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June 3, 2024

48 - Alton Bell: His Family's Success Story in Entrepreneurship and Accounting Firm Growth

In this exciting episode of The Concierge CPA, host Jackie Meyer invites Alton Bell to the show. Alton, a successful entrepreneur and top coaching student, shares his expertise as a user of TaxPlanIQ software. Together with his sister Andrea, Alton co-founded Bell Tax Accountants and Advisors, a highly regarded firm in Chicago that focuses on providing exceptional small business accounting services. Join us as we dive into Alton's journey and gain valuable insights into the world of accounting and entrepreneurship.

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welcome to the conier CPA I'm Jackie Meyer founder of the concierge accounting program and tax NQ software
this is a podcast for accounting firm owners and influencers who are pursuing
worldclass service we discuss their path to Excellence their daily habits and
what influences them and their work we believe that every person has unique
message that can positively impact the world stick around till the end of the show we'll reveal how you can be our
next guest let's go y'all welcome to the coner CPA podcast
I'm Jackie Meyer and I have Alton Bell with me today and he is one of my top
favorite students when it comes to coaching in the past he's also a tax IQ user and I'm currently coaching him
again actually in Advanced Tax planning so we get to see each other quite a bit almost weekly and it's really fun to
interview real accountants that are in the trenches have a family you know have
real life stuff going on and so I'm really excited to talk to you today about all of that so welcome fill
everybody in a little bit more about you your family I know you work with your sisters you're in Chicago right yes yes
uh thank you Jackie for inviting me on year um as you mentioned uh found the dis fire back in 2008 bail tax
accountants and advisors I'm here on the souths side of Chicago just south of H
Park um that's where the University of Chicago is um I co-founded it with my sister Andrea and I also have um another
family member my sister Angela who is a accountant as well we specialize in in
small business accounting doing the bookkeeping full service all the way to the
tax return um also now that I'm in tax plan IQ we do the tax planning to help
them save because you know with the business owners one thing that you can't provide is is tremendous value helping
them build wealth you know um they depend on us to or they depend on their
business to live out their dreams retire send the kids to college buy ownes all that good stuff and obviously we do tax
returns we still do 1040s I know the industry is Shifting away from that uh but I still think there's a
tremendous Market especially uh in the minority Market to to to provide great
service in that area I mean you still have a multi-billion dollar company that's traded publicly that still does
that so I still get a uh want to get a piece of that bu there you go um M yep
married be married 14 years October two boys six and 10 I love me wife danan who
is a State Farm Insurance agent U so our businesses like kind of complimentary
she's actually next door so that all works out and then L and Levi my six and
year-old very busy uh I'm a overpriced show for basically taking them to travel
right to travel baseball practice you do love to travel yourself too I mean I know y'all just did where did y'all go
Hawaii or was it somewh yes okay yes we went to uh Maui um last summer we went
to Munich in Greece wow so yeah did I mean this industry this industry is
tough yeah was it just y'all or the did the kids come with you on the
trips the kids didn't come for the Oh yay that's even better that's what I thought but just
like sure yeah okay so so many questions has growing this accounting firm been a
smooth ride has it been super bumpy like how would you explain your experience
and kind of like Lessons Learned along the way uh any entrepreneur tells you that
it's been a smooth ride I'm not sure if that's really telling the truth
um it's just hard to believe uh so yeah um you know my you know my County degree
you know I majored in obviously I majored in the county but you know my
first career path was in audit um I didn't have the passion for it uh
I knew I need to do something better um so you know during that time I started
you know my sister was graduating college uh and I'm like hey you know let's start a Kelly practice um so when
she first came home from school to Blu College um she you know she was one of
the first employee number one obviously ni and um you know we started off just
doing 1040s 104 and we grew it to that and then you
know as business Contin to grow and as we your colleague start to grow and get
you know earn more money start businesses they start looking to you for that expertise and that's why I moved
over to the bookkeeping and providing that full cast as everyone says client County service um to my business okay so
how much did you charge for like your first 1040s I'm always curious yes oh wow
uh man back in those days 2008 it was probably like I mean anything over $200 was a lot
then oh yeah oh yeah okay so I'll admit I'll admit I charged 150 for like the
first tip fores I ever did so yeah it don't be embarrass you buy $25
175 $25 yeah I know right it's like you got
to do what you got to do as an entrepreneur uh so what pequ your interest in tax
advisory and like how do you define tax advisory because I think most people not even accounts understand exactly what we
do you know well it's a lot that goes into it but
right you know but really from the tax advisory standpoint I I I try to look at
you know their income and how they're gaining their income and then they lifestyle because you can build a tax
plan around the way they're living if they have kids you know can you incorporate the kids into the business
yeah do they like real estate do they own real estate can we tie that in to do some type of uh cost segregation or
something something of that matter that is it a es Corp is it a C Corp I mean all these things to help save on taxes
um can help grow your wealth you know um we forget about this you know
or a lot of people forget about this when it comes to just entrepreneurs they retire you have a lot of entrepreneurs
that retire with just a lack of adequate savings and retirement yeah and I just
feel like we're the heroes when it comes to that because every entrepreneur I speak with I'm like hey you know when
you come on board with me when we do our quarterly meetings or our annual tax planning meetings I'm going to ensure
that you have some type of retirement plan in place like I'm going to do the tax agents but I want to make sure when
you finish doing all this entrepreneur stuff for the years that you have some
money saved up so you can retire safely yeah I mean the statistics are pretty awful especially for Millennials now on
how much savings people have I think it's like under like $500 average or something it's really crazy um I
remember some clients even high at worth clients I worked with at my firm would be like retirement planning I believe in
retirement planning and I'm like uh what does that even mean like you're not
going to retire or what like what's the deal but yeah there's a lot there so um
what do you enjoy doing the most in your
practice um what I enjoy most
is one is the biggest thing is is the business
clients you know helping them once you see that once you show them the actual
dollar amount that they saved and that's the big thing that I like about tax tax
plan IQ is you're able to pull out this report say this is how much money You're Gonna Save over the next five to 10
years yes and some of the looks on their face they're just like you know they're just so great for it and I I mean I've
gotten great gifts for that um you know so that's one of the most impactful
things and then the second thing I would say is developing my employees you know I love employees that come on board
that's tied in with your vision and Mission it just helps you and grow love it yeah okay
so showing the tax savings all right I get that I get that um and working with
business owners I love it okay do you Niche it all or do you just kind of take General General businesses across the
board we do we sit our Niche um and and it's
helpful so some of the industries that we majority if I look across my businesses is mental health therapist oh
dayc carees okay dentist and State Farm agents because my wife is a State Farm agent so yeah I hear that I mean I know
that business standing out people we talk and just going over to her business and everything else so yeah cool so I
didn't realize you did mental health I love that um oh I remember when that
industry has skyrocketed since yeah yeah I had I think I had one
or two before covid and then you know their businesses just kind of took off
and you know they all within the same center of influence and you know the referrals were crazy after that um and
it's pretty straightforward you know they you know it's it's and they're they're great to work with because
mental Health uh clinicians they're trained to listen right list
to and so you don't have like this arrogant whatever type of corporate exe
or whatever executive how that work I love that they really listen and take heed to whatever advice you you're
giving and the next time you meet with them they're actually took place you know they put it in place so I'm just
like man these these these ladies are great to work with that's cool yeah there's certain industries I kind of
refused to work with just because I had one bad experience like with an attorney or a doctor you know because yeah they
can they can be a little into themselves and think that they know better than everybody else but of course that's we
we know everything so they need to listen to us um yeah but circling back
to uh the tax savings you can show the taxpayer and client I do want to mention
I'm really excited about this um I'm working with aicpa right now to kind of mass relase the ROI method of value
pricing which is the visualization that we do in tax when IQ and this is really I think revolutionary for our industry
because uh it's pricing upfront to align the results for the client and
accountants have so much going on it's so hard to get them to focus on this value added proposition around tax
advisory clients are so scared about the word tax and planning and putting those
together and so the method is just makes things so easy like you said I mean they're like well why wouldn't I do this
right so I'm really really excited about that I'm hoping we get something out this year but uh you know the aicpa is a
little slow so we'll see I mean CPA EA account
we're you know uh we're we're difficult to shift so that that mindset mindset of shifting
is very difficult I mean I mean and I was one of them you know uh it before I
got into increasing my prices or charging my value or just realizing that
the value that I bring it it takes you a minute to go from that mindset set shift
to say Hey you know this is what I got to charge I I can't charge you know I have people call
asking about 200 tax $200 tax return I'm like no that that's impossible that's
that's something we we don't do even if I have an intern they're not doing a $200 tax return for you right it's just
not happening and even with the business owners like you know they try to come in
and want to do it once a year Quick Books clean up and all that I'm like you're not there's no value in this so
let's try something else sff yeah for sure do you use a lot of interns
I typically have one every year nice okay I I had I had two a few years ago
and love them they bring like such a fresh perspective to the work um and
then I totally forgot about it and then we tried to recruit again and couldn't really find anyone local have you had
trouble recruiting for interns yeah well it's always difficult
but you have to plug in with the local University and see um one thing I do
like about him is they I guess in this era they kind of grew up um taking classes on Zoom so I
pretty much recorded on Zoom how to do a 1040 for them nice and it was amazing
like like wow like this is this is great like this you know this one intern she
was pumping them out like like just pumping them out like candy wow that's awesome yeah like you just giving it to
her and she was scanning them pumping them out and I'm just like look I'm like wow like this really does work um so
that was one way I was able to manage it to keep because you know 1040s will distract you from the big thing of tax
planning of what you try to provide to some of those High Network clients and also the business owners so sure yeah
they're like a necessary evil for all of us but it is what it is and there's really cool ways to identify the Tax
Strategies from the 1040 so I appreciate the 1040 for that side of things I suppose um now I saw on your LinkedIn
that you were involved and probably still are with a particular Community organization um around like minority
stuff what what are you doing with that so um it's prty Callahan Foundation I'm
a scholarship chair I'm the scholarship chair there I've been a scholarship chair for 11 to 12 years I want to say
wow so we ra yeah yeah so we raised money for any inner city students uh to
provide College support I love that I love that yeah so how many students have
y'all been able to help oh my gosh I think we're up to over 80 students now
wow that's amazing okay it means a lot to me um
because I went to I graduated to Southern University in B rou which is H HBCU and I was a first generation
graduate and when I went to school um I didn't know I hadn't even filled out a
financial aid the fast f I hadn't filled that out I just you know I thought it was for like high school you know you
put on the payment plan and you're in school I TR went all the way to Baton Rouge
and they didn't have any money to enroll so basically um you know I stopped the the
the vice Chancellor financial aid um for a couple weeks and just let them know
like hey I'm not going back to Chicago that's I have a degree and they figured out a way to help me get through college
and I'm like you know once I have the opportunity I'm GNA help any person who
who has a need to go to college who has the dreams so oh wow I love that I love that and I love like the courage that
you had to you know stalk them I stalk I semi stock people all the time I'm like
you're either with me in this idea we're going to innovate together or you know I'm going to do it without you whatever
but I mean that's what you got to do to like get your dreams to come true right you got to ask and you got to have the
courage so that's cool um yeah I I worked I just realized the other day
like I was thinking back I've worked full-time since I was like 18 and I started working when I was 15 at marbles
SLB scooping ice cream and so I'm about ready to retire Alton I'm not ready to
retire this is a lot but yeah I mean I I feel your pain I got a ton of student loan debt ended up
with like 80 to 90k student loan debt uh in college and then so lucky when I
started my CPA firm I was able to pay it off within one year it was amazing and
like I just felt like I was on top of the world with the opportunities that you could get in our
industry nice nice yeah congratulations man that's amazing to be able to do so
like that thank you thank you but just as cool you sold you sold the firm now
right yes I did I sold in 2022 I decided to create this you know tax planning software and now who knows what the heck
I'm doing so I just keep getting new ideas every day I love innovating and
it's so hard for me not to like run with all these ideas and but then I get burned out you know and so it's I have
to balance myself my husband keeps me so balanced I don't know does your wife help keep you
balanced yeah I mean my wife I mean I'm not sure where I'll be I mean you know
this entrepreneur roller coaster I mean you feel like you're the smartest person on earth one day and then the next day
you're like what what was I thinking when I did this
right yeah so yeah yeah my wife is is just
definitely um been supportive and just been the sugar in my coffee a say yeah
oh that's sweet I say that Mark like my rock I feel like he's like always just
been stable when I'm like kind of like all over the place you know and so it
just keeps things moving in like a positive direction the other day I asked him like Hey do you think I'm doing
better with like work life balance I think I'm doing better and he's like no you're not you just came up with this
new spin-off business idea and you're about to like waste a ton of time on it I was like
crap well you you need to give you the the real right exactly oh yeah I need
that transparency for sure uh yeah yeah so do you feel like you have balance
between like work and life and the kids are you like you said you're a chauffeur are you doing tons of sports or
what yes um I mean the two boys I'm very
involved with them I I coach their flag football teams um and then with the with
their travel baseball I couldn't really I had to stop coaching that because the younger one got
involved so now the family our family are split going each way but I wouldn't say balance I would say integrate Jack
there you go yeah you have to figure out how to integrate like and that comes
with communication between G spouses to know what's going on and like we you
know we have this technology of calendars and so I'm like hey I just put it on the calendar what's going on what
we got going on we check cross reference and my kids know what I do for Liv uh
they know what their mom does for1 and we we integrate this and you
know uh I make sure that we get um that balance you know as you
mentioned earlier about us you know the travels that we took we always have travels um just me and my wife we have
travels with the with the boys as well um and then one thing that I like that I
do here in my firm is I'm not sure if you ever been to Chicago or to winning City but in the
summertime it's fabulous downtown Lakefront yeah I when it's cold and
windy but not in the summertime but you know our our salesperson at tax on IQ Brandon he lives in Chicago so I I
should hook up yeah yeah we need to connect defin sure he's awesome yeah
yeah we don't work on Fridays that's good we don't work on Fridays uh only
during uh tax season we have Fridays we but after that may
through November we're closed on Friday um because I
remember you know going to this corporate job and I used to see people on the lakefront like riding bikes and
running and walk I'm like man that is so nice I wish I could do that in a week yeah and now that I have that I'm like
you know what you guys work hard doing the taxis and give me y you don't have
to work on Friday that's it and so I mean the client know it everyone know it
um and it's just good and healthy I mean I'm not sure if you read articles or
listen to podcast about how unhealthy busy season can get for um CPA and
accountants but it can get ridiculous and I just want everyone to be in a great space mentally and physically and
emotionally for sure yeah I just saw on LinkedIn um Logan graph posted like how
toxic is our industry when you are planning when you have children around busy season and I was like
guilty cuz you probably heard this story like I literally planned both of my children to have them in December so
that it wouldn't like be right in the middle of busy season um and I was like
oh this is genius right but then when he puts it like that you're like oh gosh this was awful like awful idea but hey
they still came out they're good did y'all do in planning like that
or was was your was your wife like like Hey we're gonna do our own thing here I think I had it in the back of my mind
both my boys are summer babies July 30th and August 30th so I'm like okay well it
does a fall between January and April so I'm good to go um but I mean it doesn't
matter that I once they're here at infants and toddlers I mean it never ends right yeah yeah they're GNA be sick
something's going to come out this yeah yeah for sure so tell me a
little bit more about um what you like to do with your family and how you
integrate the personal stuff with busy season what are like some tips that you've learned along the way of like how
to make sure you have good boundaries
um well one thing I did learn it uh the first course I think I took with you and
Chu is just is you know scheduling out your day yes um and putting out like
some hard times like I'm a person when it comes to in the morning I I like to do my deep work or deep thinking in so I
don't do like Zoom meetings in the morning into like after two o'clock um
yeah because before then it's just like I need to be flushing out something in my mind I need to be reviewing or
whatever it is that's kind of a model that I stick to when it comes to that um
so that's one boundery uh and then like now I I take the understanding of like
we only have our kids up until the 17 and so I'm just like this is the season
of my life that I'm just gonna have to take some knocks and spend as much time
with them as possible yeah and we can figure out the rest later when it comes to this business because I don't want
them uh hating me right yeah I'm starting to feel that pressure a lot too
like even way more so than when they were babies because yeah I you know my kids are a similar age seven and 10 and
they're forming their own personalities and they're doing their own thing and like last night I like wanted to hang
out and they wanted to do their own thing and I'm like oh my gosh have I lost them already like so but they're used to Mommy
working a lot or sleeping or you know all those crappy things they say about you on the Mother's Day cards like my
mom sleeps a lot or takes a lot of baths or works a lot you know and it's like very like damning but um yeah this is
the definitely I think the time to like make sure that you're connecting with them um okay so time blocking tell us
more about that like if people are like what does that really mean what does your what does your daily schedule look
like uh my daily schedule I get I try to get up about 5:30 uh in a
uh you know you know say a prayer check the phone it's
almost a habit of checking the phone out which is probably not a good thing go get a workout come back um drop the kit
drop the kids off get dressed get to the office um check emails you know for the
first 30 minutes um I have a hard cut off for that email oh good yeah yeah if
it's busy see I probably don't even check it to the end of the day because it'll throw me off what I had planned
for the day oh exactly yeah it always does right yeah yeah and so different
day like Mondays I do no meetings at all um because you know whatever took place
the prior week I need to plan or what I want to get accomplished for the week going into it um and then like during
busy season I have a day where I just pretty much do all reviews well I'm reviewing uh you know business tax
returns 1040s or profit and loss statements for our business clients or
something like that because I'm still in production um and then I use Callen Lee
a lot Callen Lee it has been very helpful and just and just making sure
that things are time blocked so you know if people just have like you know everyone has a quick question on inquiry
that's a pay uh that's a pay session like to get on my calendar you have to
pay for for sure yeah I saw on your website like you're like that letter
that you write at the bottom of your homepage it's like let's be real here you're like I'm gonna be direct I love
that because I love being direct too you're like taxes are hard but you're
overpaying and we can help you and I'm like yeah genius I love it so what would
you say like your competitive advantages are compared to like the firm down the road
saral so I mean one I still have I have kind of like a Comm a retail space where
people can walk in up the street and so when you when you look at those in the community those places are not even
opening around and when it comes to the m and pop shops they don't have this
person to act as a CFO or a trusted advisor to help them Reach their goals
all the quas quote unquote CPAs or tax planners are downtown in Chicago they're
in these high-rise buildings hard to access it's hard for clients to get
there in park or just even meet with them right so and they're probably servicing some big corporations that I'm
only Main Street so I'm here to provide those Mar pop companies to help them get
from you know 100,000 to a couple million along the way with saving uh
with saving taxes along the way to build wealth so that's one great competitive
advantage that I always pride myself off of and then when it comes to just TI 40s
I mean I see so much uh throughout the year you always we always get these
people where we need to clean up or fix something we're here um but they also
have a realization that you got to pay the price to get the proper Service as
well and so that's another a battle that I that I that I fight um but at the same
time I have no shame about it yeah well I mean do you get I'm sure you do
because we all do you probably get a lot of people that come in the door and say oh everybody's a tax planner I thought
you know my my old accountant was doing tax planning for me for $200 and you're like yeah no that wasn't tax planning so
there's a huge like education component to the value that you bring to the table versus you know anybody down the road I
was trying to come up with like a statistic around how many us taxpayers we have what like 170 million us
taxpayers how many are probably overpaying in taxes and I think it's
probably like 95% if not yeah I think it's over
90% uh that's overpaying in taxes yeah so and one thing in the last class that
was very F and was going over you know the high
earners of W2 because a l i have clients that are these tech jobs engineer
computer science and they pay well and they don't have like other side businesses or real estate or things of
that nature but going through tax plan IQ and looking at some things of taking
advantage of the employee benefits that they have nice and digging deep into there and seeing like oh wow they can
save about five grand a year times seven years yeah it's
$35,000 plus put into the S&P 500 it's like okay so we typically give
this away you know um and talk about it but like you know when you can actually
show this value and put it in front of Law's face and say this is the reason
why you know um the 1040 is $1,000 compared to right um 250 whatever right
um somebody was doing out of their house yeah for sure now those are great points um I'm trying to remember how we
originally met was it add engage or did you just find me online or how did how
did we originally get connected do you remember I I think I
just signed up for the course Jackie okay so just like we just saw each other on social or something okay
AFI I think the county eners yeah then
you probably got my email and uh you're a Guerilla marketer no no no no no no
well we did have a bad marketing hire and there were some too many emails that
went out at one point but not for you not for you not not back in the day yeah um so yes I I like your website
I like how direct it is and I like that you've got kind of a family business I think that's super cool um do you think
your kids might get into this or do you think they're going to do something totally
different I don't know um I know my oldest at one point um my wife was like
you know he's gonna leave that business to you and he's like bail tax all that is gonna be for me a it's like yeah yeah
so I don't know I mean I had my son you know Doris uh these different breaks and
things like that the oldest um he comes in here you know he fils documents whatever paper files we
have he does some shreddy nice uh preparing folders uh so I put him to
work I mean education is expensive and so I'm like hey you need to be your pero and you
need to pay your own tuition exactly yeah so you come on in here sir let's let's get the work well yeah I mean you
you can't just preach to the clients to hire their kids you got to do it yourself right I mean I do the same so
why don't you just in case people are listening that don't understand all the benefits of hiring your kids in your business you want to tell them a little
bit about that uh about the ins and outs of it or
like what are all the benefits like why why should someone hire their kid what all can they do with that like how does it help
them oh man it's so there's so many tremendous things um so from a dollar
standpoint you know uh you you can hire your kid up to I mean you can pay them
what you want a reasonable salary so let's just say that I know on social media everything else everyone goes for
the $13,000 for the standard deduction that's great and all you would get that
deduction and it's actually a tax savings to whatever your tax bracket is
um and then from a federal standpoint they won't owe any federal federal taxes but it depends on our state UN in if you
have to pay state taxes because here in Illinois that thresholds over 4800 so
once I go beyond that my son does have kind of have a state tax liability okay
um which is small bet at the same time while you're
saving um on your tax bill you could be saving for their retirement you can
start a rough for a rough aough IRA or tradition IRA and put that money in
there for themselves if you have private if your child is in private school you
don't get that great deduction as you should praying that out personally so if the child's getting paid have them pay
their own tuition have them pay for their own travel baseball feeds anyone
who has a child that plays travel baseball knows how much power expensive it is right if they could be an employee
and pay for it wouldn't that be great yeah that's that's that's a that's a pitch that I put there and then you know
as they get older it can teach them um some Financial discipline you know U
let's not give these kids everything let's teach them some Financial education along the way so that's what I
like about it do you worry that like your kids you know you said you're kind
of like first generation college is that right is that what you said yeah okay
are you worried that like your kids aren't going to ever really feel the pain pain of like not having money or
like stuff like that how do you like deal with that I'm worried about that
myself yeah me and my wife we had these conversations about like are they gonna have the same grit that we had yeah you
know we both came from humble beginnings um are they going to appreciate going through uh the difficult times of the
humble and choices to get to where they are and appreciate um the F of things in lot in life you know my both my children
you know especially my oldest he's 10 he's only living in one house by the time I was 10 I I mean we probably moved
at least like seven times um okay yeah that's a good point I hadn't thought about that aspect of it yeah yeah so
just they're living in totally different worlds but you know we we have discussions about it about making wise
decisions with money instead of saying like no I don't have any money for that
I said you know that's not a good reason to to to um make that purchase and you
know I watch CNBC with them and I the ticker is going across I'm like what
what is that he's like oh Roblox went up $2 today I'm like all right great
job okay okay cool oh wow I love that you know if there was a show that I
don't know if anyone else would be interested in this but I love like seeing the intricacies of like how we
interact with our kids how people do their holidays different like the little things about it you know like I would
have never thought to watch CNBC with my kids they would like be very upset with me but that's probably a problem in
itself because I've spoiled it so yeah we got I gota get they're not
watching full episodes like I have it on every morning when I put the breakfast for obviously you know I try to limit
the iPad so before they eat and all the good stuff you know let's watch this for a few minutes before you get into this
app or whatever else device that they're about to get into and you know they you
know by default they just you know if they're not paying attention it's in their ear and background noise or
something yeah Cramer or somebody yeah okay so before we kind of wrap up I
wanted to talk a little bit about what how you feel like the economy is going because I hear like the randomst things
from being in industry and just people that I mean on the street um about
there's like it seems like there's a lot of like midmarket kind of layoffs right now um and it's really still hard to
find people and so I don't really know what to make of it what do you think what do you
seeing um I I'm hearing some Rance about that um one thing I am seeing is margins
are getting tighter with some of my clients um so they're just figuring out how to operate more efficiently and
making wiser decisions because I think uh you know as things came out of Co
that everyone so cash flush and B business went up so fast that they
really wasn't paying attention and like now inflation with salaries and things of that nature has made it very
important that you watch uh what you're doing from a financial standpoint so we'll see I mean as a as a
you know in our industry I think you know our we we're gonna be good yeah oh
yeah Way It Go um as long as there's the election every four years we're going to be in business because the code is g to
change yeah um if business is GNA up or down people are going to seek us out for
advice you know business is up how can I save them my taxes business is down what
what's going on with my numbers and it you know from a profit from a revenue standpoint
to an ex expense standpoint that I need to consider so either way go we still
will be there to to provide value you know um the biggest thing for me I
always ask uh watch the interest rates oh okay just to see so yeah yeah what
are interest rates like these days Mr CNBC they're like 7% which is high so
it's like you know being me and the wife we we we thought about you know getting
new house or building a new house it's like you know we refinance in 2021 at
2.8 like uh I don't think we really want to give that up for s% like exactly you
know and I think that's you know I think that's the sentiment Across the Nation U
when it comes to that so yeah I mean home values are soaring like our home value I think doubled here in South Lake
Texas but of course our real estate taxes are also doubling um so you're like do I sell like make
some money off of that but then everything else is so pricey plus the new interest rate it just it doesn't
seem to make a whole lot of sense um but I mean people that have lived a lot
longer than us say that interest rates were way higher than 8 n% back in like the 80s or something right like I think
they got up to like 15% and they thought that was normal we just got spoiled with
like 2 3% right but yeah we we did um
yeah I I don't want to give that Mor that mortgage rate up I mean I did to I did a whole matric of how much interest
I would paid okay and I'm just like no I'm like this now that's a good
accountant right there see y'all anyone watching listening this is a good accountant right here he's got his
Matrix awesome all right well is there anything else that you wanted to discuss today or share before we wrap
up uh well yeah um we talked about it in
class um we're I just purchased a business location um is nearby so we'll
be moving in the early fall yeah um it's a great location uh it's a real estate
in tax play yeah so let me say that uh so it's a commercial space where I'll be able to put the office in because I'm
reading now and then also I have residential units on top where where they basically be covering the mortgage
and we have an additional cash flow so that helps with the overhead and then also we'll be in a position to be able
to C do with cost segregation to save some money on taxes so that's the big thing that we got going on I can't wait
to uh show that to um my clients and new potential customers so that's what's big
that's going on how about you Jackie because I know you're busy how do you balance all this you know I we're just
chugging along we it's now our busy season because tax people are like
looking into planning now we just had a virtual Summit were you did you able to were you able to hop onto that or no no
that's that was my f I'm like Jackie doing this summon of on Friday yeah like the day in Chicago I'm just like as much
as I want to yeah you gotta take advantage of the nice weather I get it I get it but yeah we had over a thousand
people register for the summit which was really exciting because you know just
the the feeling that like people are ready and willing to dive into tax planning and really give it their all
for their clients is just exhilarating so um we've got so many changes coming
in the software it's crazy like automations and whatnot and then of course I have all these spin-off ideas
but I'm going to just try to keep it to myself because I've got like six speaking events in the next two weeks
that I need to plan for are you going to engage this will come out after engage but are you what conferences are you
do I don't have anything F oh look at you f only thing I got planned is Pasa I'm a
m of Pasa so okay yeah yeah yeah so you you've been in Pasa for a few years now
is that right okay yeah what would you if accountants are listening like how would
you describe Pasa and like the benefits it brings to the table um paswa has been awesome they're
very open went was sharing ideas of the how tos
right so um you know those very unique
questions of how to make sure you meet production from an accountant just there have been very very open and sharing
those ideas it is you know different organizations I've been in that talk
about what they're doing but they may not show you how or tell you how and so
that's one thing about has has been very helpful for me from that standpoint um
so you know I I I spent a lot of money in professional development I don't have no shame in that yeah uh I went from
initially I read uh the EMF with Daren root and that jar root works and that
kind of helped my mind ship and then I took the coaching course of you and Chu and that pretty much gave me like this
is whatever you're thinking in your mind this is how you do it when it comes to
you know emails with DARS and it how to sell um blocking off on your calendar
and things of that nature how to carry yourself how to conduct yourself when it comes to that um then pasas like you
know from a big ongoing Revenue servicing standpoint they've been
they've been very open with that and then to tie all in with tax plan IQ is just been you know I just see the skies
to Ling it from this point and it's just been great oh that's awesome I love it yeah it's it's been such a pleasure to
kind of watch you growing in that in your path um in the advisory side of things um it's always fun when you know
we get to work together for many years like this um so hopefully I continue to
to get to be a little piece of your journey because you have an amazing practice you have an amazing family
family you're an awesome person and you know so it's a blessing to be a part of your life for sure thank you same same
to you I appreciate you Jack thank you thank you all right well we're gonna wrap up for today Alton how do people
contact you if they have a question or want to reach out or connect with you oh they can always go to my website
which is ww. we're on um on the
socials uh Instagram Facebook Bell tax accountants uh they can always call the
office I got a 855 number it's 855 tax Bell oh yes 855 829 2355 so U I got that
brand 855 tax B so there's numerous ways to reach out to us social media phone
call website don't hesitate uh if there's something that we can't help you
with uh we can direct you to that person but we be sure to serice isue when it comes to income tax it is tax planning
accounting and bookkeeping love it the place to be yep awesome all right cool
well thanks everybody for watching or listening today we appreciate you and have a great day bye for now bye have a
good one thank you for listening to the coner
CPA hosted by tax plan IQ we believe that every person has a unique neat
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