#74 Seven People You Need To Have In Your Life

We all need to have certain people our life, especially if we want to live an extraordinary family life! There are 7 people that we ideally want to have in our lives. 1. A friend 2. A partner 3. A dependent 4. Someone to serve 5. A cheerleader 6. A mentor 7. A coach
Rachel Denning (00:00.91)
Hey guys, welcome to another episode of the extraordinary family life podcast. My son Parker is taking a parkour class right now and I'm outside and I thought, yes, now's the chance to make another episode recording on something that's been on my mind for a while. This stuff is powerhouse awesome. Love you guys. Keep.
Keep plugging on.
You're awesome. The fact that you're even listening to this just tells me and you that you're intentional and you're trying to do life deliberately and trying to make the most of yourself. Keep your head up, man. I know it gets, the grind can be hard. If you're a parent, man, I was up four times last night with a cute little girl that would just sit in bed and scream, dad, mom.
And I had to go in there and just be like, I need a tissue. I'm like, And so, you know, it can be a grind. You're working through your businesses, you're working, you know, on your health and you have these massive to -do lists and sometimes it feels super stressful and overwhelming and life can throw these curve balls at you and you're facing some heavy stuff. So I just wanna, like I'm here to cheer you on and encourage you and.
give you some inspiration and some insight and some motivation and some instruction and training. Like get this stuff done and do it well. So you literally can design, create and live the life that you just love to wake up to. It's totally possible my friends. Please don't ever give up hope on that. Believe in yourself.
Rachel Denning (02:00.878)
believe in that possibility and dig deep. I'm gonna do another episode about this, but just, you wanna have that discipline and determination just bullheaded the pit bull determination. I don't even know what to call it. Years ago, we had a pit bull and it was so funny. It just is such a great dog and they're great family dogs. And my kids would just hang on them and they just, they were.
really great family dogs. And I know they have a bad rap, but that's usually because of poor training. But we had one and it was so fun. I had this stick and this rope and he would bite on that thing and I'd lift him off the ground and swing him around. He just hold on and just, just that kind of, that kind of discipline and determination to keep pushing forward and make it happen. Love the stuff. Anyways, just want to give you a little virtual hug there and say, you got this little fist bump. Okay. You ready?
Boom, we're gonna talk about the seven people that you need in your life. There are seven people you gotta have in your life. And when you do, baby, life is good. Life is so good. Now, if you don't have all these right now, it's all right. Don't sweat it, don't beat yourself up. Don't think that your life is lost and all is lost and you're gonna be miserable. Don't think that, just work on it. This is something to work towards, right?
And I know everyone, every one of us and all of you listening, you're living different lives, right? We all have different experiences in life and we all go through different challenges and we're all in different journeys and different parts of the path. And I get all that. I understand all of that. But this is just kind of as a general rule for most of us, we should seek to have these seven people in our life. Are you ready? Okay. I'm going to start with.
I don't even know what order to put these in. So they're not in any particular order. I'm going to start with friends. You need, you need, everybody needs a good friend, right? And sometimes we get confused, especially a lot of youth will get confused. Adults too, they get confused. Like they think we need lots of friends. Like, man, if I don't have 500 friends, then I'm not, then I'm not, you know, I'm kind of a loser. And I don't think that's true. We just need a couple of really good friends that they're there for us. Now I have to make,
Rachel Denning (04:26.51)
this really clear distinction right here. A lot of you have frenemies, right? They're they're they're frenemies that you think they're friends, but they're enemies. They're not helping you. Anyone who is is tearing you down, who makes you feel like crap, who is like just put it pulling on your parade all the time, like, and just negative toxic.
or lead you in any way, shape or form away from your goals and dreams and becoming your best self. That's not a friend. That's a friend of me. And I see that all the time. People are like, I was with my friends and with friends and then they do stupid stuff. A friend, my friends is somebody who when you're with them, you want to be better and they inspire you to be better and you do things that make you better.
That's a friend. Okay, a friend of me kind of looks like a friend, but they're kind of toxic and they complain and they gossip. And there's just this negative vibes and they do they do dumb things and try to persuade you to do dumb things. And they kind of pull you away from your goals. That's not a friend. If you're if you're on it, like you're trying to get in great shape, you're trying to lose weight, you're trying to go after a goal. And your supposed friends are like, No, man, don't worry about just here, have another drink or
no, just eat it or let's go do this. Don't, you don't have to work so hard. That's not a friend. That's a friend of me. So make sure you're surrounded with people that are, these are friends and they're going to be with you through the ups and downs. And as you do dumb things and make mistakes, they're going to get mad at you. They're going to call you out, but they're still going to love you, right? Cause you're going to apologize and make it right. Everyone needs a good friend. Someone you turn to someone you just love to do things with someone you just can, can they act with just, you know, you're.
What did what did Anna of Green Gables call him your bosom buddies or something like you gotta have somebody you just connect with. It's like a like yeah, it's awesome. You gotta gotta have a friend. So that's number one. Gotta have a friend. Number two, and it's not a frenemy. If you got some frenemies in your life, I want to invite you to kindly but firmly remove them from your life.
Rachel Denning (06:48.046)
I know that's bold, but we need to surround ourselves with these seven people. And I know some, like some of you right now are like, that's cruel. That's not right. It's not, that's not, you know, it's not the nice thing to do. But, but I gotta say this.
you become like the people you surround yourself.
And the hard truth is like is you're growing and progressing if your friends aren't going to grow and progress with you, you're going to outgrow them. That's just the truth. You're going to outgrow them. And I hope you keep making new friends. And I hope you encourage your friends to grow with you. But if you're on a path of growth and improvement and progress, you're going to outgrow them. Maybe that's a maybe that's topic for another time, but make sure you have friends. Okay, ready? Next.
I'm going to go with partner. We all need a partner. Now, ideally, that's a spouse, right? And some of you are single, some of you might be divorced, some of you might be widowed. And I get there's there's different circumstances, and I understand and respect that. But ideally, we've got a partner. And this is a partner that we're
Again, ideally, I know, I know I'm talking ideal here, right? Work with me here. Don't don't don't misunderstand me. This is an ideal situation that we work towards. You have a partner that you're equally yoked with, right? Somebody that somebody that's there for you to love. And somebody from whom you receive love, where you and again, I say partner here, like the spouse is an ideally this a marriage situation.
Rachel Denning (08:48.142)
where this is intimacy on a level you don't have with anybody else. This is a closeness and a vulnerability. Like they should know you better than anyone else on earth knows you. This should be this bond that is so beautiful that they depend, he or she depends on you and you depend on him or her. Right? And so it's this gorgeous.
interdependence. So I depend on Rachel, I do. And she depends on me. So it's not because we're needy or dependent people. We're not we're not dependent. But we're also not independent. There's this beautiful alignment of interdependence, like I need her. And she needs me. We're not needy. But we need each other. And then we are it's beautiful and
And in an ideal situation, I understand they're not all ideal, but please don't underestimate the influence you have to move that and raise it. As you grow and lift, it automatically lifts the marriage and your partnership because it's, it's you two people. And if you rise it, right, it raises the partnership. So don't ever underestimate your influence. You can bring the tide, my friends, like I love to say, you can bring the time, lift that up. But in an ideal situation, you're.
you're supporting each other, you're cheering each other on, you're correcting each other, you're calling each other out. And you're just, it's this partnership for improvement and growth and just doing life together. It's fun and exciting and passionate and romantic and just great, right? Everyone needs a partner. Now, again, understand if you're single or divorced or widowed, live for it, hope for it.
Prepare for it. Like, do everything you can in your power, right? It's not a deal breaker. It's not gonna stop you from progressing or living a great life. But live for it, work for it. Like, we are designed and created to be in partnerships. And we become our best selves when we're in a partnership. So live for that. man, get that and work on it. We'll make it awesome. Make that partnership like it's a team that's amazing.
Rachel Denning (11:09.55)
Here's the next thing. And you're going to find this one interesting. The next one is the next person you need in life is a dependent. You need someone who is dependent on you. And why would I say that? This one's fascinating. Like there's something incredible that happens when you are providing for taking care of like leading, mentoring, helping, serving.
somebody who's dependent on you. That's an experience that is unique and special and powerful when you have this responsibility and well the opportunity privilege and responsibility to offer something to someone who depends on you. Now for some for some it'll be children for most of us it'll be children.
For some, it may not be children. Maybe you won't have children. But it can be somebody that you, like, it literally could be somebody at the Boys and Girls Club or at an orphanage or at a protective shelter, a homeless shelter. I was doing that when I was in the university. We'd go down and...
man, I just, this is awesome. The memory just came back. my little guy that, that I went to kind of mentor, his name was mama do and they were refugees from Africa. And when I was in the university, we'd go down there and take them, take them to the park, take them to sports events, the circus, the games, just get them out of the shelter and, and, and try to mentor them and serve them, help them be a good example for them. you could find someone to tutor.
Basically, you want to serve someone. And here's here's the cool thing. You want to serve them and serve someone that that has like, really has no way to give back. Right? You're you're doing it no strings attached, like, you're giving something that they can't give back. They're in it. They're not in a position to give back. And so you're not doing it like hoping for reciprocation. Now, obviously, the rewards often are just
Rachel Denning (13:29.037)
a thanks or love or appreciation or just it just the giving in in and of itself. But there's there's something amazing about having someone in your life that is dependent on you. And we're missing that if we're just living for ourselves, we're just doing our thing, whatever, nobody depends on us. We're missing out. There's there's another level of life that you're missing out on if you don't have people that depend on you that are counting on you. And you got to show up.
There is power there, there's motivation there, there's drive there that'll get you to another level of life that maybe you haven't experienced yet. Because you don't have somebody who's really truly deeply counting on you. And when you have that and when you need to show up and you ask yourself, who's counting on me? I have to show up in my A game for these people. Who is counting on me? Who's depending on me? That is special and powerful.
And it helps us grow and have experiences that we can't have in any other way. Isn't that cool? Isn't that a cool idea there? It's really great to have somebody that depends on you. Sometimes we kind of, we complain about like, come on, do you have to be so dependent? Like, seriously, right? But think about it, it gets you to do things you wouldn't do otherwise, like me waking up.
four times during the night last night. I, you know, I would never do that by myself on a normal night, right? But dependence, because we love them, because we care for them, we go the extra mile, like we do these things, it propels us to do these things we wouldn't normally do. And it challenges us and drives us, it tests our patience and our grit and our determination and our fatigue. And we go farther than we ever would otherwise.
That's why we need somebody in our lives that is dependent on us. Isn't that awesome? I love it. Okay, the next line is similar to that. We need somebody to serve. And there's so many ways to do that. So you might be doing that in an organization you're part of, in philanthropy. We've been donating for years and years and participating in a humanitarian organization. We've done humanitarian work on multiple continents, in many countries.
Rachel Denning (15:54.797)
From with big organizations to just finding little, little, like micro, micro projects with an individual or family that we can help. And, we've been supporting Cultiva International in Guatemala for years and years and still support them and just love what they do that they're helping people be self -reliant. That's awesome. we serve that way. But then there's another side of like serving the people you work for or work with.
right? Or clients or customers and you serve them. So in a way I'm serving you. You may not think this is a servant thing, but like I view it that way. I'm like, how can I serve you? So I think about you all the time and I think about what to say and how I can help. And, and the people watching my videos and my coaching clients whom I just love. man, love, love working with them. Like it's, it's people to serve, right? Serve my audience, serve my students.
and he was taking my courses or my students, right? And I love that idea of like, okay, how can I serve? How can I serve more? And I'd love to serve you. I genuinely love it. It just lights me up. But when we have someone to serve or a lot of someone's to serve as maybe the case, again, there's this, this other level of leadership, another level of development, another level of devotion, another level of love.
another level of perspective and engagement with life. And so I hope you have someone to serve. And again, this can be in a church group or a nonprofit, but it can be your neighbors. It can be who you work for, work with, or your life's work. It could be in a, you might be in a hobby. You might coach a team or something or create art. If you create art or music,
you're serving those who will see it or listen to it. Isn't that beautiful? If you design some kind of software or engineering, like whatever it is you're serving. And I love that idea. And if, if we can have that in our minds and we, we literally wake up and our day is like, how can I serve here? How can I serve? How can I love? How can I make a difference? And how can I serve better? And when we focus in on like making our work,
Rachel Denning (18:22.445)
serviceable to others in our occupation or just at least dedicating some of our time in our life, our energy, our effort, our resources into serving.
It softens our hearts. It expands our minds. It builds beautiful connections and friendships. Like life is so much richer when we have somebody serve. In fact, they do brain scanning and they found four circuits in our brain, four little circuits for happiness. And the fourth one was generosity.
Like when we're generous, when we're giving, when we're serving, giving of our time, our talents, our energy, our love, our resources, when we're giving, it literally creates a happiness circuit in our heads. It makes us feel happy. So we need someone in our life to serve. All right, you with me so far? So we got that's, we got, we got the friends, partners, dependents, someone to serve. All right, we're getting in it now. We're getting in it now. You ready? We need a...
somebody to cheer us on. We need somebody in our lives that's just gonna cheer and say, we love you, you got this, go. For a lot of us, it's your mom or your mother -in -law, right? When you start your little videos or you do a podcast or you sing your little song or you do whatever it is you do, your mom's like,
It's amazing. I love it. She's like your number one fan or maybe your only fan or it's a, you know, your aunt or somebody. It's just somebody's like, you're the best. I love you. It doesn't matter what you put out. You could just put out some just total crap and they're like, yeah, it was beautiful. You're awesome. Your first song that you wrote was so amazing. And everyone else was like, you gotta have someone to cheer you on. and not blindly nuts, but just somebody who believes in you.
Rachel Denning (20:25.165)
And somebody that just cheers, that is my son's alarm going off. Hold on, let me find this thing. so he's got alarms going too. you guys get to hear the alarm now. I gotta find it now. Boom. Where is it? I hit it in the glove box. Cool, so there you have it.
You guys, you guys have heard me talk about setting up your alarms for reminders about things to do. You got it right there, live real. You got it. My son's alarm going off to remind him. Isn't that awesome? I got a 15 year old son who set all these reminders to remind him of how he wants to do life and the kind of person he wants to become. That is awesome. That is awesome. You can just do that. Okay, so the cheerleader.
Have people in your life that are willing to cheer, that are gonna cheer you on and like encourage you. And even when you just feel like your stuff is not very good, you don't have it together and you feel discouraged, you wanna give up. Man, having somebody to cheer you is so powerful and so important. So have a cheerleader. Have somebody that's been in your life that just believes in what you're doing. And that's hard sometimes. Sometimes you...
you're going down a path and you feel so alone and you feel like there's nobody to cheer you on because nobody believes in your stuff. Man, that's hard. Now what's interesting. Okay. Let me, let me, let me, let me back up here. Sometimes your partner will be your cheerleader. Sometimes your dependence will be your cheerleader. Sometimes your friends will be cheerleaders. The people you serve will cheer you on. Right. And so it might be those elements. They might kind of cross over here a little bit, but, but we need, we need somebody to cheer us on and keep us going. Now we can't,
just stop with a cheerleader because a cheerleader sometimes will, like I was saying earlier, will cheer you on even when your stuff isn't very good. And that's when we need the next thing is a mentor. We need a mentor that is going to lead us to on a path of mastery, a path of greatness. See a mentor, a mentor, someone who is, has mastered or is mastering.
Rachel Denning (22:44.845)
an area where you want to grow. And so like, for example, say you just like, you know what you want to be just become phenomenal at the piano. Like, I'm not your man. I can't even play twinkle twinkle on the piano. I can't play anything. Right. So I'm not your guy, but you find somebody who that's their gift. That's their thing. They have paid a price in at the piano or at martial arts, or at marketing, or
at you name it, whatever it is, art, you know, horseback riding, parenting, you know, whatever it is, you find somebody who's just nailed it has gone down that path of mastery gone up the path of mastery rather, has climbed that mountain. And they're really number one, they're really, really good at their thing. Number two, they're really good at teaching their thing. I know a lot of masters who just
cannot teach their craft. They can do their craft, man, they cannot teach it. And then somebody else who is a role model, like, so the mentor, this three, like, there's got to be somebody that is a role model, like somebody you want to, you want to model them in that thing, they're, they're, they're exceptional at it. And they're, it's somebody you look up to, like in that thing. So we need mentors. And you can have lots of different mentors. Some of your mentors will be books.
I have mentors that have been dead for hundreds of years. I love reading their books and getting in their heads and learning, studying their lives to see how they did life. They're my mentors. I love that. I love devouring those books. Some will be on YouTube. I love to say there isn't anything that YouTube and I can't do together. I'll get on there and I'll have a YouTube mentor.
that's teaching me like I'm learning to play the violin, you guys. I'm so stoked about this. I'm playing a Christmas song. First song I've ever been able to play besides Twinkle Twinkle is Silent Night. I learned how to do it and I'm gonna perform it for my family for Christmas. Yeah, right? And I hired a coach to teach me violin. He was living over in Paris and he was a concert violinist, right? Violinist.
Rachel Denning (25:08.205)
was just phenomenal professional professional player and and so he and I would meet over zoom and he'd give me lessons and So, I mean again, it can be books it can be videos of courses It may be a formal mentorship where you're paying for it or you're doing something in exchange for it or might just be somebody who puts their arm around you and said hey, let me let me kind of show you the ropes here and And guide us along so that's gotta have a mentor. So that's that's number six
And then number seven, are you ready for this? This is one I'm most stoked about. Boom, boom. Everybody needs a coach. Everybody needs a coach, right? We've got to have a coach in our lives. Here's why. The coach, and the coach is different from the mentor. The coach is on the path of mastery, but the coach is there to coach you. And anyone who's listening who's played sports or...
Taking any kind of lessons or have you know voice coach or piano coach or tutors teachers? What anyone had any kind of coaching the coaches is standing there watching you do your thing right and and the coach is there to observe and critique and instruct and It's gonna get personalized right there watching you. It's not it's not general
And it's just like, well, hey, everybody do this. It's like, hey, I got my eyes on you. Tell me what's going on. Let's look at it. And it's customized. Okay, you need to tweak this, try this, do this. And like, hey, you did that wrong. And nope, try it again. You did it wrong again. Do it like this. And figure that out, right? And we need coaches for life. And if you're pursuing business, coaches for business. And you look at this, it's interesting.
It's an interesting thing.
Rachel Denning (27:04.013)
You look at the greatest performers in the world, whether it's Olympians or musicians or artists or the greatest business leaders in the world. You look at them, they have coaches. And it's fascinating. You'd think, okay, you know, that that's the greatest runner in the world, the greatest swimmer in the world, the greatest business leader in the world.
They don't need coaches because they're the greatest. But guess what? They are the greatest because they have coaches. Isn't that awesome? It's such this profound idea that all the way to the very top, you know, the people we'd kind of think, well, certainly they don't need it because they're the best. That's why they're the best. And we sometimes at the bottom are like, nah, I got this. I don't need a coach. And it's so ironic.
Right? You with me? It's so ironic. We're down here floundering, struggling. We're struggling with these things and we think they're impossible. Like, I've tried this. I've tried that. I can't figure it out. Maybe that's just the way things are going to be. it's just the way it is. It can't be solved. When in reality, we're just missing a coach. That's it. And the coach creates the transformation.
And so if we want to do life really well, we need a life coach. And if you want to rock it in your business, you need a business coach. And my approach to coaching is unique in that it's very holistic. It's the whole life approach. It's physical, it's mental, emotional, it's spiritual, it's social, it's financial. Right? And did I get social in there too?
It's the whole you, it's the whole package, it's how to do life.
Rachel Denning (29:07.789)
and you look, you examine every area, do an assessment, you do the evaluations, and then you get the strategies, the habits, the mindsets, the tweaking, you get it customized, personalized, so you can just seriously go after it. And you guys, it's so exciting. You can get to levels that you've never been at before.
you can experience these new breakthroughs and be operating at heights that maybe you only dreamt of, or maybe you didn't even know were possible. With high performance coaching, that's where we can get. And like that, that idea just blows my mind. It just thrills me so much. Cause when I'm working with my clients, like they're, they're hitting, we get results, man. When I'm working with my clients, my clients get results and they get.
They changes and transformations, I mean, huge things that transform their physical fitness and health. They'll totally eliminate the stressors that were just crushing them. They'll raise confidence and courage, dramatically improve the marriage, like bring back the friendship and spark and passion of the marriage. They'll fully engage with parenting and life.
totally, I mean, they're rocking a few of them are rocking their businesses made huge like record. They're hitting records in their business in just the last few months. And we just create these massive transformations holistically into the areas of life. And they're constantly telling me like, dude, I didn't like this is awesome. I haven't felt like this for years. If ever I've never had this much clarity, this much energy, right? You'd be operating.
with a vision and know where I'm going. And it's so exciting. And so like let this sink in you guys 2020.
Rachel Denning (31:11.117)
can be the year that you literally reach heights you've never reached before.
That's exciting. That's invigorating. And some of that will only be reached with coaching. Yes, you can figure out a lot of it on your own, right? It's usually takes a lot longer. And I've done that, like I've done the whole self discovery thing. It took a long time. And literally, one of the reasons I do what I do is because it took me decades to figure this stuff out. And I'm like, man, I wish I had had a coach.
It would have cut the learning curve. It would have saved me time. It would have saved me money. And listen to this. It would have saved me life.
There was lost life in this process.
and coaching.
Rachel Denning (32:07.853)
can keep you from losing life, so to speak. You get what I'm saying there? Does that make sense? Like we lose time, money, resources, life. We miss out on a lot of stuff because we're floundering with things that are easily solved with coaching. Because we can't see it with little blind spots or, you know, weaknesses. Just even having some accountability. Man, it makes a difference. So.
get a coach, gotta have a coach. If you're ready to go after it, go to gregdenning .com, sign up for a coaching session. You do a full assessment and see you get real clear on where you're at and where you want to go. And then, I can share the whole complete high performance coaching package that I do. And, and if the, if the time's not right, great. And if I'm not your guy, great, you know, but.
But like I get, I changed lives man. My coaching program is totally transformational. We get things done. It hits the road and it's not, it's not, and I don't want, I don't want to like intimidate people or scare you away. Like sometimes coaching seems so overwhelming, like, I can't handle more. I'm already stressed out. I'm already so busy. But that's the power of coaching is it actually, it actually gives you more energy and more effectiveness.
more efficiency. And you actually get to this place where you're doing more handling more, you're more capable, and have more time and more freedom, and more peace and calmness in your life. Like you're back in control of your life. And you actually start living again. Some of you who are listening to this are kind of like walking zombies, man, you've been in a walking coma for years, where you just
don't feel alive. You may not have any big dreams or goals that you're chasing down. You might be avoiding challenges or struggles or you're just doing everything to shy away from them and you're playing small. And it's just eating you up because you know you're living below your capabilities and below your potential. And coaching gets you up there.
Rachel Denning (34:28.077)
man, this stuff is awesome. So you're coaching. So there it is. Quick recap, right? I hope you're taking notes. You got to have a friend, partner, somebody depends on you, someone to serve, got to have a cheerleader, a mentor, and a coach. And again, those are ideals. I want to reiterate this. These are ideals. These are things to work towards. You may not have them all in your life right now. If you do take advantage of those relationships, nurture them.
level up with them, like, engage with them, like ask yourself constantly, how can I invest in this more? How can I contribute more? How can I get out more? Like make these things count, get these seven people in your life. And some of the seven types of people like, and invest in it and receive from it. So it's this constant giving and receiving where you do both.
And my friends, if we are deliberate about each of these, having each of these these people in our lives, and we are engaged and connected and intentional about it, like it makes life so rich and so fulfilling and so rewarding that we're living.
we're living, I don't know, cause I keep saying potential, but we're living at our potential.
We're soaring like we're supposed to soar. I mean, some of us are like eagles or Falcons just walking around with the hens with their heads down, plucking the dirt when we could be soaring.
Rachel Denning (36:10.413)
Instead of being lions that are just chasing things across the savanna, we're acting like moles, you know, closing our eyes and hiding underground and being timid and afraid and nowhere near our capacity and our capabilities and our potential. But when we can get these people in our lives, man, everything changes.
Life is so exciting, it's so fulfilling, it's so rewarding. Can you sense that? Can you see it? Can you feel it? Like you wake up in the morning, the alarm goes off. Maybe it doesn't even go off, you just pop out of bed, because you're just so stoked to be alive. And you're happy, you got a spring in your step, you got energy, you feel the tightness of your muscles and your body just feels fantastic. And you feel good and you look good and you're...
You're doing the things you want to do. You're studying, you're learning, you're connecting, you're engaging, you're loving, you're being loved. Your days feel purposeful and meaningful, fulfilling. You get up excited to work on things. You go to bed at night fulfilled that you've done things that matter. And people are depending on you and you're delivering and you depend on others and you're receiving from them. And you're making a contribution. You're living, you're loving.
You're doing things that matter, right? man. And then you just feel day in and day out. You just feel great. And you're chasing things down and facing challenges and obstacles and growing and learning and progressing. You're setting and achieving big goals. That my friends, that's how life is meant to be lived.
And if you're not there right now, I want to invite and challenge you to get there. Turn it on. Accept the challenge. Invest in yourself. Do whatever it takes. Like pay any price.
Rachel Denning (38:13.933)
to get this lined out to where you're living that way, to where you're living the life you were born to live. Like you're called to do this.
Because what's the cost? What's the cost if you don't?
What will happen if you keep playing small?
Rachel Denning (38:42.701)
What regret and remorse and sorrow will you feel?
if you keep living and operating below what you know you're capable of.
Rachel Denning (38:59.341)
you will just slowly atrophy and die inside.
And that's no way to live. That is no way to live. So turn it on my friends, get these these people in your life, make the investment in them make the investment in yourself, be willing to do what it takes. Make the time make the energy make the space make the sacrifices, spend the money, like do what you have to do to get living at that level because that's where you deserve to be. And that's how life is meant to be lived. So you can genuinely be living an extraordinary.
family life. Because awesome is always an option. Make it happen my friends reach upward.
Rachel Denning (39:50.573)
Hey everybody, thanks so much for listening to this episode. I hope you got a lot of value out of it and found some things that you can apply to your life right away. Hey, I'm being totally sincere when I say I live to help you live your extraordinary life. So I hope you'll reach out to me if you have any questions or let me know how I can help you in any important area of your life. And in fact, you know, this podcast is brought to you by the School of Awesome Sauce monthly coaching program. Take advantage of that, get in there. It's the
best way to get a breakthrough to the next level so you can level up your health, your spirituality, your emotions, your mind, your relationships, your finances, business, every part of your life. Just get in there where you have a coach and a mentor, you have a supportive community to make things happen. So jump in there, take advantage of this, try it out, get in there with us and level up your life. See you on the inside. Reach upward.