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May 31, 2024

Part 1 Unlocking Authenticity and Connection: Shay Blue's Creative Ventures from Card Games to Soulful Tunes

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The C.J Moneyway Show

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Embark on a profound exploration of modern relationships with the multi-talented Shay Shay Blue, as she joins us to unveil her innovative card game aimed at revolutionizing the dating scene. With her rich background as an abstract singer, entrepreneur, and author, Shay Shay dives into how her game's 150 questions are designed to ignite deeper connections by encouraging daters to peel back the layers and discover true compatibility. But it's not just for the lovelorn - this game is a catalyst for anyone seeking more meaningful human interactions.

We also weave through the complexities of romantic bonds, emphasizing the necessity of understanding one's partner beyond the superficial. By sharing personal anecdotes and insights, we uncover the surprising engagement of men in emotional exploration, challenging outdated stereotypes and emphasizing the value of confronting crucial relationship issues from the start. Shay Shay's gam

Unlocking Potential, One Dream At a Time is a popular segment on The CJ Moneyway Show. During this part of the show, CJ Moneyway, the host, engages with guests who have overcome significant obstacles to achieve their dreams. These guests range from entrepreneurs to artists, from athletes to scholars, each sharing their unique journey of unlocking their potential. The stories shared during this segment inspire and motivate listeners to believe in their dreams and work towards achieving them. I





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The C. J Moneyway Show
Facebook: Author Corwin Johnson
Instagram: c.j_moneyway
Website: https://cj-moneyway-entertainment.ueniweb.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@themoneywayshow8493

The CJ Moneyway Show is a podcast platform that is aimed to inspire, challenge, entertain, enhance one’s thought process and to learn and grow together as a whole. A podcast for the everyday man and woman.
Open for all discussions and interviews.
Steel Town Records coming back to the region of Northwest Indiana. The Rebirth Of A Record Label!!! #SteelTownRecords

Unlocking Potential, One Dream at a Time on The CJ Moneyway Show


00:00 - Dating Assassin Card Game

07:40 - Relationship Card Game and Music Career

18:27 - Artist Activist Podcast Conversation

22:35 - Navigating Multiple Passions and Callings

28:37 - Growth Through Multitasking and Tech Love

32:42 - Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking


00:00:00.420 --> 00:00:01.383
What's up, my good people?

00:00:01.383 --> 00:00:03.770
Welcome to the CJ Money Waste Show.

00:00:03.770 --> 00:00:10.534
Today I have a special guest abstract singer, entrepreneur and author.

00:00:10.534 --> 00:00:12.646
Welcome to the show Shay Shay Blue.

00:00:12.646 --> 00:00:13.669
How you doing, shay Shay?

00:00:14.641 --> 00:00:15.403
I'm doing good.

00:00:15.403 --> 00:00:16.326
I'm doing good.

00:00:16.326 --> 00:00:18.030
Blessed to be here and see another day.

00:00:19.260 --> 00:00:21.207
Thank God, thank God, thank God.

00:00:21.207 --> 00:00:25.071
You know, if it wasn't for him, then none of us would see another day.

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You know, I heard a guy well, I ain't going to say a guy Wise man told me once before.

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He told me this.

00:00:30.789 --> 00:00:45.848
He said son, he said whatever you was looking for yesterday, if you didn't get it yesterday, as long as you're able to see today, whatever you didn't get yesterday you possibly can get today.

00:00:45.848 --> 00:00:53.819
But if I don't wake up today, then that which I was looking for yesterday I wouldn't get it either.

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I still wouldn't get it.

00:00:54.841 --> 00:01:07.734
So, as you said, blessed to see another day, all right.

00:01:07.734 --> 00:01:14.444
So, um, before we get started, you got any new projects or anything you're currently working on that we can look forward to?

00:01:14.984 --> 00:01:17.772
right now I'm really trying to push my dating card game.

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You know, and I the reason why I did this, it came from the heart y'all.

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Like this is not just something I just decided to do.

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I feel like there's just communication missing, and not just with dating, but other things too.

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But I decided to start off with dating and then I'll go into the other things.

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But I just started this card game because I want people to find the right person and be able to vet their partner, you know properly, and ask the right questions.

00:01:45.394 --> 00:01:46.742
And sometimes people are shy.

00:01:46.742 --> 00:02:08.294
You don't want to lose a person or whatever, whatever it may be, or maybe they're blunt, they just don't know what to say and I feel like these questions 150 questions will help people get to know each other and see, okay, is this person for me and you know, check the values and what do you believe in, and see if not only are there commonalities but also is there things that we just don't agree on as far as values.

00:02:08.294 --> 00:02:16.014
Like you know, like I mean, you might be a Christian and I might be a Buddhist and maybe we don't, maybe we just don't want to do, don't want to work together.

00:02:16.099 --> 00:02:29.320
I mean you know, these things are important to ask about because people think they know somebody, they think they know them, yeah, and you really don't know what you don't know, you don't.

00:02:29.320 --> 00:02:30.304
You think you know but you don't know.

00:02:30.304 --> 00:02:32.191
And the point is, if you do know some of the questions, that's great.

00:02:32.191 --> 00:02:43.865
But it's a way to open the door to spark other questions, to spark conversation, to sit down and really dive deep, not just about job, not just about you know, working out or, if this is diving deep and figuring out, what's going on with you emotionally, who are you?

00:02:43.865 --> 00:02:51.844
And so dating assassin's card game is is that card game where you get to assassinate their truth, and that's what the you know.

00:02:51.885 --> 00:02:53.050
Facts are the enemy to the truth.

00:02:53.050 --> 00:02:57.750
I got that from you know a famous philosopher, which I forgot his name, but.

00:02:57.750 --> 00:03:07.671
But facts are the enemy to the truth, and that's why I call my game, that's why my slogan is assassinate their truth, because we're not trying to beat anybody up, but we just want to know who you are, what's going on?

00:03:07.671 --> 00:03:15.343
And some of these questions do dive deep and some, some questions are light, some maybe just be, and it might, it might seem like, but it's not, because pets are important.

00:03:15.343 --> 00:03:20.424
All these things tie into a relationship and people don't even know that and I had to learn that over the years.

00:03:20.424 --> 00:03:26.644
Watching other people, things I've been through, I was like man, I should ask this why did we ask that, you know?

00:03:26.644 --> 00:03:30.252
So I just feel like this card game is gonna be huge if I get.

00:03:30.252 --> 00:03:39.971
I'm just that's what I'm trying to push it get out there so people can really see the value in it, not be scared to ask questions and learn so, okay, I'm glad you went into that.

00:03:40.512 --> 00:03:46.651
Well, I'll put it like this glad you went into that, not glad you went into that, because that was a question that I was going to ask you.

00:03:46.651 --> 00:03:47.885
But, thank you.

00:03:47.885 --> 00:03:50.620
So you say you're trying to push it out there.

00:03:50.620 --> 00:03:52.800
So is it already on the market?

00:03:53.463 --> 00:03:57.580
I feel like you know more official when it's trademarked so it's trademarked.

00:03:57.700 --> 00:04:00.442
I got trademarked last year, so datingassass is out there, datingassasscom.

00:04:00.442 --> 00:04:02.631
It's also on Amazon.

00:04:02.631 --> 00:04:08.230
Of course, I'm trying to website's king, so I always want people to go on the website.

00:04:08.230 --> 00:04:19.119
But if you go to Amazon, leave a review for it, sister, because it helps me in the algorithms, it helps me grow and you know, because I'm funding this myself, I don't have partners, I'm all by myself and it's hard.

00:04:19.119 --> 00:04:26.170
So and I want to help people, I want to see people grow and I want to see things change and so yeah, so yeah, it's out there.

00:04:26.720 --> 00:04:29.767
So yeah, so I'm going to check it out.

00:04:29.767 --> 00:04:36.427
When we get done, send me a link, you know, so I can put it in my show notes and promote it myself.

00:04:36.427 --> 00:04:45.132
Now I guess, listening to you because that was going to be my question to ask you, you know what was this dating card game about?

00:04:45.132 --> 00:04:51.029
And so, just listening to you, so do these.

00:04:51.290 --> 00:05:06.148
Is this game because, as you say, we get into our truths and you get into things that, like, you say, uh, you may know, you may think that you know something about somebody, and then you come to find out that you don't know something about somebody and you know.

00:05:06.148 --> 00:05:22.663
Sometimes, when you get into situations like that, especially when you get around around friends say like, like, uh, it's, it's a, it's a a few of us playing, and you start asking questions that you don't know nothing about, you start making you rethink your relationship.

00:05:22.663 --> 00:05:34.494
So I guess my question is is this the type of game that will spark some debate and some questioning on why are we together?

00:05:34.494 --> 00:05:48.725
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, you're going to learn today, you're going to learn today.

00:05:48.805 --> 00:05:56.983
Oh man, because I I had a disgruntled customer on amazon get upset with me, one customer because he was upset, he he felt like that.

00:05:57.024 --> 00:06:04.548
he said the relationship is over before it started you know, and I feel like I'm happy he got disgruntled because it let me know that this works.

00:06:04.548 --> 00:06:13.168
Because you got upset about the questions Because maybe the lady you're with didn't like what you said and these questions are simple questions that you need to know.

00:06:13.168 --> 00:06:21.850
If you're, if you try to be serious with somebody, you need to know and so, yeah, I don't think you should play it for everybody, like if you, if you really trust the other couple, you can do it.

00:06:21.850 --> 00:06:23.607
Like I had a married couple play it.

00:06:23.607 --> 00:06:25.329
They said they wouldn't mind playing it with neighbors.

00:06:25.329 --> 00:06:32.762
So some people you know it's not for married people, but married people do play them because they just think it's fun and then you know sometimes you don't know who you're married to.

00:06:32.781 --> 00:06:42.411
but if you don't, even you know you might not know a few things, but yeah the this one married couple did say they played it with some neighbors and they they didn't mind, I guess, answering in front of each other.

00:06:42.411 --> 00:06:54.963
But all I gotta say is that, yeah, you ain't emotional, intelligent, you know, and you kinda nervous and squibbish probably you know you ain't gonna be playing in front of other people.

00:06:54.963 --> 00:06:57.766
You might just be somebody for.

00:06:57.807 --> 00:07:06.944
However long and there's still a lot of things that you may not know, because there may be some things that have never been brought up, that you never really thought about.

00:07:06.944 --> 00:07:15.372
You know in detail which it seems like this game is bringing about but, like you say, it may not be for everybody.

00:07:15.372 --> 00:07:18.649
It can start sparking some fights in the house.

00:07:20.423 --> 00:07:28.375
I'm ready for the smoke because I mean I thought it saved some lives because you know, like I tell people, relationships are life or death.

00:07:28.375 --> 00:07:31.088
You know, if you get the wrong person they can kill you.

00:07:31.088 --> 00:07:41.033
So you want to make sure that you are getting to know that person and asking these questions and I just didn't want it to be something smush-smush, not just, I wanted to dive deep and that's what happened.

00:07:41.033 --> 00:07:45.646
And there's a lot of games out there to dive deep, but this one is going to dive deep in different ways.

00:07:45.646 --> 00:07:50.434
You know, like I say, everybody has their own lane, like we're talking about with podcasts, and that's the way it is for the card game.

00:07:50.434 --> 00:07:56.983
And you know, there's a little bit of game element in it.

00:07:57.004 --> 00:08:08.237
Like basically saying, you know, if you see somebody squeamish and doing like this when you ask them a question and like looking in the over, like you can be, like you you've been assassinated but not saying you gotta stop the game but, that makes us stop and say what's?

00:08:08.237 --> 00:08:10.745
What's why you so nervous to answer that question, deal?

00:08:10.745 --> 00:08:13.476
Or why you so nervous to answer that question, charrette?

00:08:13.476 --> 00:08:17.829
Yeah you know, it makes you think, because if I asked you, have you ever been on parole?

00:08:17.829 --> 00:08:18.730
And you can.

00:08:18.730 --> 00:08:22.387
You look at me like this like no one's trying to judge you.

00:08:22.447 --> 00:08:23.769
I just want to know if you've been on the wrong.

00:08:23.769 --> 00:08:28.387
I just want to know about you, and if you're looking crazy, then why are you trying to hide it from me?

00:08:28.387 --> 00:08:29.009
What did you do?

00:08:29.009 --> 00:08:30.052
Are you insecure?

00:08:30.052 --> 00:08:32.388
Like this is what I mean, diamond Deep.

00:08:32.388 --> 00:08:35.105
It's not, in fact, what you did, it's just why are you scared to talk about it?

00:08:35.105 --> 00:08:42.303
If you're trying to get with that person and be serious, you know, so so it's just one of those things.

00:08:42.683 --> 00:08:46.966
So I think I'm going to take the, I'm going to buy it and I'm going to.

00:08:46.966 --> 00:08:48.886
How much are you selling it for on Amazon?

00:08:48.886 --> 00:08:49.508
Let the people know.

00:08:50.307 --> 00:08:54.791
So Amazon is 24, I think it's still $24.99 on Amazon, yeah.

00:08:54.990 --> 00:09:07.937
Okay, see, I'm going to buy it and I'm going to open it up first and then I'm going to look at the cards that you got to ask first before I put it out there.

00:09:08.538 --> 00:09:23.125
Amen, I advise any man that buys this game to do the same thing before you get caught in a pickle.

00:09:23.125 --> 00:09:23.985
I'm telling you I mean most men.

00:09:23.985 --> 00:09:25.846
I'm going to tell you, most of my buyers are men.

00:09:26.187 --> 00:09:29.870
And the funny thing is this People was like oh, you're going to, this is going to be for women.

00:09:29.870 --> 00:09:33.413
No, most of the people that buy my game are men, are men.

00:09:33.413 --> 00:09:36.636
Most of my followers that I've garnered on social media are men.

00:09:36.636 --> 00:09:41.082
They are men like games.

00:09:41.082 --> 00:09:42.046
Naturally, they want to play a little game.

00:09:42.046 --> 00:09:42.708
It's not really a big game.

00:09:42.708 --> 00:09:47.609
They want to feel you know they like that vibe, but it's like yeah, they don't know that.

00:09:47.830 --> 00:09:53.649
Also, you're going to some smoke if you can't handle it, hey, like, hey, let me get my mind, let me see if I'm with this right person.

00:09:53.649 --> 00:10:06.138
You know, and I'm gonna get off of this on on this one, because I just did something earlier today, because you said something that that sparked that, because you said relationships can be life or death and a lot of times.

00:10:06.138 --> 00:10:19.933
What I was talking about earlier is that we waste a lot of time in relationships as well, when we know that something is over with and we're just still in it, and time is something that we really can't get back.

00:10:20.200 --> 00:10:21.203
You can't get back.

00:10:21.203 --> 00:10:24.104
You can't get back, and that's what I've learned.

00:10:24.104 --> 00:10:24.988
That's why I created these cards.

00:10:24.988 --> 00:10:27.768
I was in a really tough relationship and.

00:10:27.768 --> 00:10:42.542
I wasted my time and I could have been, you know, further ahead, but I'm over here ignoring the red flags, didn't ask the right questions because I was scared, and that was six years ago, but I still feel like, no, I can't, I can't do this and I can't let anybody else do this.

00:10:42.542 --> 00:10:46.071
So I have to figure out how can I help people, because that was a hot mess.

00:10:47.000 --> 00:10:48.442
I've been through situations like that.

00:10:48.442 --> 00:10:50.868
You know where I dated somebody and didn't ask the right questions.

00:10:50.868 --> 00:10:53.413
It turned out oh, this person got a short-man conflict.

00:10:53.413 --> 00:10:56.529
Oh, this person is just not emotionally intelligent.

00:10:56.529 --> 00:10:58.005
Oh, this person is insecure.

00:10:58.005 --> 00:11:01.048
You know just so many things that you just didn't know.

00:11:01.048 --> 00:11:02.130
You know so.

00:11:02.720 --> 00:11:04.245
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.

00:11:04.245 --> 00:11:04.969
Shay Shay Blue.

00:11:04.969 --> 00:11:07.607
Nah, I can imagine.

00:11:07.607 --> 00:11:48.019
Nah, I've been through your profile, I've been through your profile, I've been through your bio and I can just imagine that it's probably a lot of I'm gonna say a lot of guys like that, but some people that probably intimidated with a woman who has or wears so many hats, that does so many things so, and that being what is actually an abstract singer well, direct soul singer is a singer that doesn't confine herself to just any genre, like, for instance, I'm black, so they'd be like, oh, you're r&b singer right you just automatically gotta be r&b singer or gospel and I think that's boring.

00:11:48.763 --> 00:11:51.251
So you know, my thing is like I'm not gonna going to do that.

00:11:51.251 --> 00:11:58.688
So what I do is I mix John race together so I might do jazz in R&B, I might mix folk with soul.

00:11:58.688 --> 00:12:01.408
I just kind of do whatever the heck I want to do.

00:12:01.961 --> 00:12:06.546
Because, before I got into anything else, I was a music artist and that's all I did.

00:12:06.546 --> 00:12:16.696
I didn't do anything else for music growing up and I kept getting tired of major labels and major you know certain people around trying to tell me to be at a time rihanna.

00:12:16.696 --> 00:12:17.539
You know rihanna was out.

00:12:17.539 --> 00:12:23.845
I love rihanna, I love alia, all them and they, everybody said you're just gonna be, you just gotta be like them and you know you gotta do what they do.

00:12:23.845 --> 00:12:29.346
And I liked them and I did, but I just I started to become curious about what else.

00:12:29.346 --> 00:12:30.249
What else could I do?

00:12:30.249 --> 00:12:31.211
What can I do for me?

00:12:31.270 --> 00:12:31.672
what if I want?

00:12:31.692 --> 00:12:32.520
to be in my own lane.

00:12:32.520 --> 00:12:41.327
So I started doing experimenting and stuff and I came up with my own genre and I said abstract soul singer, because my voice is soulful with anything I sing.

00:12:41.327 --> 00:12:41.909
I noticed that.

00:12:41.909 --> 00:12:44.783
So I'm always got this soulful energy about me.

00:12:44.783 --> 00:12:53.503
So I was like, let me just do um, abstract soul singer, so then I can just make people think and not put me in this box when they, when they talk to me.

00:12:53.503 --> 00:12:58.347
When I say I'm a singer, I don't want to be in the box so what's the what?

00:12:58.388 --> 00:12:59.110
what song?

00:12:59.110 --> 00:13:00.072
What can we get you?

00:13:00.072 --> 00:13:01.154
Is it on apple?

00:13:01.154 --> 00:13:02.260
Is it on apple it's?

00:13:02.400 --> 00:13:03.724
on all streaming platforms.

00:13:03.724 --> 00:13:06.370
My first album I came out with I was 23.

00:13:06.370 --> 00:13:07.373
It's called limitless.

00:13:07.373 --> 00:13:11.455
Then after that I did a few singles, so champion is out there.

00:13:11.455 --> 00:13:13.402
That's on all streaming platforms.

00:13:13.402 --> 00:13:15.690
Uh, player hair is my latest single.

00:13:15.690 --> 00:13:17.014
That came out 2022.

00:13:17.014 --> 00:13:18.840
That's on all stream platforms.

00:13:18.840 --> 00:13:22.067
And um, I got some more music coming out too.

00:13:22.067 --> 00:13:29.567
I just updated my equipment in the crib, so I'm about to be cranking them out now.

00:13:29.649 --> 00:13:38.110
You know, when you get older, you get more confident you know when I was in my 20s, I was like let me just, I mean you know, and I just like that's not fun.

00:13:38.110 --> 00:13:39.902
I just didn't have fun with music at that point.

00:13:39.902 --> 00:13:42.889
So now I'm older, now it's fun, this is fun.

00:13:42.889 --> 00:14:01.568
Now I can actually do what I want to do, I can experiment, I can, I can paint the freaking canvas the way I want, and so and I just want to help other artists get there too, and that's why I feel like I'm an artist activist, because I want other artists to feel comfortable, to just be themselves man, because the music game's changing anyway um.

00:14:01.909 --> 00:14:14.120
I've seen so much stuff in the music industry in my early 20s from artists that I would watch and they were so talented and they would not sign them because they wanted a cliche type artist or they wanted somebody with more followers.

00:14:14.120 --> 00:14:19.567
But they will always say that that person was the better artist, but they wanted the artist with more followers or look better.

00:14:19.567 --> 00:14:23.639
You know stuff like that and you're like huh, I thought this was about talent.

00:14:23.639 --> 00:14:32.821
So I had a rude awakening at 20 when I was in the office with an artist and they told him they told this artist he was good as like Nas, he was like a Nas but artist.

00:14:32.821 --> 00:14:36.855
And they told him they told this artist he was good as like Nas, he was like a Nas, but they couldn't sign him because he wasn't popular as Nas.

00:14:36.855 --> 00:14:37.278
You know he wasn't.

00:14:37.278 --> 00:14:45.427
So they signed like at the time it was like Soulja Boy was the type of artist they were signing and no, nothing against Soulja Boy, but we still need both type of type of artists.

00:14:45.567 --> 00:14:51.426
But they said they, they just they couldn't, they couldn't see it because he wasn't that type of rapper they were looking for.

00:14:51.426 --> 00:14:53.789
But yeah, I mean, it was just that.

00:14:53.789 --> 00:14:56.033
So that to me was the first time I said you know what?

00:14:58.244 --> 00:15:01.812
no, yeah and create your own lane.

00:15:01.812 --> 00:15:04.977
So you say yeah, the latest hit that you got.

00:15:05.078 --> 00:15:11.759
I heard you said champion and player hater yeah, so the latest, yeah, latest one was player hater is the latest one I put out.

00:15:11.759 --> 00:15:17.995
Player hater um, that one I actually that's that song I actually produced myself.

00:15:17.995 --> 00:15:31.128
Like that was the first song I did, recorded by myself, because a lot of times in the past I was with somebody in the studio or just I reminded, recorded vocals at home and sent it and then let them kind of, I guess, push me the way they want.

00:15:31.128 --> 00:15:44.184
I think that the player hater was like that stamp, that mark of new situation, where I was just like a new person, like okay, this is me now, this is something I did and, honestly, that song's the most popular which is weird.

00:15:44.726 --> 00:15:49.264
uh, player hater is one of the most popular, and chocolate man chocolate man came out a long time ago.

00:15:49.264 --> 00:15:54.268
I actually produced that one too, that one too, but I was in the studio with somebody, but I still was the producer.

00:15:54.268 --> 00:15:55.384
I'm still the owner of that.

00:15:55.384 --> 00:15:57.508
I created that beat in my head, basically.

00:15:57.508 --> 00:16:05.049
So Chocolate man and Play it here are my favorite, and I just got some more coming.

00:16:07.620 --> 00:16:09.725
Anytime, a song called Player Hater.

00:16:09.725 --> 00:16:11.731
I'm going to check that out.

00:16:11.731 --> 00:16:13.870
I'm going to check that out.

00:16:13.870 --> 00:16:15.200
I'll be listening to that.

00:16:15.200 --> 00:16:18.447
When we get off today, You're going to have your new follower.

00:16:18.447 --> 00:16:22.486
Where can we follow you On Facebook Instagram?

00:16:23.620 --> 00:16:27.503
You can follow me on Facebook Sequoia Blue Instagram.

00:16:27.503 --> 00:16:32.315
I am Sequoia Blue, also Spotify, and all them is Sequoia Blue too.

00:16:32.315 --> 00:16:34.083
Now I do have a website, so I am trying to.

00:16:34.083 --> 00:16:37.335
I do have a website, sequoiabluecom.

00:16:37.335 --> 00:16:44.861
But, um, if you're just streaming, yeah, I'm on Spotify, I'm everywhere, because I was gonna take my music down at one point, but then I realized you know what?

00:16:44.861 --> 00:16:47.225
I just people need to find it and.

00:16:47.225 --> 00:16:49.490
I don't take it down okay.

00:16:49.490 --> 00:16:50.413
I'm gonna keep it.

00:16:50.432 --> 00:16:53.357
I'm not going to take it down.

00:16:53.357 --> 00:16:54.299
Okay, I'm going to keep hitting.

00:16:54.299 --> 00:16:58.121
So tell us you know.

00:16:58.121 --> 00:17:01.740
I heard you say you're an artist activist and things of that nature, and I heard I was reading where you talk about these things on your podcast.

00:17:01.740 --> 00:17:03.927
So tell us a little bit about your podcast.

00:17:04.799 --> 00:17:07.928
Well, blue Hawk of His Podcast man, that came about.

00:17:07.928 --> 00:17:09.372
I think you know what.

00:17:09.372 --> 00:17:14.011
This is a crazy story because the first time I started podcasting I was 22 years old.

00:17:14.011 --> 00:17:21.409
I needed a way to release, I guess, some creativity because I didn't have my own studio and I started on Blog Talk Radio back then.

00:17:21.409 --> 00:17:28.432
And back then I was Sequoia the Revolutionist and my goal was to help indie artists and just motivate people.

00:17:28.432 --> 00:17:31.307
I was trying to push indie artists because I was kind of irritated with the industry.

00:17:31.307 --> 00:17:33.332
I felt like they were trying to change people too much.

00:17:33.332 --> 00:17:36.226
So I started then.

00:17:36.226 --> 00:17:37.979
But then I got shy and I was like I got off.

00:17:38.540 --> 00:17:40.147
How can an activist get shy?

00:17:42.228 --> 00:17:49.153
I was like, oh, so I went back into a little turtle campaign.

00:17:50.281 --> 00:17:56.348
And I said let me get off here, and I let Mark talk and then it kept pulling me.

00:17:56.368 --> 00:17:59.840
It kept pulling me podcast and kept tugging at me my shirt and I was like why?

00:17:59.840 --> 00:18:04.832
Why I feel like I'm pulled to do this so fast forward to maybe five years ago.

00:18:04.832 --> 00:18:05.681
I got back into it.

00:18:05.681 --> 00:18:13.467
So when I moved to la well, actually, you know, probably when I was about to leave la, so probably 2019, 2020 I started getting back into it again.

00:18:13.467 --> 00:18:21.833
So I started talking about everything like my life and what I felt like society and culture and things I see in synchronicities and stuff like that.

00:18:21.953 --> 00:18:23.282
And I said well, let me just help people.

00:18:23.282 --> 00:18:26.401
Maybe I can help people with my journey and talk about what's going on.

00:18:26.401 --> 00:18:32.651
So if I saw a movie, I might talk about the movie and talk about how I felt it had something to do with life and how it came.

00:18:32.651 --> 00:18:35.736
You know, I just I'm a movie, I'm a movie girl, I love movies and tv shows.

00:18:35.736 --> 00:18:48.422
So a lot of times I talked about on my podcast to kind of tell you something, because I think movies and shows tell you something, and so I was on there, I started doing that and um, and yeah, so that's that's my podcast.

00:18:48.422 --> 00:19:00.349
I really just interview different people, um, but also I talk a lot by myself too, so you might hear me just talking about what I've experienced, what I'm learning and and how can it help you and inspire you.

00:19:00.349 --> 00:19:13.154
Because my whole point is to hope, hopefully, help somebody avoid what I went through, yeah, and maybe help them challenge their perspective I should call it because perspective is everything yeah, I mean, I totally agree with what you're saying.

00:19:14.117 --> 00:19:17.328
I'm a movie TV addict myself.

00:19:17.328 --> 00:19:18.906
I binge watch a lot of stuff.

00:19:18.906 --> 00:19:22.988
You're talking about somebody that can quote some movies, some classics.

00:19:22.988 --> 00:19:23.942
That's me.

00:19:23.942 --> 00:19:27.794
Even in my conversations I gotta quote a movie.

00:19:27.794 --> 00:19:29.345
I'm like like on Life.

00:19:29.345 --> 00:19:30.757
They say they can tell from the way I walk.

00:19:30.757 --> 00:19:31.298
I ain't quote a movie.

00:19:31.298 --> 00:19:31.559
I'm like like on life.

00:19:31.559 --> 00:19:32.464
They say they can tell from the way I walk.

00:19:32.464 --> 00:19:35.436
I ain't from around here.

00:19:35.436 --> 00:19:38.127
So that's my thing.

00:19:38.127 --> 00:19:45.727
And, like you say, podcast is an outlet and so there are times too.

00:19:45.961 --> 00:20:03.848
I just started something on Wednesdays where, because I was listening to one of my mentors talk and a lot of times, you have to give your audience and your listeners a piece of you, let them into your life and feel a part, to know you.

00:20:03.848 --> 00:20:07.983
And I started off like that and, like we was talking earlier, I did interviews.

00:20:07.983 --> 00:20:12.013
I started doing the interviews and so something was just tugging at me.

00:20:12.013 --> 00:20:15.406
You have to let people in more so into your life.

00:20:15.406 --> 00:20:23.731
You know, because, like you said, the experiences that you had and I remember I told you that's why I started off with, I wanted to start off with men.

00:20:23.731 --> 00:20:50.957
That was, that was gonna be my whole concept, because I didn't want men, especially young men, to go down a path that they really don't have to go down, because you can think things are fine and your life is just great and everything on the outside looking good, but, man, you just steady digging a hole for yourself and you don't even know it, man, you're not aware.

00:20:50.957 --> 00:20:53.048
Yeah, them pitfalls, you know.

00:20:53.048 --> 00:21:03.023
And if I can help anybody from going into any of them pitfalls, then I just feel like that's something that he has commissioned and called me to do.

00:21:03.023 --> 00:21:08.001
And so who am I to say no, I don't want to do that, you know, I don't want to help nobody else.

00:21:08.001 --> 00:21:11.210
I, that's, that's just me, that's just my heart.

00:21:11.329 --> 00:21:12.393
No, that makes sense.

00:21:12.393 --> 00:21:14.647
That makes sense, because I felt that way too.

00:21:14.647 --> 00:21:17.127
I was like man, I got to do this.

00:21:17.127 --> 00:21:18.984
It's like a calling.

00:21:19.346 --> 00:21:52.792
Yeah, yeah, yeah, because, like you, I've been dibbling and dabbling in podcasts, calling myself doing podcasts since 2013, but I just finally pulled the trigger to do it and so you know I don't know if you have done this I tried to bring other people into my vision and we were going to do things together and see, like, sometimes, when they get to the monies, when they get to the monies, people stop.

00:21:52.792 --> 00:21:53.700
Get to the monies, people start falling.

00:21:54.080 --> 00:21:59.845
That's why I didn't even get anybody because a lot of people they're just focused on the money and I get it.

00:21:59.845 --> 00:22:03.660
I mean, I know it's time, but I'm doing this for a passion.

00:22:03.660 --> 00:22:06.789
If you focus on the money, it might not be what you want.

00:22:06.789 --> 00:22:11.809
It takes a while to get brand deals, Not necessarily money for sponsorships and things like that.

00:22:11.830 --> 00:22:18.728
It takes a lot to get brand deals not necessarily money for sponsorships and things like that I'm talking about, like for equipment and stuff.

00:22:18.728 --> 00:22:24.180
Like we'll get together and be like okay, well, we need this microphone or whatever.

00:22:24.180 --> 00:22:26.200
Nah, it's like you get crickets.

00:22:26.200 --> 00:22:31.480
We ain't came through and got the, you know, got the blueprint together and got the plan together.

00:22:31.480 --> 00:22:34.871
We ain't got the vision board and everything meeting.

00:22:35.180 --> 00:22:43.071
But when it started coming down to people having to give in that money, it turned to a whole different ball game.

00:22:43.071 --> 00:22:44.977
They got to really want it.

00:22:44.977 --> 00:22:47.909
Huh, they got to really want it, you do.

00:22:47.909 --> 00:22:54.621
And so I got pulled to the side and I had to start.

00:22:54.621 --> 00:23:09.826
And you know, it made sense because I thought about that too and I was thinking of, you know, because, because I'm a, I'm a bible reader, I put it that way and and so it's this one story that's in the bible and I kept reading it over and over again.

00:23:10.186 --> 00:23:17.030
And sometimes in life, when God gives you something, don't mean that it's for everybody else.

00:23:17.030 --> 00:23:20.567
There we go, or that they can't understand you.

00:23:20.567 --> 00:23:25.201
They can't understand your dreams and your visions, you know.

00:23:25.201 --> 00:23:31.497
And so you're trying to get them to understand it, but it's not for them, and so you know.

00:23:31.497 --> 00:23:41.650
So you have to start understanding and realizing that this journey is your journey and people will see the end of your journey.

00:23:41.650 --> 00:23:45.520
But we're going to talk about that too, because that was a good question.

00:23:45.520 --> 00:23:46.815
You had a question on that and I going to talk about that too, because that was a good question.

00:23:46.815 --> 00:23:48.076
You had a question on that and I want to get to that.

00:23:48.076 --> 00:23:55.251
But everybody's journey is not your journey and you can't let people knock you off of your journey.

00:23:55.251 --> 00:24:09.396
And so, with that being said, with being a podcaster, an actor, a singer, an activist, that was out of her shell, went back into her shell.

00:24:09.396 --> 00:24:12.076
But now, back out of the shell.

00:24:12.076 --> 00:24:16.698
An entrepreneur, a model which one?

00:24:16.698 --> 00:24:18.527
I'm not really a model, I don't know why.

00:24:20.076 --> 00:24:23.779
Because I had somebody write my thing, my bio.

00:24:23.779 --> 00:24:25.365
I do not want to.

00:24:26.030 --> 00:24:28.397
I don't know what's going on here.

00:24:28.397 --> 00:24:31.551
So he's like don't put that on me, okay, scratch the model.

00:24:31.551 --> 00:24:38.236
Scratch the model, I'll take it off, but there's still a lot of hats that you wear.

00:24:38.236 --> 00:24:45.452
So, out of all of these hats that you wear, which one are you most focused on right now, and why?

00:24:46.537 --> 00:24:52.175
Oh man, so it sounds weird, but two things or three things can be true at the same time I learned that.

00:24:52.596 --> 00:24:53.499
So I am.

00:24:53.499 --> 00:24:56.413
I, my podcast is active, so I'm doing that.

00:24:56.413 --> 00:25:04.217
My music is still active because, well, I always, mark I, promoted using artificial intelligence music, I mean artificial intelligence art.

00:25:04.217 --> 00:25:07.291
So I'm still pushing that and I'm still writing songs.

00:25:07.291 --> 00:25:12.222
So, and then my card game is active because it's online and it's selling.

00:25:12.222 --> 00:25:15.777
So those three they're all active all at the same time.

00:25:15.777 --> 00:25:18.442
Um, none of them are losing steam.

00:25:18.442 --> 00:25:19.671
I mean, is it hard?

00:25:19.671 --> 00:25:23.176
Yes, but um, it's getting done.

00:25:23.176 --> 00:25:31.641
And I know how to compartmentalize and say, okay, on this day I'm doing this and on this time I'm doing that, you know, and that's how I get things done.

00:25:31.641 --> 00:25:35.355
And so, and I realized that's how I thrive.

00:25:35.355 --> 00:25:41.770
Because there was a time where I used to listen to what everybody said Don't do this, don't do that, don't do all this stuff and I didn't make.

00:25:41.770 --> 00:25:46.962
I wasn't making what I wanted to make financially, I wasn't feeling fulfilled because I was listening to other people.

00:25:47.109 --> 00:25:47.510
But when?

00:25:47.550 --> 00:25:48.913
I started just doing what I want to do.

00:25:48.913 --> 00:25:52.942
I started seeing myself feeling fulfilled inside, my heart feeling full.

00:25:52.942 --> 00:26:25.340
I started getting opportunities, you know, making more income, and so I realized that maybe my journey is multiple things and somebody else's journey may not be, and that's OK, but I was like I can focus on these three things and I else's journey may not be, and that's okay, but I was like I can focus on these three things and and I can thrive on it because that's just, I guess, a part of me you know, I asked another young lady that I interviewed not too long ago and I asked her you know far as multitasking because, like you say, she does a lot of things too.

00:26:25.381 --> 00:26:37.596
She says certain things that you prioritize and things of that nature and everybody like, like with me and you know, just just podcasting alone and doing the things that you do.

00:26:37.596 --> 00:26:52.641
There's a lot of multitasking that you have to do because you know you got to automate this, you got to edit this or get this or delegate that, eliminate this and people tugging on you from promotion wise, this is that.

00:26:52.641 --> 00:26:56.319
So it's a lot of things that you just have to put in order.

00:26:56.319 --> 00:27:03.336
Then you got, you know, as you said, then you have business opportunities and partnerships and things of that nature.

00:27:03.336 --> 00:27:05.160
So I mean it's a grind.

00:27:05.160 --> 00:27:13.638
I'll put it like this it's not for the weak.

00:27:14.138 --> 00:27:16.983
You gotta really want it, you gotta really want this and like it.

00:27:16.983 --> 00:27:28.974
Because I swear, because even just doing music by itself and you know, back when I was just doing that, that was a lot because you had to find people you can trust you it's just best to be a boss you know what I mean when you are trying to do things.

00:27:28.974 --> 00:27:34.119
Own your own equipment, do your own thing, pay for your stuff, because if you don't, it's going to hold.

00:27:34.119 --> 00:27:38.000
That is what holds you back, you know, is that you don't have what you need.

00:27:38.000 --> 00:27:41.734
But if you have what you need, then you can set time to do what you want to do.

00:27:41.734 --> 00:27:51.432
You can take time and because you're the boss and that's what that's how I felt like when I learned that at 25 I said I just I said I need to be the boss, I need to get my own stuff.

00:27:51.634 --> 00:27:54.488
And that's when I started going down that route and I had to get in tech.

00:27:54.488 --> 00:27:59.480
And I didn't want to because I like technology, but I didn't know I would fall in love with tech.

00:27:59.480 --> 00:28:00.951
I fell in love with tech.

00:28:00.951 --> 00:28:02.795
I it was like my side piece husband.

00:28:02.795 --> 00:28:05.519
Music was my first husband.

00:28:05.519 --> 00:28:07.143
I said I'm married to music.

00:28:07.143 --> 00:28:13.971
But then when tech came along, it became a side piece and I I fell in love with it and I was like, wow, I really like tech.

00:28:13.971 --> 00:28:22.886
And it multiplied my income and people at the time was like you're supposed to be focused on music and and, uh, you just, you don't know how to focus on one thing.

00:28:22.886 --> 00:28:26.278
Blah, blah, blah, and it was getting on me and stuff and I I said, you know what?

00:28:26.278 --> 00:28:27.434
I asked God, what should I do?

00:28:27.434 --> 00:28:31.474
And my intuition and I got an answer and I took that tech training.

00:28:31.474 --> 00:28:35.028
My money multiplied, I was able to get my equipment, I was able to do what I had to do.

00:28:39.252 --> 00:28:41.454
I was able to experience LA.

00:28:41.454 --> 00:28:42.415
I would not have been able to live.

00:28:42.415 --> 00:28:45.358
But tech, tech, was that that door?

00:28:45.358 --> 00:28:47.119
And then also, guess what tech gave me?

00:28:47.119 --> 00:28:48.000
Gave me confidence.

00:28:48.000 --> 00:28:50.423
Tech taught me how to speak in front of people.

00:28:50.423 --> 00:28:57.938
Tech taught me how to be uh, it forced me to speak in front of people because you have to talk to people, you have to do, you have to think critically.

00:28:57.938 --> 00:29:01.338
So it taught me how to think critically, how to, how to.

00:29:01.338 --> 00:29:02.541
It just taught me a lot.

00:29:02.541 --> 00:29:17.951
It kind of opened that door and it just taught me a lot.

00:29:17.951 --> 00:29:18.792
It kind of opened that door.

00:29:18.792 --> 00:29:24.864
And I remember my mentor at the time, monique, was telling me that everything is connected to each other, everything's working with each other.

00:29:24.864 --> 00:29:32.060
And I that helped me be better at podcasting, because then I wasn't a bit scary to say, okay, let me try to figure out this software, let me learn video editing.

00:29:32.060 --> 00:29:34.291
It was like, oh, I can do that, now I'm in tech.

00:29:34.392 --> 00:29:36.278
You know, you get more power.

00:29:38.255 --> 00:29:51.740
I agree with you too, cause, like I, you know, I was saying I started off in 13 and power director I don't know if you're a power director the software, yeah well, you do video editing and stuff like that.

00:29:51.740 --> 00:30:02.592
So, like you say, uh, I was just, you know, it was just interesting to me just to put things together and and try to make a movie and try to do this.

00:30:02.592 --> 00:30:07.001
And so when iMovie came on the iPhones, that was simple.

00:30:07.001 --> 00:30:12.423
You know, that's easy to do, to put this together and that together and whatnot.

00:30:12.423 --> 00:30:30.093
And, like you say, your mentor told you and I truly believe that is things that you're doing at the time that you don't realize that it's going to be beneficial, but God begins blending all these talents that you have together for a greater good.

00:30:30.534 --> 00:30:35.891
Like I've always been able to, I've never been shy to speak in front of people.

00:30:35.891 --> 00:30:39.199
You know, I speak at church and things of that nature.

00:30:39.199 --> 00:30:44.656
You know, even when I was coming up in school, I was in drama and and things like that.

00:30:44.656 --> 00:30:47.020
So I've never had that type of sadness.

00:30:47.020 --> 00:30:57.253
And now, you know, here it is, years later, and I'm doing this because I never had that fear to get in front of people and talk to people.

00:30:57.253 --> 00:31:00.964
It was the other side of the other things along the way.

00:31:00.964 --> 00:31:05.478
Like I said, 2013 see, the thing was I wasn't ready.

00:31:08.550 --> 00:31:11.258
Well, yes, see there you go, there you go.

00:31:11.258 --> 00:31:12.461
That's how life be for us.

00:31:12.461 --> 00:31:16.211
Sometimes we can be ready for something, but we not ready.