Listen to our other great podcast, One Little Candle!


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Wonderful podcast!
Jennifer delivers real talk and I love how relatable her episodes are. Definitely a must listen for moms!

I love listening to this podcast! I’m always excited to hear what golden nuggets Jennifer will share that will inspire me to help my family live a rich and abundant life.

Bringing families together
This is such a great podcast! I love Jennifer’s mission of bringing families together around the dinner table. She is a talented podcast host who gets the most out of her guests and is able to share awesome ideas that will help make your family life better.

Blessing Me Daily!
This podcast is such a wonder blessing in my busy mom life! Jennifer does an amazing job talking about real life issues, in this crazy modern world. I have a whole list of quotes now that I love to look at each day. The #1 is definitely Quality over Quantity, and her Togather game stickers help remind me that it’s about the deep connections I form with my kids and family that matter most. Keeping Jennifer in my ear while doing laundry and dishes, definitely helps cut down on the noise of everyday life and the chaos we have bombarding us from the outside world in this modern motherhood. Her amazing ability to bring these fabulous guest hosts into her podcast frequently, is another blessing. Thank you for putting your heart into this podcast, in your Togather games and for helping me to grow!

Full of Value and Inspiration
Jennifer is a rock star - full of knowledge and inspiration. You can tell every episode is full of heart and her voice is super easy to listen to. The guests are amazing too! I’m looking forward to future episodes!

Faith-filled and practical
I love the faith-filled encouragement and practical ideas for building families who are connected with each other and God. This podcast is a great choice for busy moms who want to love their families well.

Generation Changer
Thank You!! Thank you for giving us tools to “outsource our communication”! Sometimes we don’t have the energy at the end of the day to sit down to dinner and be incredibly intentional with our conversations... but our “Togather as a Family game” always brings out communication that matters!! I’ve been following you on social media and cannot wait to plug you into my ears while walking my dog! You truly inspire, congrats on your podcast release!🥂🎉

This podcast is becoming a constant in my life!
Without fail, when I press play, I immediately feel as though I’m sitting down with an old friend discussing the challenges that, as moms, can make us feel lonely in a world that tries to suffocate the importance of family and faith. Thank you Jennifer for being BRAVE and sharing our hearts while highlighting the importance of togetherness. So amazing!

Wonderful podcast with great topics !
I love the content on this podcast. Very important things that I feel families in today’s society have drifted away from and I love the honesty that Jennifer brings in about speaking on these . Highly recommend and thank you for standing up for the importance of family values . God bless !

Such relevant Goodness!
In our ever-rushing world, this podcast imports nuggets of wisdom on the importance of family connections. What a great listen while walking or driving my kiddos around! Thanks for these encouraging words!!

Raising strong confident women
Yes!!! So needed! Having worked with adolescent girls in the behavioral health field and being part of the UnBEcomingME movement for the past 5 years this is such a huge need, especially in this society! Our world lies to those girls about who they’re supposed to be and you speak truth!! Such a focus that is so needed! Angie Tonini-Rogers

Beautiful heart
Beautful heart on a family mission! Family is so important... keep inspiring others Sister friend! Blessings xo

Wonderful Podcast!
This podcast will help you navigate your family and every aspect! Jennifer and her guests will fill you up. You will learn so much to make sure your family sticks together!

Love this PODCAST!!!!
I love this podcast so much! Jennifer brings a light to parenting and families! The guests she brings on and the conversations are wonderful. Families need to to stick together and with Jennifer and her podcast it’s makes it easier. Thank you 💙

So Inspiring and uplifting!!
I LOVE all of this. We spend so much of our life chasing things that don’t matter in the end. We will NEVER regret time spent with our families! We have such few precious years to pour into our children that it’s crucial we are intentional now!! This podcast shares so many amazing and heartfelt ways to connect as a family, can’t wait to dig in more! Thanks Jennifer!💙⚓️

Togather Forever!
I am so inspired by Jennifer and her guests! The wisdom and courage shared in her podcast episodes are needed to navigate in this world as a person, parent and family leader!

Amazing! Must listen podcast!
Jennifer is such an amazing, Godly mother of 4, that gives us such practical advice. Make this podcast a priority in your week mommas, you won’t regret it!

Real and insightful!
I found this podcast by mom recommendation, so you know it’s going to be good ! I’m loving the real and insightful advice. Always great takeaways and valuable ways to grow as a family!

I love Jennifer!!
I just randomly found this podcast and so thankful!! Jennifer just instantly brings you in with her sweet voice and really gives great ideas on intentional relationships within the family! Thank you!

Timely podcast
Jennifer is a sweet momma who wants the best for our families. She immediately welcomes you in and makes you feel apart of the Togather family. Jennifer’s podcast is spot on and timely. Now, more than ever families need to spend time together and grow together. Family is the foundation of creating a better world. We are entrusted with our children for a short amount of time to mold them and bring them up to make a better world. This podcast is just beginning. Be sure to check out the Togather family of games that bring the family and spouses ‘togather’.

Wow Jennifer! Your communication podcast was spot on! I was in church praying this morning that I can work on the exact things you spoke about. God works in crazy ways... This podcast is just what my family needed today. Thank you for swimming alongside with me! You’re amazing!

Intentional, Real, and Inspiring
I’m so grateful for this podcast, the Togather game books, and Jennifer for keeping it real for us all. She gives you great tools to be intentional with your family and have meaningful conversations that matter. The Togather games and podcast are wonderful to really focus in on what matters in the midst of the all the hustle and bustle life can bring.

Such a great change of pace
Jennifer is a welcome breath of fresh air! She’s passionate, transparent and provides great ideas for family communication that can actually be easily applied in real life! Thanks Jen!

Perfect Summer podcast!
Loving this new podcast helping and inspiring parents to take the time and make the effort to create strong family systems and relationships. Thank you Jennifer!

Real, Honest, FUN!
A podcast for the small moments!! I love listening to Jennifer on my walks — the stories are real life, her passion for family is infectious (and hearing her kids participate is SO FUN! Give it a listen and look at your family time in a whole new light.

I feel like I am listening to a good friend!!
I love to listen to this podcast! It makes me feel like I am talking with a good friend that is cheering me on to become a better Mom and also make me feel like I am not the only Mom who is not perfect!!

Love this!
This podcast is just what I needed to hear! Jennifer is awesome and has done a fantastic job with this latest endeavor!

Real-life advice to help moms connect with their kids
I already love this podcast and can’t wait for more episodes! Jennifer is like that great mom-friend who gets what life is really like and has realistic expectations of how to make family life even more meaningful. We all want to connect with our kids and create sweet moments together. This podcast has ideas you can use with your family today.

Jennifer puts so much heart and soul into her family. You can feel the love she emanates shining through her podcasts to help others:).