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Oct. 6, 2023

Journey Through Self-Discovery and Personal Growth

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The C.J Moneyway Show

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth? Ever wondered why some people seem to hold you back while others propel you forward? As we transition from old habits into new, promising paths, it's not uncommon to encounter resistance from those who knew us in our past lives. They may not comprehend our drive for change, our desire to grow, and that's okay. Our evolution isn't for them to understand; it is a journey we set out on for ourselves, embracing the change and striding ahead even when it seems intimidating to others. 

Navigating relationships can be a complex endeavor, especially when dealing with people who claim to support us but whose actions suggest otherwise. The reality is, not everyone who offers encouragement genuinely wishes us success. In these 'wilderness experiences,' we must learn to rely on faith and trust our path, discerning those who genuinely support our growth from those merely offering lip service. Staying the course, irrespective of the hurdles, is crucial, and the journey is made easier when we eliminate from our circle the ones who do not genuinely support us.

And lastly, in our pursuit of personal growth, we cannot overlook the importance of forgiveness and letting go of past experiences. There is a spiritual warfare associated with personal transformation, and we delve into biblical teachings that guide us through it. Healing from broken hearts and bitterness is a significant part of the voyage. It allows us to focus on things that truly matter, eliminating behaviors that hinder our growth, and keeping our minds dedicated to higher things. So join us, as we navigate through the path of healing and moving forward, and uncover the secrets to personal growth.

The C. J Moneyway Show
Facebook: Author Corwin Johnson
Instagram: c.j_moneyway
Website: https://www.thecjmoneywayshow.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@themoneywayshow8493
The CJ Moneyway Show is a podcast platform that is aimed to inspire, challenge, entertain, enhance one’s thought process and to learn and grow together as a whole. A podcast for the everyday man and woman.
Open for all discussions and interviews.

Unlocking Potential, One Dream at a Time on The CJ Moneyway Show

Speaker 3:

What's up, my good people, welcome to the moneyway show. Thank you for tuning in with me today. Hope you listen. A couple weeks ago to the episode was real information and was this information when I was talking about Carrie Irving and about what he was going through sometime last year around this time. So still nobody has gotten back to me and let me know. Was real information and was this information? Like I say, you know, we got a lot of cats out here that's on these news channels, that's sitting out here giving out this information every day and nothing happened to them. But you know it is what it is. So this week we're going to be talking about letting go and moving forward. I know I said that, you know I wouldn't be talking about sports a lot, but as I was going through it, you know how can I get me and to really join in and listen to episodes, and so I had to put some sports in there, you know. So I'll be having a feature sports celebrity or celebrity. Once a month. I had a feature of the month. So this last month it was Michael Jordan. This month, you know, I talked about Carrie Irving. Next month I'll be talking about somebody else. So stay tuned. You know historic event and mental moments. You know things of that nature. So that's how we're going to do it on the moneyway show. But today it's all about letting go and moving forward. In a book, isaiah says forget the former things and do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs up. Do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams, in the wasteland. How do you let go and move forward? You know, because most of the time when you try to let go and move forward, man, you're going to have people that's going to be surrounding you that's reminding you of your former self or all the former things that you used to do. And so if I'm getting to the point where I'm trying to forget the former things in my life and not dwell on the past, and then I got people that's surrounding me that's going to bring up things of remember that all they remember is who you used to be back when, or the former things that you used to do, and so if I'm getting to the point where I'm trying to forget the former things in my life and not dwell on the past, and then I got people that's surrounding me that's going to bring up things of remember that all they remember is who you used to be back when, or what you used to do back when. They ain't going to let you forget who you were. They ain't going to let you forget what you used to do because this is how they labeled you. This is how they view you. You know, this is their perception of you and they don't want to see you no different. But then you know. Then it comes to a point in your life where you say you know what? That's not me, that's who I used to be, but that's not who I am now. You don't know this man now. You don't know CJ Monday way right now. And so now I'm forgetting the things that's behind me and I'm moving forward in life. Now, if you want to stay stuck, then you stay stuck, but that ain't me, that ain't that ain't. That ain't my life. Right now. I'm letting go and I'm moving forward see the concept thing when God began pulling you out of some things. You know, see, it comes a moment where all of us, you know, we go through a wilderness experience. We start going through the wilderness you know what I'm saying. And when you in the wilderness, you by yourself and you going through the motions of life and you dealing with these issues of life when ain't nobody else around, and then God start pulling you out of that, you know, pulling you out of some things, pulling you out of some situations, and start cleaning you up. And then, after spending some time alone with God, he began directing your steps, he began directing your past. You know. Then, when you coming out, you start talking differently, you start walking differently, everything about you is just different. So now it's this light that's shining on you and now people don't understand what it's like coming from. Because when you just walk in the room, when your presence you know I think I talked about this in my video and something else, you know, you probably hear it again but your presence, your presence just just intimidate people. And not only intimidates people, it irritates people because now you're moving, you walking in a different Ram. You see what I'm saying. And so when you start walking in a different Ram, everybody not gonna like the Ram that you walking in.

Speaker 4:

Bro, you got friends just as envious as your foes deep down in your soul. You already know you can't stay where you are. You've been pleading with God every morning. You get up and get dressed, you know. And your spirit? You too genius for that job.

Speaker 3:

A lot of people want to see you walking in the same lane that you've been walking in for the last 20 years. Don't nobody want to see you start walking in the light? Don't nobody want to see you start walking in truth. They want to see you keep on going in that falsehood. They want to keep see, see you keep on going into them stairways to hell, bro. They don't want to see you moving up and thinking about going to the stairway or have it. Let you start getting clean in life. Let God start cleaning you up and then you start coming out of that wilderness with a different mindset. Madam, same people gonna start coming around, the same ones that want to put that, that want to put dirt on your name, the same ones that was loving you when you was dirty but they don't want to see you clean. Now you know and it's part of the enemy plan he want to keep you dirty, he wants you back in the mood and and it's sad to say, man, that you know it's a lot of people who we want to love us and and it's a lot of people that we want to love, but they really don't want to see you clean. They want to see you as that dirty dude or that dirty female that you used to be. They don't want to see you with a clear mind. They don't want to see you with no money in your pocket. They don't want to see you with a good job. Man, it's a lot of fake love out there, and so now the Bible tells us that we not ignorant to the enemy's devices, and so therefore the enemy he actually uses people to to take you off your path, to take you off your course, and so we have to be careful on who we choose to deal with in this hour, man, because people, a lot of people, just not trustworthy right now. A lot of people don't want to see you a going or being in the places that God wants you to be.

Speaker 4:

But I guess again that the thing is too much of a creative dream and to be put inside a box. But if you keep doing what you've always done, you're gonna keep getting what you've always got.

Speaker 3:

Preach do you want to do? You want to stand and wield in this bra? Because we got to understand if anybody know no scripture, if anybody know the Bible, that we know that the children of Israel, they stayed in the wilderness for 40 years and a lot of them did, and most of them that went in, they came out of Egypt, they didn't come out, so they walked around. They walked around the wilderness for 40 years and it and it was only 11 day journey for them to get to the promised land, to the land of milk and honey that guy had promised for them. But because of they, but because of they stupor, because of their mentality, because of how they used to think, because the the complaining that they did, they walked around the wilderness for 40 years, but at the same time, they wore the same sandals for 40 years that never, that never wore out man. So even even then, even though they didn't make it out, god still protected them and God still kept them up Right, just like when we not doing right, just not just like when we not doing the right things in life, when we going down the wrong path and we walking around the wilderness for 20, 30, 40 years. He's still keeping us up, right, he's still protecting us, he's still putting the roof over our head. He's still giving us a car to drive to get back and forth to work. He's still allowing us to have money to put gas in the car. So we need to quit complaining about the things that we don't have and start being thankful for the things that we do have. But when we, when we, when we complain about the things that we don't have, we got our mentality, we got that wilderness mentality and we don't want to come out of. But he's putting you in the wilderness so that he just so that he can lead you to somewhere better.

Speaker 4:

You letting them have this whole. You think you owe something to the old you Meanwhile, you got, you got. Business is pulling in your belly.

Speaker 3:

But see, the problem is right now we're allowing other people to keep us in the wilderness man. We got to get out of that wilderness mindset, man. I ain't gonna let nobody keep me in the wilderness. For real, though, see, cause people, when you going through the wilderness man, you're going through trials and tribulations, a life in front of everybody, and you still walking with your head up Because God has been sustaining you on all fronts. See, sometimes people can't understand when they know that you going through some things in life, when they know that your pockets is low, when they know that that things ain't right on the home front you know I'm saying, and things of that nature they know the things that surrounding you, they know the trials and tribulations that you're going through. And then when you come out, when you come out better, when you and not even that when you going through it with your head held high, when you going through it with a smile on your face, when you going through it and you still being kind to people and you still being Respectful to people and you still moving on and you still going about your everyday life, man, people can't understand that. People can't understand. How could you be happy when he going through this? How can he still be cheerful when he going through that? How can he still be be given when, when, when, when, when, when things ain't Been going his way?

Speaker 2:

I know what he going through you know you're authentically anointed when people who got more than you don't like you and you trying to figure out why you attacking me when I ain't got nothing. I hope y'all tap this church. God said, if they hate you at this level, what they gonna do when I elevate you to a whole, not the place. This is just the beginning.

Speaker 3:

But, man, you got to stay the course, because can't no man give me nothing? Man, I ain't depending on man to give me nothing, I'm depending on God, and the Bible tells me that I've been a base and I've been a bound and, and I've learned that between the two I learned to be content in whatever situation I'm in. Now. I don't want to be down all the time now, but I know that if I trust in God, I'm not gonna be down all the time. So that's where my joy come from, even in my wilderness experience. That's where your joy should come from, no matter what you going through, because a lot of we looking for people to bring us happiness when we going through our trials and tribulations, when we, in that wilderness experience, we looking for people to bring us happiness, and the same people that we looking to bring us happiness is the same people that wanna see us stuck there. I'm telling you the truth now. I'm telling you.

Speaker 4:

Your brand new life is hiding right behind that thing that you won't try. You got generational curses to break, but you in the worst kind of fight is you versus your faith.

Speaker 3:

I'm telling you a lot of people who we think wanna see us succeed. They really don't. A lot of y'all already know that Today, friends are overrated. You know everybody. Because we got Facebook friends don't mean that everybody on Facebook is really my friend. Everybody on Facebook because they put a like on my page don't mean that they really wanna see me succeed in what I'm trying to do. Everybody you know people that wanna see you succeed is when people start supporting what you doing. That's when you know that people wanna see you move forward. They wanna see you take it to the next level. You got a lot of people that say that they wanna see you go to the next level, but they ain't gonna support your next level activities. They ain't gonna support you. To go to the next level, though, see, a lot of people just have mouth, as we say in church a lip service, that's all. A lot of people do Same way that we do with God. We just got lip service, but we ain't trying to do nothing to try to get to the kingdom of God. We not trying to do nothing to live to get there. We just talk about it, but we ain't living it. We don't try to live that way, because that way is not the way that I wanna go. I still wanna do what I wanna do. I still wanna have fun, I still wanna drink, I still wanna party, I still wanna smoke, I still wanna curse, I still wanna do everything that I wanna do, but I wanna go to heaven. That's just lip service. I'm just saying what I wanna do, but I'm not doing anything. My actions is not showing that this is what I wanna do. And that's the same people. That's the same way people act when they're with you. They might tell you that they wanna see you succeed. They might tell you that they wanna see you go to the next level. They might tell you that they wanna see your business prosper, but they're not showing you that they action speaks. They action speak differently, though it's just a different man. I say there's just a different way of living man. You know, for most of us that's not jealous of people. You know we tend to not wanna believe that. You know this type of things happen. We tend not to believe that the ones who we really wanna love us, you know, see, we overlook them and they the main ones inside hating, they, the main ones hoping for your downfall. Aw, man Corey, he been talking about doing this podcast for 10 years, man. Now he talking about doing it again. Now he ain't fit to do nothing, man, he just talking. They just hoping.

Speaker 4:

And they say you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. So why not get drunk with your dreams, don't? You know there's no such thing as safe, and your self-esteem can't wait, and neither can your mom. Imagine the honor would be for her to see you doing what she never had the courage. Imagine how your daddy would feel, vicariously living through you. Imagine you being everything that your granny always prayed for. Imagine you changing your whole family's course. That's simply stepping into what you were made for. Please, girl, only you can do it. King, only you can do it. Queen.

Speaker 3:

Daddy don't come to pay. They just hoping that Corey, don't bring that CJ Moneyway platform to life. But here I am Because, see, I had to get over. I had to get over folks. That's why I'm saying that I'm letting go and I'm moving forward. See, a lot of times you try to do things with people and you try to involve other people in what you're doing and some reason it don't go. It don't go the same way that you had already, that you had planned it or that you had Envisioned it, because other people that you involve really don't see your vision and they really don't want to see your vision because they don't want to see you go to the next level. Because a lot of times they inside hate. See, that's that hate on the inside that you can't see, that's that hate on the inside that they only know that they got Towards you and we overlooking. But see, you can, you can. You can tell when somebody inside hate you because people with those jabs, that people will stop coming around you, people will stop talking to you. Once you start doing what you say, you go, what you say you gonna do, you know they'd be like my man on belly, be like no, I don't like that. I don't like that. So you know that's how people be, man. They don't, they don't like it, they don't want to see you. Take that to the next, to the next level, man, and don't make no money off of it. Oh, oh, buddy, don't make no money off of it. But you know, it's not necessarily that you know they they truly hating on you or that they truly jealous of you. The fact of the matter is that a lot of people they just don't believe in God. They don't believe that God is real, they don't believe that God can change the path of a man or a woman. You know what I'm saying. They don't believe that God is all powerful and so when you start putting your trust in God and and people knew you win. They don't want to believe that the resurrecting power of Jesus Christ, they don't want to believe that he can. I got a, I got a subject on there later on down the line, that's probably in about another year. So, can these drive bones live? Can that's that scripture? Can these drive bones live? What he was talking, what he was talking to the prophet, can they live? Yes, they can, because they came to life. We'll talk about that later on down the line. But you know, now people start seeing this drastic change in your life and they start seeing things coming about. You know you're going to church. You know you've been professing the name of Jesus Christ in the midst of them. You know you took some punches and some haymakers alone away, and actually you know you ain't got your head beating on more than one occasion and they saying man, how can he still stand after he ain't been through everything that he ain't been through? But standing firm on the word of God instead of, instead of trying to stand firm on your own words and what you believe, that's how you can survive the wilderness. That's how you can survive your trials and tribulations. I can't survive my trials and tribulations on my own thoughts, on my own way of living, where my way of living was leading me straight to hell, bro. So here, whatever excuses you try to use that you can't do this, that you can't do that, hey, he's gonna take care of that, he's gonna take care of that. But then you know it comes to point where People just start acting different. Man, when you start changing man, when you start, when you start talking about the word of God and God start living in you and you start living in him. You know people, people just start changing man. People don't want to talk to you, people don't want to be around you, people don't want to invite you to certain events that they used to invite you to because they think that you fit to come with. All is Religion or you know, there's holy moly stuff. Man, that ain't what life is about. Man, that ain't that, ain't what people that try to feel they self with the word is about. I'm not fit to go over my family house and be and start hitting them over the head with the Bible. I'm not fit to do that. We're gonna have regular conversation, we're gonna talk about what we talk about. But don't get it twisted though. If a point come up and then the word of God can can be expressed in a way that we talking about things in life, then it will come up, because what's in you gonna come up out of you, and so if the word of God is in me, the word of God at some point is gonna come up out of me, and even then, even that little tiny point, even that little sliver of a point, they don't want to hear it. They don't want to hear it cuz don't cause a lot of people don't want to get right. And if they do want to get right, they don't want to hear about your rightness. They don't want to hear from you. The Bible say that a prophet won't even have honor in his own hometown. Jesus didn't even his own brothers, his own brothers, his own people. They didn't even want to believe who he was. So who you think that you are? That when you go around people and people don't want to hear what you're talking about and people ain't going to accept you for accepting Christ?

Speaker 5:

Be honest with you, man. They did Jesus like that. He was God's son. Nobody right. They tore him down, they put him on the cross. I'm just saying for us, all the good people, I'm celebrating the people that's out there fighting for us, but that's on them man, you can't worry about how other people think it.

Speaker 3:

You can't worry about how other people gonna judge you. Hey, every knee shell bow and every tongue shell confess, and every man should be judged by his own deed. So when they time come, they time gonna come, the books gonna open up. It's gonna say hey, you had a chance here to repent. You had a chance here to be saved. You chose not to. I hope that when I get there, the Bible opened up the book and it say well done, my son Job, well done. That's what I want, man. That's what I want. I can't live for nobody else. So that's why, right now, this is my season. This is my season to let go and move forward. This is my season. I don't know what season you in, I don't know what season you been in, but this is my season of letting go and moving forward. And when I have to let go and move forward, man, you know, but we let our hearts get so malice and we let our hearts get so hardened that when God put us in the position to help other people, even those whom you felt that wronged you, even those that whom you felt that was jealous of you, even those whom you feel that hated on you. We have hardened our hearts that when it comes time to even help them, we don't want to, we refuse to. But that ain't why God put you in a position. He put you in a position for a time such as this.

Speaker 4:

I want you to get this word deep down in your spirit. Isaiah 43 and 19 behold, I will do a new thing.

Speaker 3:

And so, therefore, that's letting go and moving forward too. You got to let go of some things, man. When you start dealing with Christ, when you start living for Christ, man, you learn how to let go of things, you learn how to move on, you learn how to start seeing things differently. Everything is not what it seemed. The Bible tells us that we don't fight against flesh and blood, but we fight against precipility, wickedness and higher places. If you don't know what a spiritual warfare is, man, we already are lost because we don't have the tools to come back. What a spiritual warfare brings? We just think that we going through something that needs just some trouble at a hard time At a hard time. No, you're going through a spiritual warfare and you need the right tools. You need the right tool to fight this battle.

Speaker 5:

We fight in a spiritual warfare. So the devil is out there busy. So I'm all about building God's kingdom.

Speaker 3:

So I guess the question is why is letting go power? They say that by letting go you can free yourself of the drastic influence of past experiences in your life. It will help you to forgive yourself and others so that you can finally overcome what is holding you back. In fact, the ability to let go of what happened is a central key to living a fulfilled life, for the Bible tells us this man the Bible tells us this In a book of Jeremiah says For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. At the end of the day, man, he already has plans for our lives. He just said it that he has plans to prosper us and not harm us, plans to uplift and plans to bring us into abundant life. In no way, in no way, shape or form, does he wants to harm us. There's no way that God wants to harm us. The Bible says that he so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. He so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. Come on, man. He gave his son, so that we can have a way back to him. Everything that Christ did on Calvary was for us, all our sins. The blood was covered for the sins that we commit today and we have already done has already been bought with a price. Come on, man. We got to know that there's nothing more that he wants to see than us to reconcile our Repent of our sins and come back to him. That's what he won't. The Bible said a that he shall have that he don't want none of us to perish. He don't want none of us to go to hell. He want all of us to come to heaven. He created us to come back to heaven. That was. That's what his creation was. When God seen man, he's seen a reflection of himself. I don't want to get too far in that I'm gonna talk about that and I don't eat from the forbidden tree, but he saw a reflection of himself. Man With God see you he's. He see a reflection of himself. But when we sinning, he don't see that. He can't look upon us, just like he couldn't look upon his begotten, his only begotten son, whom he so loved. He couldn't look on him because he had took on all sin. Man, can you imagine what Jesus saw when he looked in that cup and he said take this cup away from me, but not as my will, but as that will Come on. Man, all the sins of the world was in that cup. In life we have to let go of something. I may not understand the full scope and what God is doing and I may not never Understand it or perceive it, but he said but this one thing I do understand Some things, you know, we just got to leave it in the past. Some things we just got to let go, some things we just got to forget about it, chalk it up. And you know something we got chalk it up as a loss and just move on. But there's so many things that take place in our life that we just can't let go. You know there's people that's that in came into our lives that was only supposed to be there for a season. We can't let that go because we truly don't understand God's plan for our lives, because we think that we the ones in control, although the word says something different. The word says that, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, the spies in the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. It says that he is the author and the finisher of our faith. He knows our beginnings and he knows our endings. So if God knows my beginning and he knows my ending, what am I controlling? The Bible say that I was bought with a price the blood of Jesus, the blood of the lamb. So If I'm controlling my life, then my life is out of control period. I'm not living a life that that's acceptable to God. I want to live a life that is acceptable to God because my life was bought with a price Jesus. God knows the beginning and he knows my ending. He knows everything that goes in between. He knows how many hairs I have on my head. I Don't think as much as a mother loves you, as much as my mother loved me, my mother cannot count the hairs on my head, period. She can't. I guarantee you. Your mother don't know me, don't know how many hairs you got on your head, but we have one who loves us so much, who created, who created us in his image, who created you to be who you are, because he made you perfectly fine. He made you the way that he wanted to make you and he knows how many hairs are in your head. Can't nobody else say that they? They know that. But he knows that as many people as it is in the world. He knows every facet of us. He knows what he sent every last one of us fourth with. He knows God loves us, man, and what God has in store for you is never in the past. He has something better than that relationship that you was in that didn't work out. He has something greater than your worries and your fears. He has something greater than your past mistakes. But you must trust in God, stand strong, let go and keep on moving to see what God has in store for you. Your past hurts, past Disappointments, broken relationships inside and outside of the family structure. Man, god can heal all things. He say that he's. He's one who sticks closer than a brother. But you know, a lot of times it's hard getting over a broken heart, especially when we don't ask God to to feel that broken heart with his love. And Over time you know we can recover. Some of us do without asking God for strength. But the question is are we fully healed? Are we fully healed? You see, cause we can. We can be healed on the outside but on the inside we broke it. On the inside. That relationship is still hurts to even see that person, although we and all you were moved on. I moved on. But it's something about the brokenness on the inside that was never healed and I'm pretty sure a lot of us and been through that sometimes. You know, I want to get into, know, to be the CJ, cj, doctor, cj, you know, the love doctor I want, I want to get into that. But you know we've all had a broken heart. We and and and and we didn't know the right things and we didn't know the right place to go to get it healed. Over time We've been healed, but then we realized that even though we had moved on and even though it seemed like everything, everything straight, we still got a little bit of that bitterness. You know I'm saying bitterness and bitterness runs deep. Bitterness is hurt, bitterness is a broken heart that hasn't been mended. You know I'm saying bitterness. Bitterness can cause issues, bitterness cause trouble, trouble period and some and y'all know this I'm not the only one that has been through certain things where I've dealt with people that have bitterness in they heart towards you and so it reflects and it goes deep. We ain't gonna get all into that right now, but maybe we'll talk about it at a later date. But man, a lot of people walk around with bitterness, man. And bitterness it brings rage, it brings hate, it brings like man. It just runs deep, man. So get over that bitterness, that's all I gotta say. Let it go, you know, reconcile and move forward. If you were moved forward, that person didn't move forward, man. Let that bitterness go, man, cause it really runs deep. But so the question is like, how many of us you know, fully healed? A lot of times, you know, we put on a good front on the outside but everything and everything seemed like it's fine, but on the inside, you know, I've been hurting for years, crying on the inside, and don't nobody even know. You know the Bible say set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. In order to set our minds on things above our first, it first requires, first requires of us to do something. You know, we, it takes something from us to start setting our minds on things above and not earthly things. And in today's society it's hard for us not to set our minds on earthly things when the earthly things are so enticing, when we see it on TV. When we see these nice cars on the streets or riding past the park and lots and seeing these nice cars, the dealerships and things like that, and see the big, nice houses because we see them on MTV and Cribs and all this, you know what I'm saying. And so it becomes enticing and that's something that we desire, that's something that we want. But the Bible tells us, he said set your mind on things above and not on earthly things. The Bible tells us seek ye first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. You know, like we got to put the death all earthly, all our earthly. You know the things that we desire, man, we got to put that to death. But it's hard. It's hard a lot of times when you really don't, when your mindset ain't like that. You know, let's go through a checklist and let's check out some boxes. You know, let's see Putting away sexual immortality, lust, evil desires, greed, which is a idolatry. You know another wild. You know, because we out of lies things and we out of lies people and we into idolatry and don't even know it. We don't even know it, but that's a whole other subject matter. So another list is anger, rage, malice behavior, slander, filthy language coming from my mouth. I can't lie. This last list. You know there's a lot of things that personally, I need to work on. You know I've gotten better over time, but you know I'm not all the way there yet. I'm just gonna keep it real. You know, if you push the right buttons I will go there. You still got a little hurt in me. You know it's suppressed for the most part, but it be calling, you know, rage. My wife say that I'm the one with road rage, but you know I disagree. You know I just don't like driving around people that don't know how to drive you know what I'm saying like people driving on their phones on the highway about to get you killed and don't even know it. You know because they it's beyond texting now, man people on Facebook, people watching movies as they drive and every day somebody out there on the road man putting your life in danger because they're not paying attention to what's going on. And I just don't understand how we, driving on a busy highway or just on a regular street man, that you know we can't even focus on the road because we so in tune to our phones now and so we not even thinking about our own lives or let let her know somebody else's life. So, man, well, you know, that's just me, man, that's just a CJ Moneyweight nugget. Hey, man, we got to do better, we got to do better. Out here on these roads, man, there's dangers out here Enough without a phone. But trying to watch TV on your phone, trying to talk to three, four people on your phone, trying to look at Twitter and Facebook, trying to see what other people doing, that ain't caring about what you. You know what I'm saying. They ain't caring about you. But we sitting up there, we want to drive, putting our own lives, our children, our wives, our husband, you know people, other people on the road lives in danger because we want to sit down and like somebody on Facebook, because we want to look at somebody picture on Instagram. Come on, man, come on, man, my life more important than that, your life more important than that. We got to do better, man, we got to do better. But you know, as far as the putting your mind on things above and not earthly things, you know I'm not saying that I didn't live in that. I didn't live that type of life. I'm not saying that you know that one part of my world. I was in the world, I loved the world, but then I realized that the world, all that I gave the world, man, I gave the world everything that I had and it didn't give me nothing back. In the end, it didn't give me nothing back because, as the Bible said, I'm going to leave it on this one man. I'm going to leave it on this. The Bible says that a double-minded man is a confused man and unstable in all his ways, and it's hard to move forward, my people, when you're confused and unstable. Hey, this is your boy, cj Moneyway. Thank you for listening to the Moneyway Show. Hey, tune in. I got a top continuation of going back to the beginning and this time I'm going to be talking about my man, joseph the Dreamer. That's going to be December 1st 2023. I'm also going to put out one about Deion Sanders. Coach Primed, you know I got to talk about Deion. I love what he did out there at Jackson State. I'm loving what he's doing out there in Colorado. So tune into that one as well. Hey. So this your boy, cj Moneyway. Thank you for joining in. Thank you for listening to me today. Catch me in two Peace.

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