Scott Wisher

Scott Wisher Profile Photo

Senior Vice President of Operations, Remediation Services

Scott Wisher is the Senior Vice President of Operations, Technical Services at Cascade Environmental. He is a professional geologist with more than 18 years of project and business management experience in the consulting and field services industry. During that time, he has implemented remediation system designs using chemical remediation (ISCO, ISCR, bioremediation) and mechanical remediation (AS, SVE) on hundreds of projects throughout the United States. He is also experienced in the effective utilization of high-resolution site characterization for remediation design.

In his role at Cascade, Scott oversees the technical services division and is responsible for strategy development, P& L management to support business operations, capital expenditure planning, and financial performance for his division.

April 20, 2021

The Secret to Proper In situ Remedial Strategies with Cascade Environmental’s Remediation VPs Scott Wisher and Eliot Cooper.

Scott Wisher and Eliot Cooper talks about the Secret to Proper In Situ Remedial Strategies and their experience working with challenging geologic lithologies. We also discuss what information is needed to properly design a re...
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