June 26, 2024

Transformative Leadership: Cultivating Excellence at High Point University (Nido R. Qubein, President at High Point University)

Transformative Leadership: Cultivating Excellence at High Point University (Nido R. Qubein, President at High Point University)

Dr. Qubein, your journey from arriving in the United States with limited English and only $50 to becoming an internationally recognized leader is truly remarkable. Could you share some pivotal moments or decisions that contributed to your success?

Dr. Qubein, under your leadership, as President, High Point University has experienced remarkable growth and transformation. Can you elaborate on the strategic vision you've pursued to achieve these significant accomplishments and how do you balance the drive for continuous improvement with taking time to appreciate milestones and successes?

Could you share more about the President’s Seminar on Life Skills and the In-Residence program at High Point University? How do these initiatives enhance the educational experience for students and prepare them for success in both their academic pursuits and future careers?

High Point University has undergone substantial growth and development during your presidency, including the establishment of new academic schools and record-breaking enrollment numbers. How do you believe the university's unique approach to education, campus culture, and community engagement sets it apart from other institutions?

As a leader who emphasizes intentional leadership and innovation, what advice do you have for aspiring leaders in academia or other industries who aim to drive significant positive change in their organizations?

What has been the most unexpected or surprising lesson you've learned during your tenure as President of High Point University, and how has it influenced your approach to leadership?