Episode Details & Links
Today we will be discussing the dreaded game group conflict. How to recognize it, and how to identify the source.
Tricks of the Trade Information & Links
After identifying the source of conflict, tricks of the trade will focus on ways to resolve conflict in your game group.
Knowledge Check References and Links
When a conflict can't be resolved it might be time to consider if it is time to bring a friendship to an end. We explore some key signs that might signal the time has come.
Lusinski, N. (n.d.). 9 signs it's time to end a friendship, according to Therapists. Business Insider. Retrieved March 9, 2023, from https://www.businessinsider.com/signs-you-should-end-friendship-therapists-2018-12?utm_source=copy-link&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=topbar
My Linktree
Outro music by GabrielDouglas from Pixabay
Keywords: dnd, D&D, dnd podcast, dungeons and dragons, podcast, ttrpg, rpg, roleplaying, roleplaying game, DM, dungeon master, game master, dnd ideas,
Podcast Art by Kyle Baerlocher
Intro music by 33nano from