In this heartwarming episode of The Cat Conversation, KJ sits down with the talented Valerie Bertinelli. Valerie, who just released a new cook book shares her joy of cooking in a kitchen full of cats and also touches on how grieving a special cat led...
In this heartwarming episode of The Cat Conversation, KJ sits down with the talented Valerie Bertinelli. Valerie, who just released a new cook book shares her joy of cooking in a kitchen full of cats and also touches on how grieving a special cat led her to fostering, an experience that changed her life. Join in on the fun and insightful discussion as Valerie opens up about her personal experiences and the joy her pets bring to her life and the importance of spay, neuter and fostering to support our animal welfare organizations.
Check out Valerie's new cookbook, "Indulge: Delicious and Decadent Dishes to Enjoy and Share."
#Podcast #ValerieBertinelli #TheCatConversation #FosteringCats #Cats