Attorney / Author
Partner in the Environmental Practice Area of the Litigation Department in the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky Offices of Taft, Stettinius & Hollister LLP, and author of the book, “Exposure” and attorney behind the movie "Dark Waters". Representing corporate, governmental, and individual clients in wide range of environmental, regulatory and toxic tort matters in federal and state courts and administrative entities across the country. Handling complex mass tort, multi-district, class action, cost-recovery, environmental permitting, medical monitoring, and common law tort actions for both defense and plaintiffs, with extensive experience in several of the nation's first cases involving human exposures to perfluorochemicals (PFCs), such as PFOA and PFOS.
Practice Areas: - Toxic Torts, including Bodily Trespass/Toxic Trespass
- Class Actions/Multi-District Litigation
- Environmental Permits
- Drinking Water Litigation
- Cost-Recovery Litigation
- Perfluorochemical (PFC) Claims/Litigation (including PFOA and PFOS)
- Environmental Compliance Counseling