Welcome To The Element Of Inclusion
July 9, 2024

How Sagan's Razor Can Help With Extraordinary DEI Claims

How Sagan's Razor Can Help With Extraordinary DEI Claims

When you’re doing Inclusion work, people are going to say things that seem convincing. Find out about a scientific principle to protect you from being deceived. Here’s some key topics covered from this episode: - Understanding Sagan's Razor - How...

When you’re doing Inclusion work, people are going to say things that seem convincing.

Find out about a scientific principle to protect you from being deceived.

Here’s some key topics covered from this episode:

- Understanding Sagan's Razor

- How to apply Sagan's Razor in evaluating diversity and inclusion initiatives

- Practical steps to ensure your inclusion strategies are evidence-based and effective

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Here’s some key takeaways from this episode: 

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

“Sagan’s Razor is named after legendary astrophysicist Carl Sagan. It can be summarised by this sentence.”

This is aligned with our evidence-based inclusion practice

“A "razor" is a principle or rule of thumb that helps you make better decisions because it eliminates unlikely explanations or hypotheses.”

Always ask if the evidence is strong enough for your purposes

“Here are 6 questions to ask when people talk about Inclusion”

Whenever you're ready, there are a few ways I can support your Inclusion Journey:

1.      Work with me 1:1

2.     Get Practical Book Insights

3.     Get our Free Email Course

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