Feb. 22, 2019

What is Prayer? - S1 Ep2

What is Prayer? - S1 Ep2

Season 1 Episode 2 - What is Prayer?

Prayer, then is having the Spirit's breath helping us to communicate, the Son's blood making a way, and the Father's ear attuned to our every plea. Our triune God provides all we need to pray -- Dr. Harry J. York

Episode Summary

During this season, Prayer will be the main topic point with the focus of drawing people back to prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool and it is our direct connection to the father. 

Show Notes:

During this episode, we will explore what is prayer with the hope of drawing people back to the very tool that connects them with God. Prayer. We must be reminded that every time we pray, we should always remember our standing by confessing our sins -- Dr. H. J. York. What do I mean by standing? We must not forget that we are sinful, unholy and unrigteous people who rebel against the living God ever millisecond of our being. We can not approach the Holy of Holies without confessing our sins and asking the Father to remove our Sin Stained Hearts and give us a new regenerated heart that seeks after him. Through prayer we can then recognize his mercies. 
This idea of more men, mighty in prayer bring forth a vision of unity in the body. When there is unity in the body of believers, we get peace. When there is peace within the body, the presence of God is visible and tangible. From the presence of God in our midst, we get answered prayers. James 5:17 states "... The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. " Although we are sinful in nature, when we confess and ask of God's forgiveness, he then turns his ear to us and listens to our ever plea.

Cohost - The Rev. Michael J. Glodo - Professor Glodo has served on the faculty at Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) in Orlando since 1991 (I was like three years old). Professor Glodo temporarily abanonded his post at RTS of six years as as he served as the Stated Clerk (Chief Administrative Officer) of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (2000-2006). During that time he has taught Old Testament, New Testament, Preaching, Theology of Ministry and a variety of electives. For most of the last ten years, Professor Glodo has also served as Dean of the Chapel as he plans, leads, coordinates, and preaches in the weekly chapel services. Professor Glodo earned a bachelor of science from the Univeristy of Illinois and a master of divinity along with a master of theology form Convenant Theological Seminary. Top it all off, he did Ph.D studies at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. Yes. Professor Glodo knows this topic and has published sereral articles. His latest article was publised in the Westminster Society Journal so go check that out.

In this episode, we will discuss the topic "What is Prayer?" The Westminster Larger Catechism Question and Answer #178, Bible Scriptures, 1. Ps 62.8, 2, Jn 16.23-25, 3. Rom 8.26, 4. Ps 32.5-6, Dn 9.4 and 5. Phil 4.6. What does Mike Glodo thinks Prayer is?

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