We know that the government uses powerful people for that. Ronald Reagan was one of the most famous examples of an actor who was paid by the government to find communists, and we know that they do this. So it's not out of the realm of possibility. People can't say that hasn't happened before. But what comes out regarding Diddy and who starts pointing figures will really show that is, unless he not.

Brian Nichols  36:09  
Let's compare and contrast again, Epstein, Weinstein and Diddy. One of those names does not sound like the other, but let's start with Epstein, right if let's go to the controlled assets standpoint, versus Diddy. If my theory that I outlined here at the beginning the segment, Diddy, all the data, all of the tapes, everything was on that airplane, right? And went to the middle of the ocean, what's the government have to be afraid of? If that was everything and if he was controlled asset, right? You're expendable now, versus someone like an Epstein right? Now, let's just say he was a controlled asset. But maybe he wasn't controlled by the US government. Maybe he was controlled by by Mossad or someone therein, and they didn't know where the extra tapes were, right? They knew where Epstein Island was, but were all the tapes there, right? And if we can't guarantee that we have everything right, this guy's dangerous, because he might know where everything else is hidden. Maybe he made you know, backups, or what have you, and we can't address this in control the narrative if we let him live. And maybe Weinstein, maybe again, he's much like a Diddy, where all the actors were like, Yep, and I say actors, all the political actors, and the actor actors said, Yeah, we know he was a terrible human being, and it's like they were just trying to get out of the ahead of all this. So even if things were exposed, it's a matter of, oh yeah, we knew that, and we were trying to raise attention to it. And thank God, he finally got his comeuppance. Me too. Like that became the whole argument, versus What's this guy doing? Like, why is it you got to go to Harvey Weinstein or to get a role in Hollywood? Oh, because you gotta let him diddle you, so you can diddle him, and then you can get a relationship with some high up individual, and also Hillary Clinton's a best friend. What? Right? And then, all sudden, you start asking these questions. They're like, No, no, this is part of a whole thing. This is the ME TOO movement, don't ask questions. He's a bad dude. We're doing the right thing. We're taking him out. He's no longer part of us. And that's the narrative that narratives are wild

Remso Martinez  38:14  
thing too, like and I know I believe that Weinstein is gone. Okay, I'm gonna be very careful with my words here. Weinstein did commit an act of sexual assault. I do believe that he attempted to rape people. I do not believe His sentence was congruent with the charges. And I say that, and this is why I'm I put Weinstein in a different category than others. I don't think he was nearly as bad as Epstein. But the thing is, is that, and you know, this, this, this, this opens up a whole can of worms. If a grown man invites you to his hotel room, and he says, Listen, you want to be in Barbie Well, here's what you gotta do, and then you do what he says, I'm not calling you a victim. I'm not even saying you had it coming, but what I'm calling you is complicit, and we don't hold adults accountable for things. Biggest example Gavin Newsom's wife, I have called her on X Harvey Weinstein's ex girlfriend, because even in her own testimony and even in evidence brought to the court during the Weinstein trial, there was never any evidence of coercion. And she is very explicit, and this is where the whole they tried to cancel Aziz and Zari about it. Is it rape or was it bad sex? God,

Brian Nichols  39:54  
that was an awful story.

Remso Martinez  39:55  
Awful thing. Awful what that woman did to him. Go. Gavin Newsom's wife, Sybil, or whatever her name is, she will, she will talk about how horrible the sex was, or the hand job was with RV Weinstein. Here's the thing, the dude looks like a an ogre like but she consented, though, oh no, 100%

Brian Nichols  40:14  
I'm just saying it's gonna be a bad handy if he looks like an ogre. She consented,

Remso Martinez  40:17  
though, and in all the emails she's talking about how thankful she is, not group emails, private emails. Harvey, thank you so much for helping Gavin. That was a consensual sexual relationship with with that it's like I it's not that I don't feel bad, it's that I don't feel reason to feel bad for a majority of the women who went into the situation that they knew better and they did that, such as Gavin Newsom's wife, or, as I call her, Harvey Weinstein's ex girlfriend, in the case of Diddy, though, you know, let's name a few of the people that have already been brought in with this. I think R Kelly's one of them. Yep, R Kelly's one of them. No, no surprise there Barack Obama and Cuba Gooding juniors. X Now, why do I mention Cuba Gooding Jr and this also ties back to Patrick bet David in May of this year? Yeah, Cuba Gooding Junior is one of the few celebrities to come out and talk about it, and he said it was because Diddy hired his wife to basically be like his publicist for a while. Why would why would you put out if you're trying to cover fire for somebody? Why would you put out a Cuba Gooding Jr? Why because a man went to prison for tax evasion and his reputation, his career has already been dragged through the mud. Doesn't matter whether people believe him or not, but you can say, well, Cuba Gooding Jr said x, it's like, okay. And like, okay. So you just, you just did this whole thing, you're coming out to say that you're, you know, it's six degrees of separation from Diddy, if it's not that bad. Why did you come out? Why did you feel any talk about that? Well, you had a movie coming out. Well, yeah, like anyone's lining up to see Cuba Gooding Jr.

Brian Nichols  42:20  
So honestly, by the way, I forgot that Cuba Gooding Jr was Cuba Gooding Jr until he was on the PBD podcast. So I actually had forgotten that he was in Snow Dogs, if that makes sense. Well, I

Remso Martinez  42:30  
had watched the people Versus OJ Simpson, which is some of the best television I've ever seen. Genuinely, oh, it's, it's great. Watch it on Netflix, if you, if you have Netflix, yeah, it's the people versus I don't, but I'll it is, it is some of the best television I've ever seen, Dead to Rights, some of the best. But, you know, it's like, I want to start seeing the people who get accused by Diddy's people, and I want to see them say, No, I don't know you're talking about my Obama voice. It's like, I don't know you're talking about, let me be clear,

Brian Nichols  43:00  
I don't know anything to do with Puff Daddy. P Diddy Sean Combs, that was all Michelle.

Remso Martinez  43:05  
I don't know what did he did? Okay, it's all Michael and Michelle. It's not about who starts distancing themselves immediately, because when you have to start with the Cuba getting juniors, that's not very convincing. Well, I want to see are the people who get accused. And you know that that ultimately says more than anything, and it's, you know, I, I wonder if it ties into the election because of the timing. 100% I yeah, like, I genuinely wonder. But like, do you think we care about the story as much as liberals do No, because it seems like liberals didn't care about Epstein until they brought up the Trump photo. Yep, it seems like only until they can talk gotcha dude. It's

Brian Nichols  43:50  
a gotcha. It's the oh, your guys worse than my guy. That's all it is.

Remso Martinez  43:54  
Yeah, they actually Lincoln project actually had an advertisement here, outside of Milwaukee that show, yeah, full of pedophiles, right? They showed the photo of Epstein and Trump from like 1992 and it said, Don't vote for Jeffrey Epstein's friend. And it's like, what the hell like such disinfegue Like, that's just, there's so much context missing from that. I think that ultimately, and this is one reason, I think it's being downplayed more than it is. I have a theory, but I will tell people is that I'm still developing it, which is why I won't say more. I think that P Diddy and Montel Williams have a connection. Oh, shit. Now it's getting real. And why would I say Montel Williams? Because

Brian Nichols  44:44  
Montel Williams was Kamala Harris, his boy toy back in the 90s.

Remso Martinez  44:50  
All I'm gonna say,

Brian Nichols  44:52  
All right, well, we're painting the picture. And if all this makes you feel doom and gloom and you're like, you know what, maybe America isn't a great place to go ahead. And I don't know, raise a family, live the rest of my life, and you want to get the heck out of dodge. We'll go ahead check out this year's expat money Summit. Listen to our good friend Michaela thorup tell you all the good things you need to hear about why you want to maybe explore life abroad. Let's take a listen. Hey everyone. Brian Nichols here with an incredible opportunity for you, the expat money Summit, which is the world's premier offshore event, is happening online from October 7 to october 11. So whether you're just starting to explore international options, or you're a season expat, this summit has something for you, with over 40 speakers, including Dr Ron Paul, Doug Casey and more, you'll gain the knowledge and strategies to navigate the complex world of internationalization with confidence. And it's completely free to attend, just visit to reserve your complimentary ticket. Don't miss this chance to learn how to secure your freedom and wealth abroad. One more time, and now back to the show. All right, ramzo, so we're gonna get ready to bring this home today. There's a lot we unpacked. We started out. We dug into the blue anon qanon. We talked about the Teamsters. We talked about P Diddy puff, daddy, Sean Combs, and all of his fun inner workings. What was that?

Remso Martinez  46:21  
What did he do?

Brian Nichols  46:22  
What did he did he do? And who did he did? All these are the questions that we are asking here on the Brian Nichols show amp America Week in Review, which we are live, by the way. So thank you to all the folks who've been jumping in and out and watching you guys over on Twitter and over on Facebook. Appreciate the love. And yeah, I know our scheduling is always a little sporadic, Friday or Saturday as we're going live. Um, just depends on travel. It's been a crazy, crazy past few weeks here. It's gonna be even crazier the next few weeks. So just pay attention there, folks, and just keep the little subscribe button for whenever we go live. But remzo, let's just kind of bring this home. What would you say is, like, the main takeaway here this week, we're talking about everything across the board, from blue and on to P Diddy Teamsters. In between,

Remso Martinez  47:06  
there's a, you know, it's, it's called the political horse race for a reason, because you never know who wins until you see who wins. I i went ahead, and I actually started looking a lot more into a lot of the polling information recently. And, you know, depending on the pollster, depending on the site, you're gonna get exactly what you want. And I forgot who said it. It was like, you know, facts are damn things, because they could prove whatever you want. You know, depending on the site I go to, depending on the poll, depending on the day of the week, 100% Trump certainty, 100% Kamala certainty. Let's just look at the last five months. RFK, JR drops out of the race. Endorses Trump.

Brian Nichols  47:52  
Well, that's because he was too busy with Olivia newsy, but that's

Remso Martinez  47:55  
a different conversation. A whole other thing. Yeah, Trump gets shot and attendees at his rally get shot. Somebody tries to shoot Trump again, the sitting President of the United States who's running for reelection drops out four months before the election after already for a year having essentially a de facto cheated primary. It wasn't even 2016 levels of cheat in 2016 they had a primary this year. They they kept out Dean Phillips, they kept out RFK, they kept out Marianne Williamson. It was a it was a North Korean style primary. And then as soon as they expose that the sitting president is unwell after spending years of propping him up to be the example of a fit president, unwell, his brain must mash potatoes, but yes, they replace him with the most unpopular VP of our lifetime in a coronation. And after all of this cheating and rigging and a de facto coup before our eyes, we're told that the Republican nominee, who has been a political target, who has been, you know, a they've tried to destroy his life over the last four years, is a threat to democracy, as He's bringing together the broadest coalitions of Republican of Republicans, Democrats, independents, libertarians, since Reagan 1980 Yep, yet he's a threat to democracy. The point is, I go back to this woman I saw screeching and talking about all her blue and on bullshit. I don't know how this election is going to go. I can tell you what I feel in my gut. My gut is that the last four years, as I dealt with the aftermath of parlor, with the aftermath of, you know, dealing of all the shit from being associated with, you know, high profile Republicans and stuff in 2020 20 through 2021, of trying to get my life back, of staying out of politics to three years, three years really, after feeling like I escaped all that to now being a regular on your show and, you know, managing amp America and doing all this other shit, my gut tells me that things don't happen for a reason. And I always said for years, I feel like I'm a jinxed vote because I've never voted for anybody. That's one I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 Trump won. I vote for Trump in 2020 he lost. After all of this. To bring me full circle, back here I am in a battleground state, and for people that have been watching, it's like I'm a very big supporter of the PA Chase, because everything rides on Pennsylvania. But the other day, because I'm gonna have to be traveling for work in November, I registered to vote absentee. Maybe this is just me, maybe I'm getting sentimental, maybe I'm thinking too much into it, but I think I was brought here for very specific reason. I think I am here for a very specific reason. I think I'm one of the many people who have been very objective about how I feel about Trump, and it's very public and on the record of how I've been I think he wins. I think he wins, and a lot of this nightmare ends. I'm also a realist, because I was prepared for a Trump victory in 2020 and we got Biden. And ultimately, my thing is like, never rely on a single political figure to save protect yourself. But I'm telling you, down to my bones, I think he wins. And I think it was last week I told you about my father who never pays attention to things. My dad is like he can see into the future when it comes to this stuff. And I asked him, I'm like, What do you think? And he's like, this is different. Something is happening. People are, you know, either one way or another on this, you can't change their minds. But a lot of people who just wanted to stay out of it are paying attention now and then they're like, Shit, I can't not pay attention anymore. And Trump is the only one I feel that can actually put some of this back on track. So I think we're going to have a hectic 45 days. If that's a number, roughly 40 days, I think a lot can change. But I think ultimately, people have seen the bullshit. We see it with the Teamsters. You know, have the 15 independent councils endorsed. 60% of the Teamster vote is going to trump, though, yep. So take that for what you will, but I think he comes back. I think we have four years of a hectic government. I don't think it's going to be smooth. I think we're going to see obstruction and craziness beyond all measures. But I think ultimately he does the things that radically reform this country. And I think it's going to happen, and eventually we'll find out whether Epstein had more stuff. We need to uncover. What did he did. I think we're gonna or I think, I think America's about to be rocked.

Brian Nichols  53:00  
So my final thoughts, remzo, I'm going to take what you outlined, and I'm going to layer in a little bit of what we talked about today. So blue anon conspiracy theories. Diddy having all this nonsense happen, the teamsters just completely changing direction and going towards Trump, right? You're right, and your dad's right. Something's happening behind the scenes, and I think that something happening right now is what's actually leading to a lot of these, you know, wild conspiracy theories, specifically on the left. I think it's what's leading to the teamsters now just completely changing direction towards Trump. Why we see folks like, you know, Diddy starting to meet the actual consequences of their actions or the conspiracy therein. Right? All this is leading to, I think, one underlying reality, and that is, to your point, Trump's winning, even though the polls say otherwise, even well and not all the polls right? To your point, one can say he's going to win 100% the other says there's no chance in how he's going to win. But those, those sentiments, right of fear, they are underlying, I believe, the traditional Democratic establishment and the deep state establishment, which goes to my point for today, as we wrap things up, I've been hearing this a lot, and you know, this isn't a lot of our circle of friends to remzo and and I see this, there's, there's this concern. I don't believe it's genuine, but there's a concern that's promoted of well, Trump's he's a dictator in waiting, right? He is this one guy. He's going to take control of power. He's going to cause all this mayhem and destruction. I don't trust him. I don't trust the America. Time out. Time out, please. Right? I'm going to throw a flag, because we have a deep state right now that's controlling things, and you're all pretending it doesn't exist, when, not only do we know it exists, they admit they exist. Back in the 2020, election, I think it was Newsweek or time, I forget. Which our news entity was, they published a whole article about how these deep state both in government but also in the private sector, work together to try and stop a Trump presidency. Stop saying it doesn't exist. It exists, and it's happening right now with the people that you're tacitly trying to embrace as a an alternative to Trump. Why? Because Trump is the bull in the china shop. Because Trump is the one acknowledging that there are things that are happening right now that are inherently undemocratic, despite the people who are in charge of these institutions planting their flag of democracy, saying, democracy dies in darkness. No democracy dies with you, and that's where we have to start paying attention. Is that the the boogeyman that has been the caricature of Trump, stop it. He's not in office. He's not a sitting president. He didn't destroy America. As a matter of fact, that was the best foreign policy we've had in a four year stretch. In one hit primary he did win his primary. He actually got some votes. Um, but that right there, remzo, that is where I get so frustrated. And I've argued this before. Stop being the useful idiots, right? Like, just we get it. You're libertarian. Understood me too. I'm not going to be autistic about it, right? Like, let's actually address the real world for the real world, that it is in the real world context, in the real world situations, not these just make believe scenarios that you've contrived in your little group chats or your your Facebook groups of well, this is why Trump's the worst thing in the world. He's gonna destroy America. Okay, great. You keep arguing that while America is being destroyed, and it's been destroyed from the inside out, and by the way, in your autistic approach to screaming and pointing at Trump, because Orange Man, bad. Orange Man, scary, you have encouraged and allowed the Democratic establishment, the deep state establishment, but I repeat myself, work together hand in hand to change the America. You and I grew up in remzo back a short 30 years ago. Change the America. Our parents grew up in a short 5060, years ago. Change the America. Their parents grew up in a short 8090, years ago. To if you were to go and talk to your great great grandfather or your great great grandmother, would they recognize this country as what it is today from what they grew up in, absolutely not. But Brian, like Kamala Harris, said, we're going forward. We're turning the page. We're not going back. Okay, time out again. You keep saying going forward, going forward, where off a cliff? No. Thank you. That's my final thoughts for today. Remzo, where can folks go ahead find you support all the great work you're doing beyond go remzo, which is over on Instagram.

Remso Martinez  57:48  
Hey, remzo, H, E, y, r, A, M, S O, over on X, easy

Brian Nichols  57:53  
enough. All right. Amp Is where you can go ahead and find all of the amazing articles being written by our phenomenal team in today's article we had sharing about the blue anon qanon That was by Tim sharp. So thank you, Tim, for going ahead and writing that banger of an article. Tim, who else we got? Austin, yours truly. You Jamie. There's a lot of other folks over there at amp America writing some bangers of articles. So go ahead, give them some love. And when you do tell them that you heard their article or you heard their names dropped here on the Brian Nichols show, I know that they will appreciate that. I appreciate it as well. Find yours truly at B Nichols liberty, and yes, today's episode for our Week in Review with AMP America was live. So if you joined us on Twitter or on Facebook, thank you for stopping in. We do this every single week, unless we don't. So I just go ahead, hit that subscribe button, hit that little notification bell, so you don't miss a single time. We do, in fact, go live for our AMP America Week in Review. Remzone. Any final words for the audiences. Wrap things up today. Let's

Remso Martinez  58:53  
find out. What did he did?

Brian Nichols  58:54  
Let's find out. Go enjoy your your super juiced up McDonald's, cosmic McDonald's. Love you buddy. Good to talk to you with that being said. Brian Nichols, signing off. You're on the Brian Nichols show amp America Week in Review for remzo Martinez, we'll see you next week. You.

Transcribed by

Remso W. Martinez

Digital marketer

Digital marketing expert and podcaster.