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Aug. 21, 2024

One of a Kind: Another conversation with Yasmin Angoe

One of a Kind: Another conversation with Yasmin Angoe

Welcome back to the podcast, I’m Jamie Baynes. I’m honored to have back on the show, one of my favorite authors and more importantly, one of my favorite people: Yasmin Angoe. Now full disclosure, when I introduce her in the episode, I pronounce her name, correctly, then put my foot in my mouth ad drop the “y” and begin to call her ‘Asmin’…….how embarrassing. For me. Luckily, Yasmin is such a fantastic person that she takes it in stride and doesn’t hang up on me. Of course, when I told her about it, she said that it sounded like I was calling her an ass. Deep sigh. But I digress. So sit back, take a listen and I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did.

 Ans as I said after the first time that I spoke with her that it felt as if we’d known each other for years. And since it’s been a year since we spoke last, I still feel the same way. But I’ve got a feeling that anyone who speaks to Yasmin feels the same way. She’s just such a wonderful person, you can’t help but think that you’ve known her just about forever. We absolutely need more people in this world like Yasmin and I feel lucky that she counts me as one of her friends. 

Make sure you check out her book over on Amazon or at her website:


So until next time, take care of each other, treat each other well and as always, thanks for listening.