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The Slap Heard Round the World

Will Smith slaps Chris Rock at the Oscars! The guys break down the slap heard round the world and discuss its significance, ramifications and impact on pop culture and society as a whole.

Topics Discussed:

• Will Smith slaps Chris Rock
• The sensitizing of society
• Is comedy dead now?
• Can we tell people the truth anymore?
• Is August Alsina to blame for all of this?
• Quest love robbed of his moment
• Will Packer
• Will Smith resigns from the academy
• Was this a bad day for black people?
• Should Chris Rock apologize?
• Jeff says Will Smith's actions are inexcusable, but shouldn't define or take away from an otherwise stellar and model career

Referenced Links:
Shannon Sharp goes off on Will Smith (https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=298605459062233&ref=sharing)

Will Smith Resigns From Academy, Will Accept Further Consequences: ‘I Am Heartbroken’ (thewrap.com) (https://www.thewrap.com/will-smith-resigns-academy-oscars-slap/)

The Culture (https://www.theculture.one/)

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