April 12, 2019

To Whom Should I Pray and Why? S1 Ep9

To Whom Should I Pray and Why? S1 Ep9

Season 1 Episode 9 - To Whom Should I Pray and Why? 

Introduction to Episode: During this episode, a crucial question is discussed, 'to whom should I pray and why?' This question raises a lot of questions and controversy among Christianity or people of different faiths. This episode is not to disrespect other denominations or make anyone feel unwanted. This episode is designed to teach and reproved in love. We have to remember that the name of the Father is hallowed and should be set apart. We ara a people redeemed but the blood of Jesus Christ that was given by the Father and carried out through the Holy Spirt. When we pray, it is the Father that gets first recognition, and in the name of the son, Jesus Christ and sustained by the Holy Spirit.

Co-Host: Gordon Duncan is an award-winning educator, salesman, teacher, manager, and writer. He has taught in the public school system, lobbied for school's accreditation, managed eye clinics, led sales' teams, and also publishes books on theology, church, and culture. He has been happily married to Amy for over 20 years and is the proud father of 3 wonderful girls. He is a graduate of East Carolina University and Reformed Theological Seminary. He has been in the eye industry since 1999, an elder in the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) since 2000, planted Sovereign King Church in Garner, NC in 2005, and planted Evident Grace Church in Fredericksburg, VA in 2013. Learn more at www.evidentgrace.com.

Episode Summary: As we turn to scripture, Jesus teaches us to pray to the Father in Matt. 6:9. In the garden before Christ was betrayed, He prays directly to the Father. While on the cross Jesus prayed a prayer asking his accusers and murders to be forgiven. The Westminster Shorter Catechism #101 ask us 'For what do we pray in the first request?' Answer: In the first request (hallowed by your name) we pray that God will enable us and other to GLORIFY HIM in everything he uses to make himself known...

  • Matthew 6:9
  • John 3:16 & 2 Cor. 5:17-19
  • Praying to the Godhead (One in Essence)
  • WCF Shorter Catechism Q & A #104

Notable Quotes: "The Father is the giver of all good gifts, ordinarily we will address the Father of all good gifts." - Gordon Duncan "Who is responsible for giving forgiveness? The Father. Who is responsible for sending his Son? The Father." - Brandon Queen

Recommended Links:
TableTalk Magazine | Westminster Confession of Faith | Presbyterian Church of America

Platforms: Google Spotify Stitcher PocketCasts 

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