Hi La! I find this pod to be a very enjoyable listen. You have more charisma in your little finger than most in their whole beings. As a a lady who is 17 years sober (stopped the booze and drugs at 22 so it took me down super quick), I feel strangely proud of your journey. I will say… I don’t love how viscous you’ve been to people in the past even if they deserved it but I see this as your unhealed feminine and I relate to this SO MUCH. I look very feminine and girly but if someone looked at me wrong early in sobriety, the earrings would come off. When that stopped working for me, I had to dive deeper in my healing (ACA adult children) meetings were instrumental in my journey and I can’t recommend them enough. I love the self reflection around cussing: if you can look through life from the lens of- it takes sooo much strength to be soft when life wants to make you hard…. I think you will be even more powerful than you already are.
Also - upo no one is inherently good or bad. Even narcissists… even sandyballz. Just degrees of wounded/healed. Sending love! Xoxoxox
June 6, 2023 by mindynotmelinda on Apple Podcasts