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April 24, 2024

From Backstage to Bookshelves The Dance with Adversity and Affirmation

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The C.J Moneyway Show

Have you ever found yourself in the crosshairs of envy, simply because you dared to succeed? Our latest episode peels back the layers of this all-too-common challenge, starting with a candid account of how our inborn talents can draw the green-eyed monster out of those around us. I reveal an enlightening talk with Steeltown Records, a beacon of musical history, and their pursuit of fresh faces in the industry—a testament to the spirit of appreciating, not resenting, success. We wade through the murky waters of navigating achievements while surrounded by the clamor of detractors, emphasizing the need to stay grounded in your truth.

The path to personal triumph is rarely a solo journey, yet sometimes, the most surprising lack of support comes from those we expected to cheer us on. I get personal recounting the highs and lows following my book's release and the profound loss of my father. It's a raw glimpse into the resilience required to keep pressing on when the accolades you anticipate fall silent. But there's hope, and it often comes in the form of community—both online and off. I'll tease you with a snippet from my revised book, "Both Eyes Open and Both Eyes Shut," and spotlight the transformative power of supporting one another's ende

Anyone that has a story that they will like to share, The CJ Moneyway Show is the place to tell it! Barber shop, Beauty shop, work, family gathering like conversations goes down on The Moneyway Show; on The Moneyway Show makes you feel like family to express yourself so the world can hear it, like no other podcast show around. So if you want to tell your story to an extended family member; CJ Moneyway is that family member. The CJ Moneyway Show for the everyday man and woman. 






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The C. J Moneyway Show
Facebook: Author Corwin Johnson
Instagram: c.j_moneyway
Website: https://cj-moneyway-entertainment.ueniweb.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@themoneywayshow8493

The CJ Moneyway Show is a podcast platform that is aimed to inspire, challenge, entertain, enhance one’s thought process and to learn and grow together as a whole. A podcast for the everyday man and woman.
Open for all discussions and interviews.
Steel Town Records coming back to the region of Northwest Indiana. The Rebirth Of A Record Label!!! #SteelTownRecords

Unlocking Potential, One Dream at a Time on The CJ Moneyway Show


00:00 - Overcoming Haters and Embracing Success

09:30 - Lessons Learned About Support and Resilience

19:09 - Podcast Journey and Support Dynamics

28:23 - The Ultimate Wisdom and Knowledge


00:00:00.281 --> 00:00:01.203
have you never prayed for?

00:00:01.203 --> 00:00:11.473
Do you know how many people are jealous of you and they got no idea that the gift you have you never prayed for?

00:00:11.473 --> 00:00:14.244
Y'all ain't saying nothing to me.

00:00:14.244 --> 00:00:17.693
The gift that you hold, you never asked god to give it to you.

00:00:17.693 --> 00:00:23.067
You got folk that are fighting you and they don't know.

00:00:23.067 --> 00:00:24.649
I don't even want this, god.

00:00:24.649 --> 00:00:26.312
Don't put it on my life.

00:00:26.312 --> 00:00:29.402
All I can do is flow in my gift.

00:00:29.402 --> 00:00:43.789
You know you're authentically anointed when people who got more than you don't like you and you're trying to figure out why you attacking me when I ain't got nothing.

00:00:43.789 --> 00:00:46.814
I hope y'all tap this church concept.

00:00:46.814 --> 00:00:53.710
If they hate you at this level, what they gonna do when I elevate you to a whole nother place?

00:00:53.710 --> 00:01:08.430
This is just the beginning.

00:01:08.430 --> 00:01:19.427
Welcome, my good people, welcome to the cj money way show and I'm with your host, cj money way, let's get it what's up, my good people?

00:01:19.447 --> 00:01:23.444
you're listening to your boy, cj money way, on the cj money way show.

00:01:23.444 --> 00:01:25.129
Thank you for tuning in today.

00:01:25.129 --> 00:01:33.623
Like I said, wednesdays is going to be for the Moneyway experience for those who are listening to your boy.

00:01:33.623 --> 00:01:35.370
That's rocking with your boy.

00:01:35.370 --> 00:01:50.305
Hey, this time is for us, although, as I've been going through some of my itinerary and some of the interviews that I've been doing, I will have to, I will have to delegate some of them on wednesday.

00:01:50.305 --> 00:02:12.211
So you, I hope that you will tune in and stay tuned to that, where I will have some part twos that's coming out on wednesday, on a couple interviews that I've that I've done one of them which I hope that you guys will really tune into and and get involved, because they're looking for x amount of people as still town records.

00:02:12.211 --> 00:02:13.954
I'm excited about this.

00:02:13.954 --> 00:02:18.544
I'm excited about the, the collaboration that we have.

00:02:18.544 --> 00:02:20.126
I just did an interview with them.

00:02:20.126 --> 00:02:21.247
It'll be coming out.

00:02:21.247 --> 00:02:30.116
Uh, wednesday, may 22nd and month, and monday, on memorial day, may 27th.

00:02:30.116 --> 00:02:31.260
Check that out.

00:02:31.562 --> 00:02:33.425
They got a lot of things popping off.

00:02:33.425 --> 00:02:42.027
Um, they're trying to bring a record label back out in the 1960s, like 1964 to 1971.

00:02:42.027 --> 00:02:45.112
They was the first home of the jackson five.

00:02:45.112 --> 00:02:46.435
You're gonna have to check it out.

00:02:46.435 --> 00:02:48.361
Check it out, go do your research on it.

00:02:48.361 --> 00:02:56.205
Still town records, right here in gary, indiana, and so there are some things that they're trying to do with the record label.

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I talked to six of their executives the other day.

00:03:00.493 --> 00:03:02.145
So it's real, it's popping.

00:03:02.145 --> 00:03:12.352
They're trying to do a movie based on the, the founder of steel town records, and give you the truth of what really went down with steel town and motown.

00:03:12.352 --> 00:03:21.344
So they're looking for actors, they're looking for actresses, they're looking for independent artists, they're looking for producers.

00:03:21.344 --> 00:03:34.152
So, around the globe, uh, steel town andincorpcom you can check them out that they're trying to do casting right now for the film that they're trying to come out with in september.

00:03:34.152 --> 00:03:38.010
So check it out, man, it's gonna be a hot interview, hot topic.

00:03:38.010 --> 00:03:42.843
Hey, remember that name stilltown records, stilltown records.

00:03:43.183 --> 00:03:58.013
And so this is your, and so just keeping it 100, today I want to talk about these haters, these haters, these haters, and so I know, and you know, we family, we family, we family, we family.

00:03:58.013 --> 00:04:04.222
So I can talk about this with you guys, because I know that if you're listening to the Money Way, show that you're not a hater, and if you are you?

00:04:04.222 --> 00:04:07.274
I know that if you're listening to the Money Waste Show, that you're not a hater, and if you are, you need to stop that.

00:04:07.274 --> 00:04:13.165
You need to stop that real quick, because we don't hate on the Money Waste Show, we just congratulate.

00:04:13.486 --> 00:04:18.642
And so the thing about haters is sometimes I know what the Bible say.

00:04:18.642 --> 00:04:25.670
The Bible say that we don't fight against flesh and blood, but we fight against principalities of wickedness in higher places.

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And so, with that being said, a lot of times we think that we're battling each other, but we're really not.

00:04:32.413 --> 00:04:41.774
Or we feel as though somebody is hating on me because I'm in this space or I'm in that space, but they're really not hating on you per se.

00:04:41.774 --> 00:04:47.011
They're hating on what's in them, is hating on what's in you.

00:04:47.011 --> 00:05:03.466
And so when we figure that out and when we get to that point that you know they not hating on Corey the man, or they not hating on CJ the man, they hating on the spirit that's in CJ because it's not mushing, it's not, it's not going together and see.

00:05:03.505 --> 00:05:16.346
So there comes a point in time where there's a lot of different levels of hate and people can hate how you look, people can hate how you dress, people can hate how you smell.

00:05:16.346 --> 00:05:18.507
People can hate how you smile.

00:05:18.507 --> 00:05:20.271
People can hate how you talk.

00:05:20.271 --> 00:05:22.125
People can hate how you walk.

00:05:22.125 --> 00:05:25.048
People can hate how you perform your job at work.

00:05:25.048 --> 00:05:34.125
I mean, there's so many levels to why people just hate and I'm not a hater and that's just can't.

00:05:34.125 --> 00:05:36.591
Nobody come and say that CJ is a hater.

00:05:36.591 --> 00:05:39.920
I've never been a hater, never I would.

00:05:40.180 --> 00:05:51.488
If somebody drive around in a nice car, they pull up in a nice ride, I'm going to say, hey, man, that's a nice ride, or there's some nice kicks that you got on, or that's a nice jacket, bro, that's just me.

00:05:51.488 --> 00:05:53.567
Why should I hate on anybody?

00:05:53.567 --> 00:05:55.646
There's no need for me to hate on nobody.

00:05:55.646 --> 00:05:56.865
I got more than enough.

00:05:56.865 --> 00:05:59.949
I'm not saying that I have everything that I want in life.

00:05:59.949 --> 00:06:07.971
I'm not saying that I'm perfect or that I'm just so high and mighty that you know whatever, whatever.

00:06:07.971 --> 00:06:25.690
No, I don't have a lot of things that a lot of people have, but I'm grateful for what I have, and so therefore, there's no need for me to hate on somebody else for what they have, because what they have evidently wasn't meant for me to have, and if it is meant for me to have, god would make a way for me to have it at some point in time in life.

00:06:25.690 --> 00:06:33.733
And so, the more that I congratulate people or compliment people on certain things, that's elevating me.

00:06:34.160 --> 00:06:39.891
Now see, sometimes we don't understand Haters, don't understand this reason of logic.

00:06:39.891 --> 00:06:56.406
If, when God began elevating you to certain levels in life, people start hating and a lot of it is because we just them type of it's just how we are.

00:06:56.406 --> 00:07:00.360
I don't want to see nobody making a dollar more than me.

00:07:00.360 --> 00:07:04.161
If he or she making a dollar more than me, I'm hating.

00:07:04.161 --> 00:07:15.055
If they doing something that I'm not doing or something that I want to do but I'm not doing it because somebody killed my dreams and they live in a dream, I'm going to hate on it.

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And so to my people out there hey, we got to get over that.

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We got to get over some things in life.

00:07:22.184 --> 00:07:24.151
Don't let nobody kill your dreams.

00:07:24.151 --> 00:07:26.697
You want to go back to my man, joseph?

00:07:26.697 --> 00:07:30.283
Go back, and I think it's episode three.

00:07:30.283 --> 00:07:32.915
Check out season one, episode three and four.

00:07:32.915 --> 00:07:35.742
Joseph didn't let his brothers kill his dreams.

00:07:35.742 --> 00:07:39.459
Matter of fact, it wasn't Joseph that didn't let his brothers kill his dream.

00:07:39.459 --> 00:07:42.548
God didn't let nobody kill his dream.

00:07:42.548 --> 00:07:48.262
So remember that God would not allow anyone to kill your dreams.

00:07:48.262 --> 00:07:58.072
If God gave it to you, it's going to come to pass, regardless of how much they hate, regardless of how much they don't want to see you where you're at.

00:07:58.072 --> 00:08:02.622
They're going to hate Because sometimes it's just some things that they don't understand.

00:08:03.370 --> 00:08:08.343
You know, like I wrote a book in 2015.

00:08:08.343 --> 00:08:36.041
And I really thought that people, my people, my family, my cousins, my uncles, my aunties, my immediate, just my family in general I just really knew, and my friends, my so-called friends I just knew that they was going to get behind your boy because, like man CJ, he wrote a book.

00:08:36.041 --> 00:08:39.456
Dude on Amazon, man, you can Google him up.

00:08:39.456 --> 00:08:45.851
I just, for me, in my mind, I just really thought that people was gonna be happy for me.

00:08:45.851 --> 00:08:50.999
Quick reminder it kicked me.

00:08:50.999 --> 00:08:52.080
It was swift.

00:08:52.080 --> 00:08:58.495
I'm like wow, ain't nobody that I know grabbing my book?

00:08:58.495 --> 00:09:01.200
Ain't nobody calling, meulating me?

00:09:01.200 --> 00:09:03.971
Said man, see, I'm proud of you, bro.

00:09:03.971 --> 00:09:06.700
You know I, I, I'm proud of what you're doing.

00:09:06.700 --> 00:09:11.554
Man, you know ain't nobody in our family or nobody I know ever wrote a book?

00:09:11.554 --> 00:09:12.616
Man, I'm with you.

00:09:12.616 --> 00:09:16.011
What you want, what you need me to do, let's get this thing out there.

00:09:16.513 --> 00:09:17.696
No, it wasn't none of that.

00:09:17.696 --> 00:09:18.035
It was.

00:09:18.035 --> 00:09:20.301
It was just the exact opposite.

00:09:20.301 --> 00:09:26.650
It was crickets of that it was.

00:09:26.650 --> 00:09:27.394
It was just the exact opposite.

00:09:27.394 --> 00:09:28.197
It was crickets, crickets, crickets.

00:09:28.197 --> 00:09:33.775
And I'm not gonna sit up here and shuck and jive nobody because, like I said, on wednesday, on wednesday nights, this is the money way experience.

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I'm talking to my people that's rocking with your boy, cj money way.

00:09:37.852 --> 00:09:49.416
So we gonna keep it all the way 100, and so what I mean by that is that it that did that experience, that was 2015.

00:09:49.475 --> 00:09:51.519
That experience right there, hurt my feelings.

00:09:51.519 --> 00:09:53.224
It really did.

00:09:53.224 --> 00:10:11.033
It hurt my feelings because I really thought that people that was in my, even the people that was in my, even the people that was in my corner, like people would be in your corner when things jumping off or when it's when you, when you at the planning phase or when you at the beginning phase.

00:10:11.033 --> 00:10:17.634
But when that thing stopped popping off, when it stopped popping off, they start popping off too.

00:10:17.634 --> 00:10:20.761
I know some of y'all out there know what I'm talking about.

00:10:20.761 --> 00:10:24.100
I know I ain't the only one that have never experienced this.

00:10:24.100 --> 00:10:26.638
Come on now, holla at your boy, if you hear me.

00:10:26.638 --> 00:10:47.738
But so I went through a trial and I've said this before and I don't know if you guys rocking with your boy, cj Moneyway, you ain't heard this that the week after my book got published I mean exactly seven days after my book got published, I mean exactly seven days after my book got published my father died, so it took a lot out of me.

00:10:47.889 --> 00:10:53.676
I didn't get into the marketing phase of it, but be on the lookout, both Eyes Open and Both Eyes Shut.

00:10:53.676 --> 00:11:01.610
Has been republished, I mean been revised new book cover and about to be republished pretty soon.

00:11:01.610 --> 00:11:02.975
So go grab it.

00:11:02.975 --> 00:11:05.077
I'm talking to my Money Way listeners.

00:11:05.077 --> 00:11:06.294
It's a great read.

00:11:06.294 --> 00:11:08.618
It got a lot of stuff in there.

00:11:08.618 --> 00:11:10.336
I will be putting some things out.

00:11:10.336 --> 00:11:14.950
Matter of fact, I'm going to do something today, so you know just some inserts or whatever.

00:11:14.950 --> 00:11:22.565
I try to do that every week just to give you guys a little taste of it and be like I think I got to check this out.

00:11:22.565 --> 00:11:22.966

00:11:23.047 --> 00:11:25.735
If you're an avid reader, me myself, that's keeping 100.

00:11:25.735 --> 00:11:26.758
I'm not an avid reader.

00:11:26.758 --> 00:11:35.984
I might write books, I might do a podcast, whatever, but I do not just read books off the strength of just reading books.

00:11:35.984 --> 00:11:36.851
I don't do that.

00:11:36.851 --> 00:11:40.198
I just don't go around listening to everybody podcast.

00:11:40.239 --> 00:11:49.693
But in life there are some things that I felt that I feel like if this is what you're going to do, and this is the the trend that you're trying to set, then you have to.

00:11:49.693 --> 00:11:57.236
You have to follow those who have come before you and those that know more than you and those that do it way better than you do.

00:11:57.236 --> 00:12:00.894
You have to pick their brains and you have to get knowledge from here and there.

00:12:00.894 --> 00:12:06.115
So, as I said that there are books that I have been reading, I put my girl out there.

00:12:06.115 --> 00:12:08.118
I did an interview with Terrence Marie.

00:12:08.118 --> 00:12:10.357
She got a book called Black Pearl.

00:12:10.357 --> 00:12:12.755
Hey, got to check it out.

00:12:12.755 --> 00:12:19.779
Hot book Got me interested, so check out again Black Pearl by Terrence Marie.

00:12:19.929 --> 00:12:21.014
She got a lot more books.

00:12:21.014 --> 00:12:23.995
She got a few more books coming out, so I'm going to give her a plug.

00:12:23.995 --> 00:12:24.758
That's my girl.

00:12:24.758 --> 00:12:31.682
Hey, we didn't know each other from a can of paint, but when we hooked up and we did an interview, it's like we knew each other forever.

00:12:31.682 --> 00:12:36.458
Like you know, I call her my little sister now and anything that she do, I'm supporting it.

00:12:36.458 --> 00:12:40.399
Anything that she put out, I'm pushing like that's another thing.

00:12:40.399 --> 00:12:48.778
You know Facebook and Instagram and TikTok and YouTube and all these other different social media outlets.

00:12:48.778 --> 00:12:54.274
Come on, man, it do not cost nothing to support.

00:12:54.697 --> 00:12:59.309
All you got to do is push like I don't care if you don't leave a comment.

00:12:59.309 --> 00:13:05.942
But that's how you know when people hating what you're doing because they'll just start skipping over your stuff, they're seeing you too much.

00:13:05.942 --> 00:13:06.984
You're doing too much.

00:13:06.984 --> 00:13:11.120
You're moving too much, because I would thought that you would have been and fell off by now.

00:13:11.120 --> 00:13:13.337
I thought that you would have been and quit by now.

00:13:13.337 --> 00:13:16.173
But now that I'm seeing that you, you know you got some.

00:13:16.173 --> 00:13:20.701
You got some wheels on this train that you ain't stopping no time soon.

00:13:20.701 --> 00:13:29.337
So, since you ain't stopping no time soon, so since you ain't stopping no time soon, I'm going to stop.

00:13:29.337 --> 00:13:30.865
I'm going to stop fooling with you.

00:13:30.865 --> 00:13:31.789
And people do that, people do that.

00:13:31.789 --> 00:13:36.293
I don't know why.

00:13:36.293 --> 00:13:36.913
Somebody tell me, why.

00:13:36.913 --> 00:13:39.878
Leave it in the comments, write your boy, email your boy.

00:13:39.878 --> 00:13:42.842
Somebody, let me know why these type of activities happen in our community or just worldwide.

00:13:42.842 --> 00:13:43.363
I don't know.

00:13:43.363 --> 00:13:44.664
Somebody, help your boy out.

00:13:44.664 --> 00:13:48.155
But so, yeah, so 2015,.

00:13:48.155 --> 00:13:50.480
It taught me a lesson moving forward.

00:13:51.181 --> 00:13:57.967
When I started this podcast, I tried to do it with some other brothers and we went through the planning phase.

00:13:57.967 --> 00:14:01.946
We was having meetings and we was doing this and we was doing that.

00:14:01.946 --> 00:14:04.793
But when it started coming down to that money.

00:14:04.793 --> 00:14:12.315
When it started coming down to the monies, they started falling off and it's been crickets ever since.

00:14:12.315 --> 00:14:19.633
And that was, I would say that was back in like November 20.

00:14:19.633 --> 00:14:21.456
No, no, 2022.

00:14:21.456 --> 00:14:29.033
I take that back because I started the podcast in october 2023, so that was back in november 2022.

00:14:29.514 --> 00:14:38.341
I ain't heard from these brothers since, you know, and and that's on everything I love and not even on what I've been doing, not even on this podcast.

00:14:38.341 --> 00:14:39.971
I still ain't heard from these brothers.

00:14:39.971 --> 00:14:45.361
Ain't nobody reached out to himself for self, for one reached out to me like hey, man, I like what you're doing.

00:14:45.361 --> 00:14:51.673
Blah, blah, skippy, you took the dream that we had and you know you moving forward with it, you pushing it on.

00:14:51.673 --> 00:14:53.583
None of that, none of that, none of that.

00:14:53.583 --> 00:14:57.754
Now, I ain't saying they hate us, I'm just saying they ain't congratulate us either.

00:14:57.754 --> 00:14:59.076
That's all I'm saying.

00:14:59.076 --> 00:15:07.495
That's all your boy said but yeah, so I tried to do it with some more cats and it didn't work out like that.

00:15:07.495 --> 00:15:16.419
And so, my mans, he pulled me to the side and say hey, everybody don't feel the same way that you feel about this, your baby.

00:15:16.419 --> 00:15:22.221
And so it brought back remembrance of when the Holy Spirit told me that this was for me.

00:15:22.710 --> 00:15:44.793
And, as we was talking about earlier, everything that you do, or what God shows you, he don't show everybody, and so sometimes we want people to be excited for what we're doing and the things that God has showed us, but it's hard for them to get excited because they didn't see it showed us, but it's hard for them to get excited because they didn't see it.

00:15:44.793 --> 00:15:51.585
And so we have to quit expecting people to be just as excited as we are about certain things that they don't know about.

00:15:51.585 --> 00:16:22.174
And so a lot of times, when we try to get people to be excited, just like us, it deters you from doing what God has called you to do, because the response that you're getting from people and so when you're not getting the response from the people who you felt like you was going to get it from, or the people that was in your corner your so-called friends, your homies, or your aunties, your uncles, your favorite cousins when that type of support don't come, hey, it knock us off our square.

00:16:22.174 --> 00:16:23.600
It really does.

00:16:23.600 --> 00:16:25.714
Anybody know what I'm talking about?

00:16:25.714 --> 00:16:27.278
Holler at your boy.

00:16:27.278 --> 00:16:29.403
For real, though, holler at me.

00:16:29.403 --> 00:16:31.695
Am I the only one that go through this?

00:16:31.695 --> 00:16:37.092
Am I the only one that been through something like this or experiencing that type of stuff?

00:16:37.092 --> 00:16:37.714
Right now?

00:16:37.714 --> 00:16:47.875
It is what it is, holler at me, but uh, it taught me a lesson, though, and so, when I went into this venture, I say you know what?

00:16:47.875 --> 00:16:49.818
I'm not gonna worry about Facebook.

00:16:49.818 --> 00:16:52.912
I don't care who who who watch, who don't.

00:16:52.912 --> 00:16:55.522
It is what it is, because I'm trying to reach.

00:16:55.522 --> 00:16:57.087
I'm trying to go farther than that.

00:16:57.128 --> 00:17:04.523
I've always been the type of person even when I was out there doing my thing I always been that one.

00:17:04.523 --> 00:17:07.415
I didn't like fishing on the on the shore.

00:17:07.415 --> 00:17:13.015
I like to throw my net all the way, I like to throw my rod all the way out there, literally.

00:17:13.015 --> 00:17:15.720
But um, that was just me.

00:17:15.720 --> 00:17:20.771
I like to catch something that was was uncatchable to me.

00:17:20.771 --> 00:17:22.336
That's what I did.

00:17:22.416 --> 00:17:33.598
So when I started this journey on this podcast, I say you know, I'm not going to worry about Facebook friends, because everybody on Facebook ain't your friends, and even your friends, that's your friends on Facebook.

00:17:33.598 --> 00:17:35.766
They don't even support you, like that.

00:17:35.766 --> 00:17:37.750
But it shocked me, though.

00:17:37.750 --> 00:17:43.080
It fooled me, because when I put my first little thing out there, it was before the podcast.

00:17:43.080 --> 00:17:49.480
I was just putting little snippets, little clips out there, man, I was getting some love.

00:17:49.480 --> 00:17:50.105
I was shocked.

00:17:50.105 --> 00:18:01.393
I was getting love from my folks on YouTube and Facebook and people hitting me up telling me keep doing what you're doing, see, I'm loving it, I'm loving it.

00:18:01.785 --> 00:18:22.433
But after a while, though, once you keep doing it, them people that was patting you on the back, them people that was emailing you, hitting you up, telling you to keep going they kind of fall off a little bit because, like I said, it was cool when you started, but you keep on going, I would have been thought that you would have been and fell off by now.

00:18:22.433 --> 00:18:22.953
I, but you keep on going.

00:18:22.953 --> 00:18:24.516
I would have been thought that you would have been and fell off by now.

00:18:24.516 --> 00:18:25.336
I thought maybe you quit having topics.

00:18:25.336 --> 00:18:35.848
I thought that maybe you had been and got tired trying to do a podcast and working a full-time job, sometimes working 16 hours a day, three, four times a week, but you still going.

00:18:35.848 --> 00:18:38.895
And so, since you still going, I'm just going to follow.

00:18:38.895 --> 00:18:43.269
I'm going to fall off of you, and that's what people do and that's what they have been doing.

00:18:43.670 --> 00:19:01.334
But if I still had that same mindset of 2015, I wouldn't be sitting here talking to my real people right now, because it's you that keeps me going, because I see the numbers, I see where the people listening at, I see the analytics, I see the age group.

00:19:01.334 --> 00:19:05.086
I see where the people listening at, I see where I see the analytics, I see the age group, I see all that.

00:19:05.086 --> 00:19:12.873
And so it's you guys that and women that keeping me going, that's fueling, that's putting fuel to the fire, you know.

00:19:12.873 --> 00:19:19.048
So your boy gonna keep on rocking because you rocking with me and I ain't gonna let no haters stop that.

00:19:19.048 --> 00:19:22.954
And that's 100 people think.

00:19:22.954 --> 00:19:33.924
Because they don't rock with you, or they not feeling what you doing, or they not anyway, it ain't my cup of tea and they passing you up on facebook.

00:19:34.145 --> 00:19:42.068
I learned too that facebook and instagram and youtube, all that stuff, that ain't that, ain't got nothing to do with podcasting.

00:19:42.068 --> 00:19:46.097
People on facebook, facebook not listening, ain't looking for a podcast show.

00:19:46.097 --> 00:19:50.996
You might have maybe one out of a hundred that might say you know what?

00:19:50.996 --> 00:19:52.318
Let me check out this podcast.

00:19:52.318 --> 00:19:54.772
But Facebook people are Facebook people.

00:19:54.772 --> 00:19:57.292
Instagram people are Instagram people.

00:19:57.292 --> 00:19:59.311
Tiktok is TikTok people.

00:19:59.311 --> 00:20:01.511
Youtube is YouTube people.

00:20:01.511 --> 00:20:05.071
Podcasting is podcast people.

00:20:05.071 --> 00:20:09.250
It's just a difference, and I've been learning that as I've been going.

00:20:09.612 --> 00:20:25.790
And so I don't get discouraged by if somebody don't look at a video that I put out, or if I put out a post that you might only got like five likes or whatever, because the more that you grow in certain things, the less people that you know gonna be supporting you.

00:20:25.790 --> 00:20:28.958
It's the people that you don't know that's pulling you up.

00:20:28.958 --> 00:20:35.487
It's the people that you don't know that's cheering you on from the sideline, and I'm finding that out more and more.

00:20:35.487 --> 00:20:39.018
I don't care, I'm just gonna be straight up right now.

00:20:39.018 --> 00:20:49.290
I do not care what people may think about what I'm saying, because it's true, because if you was with your boy, like, okay, I'll put it like this and I'm going to keep it 100.

00:20:49.290 --> 00:20:52.670
And this stuff for some of my true partners.

00:20:52.710 --> 00:20:59.290
Supposedly I did some podcast shows with a couple cats, right, with some of my homies.

00:20:59.290 --> 00:21:02.412
One of them, actually, actually one of them is going to come out pretty soon.

00:21:02.412 --> 00:21:04.607
One of them is going to come out May 17th.

00:21:04.607 --> 00:21:06.673
Check that out Three Stooges.

00:21:06.673 --> 00:21:09.209
We're talking about dealing with emotional women.

00:21:09.209 --> 00:21:12.859
So me, my boy Rick, my boy Jalen.

00:21:12.859 --> 00:21:14.263
So check that out.

00:21:14.263 --> 00:21:16.673
Like I said, that's coming out May 17th.

00:21:16.673 --> 00:21:25.568
I think that's a two-part series too, so that'll be coming out on a Wednesday too.

00:21:25.568 --> 00:21:25.910
So check it out.

00:21:25.930 --> 00:21:26.109
I'm not.

00:21:26.109 --> 00:21:26.771
I'm not, you know, I do what I do.

00:21:26.771 --> 00:21:33.488
I built my platform for the people and so I'm a man of my word, and so that's what I'm doing and so that's what I continue to do.

00:21:33.488 --> 00:21:36.430
But yeah, that's a but to it.

00:21:36.430 --> 00:22:15.032
But, but I realized that if something does not involve the person like I did a podcast show with my boys and I got a few homies and I did a podcast episode with a few of them, right, and so I was on the thing and I had a guy that you know he's been rocking with me or whatever I'm taking these modules in this, in this uh course and stuff that he have and he went on Apple, he went on Apple, on iTunes on, and he left me a review, he left me a rating.

00:22:15.032 --> 00:22:23.038
I'm like man, that's cool, I don't even know this guy and he left me a rating and a comment, a nice comment too.

00:22:23.038 --> 00:22:38.490
So I said, man, you know, let me hit my people up that have been on the show, let me hit my family members up that have listened to the show, I suppose, and, you know, let them give me some ratings and some comments to try to boost the show up.

00:22:38.565 --> 00:22:40.432
It's just like Amazon or anything.

00:22:40.432 --> 00:22:45.686
If you've got similar shows that's running and you want to debate on.

00:22:45.686 --> 00:22:51.489
If you want to listen to the CJ Money Ways show or you want to listen to another show, we got the same type of show.

00:22:51.489 --> 00:22:55.517
We both in education or we both in the social culture.

00:22:55.517 --> 00:22:57.365
Which one am I going to listen to?

00:22:57.365 --> 00:23:05.519
Well, what do we do at Amazon when we're looking at the same product and about the same price, or one of them may be a dollar more or two dollars more?

00:23:05.904 --> 00:23:07.070
We look at the reviews.

00:23:07.070 --> 00:23:12.265
Let me see the reviews and that will determine which product I'm going to buy.

00:23:12.265 --> 00:23:13.911
Same thing with podcasting.

00:23:13.911 --> 00:23:15.171
Let me look at the reviews.

00:23:15.171 --> 00:23:16.916
How many reviews this one got?

00:23:16.916 --> 00:23:18.463
How many reviews that one got?

00:23:18.463 --> 00:23:20.373
Oh, this one got 40 reviews.

00:23:20.373 --> 00:23:21.569
Oh, this one got 10.

00:23:21.569 --> 00:23:22.107
Let me check.

00:23:22.107 --> 00:23:22.280
This one got 40 reviews.

00:23:22.280 --> 00:23:22.515
Oh, this one got 10.

00:23:22.515 --> 00:23:23.342
Let me check this one out.

00:23:23.342 --> 00:23:24.935
It seemed like people more interested in that.

00:23:24.935 --> 00:23:26.939
So again, yeah, I'm putting it out there.

00:23:26.939 --> 00:23:30.951
If you're rocking with the cj money way show, hey, hit me up on apple man.

00:23:30.951 --> 00:23:33.257
Leave me a review, leave me a comment.

00:23:33.257 --> 00:23:36.289
Let people know that you're rocking with your boy cj money way.

00:23:36.671 --> 00:23:48.573
But so anyway, uh, I asked my guys, now I had some thumbnails and stuff done because, like I said, I do clips, I do videos or whatever.

00:23:48.573 --> 00:23:49.525
That's how I promote.

00:23:49.525 --> 00:23:58.804
And so I had some thumbnails done With my homies on there and I sent them the thumbnails and I said, hey, this is going to be the cover Of our podcast.

00:23:58.804 --> 00:24:03.243
And I said, hey, go on, apple, leave your boy.

00:24:03.243 --> 00:24:06.535
I say, leave a review on y'all being guests on the show.

00:24:06.535 --> 00:24:10.930
Yeah, exactly that's exactly what it was.

00:24:10.930 --> 00:24:13.029
It was crickets, no, take that back.

00:24:13.029 --> 00:24:19.218
They gave me a thumbs up on the thumbnail.

00:24:21.566 --> 00:24:34.326
But when I asked to do the review part and the rating part now these my homies, now these my homies, crickets, straight crickets Still ain't heard from, still ain't go out there.

00:24:34.326 --> 00:24:44.753
Because if I'm involved, I'm in it, but if I'm not involved, I'm not trying to help you get to where you trying to go.

00:24:44.753 --> 00:24:48.095
But if I'm involved in it, I'm all with it.

00:24:48.095 --> 00:24:52.670
But to just ask me to do something on your behalf, I'm not gonna do that.

00:24:52.670 --> 00:25:00.069
Hey, it is what it is and I'm just telling the truth and, like I said, these my homies, so I don't care.

00:25:00.069 --> 00:25:05.159
I don't care how somebody feel about what I said because it's the truth.

00:25:05.159 --> 00:25:12.836
And if somebody's saying that I'm lying, then show me why I'm lying, because I can look at the reviews and I see that you didn't do one.

00:25:12.836 --> 00:25:16.407
I see that you didn't put a rating out there and I'm not.

00:25:16.407 --> 00:25:19.057
Did I say anything to them about it?

00:25:19.057 --> 00:25:19.357
No, for what?

00:25:19.357 --> 00:25:19.557
For what?

00:25:19.557 --> 00:25:20.721
Anything to him about it?

00:25:20.721 --> 00:25:21.123
No, for what?

00:25:21.123 --> 00:25:23.093
For what?

00:25:23.997 --> 00:25:29.175
In life, in life, people, you got to learn how to just keep on going.

00:25:29.175 --> 00:25:33.510
You just got to learn how to keep moving, moving forward.

00:25:33.510 --> 00:25:40.547
Man, I'm not looking back at what people not doing or who ain't supporting your boy, or who may be doing this and who may be doing that.

00:25:40.547 --> 00:25:42.647
Man, I'm focused on what I'm doing.

00:25:42.647 --> 00:25:45.308
I'm focused on you guys, I'm focused on the people.

00:25:45.308 --> 00:25:46.693
That's really rocking with your boy.

00:25:46.693 --> 00:25:50.192
That's what I'm focused at and I'm going to keep on putting it out there.

00:25:50.192 --> 00:25:53.674
I don't care if none of them rate my show.

00:25:53.674 --> 00:25:56.461
It don't matter to me because I got other people out there.

00:25:56.461 --> 00:25:57.005
That's rating it.

00:25:57.005 --> 00:26:07.086
Hopefully you'll start rating it because it is what it is and man rating it because it is what it is.

00:26:07.086 --> 00:26:07.867
And man, forget them.

00:26:07.867 --> 00:26:08.429
Haters, forget the haters.

00:26:08.429 --> 00:26:09.671
I asked another one of my partners.

00:26:09.671 --> 00:26:10.553
Same thing got the same result.

00:26:10.553 --> 00:26:11.734
Like dang, y'all been on it.

00:26:11.755 --> 00:26:27.768
I I invited you guys to my in my personal space to share with me these occasions, to to have to laugh and to give some truth and shoot out some knowledge or agree to disagree.

00:26:27.768 --> 00:26:31.634
This is what we have done in my personal space.

00:26:31.634 --> 00:26:34.019
So what did you learn?

00:26:34.019 --> 00:26:34.078

00:26:34.078 --> 00:26:36.892
Quit inviting everybody to your personal space.

00:26:36.892 --> 00:26:39.319
That's one to grow on.

00:26:39.319 --> 00:26:42.309
I'm quitting inviting everybody to my personal space.

00:26:42.309 --> 00:26:43.815
It is what it is.

00:26:45.067 --> 00:26:55.040
If you can't do nothing as far as give your boy a simple review on something that you're on, I'm putting a podcast show out with us on it.

00:26:55.040 --> 00:27:05.528
The thing about it, like I said, you want to get your ratings, you want to get the comments so that people can tune in to your show, you want people to hear what you're saying.

00:27:05.528 --> 00:27:11.986
So if you can't even give the effort to support that part of it, man, I ain't bringing up.

00:27:11.986 --> 00:27:29.471
Hey, it is what it is because, like I said and I'm fair to end it on this people think that because they feel as though they're not rocking with you or they're not listening to your stuff, or they feel like it's garbage, they feel like it ain't doing nothing.

00:27:29.944 --> 00:27:31.070
The devil is a liar.

00:27:31.070 --> 00:27:34.904
You don't really know what's going on and that's why I keep on going.

00:27:34.904 --> 00:27:37.413
Because you ain't seeing the big picture, bro.

00:27:37.413 --> 00:27:39.171
You ain't seeing the numbers.

00:27:39.171 --> 00:27:41.153
You ain't seeing what your boy out here doing.

00:27:41.153 --> 00:27:42.721
You ain't seeing the people that he ain't seeing what your boy out here doing.

00:27:42.721 --> 00:27:46.993
You ain't seeing the people that he may be inspiring or he may be encouraging.

00:27:46.993 --> 00:27:48.297
You're not seeing all that.

00:27:48.297 --> 00:27:54.517
So why should I let you knock me off my square because of what you can't see, I can see.

00:27:54.517 --> 00:28:01.067
That's why my book called it Both Eyes Open and Both Eyes Shut, cause a lot of cats out here walking around with their eyes shut.

00:28:01.067 --> 00:28:02.490
God open mind.

00:28:02.490 --> 00:28:05.198
Hey, this your boy, cj Moneyway.

00:28:05.198 --> 00:28:12.292
You have been listening to the CJ Moneyway Show, unlocking potential, one dream at a time.

00:28:12.292 --> 00:28:14.176
Peace I'm out.

00:28:14.786 --> 00:28:15.750
Wisdom is supreme.

00:28:15.750 --> 00:28:19.970
Therefore, get wisdom, though it cost all you have.

00:28:19.970 --> 00:28:23.188
Get an understanding, proverbs 4, 7.

00:28:23.188 --> 00:28:26.156
Supreme, final, ultimate.

00:28:26.156 --> 00:28:27.987
So wisdom is final.

00:28:27.987 --> 00:28:39.472
It's the ultimate Wisdom Good judgment, learning, knowledge, Clear thinking, experience, understanding, the power to think and learn A specific interpretation.

00:28:39.472 --> 00:28:45.128
Now let's say this scripture again Good judgment and clear thinking are of ultimate importance.

00:28:45.128 --> 00:28:49.258
Therefore, get knowledge, though it may cost all you have.

00:28:49.258 --> 00:28:54.994
Gain a specific understanding of your life, both eyes open and both eyes shut.