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The Fallible Man Podcast

The Fallible Man Podcast

Recent Episodes

June 28, 2024

Building a Legacy: How to Be a Better Man, Husband, and Father in Today's Political Climate.

In this episode of the Fallible Man Podcast, Brent delves into the concept of legacy, its significance, and how men can leave a lasting impact on the world. Drawing inspiration from a blog post by Joshua Becker, Brent outlin…
June 26, 2024

Decoding the Brain's Role in Weight Gain: A Paradigm Shift

Brace yourself for a mind-rattling revelation that will obliterate everything you thought you knew about weight loss. In this unfiltered dialogue, Dr. Jason Stanley, a battle-hardened researcher with over four decades of boo…
June 21, 2024

The Dad Experience: The Greatest Gifts of Fatherhood

In this episode of the Fallible Man Podcast, host Brent shares the profound and transformative experience of being a dad. From the simple joy of being called 'dad' to the nine greatest things about engaged fatherhood, Brent …
June 19, 2024

Lone Wolf No More: Embracing the Power of Men's Circles

Calling all men yearning for deeper connection, clarity, and purpose – brace yourselves for a mind-rattling voyage that will obliterate everything you thought you knew about navigating life's challenges. In this unfiltered d…
June 14, 2024

From Shopping Carts to Success: Making Every Choice Count

In this episode of the Fallible Man Podcast, host Brent explores the significance of small daily decisions and their cumulative impact on our lives and character. By sharing a social media debate about returning shopping car…
June 12, 2024

Heartbeats and Conspiracies: The Uncensored Tales of a Cardiologist Revealed

Brace yourself for a paradigm-shattering dialogue that will obliterate everything you thought you knew about health and well-being. In this unfiltered conversation, the legendary "Paleocardiologist" Dr. Jack Wolfson unleashe…

Recent Blog Posts

Escaping the Lone Wolf Myth: How Men's Groups Unlock Your True Potential

As men, we often find ourselves navigating the complexities of life alone, shouldering the weight of our responsibilities and challenges without the support of a tribe. However, the truth is that we are not meant to walk this path in isolation. In f…

Outsmart Heart Disease: Dr. Wolfson's Natural Approach to Cardiac Wellness

Lifestyle Factors for Reducing Heart Disease Risk: Sleep, Sun, and Exercise As men, we often find ourselves caught up in the whirlwind of daily responsibilities, neglecting our own well-being in the process. However, the truth is that prioritizing …

Achieving Optimal Health: The Comprehensive Guide for Men's Holistic Health

Is holistic health the key to a fulfilling life? Alexander Juan Cortes, our guest for today, has found it to be so. His relatable journey through the labyrinth of health and fitness has resulted in a wealth of knowledge and insights that are particu…