The Faith Filled Family

Blessing Me Daily!

This podcast is such a wonder blessing in my busy mom life! Jennifer does an amazing job talking about real life issues, in this crazy modern world. I have a whole list of quotes now that I love to look at each day. The #1 is definitely Quality over Quantity, and her Togather game stickers help remind me that it’s about the deep connections I form with my kids and family that matter most. Keeping Jennifer in my ear while doing laundry and dishes, definitely helps cut down on the noise of everyday life and the chaos we have bombarding us from the outside world in this modern motherhood. Her amazing ability to bring these fabulous guest hosts into her podcast frequently, is another blessing. Thank you for putting your heart into this podcast, in your Togather games and for helping me to grow!

April 12, 2022 by Heidi Osterhage on Apple Podcasts

The Faith Filled Family

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