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July 24, 2024

Jefferson Starship and a side of Coleslaw: A Conversation with David Ellis

Jefferson Starship and a side of Coleslaw: A Conversation with David Ellis

Welcome back to the podcast, I’m Jamie Baynes. This episode’s guest is bestselling author and appellate judge David Ellis. A few months ago, I got an email from his publicist asking if I’d like to have him on as a guest. Now I’ve been before quite a few judges in my lifetime and interviewed quite a few authors so obviously it was a toss-up…….just kidding. I agreed immediately and here he is. I hope you enjoy our conversation.

After you listen, let me know what you think. Prior to recording the episode, I asked him if he’d prefer that I call him ‘David’ or ‘Judge’. He replied, “Well, do you want me to call you detective or Jamie?” We decided to go with first names and I can say without a doubt, he is the most down to earth, funny, intelligent and nicest judges and person that I’ve ever met. 

How funny? Just before we were set to start recording I got a text from him that read:

Jefferson Starship and side of Cole slaw please.

Turns out that was a dinner request text to his wife. Now it’s none of my business how Jefferson Starship comes into play…. The imagination runs wild with innuendo, but it sure made for an awesome episode title.

I truly hope that he comes back on the show, because as I think you can tell, it was an absolute pleasure to talk to him. I hope you enjoyed our conversation and I highly recommend that you check out his books here ⬇️⬇️⬇️


Until next time, take care of on another, and thanks for listening.