Joel Burcat

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Author / Environmental Lawyer

Joel Burcat entire career was devoted to Environmental and Energy Law. Since 2018 he has expanded his horizons and is now a published novelist, with the publication of his first environmental legal thriller, DRINK TO EVERY BEAST (Headline Books 2019) and, in 2021, AMID RAGE (Headline Books)

He began practicing law as an Asst. Attorney General with the Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources. As a young lawyer, he worked in enforcement and permitting (mostly mining and water quality). He spent the majority of my career in private practice.

Legal writing includes articles on environmental and natural resources law in a dozen law review and similar publications (e.g. ELR); and many articles for trade associations and professional publications. He was the founding co-editor or THE LAW OF OIL AND GAS IN PA. (PBI Press, 2014, 2016) and PA ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND PRACTICE, (1st -7th eds. PBI Press). Speaking includes presentations at many environmental law & oil & gas conferences. Awards: Distinguished Service Award from the PBA Environmental, Mineral and Nat. Res. Law Section; Best Lawyers; Super Lawyers; Chambers.

July 13, 2021

Author and Environmental Lawyer Joel Burcat Discusses His Three Environmental Legal Thrillers: Drink to Every Beast, Amid Rage, and Strange Fire

As a practicing environmental lawyer, Joel Burcat writes Environmental Legal Thrillers that are both electrifying and accurate. If you are looking for an exciting environmental legal thriller that is on par with some other bi...
Guest: Joel Burcat
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