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Oct. 4, 2024

907: How to Fix Our Broken Political System

The real battle in 2024 isn't between political parties, but between those who cling to a broken status quo and those who recognize the need for systemic change to preserve our freedoms and future.

Are we missing the real fight brewing right under our noses? While we're busy arguing about Democrats vs. Republicans, a much bigger showdown is taking shape. What if the true battle in 2024 isn't about political labels, but about whether you're awake to the reality we're facing? What if our entire system is broken, and no amount of tinkering can fix it? These are the questions that could reshape our political landscape.



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In this episode, we dive deep into the hidden conflict that's tearing America apart. It's not left vs. right, but those who cling to the status quo vs. those who see the need for radical change. We expose the uncomfortable truth about our political institutions and why both establishment Republicans and Democrats might be part of the problem, not the solution.


But we don't stop at identifying the issue. We explore what it truly means to "wake up" to political reality and why it's crucial for our future. Are you ready to look beyond party lines and see the world as it really is? This episode challenges you to question everything you thought you knew about American politics.


We also tackle the tough questions: What can we actually do about this broken system? How can we think outside the box and create real, lasting change? And most importantly, are we ready to step up and fight for what we believe in, even when the odds seem stacked against us?


This isn't just another political discussion – it's a call to action. Whether you're a disillusioned voter, a political junkie, or someone who's given up on the system entirely, this episode offers a fresh perspective that could change how you view politics forever. Don't miss this crucial conversation about the future of our country and your role in shaping it. Watch now and join the real fight for America's future.



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Brian Nichols  0:07  
Are we missing the real fight that's brewing right underneath our noses while we're all busy arguing about Democrats versus Republicans, liberals versus conservatives, anarchists versus communists, there's a much bigger showdown taking shape, and it's not what you might expect see. Here's the thing, the real battle in 2024 it's not about your typical political labels. It's about whether you're awake to the reality that we're facing, or if you're sleepwalking through this mess. It's about understanding the long term consequences of where we're headed, and trust me, these consequences are no joke. So what's really going on here? Well, from where I'm sitting, it looks like we've got two main camps that are duking it out. These camps don't care about party affiliation. They don't care if you lean left or right. Instead, these camps care all about how you view the systems that run our country. So let's break this down in one corner. We've got what I like to call the status quo camp. These folks, whether they're establishment Republicans, squishy, middle of the road types, even some Democrats all share one thing in common. They think our institutions are basically good, right to their core. I mean, yeah, they might admit that there's some corruption that's crept in over the years, but by and large, they believe if we just put the right people in charge, everything will be okay. Now this is where I would say we have a split. Yes, the establishment, Republicans and the live and let live libertarians think these institutions just need a tune up. They're like, hey, the engine's still good. Maybe we just need to change the oil, replace a spark plug or two. But the Democrats, the Democrats in this camp, they've got a very different game plan, because see, they see these institutions as tools that they can use to stick it to their political enemies. It's like they're saying, Sure, the car's fine, but I don't know, let's soup it up and use it to run over our competition. And here's the kicker, both sides in this camp are clinging to the old ways, the normal ways of doing things. The GOP and the Libertarians think we can fix the system from within, while the Democrats are like, Hey, we're just going to hijack this for our own purposes. Either way, they're all about keeping the status quo intact. But what if the status quo is actually the problem, which then brings us to the other corner, the Wake up and smell the clock and coffee camp, these folks are mixed, and they share one crucial insight, the system itself is broken, and no matter of tinkering or hijacking the system is going to fix it. In this camp, you've got your trump Republicans, the Maga folks, you've got libertarians who have their eyes wide open to what's really going on, and heck, even some Democrats who realize their party isn't exactly what it used to be. These folks are looking around and saying, wait a minute, something is rotten in Denmark or DC. In this case, they're asking the tough questions, why are we still trusting institutions that have failed us time and again? Why do we keep playing by the rules that seem rigged against us, and most importantly, why aren't more people seeing what's actually happening, what's actually going on? Well, I can almost guarantee there's some folks out there listening saying, Well, Brian, this all sounds well and good, but what does this all mean for me? I'm going to tell you it means everything. Because channeling my inner Joe Biden, here's the deal. While we're all busy squabbling over left versus right, Democrat versus Republican, the real battle is being fought right under our noses, and it is this battle between those who are content to keep things the way they are, even if that means things keep getting worse, and those who are ready to admit that in fact, the emperor has no clothes. But here's the million dollar question, which side are you on? Are you still holding on to the idea that if we just elect the right person, if we just pass that right law, everything will magically get better, or are you starting to see that maybe, just maybe the whole system is broken and needs an overhaul. Now, let's be clear, I'm not talking about tearing everything down and starting from scratch, so that could be interesting. But frankly, that's not what this is all about. This is about us opening our eyes to the reality of the situation. Situation and being willing to make some real changes. So what does that mean for us libertarians and for I would say some of you conservatives out there, time for some soul searching. For my live and let live, libertarian friends out there, it's time for you to have a wake up call. Your principles might sound great on paper, but how well they actually hold up in the real world? If your ideas can't handle a little reality check, maybe it's time to rethink those ideas. And to my more libertarian Republican friends, we need to face some facts. Just because someone has an R next to their name or talks a good game about Liberty does not mean they're on our side. We need to look at actions, not just words. Here's the bottom line, if we keep arguing about our principles all while Rome is burning around us, we're not doing anyone any favors. See, it's time to get real and to start dealing with the world as it is, not as we wish it was. But let's not kid ourselves. This isn't going to be easy. The powers have vested interest in keeping things just the way that they are. The powers at B, they'll fight tooth and nail, and they'll make sure that they fight to their dying breath to maintain this status quo, even if it's the status quo that's slowly but surely destroying everything we hold dear. So what can we we actually do about it? Well, first off, we need to stop calling people good ideas. Well. First off, we need to start calling a spade a spade. If an institution is corrupt, just say so. If a policy is harmful. Don't be afraid to point it out, even if it comes from our side. We need to be willing to look at the hard truths and deal with them head on. Remember the commercial head on? Apply directly to the forehead. God, that was a fun commercial. And by fun I mean super annoying. Secondly, we need to start thinking outside the box. The old solutions aren't working anymore, so it's time to get creative. And what if, instead of, I don't know, trying to fix these broken institutions, we instead created new institutions that actually serve the people. Okay, okay, maybe that's too much. Well, what if, instead of playing by rules designed to keep us down, how about we just change the game entirely? How about that? And finally, how about we start, I don't know, building some bridges. I know. I know it sounds like a feel good nonsense response, but hear me out. There are people on all sides of the political spectrum who are starting to see through all the smoke and mirrors and no, we might not agree on everything. As a matter of fact, I don't think we should agree on everything, but if we can find common ground on big issues like the need for real reform against the danger of unchecked power, then we might have an actual chance to turn this ship around. But the multi billion, trillion dollar question, are we ready to step up to the plate? Are we willing to put aside the petty squabbles and instead focus on the real threat to our liberty and the real threat to our way of life, because, make no mistake, that's what's at stake here. While we're busy arguing about the latest Twitter controversy, or what Talking Heads said, What on cable news, the foundations of our society are literally crumbling right now beneath our feet. So what's it going to be? Which way western man, are we going to take this approach of, let's just like, keep playing the same game. Let's pretend that if we just vote harder, daddy, argue louder, daddy, everything will just magically get better. Or are we ready to face reality, roll up our sleeves and start doing the hard work of actually fixing what's broken. I mean, I don't know about you, but I'm tired of pretending. I'm tired of watching our freedoms erode bit by bit while we argue about which flavor of authoritarianism we prefer. I'm tired of seeing good people get steamrolled by a system that doesn't give a shit about them. It's time to wake up, folks. It's time to see the world as it really is, not the world we wish it was. It's time to start asking the hard questions. And candidly demanding real answers. Because if we don't, who will,

if we don't stand up for what's right, who's going to do it for us? The politicians, the bureaucrats, the talking heads on TV, come on. Don't make me laugh. No, if we want things to change, nobody's coming to save us. It's up to us. It's up to you and me and everyone else who's sick and tired of the status quo. It's up to those of us who can see through the smoke and mirrors and are actually ready to do something about it. But it's not easy, and it's not going to be easy. The powers that be aren't just going to roll over and let us go in and change things. They've got way too much invested in keeping the status quo exactly as it is, which means they're going to fight every step of the way, quit every dirty trick they have. Are we ready for that fight? Are we willing to put all of that on the line for what we believe in? Because that's what's it's going to take. This isn't a game. It's not some stupid debate club where we can score points and pat ourselves in the back and our circle jerk. I mean, this is a real is a real life conversation, folks, with real life consequences. And if we're not willing to step up and face those consequences head on, apply directly to the forehead, we might as well pack it up right now. But I don't think that's who we are. I don't think we're the kind of people who just roll over and give up when the going gets tough. I know this group. I know you. I know that we're fighters, and I know we're the kind of people who see a problem and start looking for solutions, not excuses. So again, which way western man Are we going to keep playing by their rules, hoping that this time, somehow things will be different? Or are we ready to write our own rule book? Because that's what's going to take we can't keep playing their game and expect to win. We need we need to change the game entirely. We need to start thinking bigger, bolder, more creatively than ever before, and we need to start asking the questions that no one else is willing to ask. Need to start proposing solutions that might seem crazy at first, but just might be crazy enough to work. We need to be willing to take risks, be willing to fail, but be willing to get back up and try again. Because here's the truth, the old ways aren't working anymore. The old solutions are failing us, and if we don't come up with something new, something better, we're going to find ourselves in a world that we don't recognize, and unfortunately, we will not be able to escape from. So what it's what's it going to be? Are we going to keep our heads in the sand, pretending everything's fine while Rome is burning around us, or are we going to face reality, roll up our proverbial sleeves and get to work? The choice is ours. The future is ours, and it's in our hands, and what we do next will determine not just our fate, but the fate of literally generations to come. Are we up to that challenge? Are we ready? Are we ready to be the heroes our country needs right now, folks, I don't know about you, I feel this is a 1776 moment. I hope you're ready to stand up and fight for what's right, to stand up for what we believe in, and I hope that you're willing to do what it takes to help turn this ship around. So as we go towards the end of the episode today, I ask you, are you with me? Because if you are, if we all are, then maybe again, just maybe we have a shot. We have a shot, and maybe we can build something better, something that actually works for all of us, not just the chosen select, but again, it all starts with a choice, your choice, right here, right now. So what's it going to be? Are you going to stay asleep, or are you. Ready to wake up and join the fight. The clock is ticking. The world is watching, and the future it's waiting. That being said. Brian Nichols, signing off for another Brian's briefing. We'll see you next time

Unknown Speaker  15:20  

Transcribed by