Who is ready for a Solar Revolution?

The current podcast episode is about Solar Energy and how it can help address climate change. This source of renewable energy is one of the ways that we can minimize our dependency on fossil fuels and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. In an ideal world, Solar Energy systems would be commonplace and installed on all new and existing buildings.
Just imagine what that world would look like if solar panels were on every roof top in America, or for that matter on all buildings around the world. Better yet, try and envision how much cleaner our air would be and how much renewable energy would be collectively generated, consumed, and stored in the utility grid. All that renewable energy would ultimately reduce our dependency on energy derived from fossil fuel. We may still need to rely on a small amount of fossil fuel to support the demand during peak demands and seasonal changes, but only as a back-up.
In this Utopian state of existence, the cost of installing a Solar system (panels, inverters, battery storage, interconnects, etc.) would be so affordable that the ROI timeline wouldn’t even be a factor. We would also see building codes require Solar systems as a component of every building to maximize energy efficiency, just like your HVAC systems, water systems, Low-e glass, LED lighting, and insulation. This would change the way we think about Green Buildings and LEED certification because it would just be the way we do things!
Now back to reality, in order to get there, we have to rethink our current energy delivery systems. The current condition of our existing utility grids aren’t designed for this Utopian level of renewable energy penetration because most grids have been designed in a one-way delivery fashion (generation to customer only). When excess energy is pushed back into the grid from solar systems, utilities are buying back/crediting customers for the energy delivered to the grid. The utilities essentially become the storage location for all that renewable energy. Utilities will have to build storage systems rather than power generating systems that rely on fossil fuels to meet the storage demand from all the Solar energy produced.
Finally, solar energy systems will have to become more affordable and efficient due to technical innovation and mass production. What if plug and play systems could be developed based on size and consumption requirements on a residential scale? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could safely DIY a system yourself and get the materials at Home Depot or Lowes? The affordability comparison for Solar would need to be something like seeing that 70-inch HD4K widescreen at Christmas that now costs $525 compared to when it cost $2,500 a few years ago. That’s when most everyone will be able to afford Solar. We may not be too far away from this Utopian state of existence. So, who is ready for a Solar Revolution? I know I am.
It's time for an Environmental Transformation!
Sean K. Grady
To listen to the latest podcast episode, click here: https://www.seankgrady.com/how-solar-energy-is-helping-address-climate-change-concerns-with-jennifer-mrzlack-president-of-psg-energy-group-and-michaela-bell/