#107 Fear is the true pandemic

When the dust settles as it is already beginning to do most of us will see that fear cost far more problems than COVID-19 ever did. With the best of intentions many people and significant leaders made decisions to close down the economy and even nations I’ll because of an overhyped fear. The numbers just don’t make sense. The math doesn’t work out. And there is so many valuable lessons we can learn from what has happened. One of the most final lessons is that we all learn how to keep fear at bay and prevent it from controlling our lives and causing us to make shortsighted decisions.
Rachel Denning (00:00.622)
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of the Extraordinary Family Life podcast. Just this morning, I was talking to my sweetheart and thinking a lot about what's happening literally around the globe. And how, when you stop to think about it, like on a global scale, what's happening with the COVID -19 virus and you know, the...
Well, okay, here's a cool thing. I just learned some definitions. An epidemic is a disease that spreads through a certain country or region. A pandemic is when that epidemic starts spreading across other countries, right? So it could be called a pandemic, but it has to be widespread and massive. And I realized like with all that's going on, I think we're over 26 million people now have claimed unemployment.
which is gigantic. I know people in developing countries have many friends living in developing countries and countries around the world. Many people are going without food, going out with going without, you know, basic needs and necessary things because everything's shut down and there will be untold poverty and suffering and
hurt and damage and just terrible things that I think my friends may be without measure. Like it may not be measurable. All the damage will be done because we've been shut down. And I just kept thinking this morning and I was talking to Rachel about it. I just said it doesn't it doesn't line up. The numbers just don't line up. It doesn't the math doesn't make sense.
The amount of people and again, I'm not, please don't misunderstand me. I think I'm being without compassion and understanding for anyone to suffer and die is gut wrenching. It hurts so bad. It really does. And so I'm not, people are dying and it's heartbreaking. It is very tragic. But the number of people who are getting really sick and dying is so small.
Rachel Denning (02:26.606)
The reality around it is so small, especially when contrasted with other things, that it doesn't in any way, shape or form justify what's been done. And I know that sounds crazy. And for some, it's like that just saying that is like, how dare you? Right? But hear me out, hear me out on this. That's what I was just thinking. I'm like, it just doesn't, it doesn't match up. It doesn't line up. And I literally told Rachel this morning, like, sweetheart.
so many thousands of people die every single day. Like way more daily than with COVID way more are dying from malaria from HIV from I think don't hold me on this one. I think influenza even daily globally. But don't hold me on that one. And what's the other ones tuberculosis and car accidents.
right? More people die daily in these things. And I just got these numbers. So I'm going to share I'm going to share some awesome resources with you with what happened. And I didn't have any of the numbers and I don't have the numbers in front of me. But I was just like, I've read about this stuff. And I know that massive amounts of people are, are suffering and dying all the time. And yet we don't shut down the whole world because of it. Now I get it if this truly was a pandemic, then
Yeah, we should. And so as far as a practice run goes, this is awesome. Because if there are, there are going to be other epidemics that come and perhaps pandemics that will come in the future. That's just part of being human and what we do to nature and life. And it's just, it's part of this role. So it's a really great practice run here, but it didn't turn out to be the pandemic that we thought. And had it been approached in a way,
that was more careful like, Hey, this might be a worst case scenario. We don't know. We don't have all the numbers. Oh, I still have my cough. Um, but if they had been approached differently, you know, and, and I feel bad, like I think everyone is doing what they thought was best. I really do. They feel like they were just trying to protect people and trying to serve and be helpful. And
Rachel Denning (04:51.79)
governors of our of our good states were saying, you know what, we better declare an emergency and shut things down. When the numbers were tiny, states that had, you know, 50 or 100 deaths would shut down the entire state. And they were doing it because they were being advised from so called experts that it there was this huge risk that it was truly a pandemic. And they were declaring that before their actual numbers.
And when it all kind of settles out, and I'm going to share again, I'm going to share some other thoughts here. So it's not just me here. This is, this is what I was thinking. I'm telling Rachel this, this morning, I'm like, it just doesn't match up. And I literally said to her, I think the media caused most of the hysteria. And so, and really this is what I'm one of my message today is the true pandemic was fear. It's fear and hysteria. And because the
the news stations are so competitive, they have to generate fear and they have to try to startle us. And so they'll take something instead of presenting it like, hey, this may be the case, let's use caution here. They'll try to come up with the scariest story, find one individual and make it seem like that's going to happen to everyone. And they spread it like crazy. And so it causes these really...
irrational reactions. And again, fear is the pandemic. Fear in this case, in this whole situation, when the dust all settles, we're going to realize, I hope, I hope everyone realizes that we need to spread this message so people do realize it. We'll realize that fear did far, far, far more damage than COVID ever did. And, yeah, man, it's just, when we let it get ahold of us,
It actually affects our bodies like just the last podcast I talked about that the fear affecting our bodies, fear affecting our actions and reactions, our thoughts, our relationships, our perspectives. I think some people may never recover from the fear they've generated inside their minds and bodies and with their family members. And we're talking to people now who are still so terrified and the dust is already settling.
Rachel Denning (07:16.941)
Even Fauci came out and was like, yeah, the numbers aren't anywhere near where we thought. And as the dust starts to settle, they're realizing the death rate is below 1%. Right? It's not that big. They were guessing it would be around 5%. But the numbers aren't there. And the fear and the hysteria...
is one of the things that actually caused an overwhelm on our medical system. And they're finding now that, you know, we had all this fear about we need, we need these ventilators and they're finding now the science is that the ventilators actually can cause more problems. That this isn't a case where they need ventilators. That was a decision that wasn't justified. There just wasn't evidence of that. And this isn't coming from me. I'm going to give you guys resources here because, um,
You got to hear from these brilliant scientists and doctors. But I was just thinking through all of this and articulating with Rachel this morning. She's like, I'm going to go to bed.
settle right? It's so hard to know what to think because like 24 hours a day we're being told all this stuff and this hype around the media and it's just like what do you think? Is it really should we be that terrified? And it was so hard to know but I just kept thinking the numbers don't match up and fear seems to be the driving force behind all this and shutting down the economy I think we're gonna find was a really huge mistake and untold suffering.
will come because of it. Not even to go into what happens when people start getting isolated and they self -destruct. I talked about that in some other previous episodes. Anyways, the point is, I was talking through all this and just saying it out loud and then I was going about my day and I happened to come across, total by accident, a podcast that Tony Robbins put out. And he met with Peter Diamandis, who is a physician.
Rachel Denning (09:20.109)
and a great thought leader, just a big global thinker, just a brilliant man. And Dr. I think Harari is his name. And he is a stem cell researcher and also a physician and into all the biomedical space and just brilliant, right? And he's, and so Tony Robbins has them both on and the three of them are addressing all of this. And they literally, it was so cool. It was just such a...
It was one of those like, what this is so awesome. They literally go through and mention almost everything that I was thinking and talking to Rachel about this morning. And it was one of those you guys have had those two rights. Well, it's cool. It's like, yes. Oh, I love it when somebody else is articulating and saying the things I was thinking of like, yes, I love this. And so it's it's the latest episode on the Tony Robbins podcast with Dr. Rari and Peter Dumont is and Tony and please go listen to it.
go listen to it. It's an hour, like hour 15. And they talk about literally what I was just saying about the media really being the cause of the problems and that poor Dr. Fauci, like it should not have been put on just one man to try to call the shots. And he, I'm sure there was a lot of pressure, right? And everyone, all the leaders of political interests, I think they were trying to do the right thing. I really do. And they're trying to protect people, but we were making decisions mostly based on fear and it's very media driven and
We just didn't have the evidence and the numbers. And again, we didn't have all the knowledge, but go listen to that. You're gonna hear it from brilliant people and doctors and scientists. But it was this idea of like, you know what? This wasn't necessary and it was overdone and still is. And to even remain shut down and afraid, we're actually doing something wrong. And these brilliant guys are saying, actually what we're doing,
could perpetuate it and make it worse instead of getting the immunity in our systems we're delaying another like outbreak right but anyways I go listen to that go educate yourself on it get different perspectives always be always be beware of watching the news too much and always I don't know I always have like for years and years and years because of
Rachel Denning (11:42.125)
personal experiences with the news really exaggerating things when I was abroad or people I know were abroad and they would they would portray it as some massive massive horrible thing and I was either there or someone I know and trust was there and they're like nope it wasn't the media blew it way out of proportion and so I lost trust for the media decades ago and I realized they big that's their business is to stir things up to startle people and even scare people.
So be aware of that and remember that fear, I guess here's my big message. So you guys can each make your own decision, but please, please do, do some studying, do some homework, think about this. Um, the actual numbers now, the real numbers, they don't, they don't justify what we've done or even what we're continuing to do. This is not there. It's not. And in, in that pos podcast, he'll give you actual numbers of daily deaths of all these things. And we don't shut down the country. We don't shut down the world.
when far far more people are dying from those other things. And do that but my warning in my... I just want to share this with you guys because you get on here and listen and I trust that and I love you guys and I'm thinking about you all the time and I just want to share these thoughts of like let's all be more concerned about the pandemic of fear. Right? And hysteria. And...
worry that it can be far more damaging and more destructive. And this can happen in any part of our lives for any reason. Fear can take control. And I've actually done other episodes on this, that fear is often the driving force behind most of our decisions. And we're living our lives in fear. And this will fit into the next podcast I'm going to do. I've already been thinking about it. I was going to record today, but...
It's just this fear keeps us trapped, my friends. And it prevents us from really living the life we could. So man, interesting times, right? Great life lessons for all of us. We can learn from all of this. Let's reach out. Let's help people. Let's kind of get things back going. Do your part to get your own economy re -stimulated, to get the overall economy stimulated. Let's just get back into life and turn on, get back the...
Rachel Denning (14:08.301)
the hope and the optimism and the drive and encouragement, the passion to start businesses and grow businesses and make investments and be active in life and creating the life we want. Let's get that back on and help people turn it back on and just kind of come back to life. I think a lot of people have settled into some frustration and some traps.
And I think we can all just turn that back on. Anyways, just want to show that, just learn a few things this morning that I thought I'd like to pass along for you to consider. And each of you can come to your own conclusion, your own decisions, but make sure you get the education and hear all sides of it and get it from sources that aren't trying to scare you or stir you up, but just trying to say, okay, let's see this from all angles for what it really is and look at the hard numbers and realize, you know, is there a justification for it, right? So anyways, love you guys. Have a fantastic day. Reach upward.